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You would think that Tommy would call RC back and if RC didnt hear back from Tommy he would of been calling Tommy if the reason for RC's call was to have Tommy check on Misty and the kids. No mentioned of any of those type calls and I think they would mention that if they had occurred. IMO Tommy is covering his own tail at the moment.
He does have a lot to loose...... his freedom.
So.. For 7 + months and as of today we still have no confirmation that Misty was not in the bed asleep next to Jr. and HaLeigh asleep on the small childs mattress on the floor 4 feet away from the master bed.
So.. For 7 + months and as of today we still have no confirmation that Misty was not in the bed asleep next to Jr. and HaLeigh asleep on the small childs mattress on the floor 4 feet away from the master bed.
It does not seem that way.
You would think that Tommy would call RC back and if RC didnt hear back from Tommy he would of been calling Tommy if the reason for RC's call was to have Tommy check on Misty and the kids. No mentioned of any of those type calls and I think they would mention that if they had occurred. IMO Tommy is covering his own tail at the moment.

As we have heard it reported Ronald called The Croslin home to report that Misty was not answering his calls. I don't think we can assume that RC called and asked Tommy to go there, nor can we assume that Tommy would have called RC back to say he went and checked and it appeared no-one was home.

We need more information. I have a suspicion that if Tommy thought for a second that RC was at work and Misty was not home...he would go into RC's home. Am I the only one that remembers RC called Misty days before to have her go over to the Croslins and look for the gun that was in the culvert? Maybe Tommy wanted to go in and get the gun back. We just don't know. After the arrest of Hankjr for stealing a gun it would seem plenty likely that he would go into someone's house and steal from them.
I don't think RC asked Tommy to go check on them, you don't wait an hour to go check on someone IMO.
ok..so maybe he just surmised that Misty left those kids alone at the house and so he went over there and took Haleigh. ...he knew Ron was looking for Misty...
I don't think RC asked Tommy to go check on them, you don't wait an hour to go check on someone IMO.

I don't believe Ron asked Tommy to go to his home at night.

I don't believe Lisas statement she never knew anything about this after this long. It's a stretch that she wasn't aware of the initial call. So I'll give her that. But then after all these months, no. I also include Hank sr. and Lindsay, as they were in the home also. Explains why everyone moves to get as far away from LE and questioning as their able to. Poor Lindsay, she's stuck with young children, hope she has some family support on her side of the family. This is going to be devastating to her, believing in her husband. I would be bonkers if my hubby just admitted he had been to the home of a missing child and never told anyone, especially me. :waitasec:
Tommy is a dumb criminal first off IMO. He come short of saying Misty was not there nor did he follow up with a call to Ron. Everyone else in the Croslin home at 9:45 would know Tommy was going over to check on Misty and would know about the incident and Tommys find. What gets me is Ron did not call Tommy back himself to get some answers because Tommy had not called him back and Ron did not seem to be in a hurry after getting off work IMO to get to the house.
If we are to believe that Tommy placed himself at the MH before HaLeigh was abducted and LE is still looking at Misty it is indicating something I believe. Maybe the physical evidence suggests Tommy did not do it and Misty did? I keep thinking about that reporters comment that differed from every other news report that "Physical evidence found outside the home contridicts Misty's story....... The Examiner is the news agency (out of Orlando) and I have been perplexed with this little added tid bit of info. and have wondered about its credibility and the inside source that reporter would of had to leak that. Anyone else pondered about this?
Do we know what Tommy told Lindsy and what she believed?

Wasn't she home that night? You'd think she'd have noticed if her husband suddenly left to go visit his sister. It must have taken some time if on the way back he hid an abducted child somewhere.
If he called to see if Misty was there and she was not why not go check? It makes no sence that he would even call if he didn't want to know where she was at.

ummm Hello Tommy is Misty there?, No Ron she's not! Why even call if your not looking for him to go check. Makes sence to Call Tommy as he is closer then TN and AS

He waited an hour to go over there then hung around for awhile (no clue how long awhile is), but means it was not a quick go over and go back home. He didnt report to anyone that Misty was not home that we know of. If he told Lindsy then she also kept this info from LE all this time. His mother says she didnt know about it. It would not surprise me though with Tommys lifestyle that he was out all hours of the night and Lindsy may not even of questioned that. We know he was at a mans house at 4 am with his mother stealing a gun.

Do we know what Tommy told Lindsy and what she believed?

Wasn't she home that night? You'd think she'd have noticed if her husband suddenly left to go visit his sister. It must have taken some time if on the way back he hid an abducted child somewhere.
If he called to see if Misty was there and she was not why not go check? It makes no sence that he would even call if he didn't want to know where she was at.

ummm Hello Tommy is Misty there?, No Ron she's not! Why even call if your not looking for him to go check. Makes sence to Call Tommy as he is closer then TN and AS

I thought Ron stated he did not ask Tommy to go and check on Misty and that he called to see if Misty was there. Do i have it wrong?
Makes sense to me he thought maybe she had gone to Tommys. If he asked Tommy to check Tommy would of called RC back or RC would of called him back after not hearing anything. Also doesnt make sense if you are asked to check on someone you wait an hour to do it.

If he called to see if Misty was there and she was not why not go check? It makes no sence that he would even call if he didn't want to know where she was at.

ummm Hello Tommy is Misty there?, No Ron she's not! Why even call if your not looking for him to go check. Makes sence to Call Tommy as he is closer then TN and AS

He waited an hour to go over there then hung around for awhile (no clue how long awhile is), but means it was not a quick go over and go back home. He didnt report to anyone that Misty was not home that we know of. If he told Lindsy then she also kept this info from LE all this time. His mother says she didnt know about it. It would not surprise me though with Tommys lifestyle that he was out all hours of the night and Lindsy may not even of questioned that. We know he was at a mans house at 4 am with his mother stealing a gun.
Busy he says he waited an hour after ron called? So Ron called at 8:45? 15 min. after Misty stopped answering Rons phone calls or turned off her phone? Know one else in the Croslin family knew or claims to not know anything about this and Tommy is sitting in Jail? Collaberation would be in Tommy's best intrest from these family members would you all not agree? So we have Tommy placing himself at the MH before HaLeighs abducted and he neither confirms that Misty was home or not. No one else has collaberated this call and request and actions by Tommy over 7 1/2 months and LE is still wanting Misty to tell the truth. Something is not adding up guys! Why would LE not have enough evidence to prove Tommy did anything to Haleigh at this point and are still seeking Misty.
I thought Ron stated he did not ask Tommy to go and check on Misty and that he called to see if Misty was there. Do i have it wrong?

If we go by what was reported by different media outlets the story is that RC called the Croslin home to see if they knew what was going on with Misty because she wasn't answering the phone. Art H stated last night on NG that Ronald says he did not ask Hankjr to go over there. If he didn't maybe someone else did. Or maybe he didn't care where Misty or the kids were....he just cared that 202 Green Lane was possibly unoccupied.

I for one would like more information. Where was Joe, and what did Tommy do after he supposedly went to check on 202 Green Lane?
Why didn't Ron ask Tommy to go check on them?

Why didn't he ask anybody to go? (I'm assuming, since it's not mentioned)

He had reason to worry, it would seem.
As we have heard it reported Ronald called The Croslin home to report that Misty was not answering his calls. I don't think we can assume that RC called and asked Tommy to go there, nor can we assume that Tommy would have called RC back to say he went and checked and it appeared no-one was home.

We need more information. I have a suspicion that if Tommy thought for a second that RC was at work and Misty was not home...he would go into RC's home. Am I the only one that remembers RC called Misty days before to have her go over to the Croslins and look for the gun that was in the culvert? Maybe Tommy wanted to go in and get the gun back. We just don't know. After the arrest of Hankjr for stealing a gun it would seem plenty likely that he would go into someone's house and steal from them.
Elle1919 wouldn't Tommy have known that Ron was working nights for over a month?
On another note, something to keep in mind as we read and listen to statements is that, since according to Ron's lawyer, Ron called the Croslins' house phone and did not speak to Tommy directly, Ron, TN, and his lawyer, et al. can truthfully say that Ron didn't tell Tommy to check the MH.
Bumping my own post from earlier in this thread...
If we go by what was reported by different media outlets the story is that RC called the Croslin home to see if they knew what was going on with Misty because she wasn't answering the phone. Art H stated last night on NG that Ronald says he did not ask Hankjr to go over there. If he didn't maybe someone else did. Or maybe he didn't care where Misty or the kids were....he just cared that 202 Green Lane was possibly unoccupied.

I for one would like more information. Where was Joe, and what did Tommy do after he supposedly went to check on 202 Green Lane?
I knew I had it right I have been following very closly just not here in the trenches. I question all this new and unsubstantiated alligations and am like you need more info. Its just a shame we can not seem to get it from anyone else but questionable news sources instead of from the horses mouth (like a press release). Cudoes to all that weathered the storm in here over the last 6-7 days.:dance:I am glad all are safe and dry.

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