Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #2

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LOL...unless Coy Barefoot is a member reading here.

Ha ha... I was going to post earlier that I thought maybe CB was a fellow WS'er! Lurking and lurking to get all the info people work hard at digging for and then he goes and writes up a breaking story in the middle of night based on all of our hypotheses :D

ETA: I respect CB and appreciated immensely his article on the movements of JM the night of HG's disappearance
Poor Otto... I feel you've been picked on today :) Thanks for continuing to share your opinions in a way that is not tearing people down!

I will be very interested in seeing the final word on HG's remains. My assumption is that it's at the 3193 property, but you've brought up some very good points and I'm not 100%.

It's not completely unusual for there to be confusion about aerial photos and map locations, but I'm pretty sure that the aerial photo of police in the driveway aligns with the farm just off the Walnut Creek Park road. In other views of the map, the fence can be seen ... but no time right now to post. I think that Coy Barefoot made a mistake. I think he got some of his information from this website last night. He spoke to the property owners of the address that was posted here last night, and when they said no comment, he interpreted that as confirmation that it is the correct location.
First post, so I hope I'm doing this correctly. If I've done it wrong, please remove.

From this AP story, vultures can strip a body down to bones in just hours. So, despite it being just 35 days since HG disappearance and the weather being more moderate, it is very likely that the remains would by that point be skeletal.


My question is, why would it have taken vultures 3 weeks to show up (going by the reported tip Oct5th)?
That is not a command center. That is a crime scene team in action.

So where is the crime scene team in action today? I'm more interested in knowing that than knowing anything about where their big white rig is parked!
Sky burial.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_burial

Sorry to post a link to something to gory, but it could give more understanding to the situation. Reader beware that their are pictures on that wikipedia article that are graphic.
For a parent to have to imagine vultures had been seen in the area where their child had been murdered and laying for so many days, there is no way to wrap your mind around that. Hannah's dad appears to be a stronger person then mom, I'm worried about her mom especially, devastated and heartbroken don't even come close to the look on her face. All the people who are destroyed, when a monster does what he all did to their child.
Dick Uliano ‏@DickUliano 8m8 minutes ago
This is the park land south of downtown Charlottesville where remains were found #HannahGraham #wtop

View attachment 61619


Quoting myself again...

Wondering if this is the road in the first photograph as it is very close to the command post and scrutinizing the best I can (wee google man won't go there) I see a wooden fence and what looks like shadows from a gate.

View attachment 61623 View attachment 61624

Sorry to quote myself again but just bringing these forward for my own reference.

The property is 2.5 acres, which is not a farm.

Below is a farm with an entrance off the Walnut Creek Park road. That property belongs to the County Finance Dept. There is a dry creek behind the building.

I think that this is the location according to the photos and maps that are available. We can clearly see the median on Walnut Creek Park Road in the police photo.

I had not see these photos otto, thank you. So it does seem that road off the entrance road to Walnut Creek Park was/is at least a focus point, and I was at least right about something lol
any locals posting here who could give those of us more distant some geographical info about general area where remains found? Creekbed near Walnut creek area in dense wooded area behind abandoned property. My question is what are creekbeds like in that local? Are they rocky? Large rocks or smaller pebble sizes. just dirt and small branches? What would a dry creekbed look like in that area?

I ask because some (myself included) are trying to figure out how (if) the recent reports of vultures might factor into these remains.

I am trying to figure if the remains could have been left in the creek, weighted down while it was not dry or if they could have been partially covered or hidden by rocks or debris and recent rains dislodged them, thus making them more out in teh open attracting vulture or stirring up odors that were not evident prior to recent days.
I have a license to carry a concealed weapon and when I was 21 years old it saved me from being raped and most likely murdered and thrown in a ditch somewhere. It was three shirtless thugs in a pickup truck and they kept trying to run me off the road when I was going home from work around midnight. The passenger on the outside was hanging out the window yelling to me what all they were going to do to me once they got me stopped. I had other ideas in mind.:)

I took out my weapon and calmly aimed it at the bottom of the passenger door and fired. You would have thought that bullet was made of jet fuel because they couldn't get out of there fast enough. I called police, gave them a description of the perps and truck. Told them when they find the truck there will be a bullet hole from a .357 magnum in the passenger side door. They found them and were arrested and convicted. If they had been able to run me off the road the first one out of the truck would be a dead man today and then the second one and then the last one. I refuse to laydown and be a victim. Thugs like this are cowards anyway and that is why they prey on much smaller defenseless victims than they are.

So I would never trust pepper spray or even a knife because of the closeness it requires to make contact and even a taszer can malfunction and before that can be done they can advance and are right on top of the victim.

Bullets they cant outrun though.:) I could have easily shot all three of them but I purposely aimed at the bottom of the door.


:great: love that story
It's not completely unusual for there to be confusion about aerial photos and map locations, but I'm pretty sure that the aerial photo of police in the driveway aligns with the farm just off the Walnut Creek Park road. In other views of the map, the fence can be seen ... but no time right now to post. I think that Coy Barefoot made a mistake. I think he got some of his information from this website last night. He spoke to the property owners of the address that was posted here last night, and when they said no comment, he interpreted that as confirmation that it is the correct location.

I agree with your suspicions about the command post being far from this site, but he didn't say they replied with a "no comment" but rather "we were told not to speak with media"
I've never been there, and there is no google map viewer for the Walnut Creek Park road. There is a driveway near the entrance to the park that leads to a building owned by the country finance department. There is a dry creek running behind that building. What does that driveway look like?
I agree with your suspicions about the command post being far from this site, but he didn't say they replied with a "no comment" but rather "we were told not to speak with media"

which might go along with the fact that LE has been reportedly interviewing property owners in the general vicinity to inquire if they ever saw or heard anything unusual noticed JM in the area or his vehicle etc. IME when LE question or interview people in active investigation they usually ask those interviewed not to discuss the matter with press or others.
I also believe JM is lazy. Its a lot of work to dig a hole, even for a big guy. He feels he is going to get away with it anyway, so why go through all that effort. I also agree very much with his "clean and comfort" thing, and I think one reason, certainly, not the only one, but I think he kills in relatively warm weather because he doesn't want to be "uncomfortable" due to cold weather.

I didn't see your post because this thread is going so fast. If-- he in fact was involved with this case, it's something he has done before. He see's his victims as "trash" so, I don't know if cold or hot weather would have anything to do with it. It's typical sociopathic behavior. There are no emotional ties. This person was "dumped".. or over for the evening. "Done".
I thought that was strange as well. Almost like they expect it not to be her.

I interpreted it as them waiting to proven "right" in that JM is probably saying he had no more contact with her after Tempo.
It's not completely unusual for there to be confusion about aerial photos and map locations, but I'm pretty sure that the aerial photo of police in the driveway aligns with the farm just off the Walnut Creek Park road. In other views of the map, the fence can be seen ... but no time right now to post. I think that Coy Barefoot made a mistake. I think he got some of his information from this website last night. He spoke to the property owners of the address that was posted here last night, and when they said no comment, he interpreted that as confirmation that it is the correct location.

Not trying to pick on you OTTO, and you do bring up valid points on the Ariel photos of the command center. But to say that Coy wrote an article today loosely based on things we were talking about last night here on WS is a little bit of a stretch IMO. I believe he has much better sources than Websleuths.
This is the property that appears to be the same as the one in the police photo above. This is the same property that I first posted yesterday. The only problem has been that Coy Barefoot identified a completely different property, three miles away, as the location where Hannah's remains were found.

It was my understanding that they were using that farm on Walnut Creek Park Rd as the staging area for the searches IINM
It's not completely unusual for there to be confusion about aerial photos and map locations, but I'm pretty sure that the aerial photo of police in the driveway aligns with the farm just off the Walnut Creek Park road. In other views of the map, the fence can be seen ... but no time right now to post. I think that Coy Barefoot made a mistake. I think he got some of his information from this website last night. He spoke to the property owners of the address that was posted here last night, and when they said no comment, he interpreted that as confirmation that it is the correct location.

You may be right about Barefoot having the wrong address, <modsnip> LE has not publicly confirmed anything as to location. They may or may not have told reporters and others off the record. We will just have to wait and see. We will all know soon enough. I will slightly correct one of your comments however. To say that the owner of 3193 told him "no comment" when he tried to get info from them is not really accurate...they said, and I am paraphrasing, that law enforcement had told them or asked them not to make comment. That makes a bit of difference, imo, bc if that is not the house that is involved, why would they care what the owner said to media or anyone else?
Just a thought, but from Otto's pics and skibaboo's suppositions, the police are definitely investigating that drive off of the Park Rd..... Could it also be possible that Coy's information is right as well?
Park location, scene of crime and evidence while the Coy location being a disposal site?
There are a lot of posters asking for specific information as to what and where the police are. Those roads are completely blocked off, so unless you are an official or a SAR member there helping, you can't get a visual on the area unless you are in a helicopter or plane. I know the information will be forthcoming as soon as the police search everything and are assured of what they have.
My question is, why would it have taken vultures 3 weeks to show up (going by the reported tip Oct5th)?

In that very same article cited by CeiliMom, it took 39 days for vultures to show up to a cadaver intentionally placed out in the open in a study by forensic specialists.


It is a very grim but very interesting article. I always thought vultures would find something dead in a matter of hours, but I guess that's not always true. Where I lived in the deep woods of the lowcountry of South Carolina, buzzards would zero in animals that were not even dead, yet.
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