Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #2

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Something is weird here. I've had this feeling since I read the article last night with the interview of the man who found these remains. Things aren't fitting together for me.

This sounds crazy, but I am wondering if LE is playing some kind of game with JM here. I believe that remains were found, but I really wonder if false info is being circulated to elicit a response from JM. As if he might hear where these remains have been located and respond with "What are they talking about? That's nowhere near where I left her! I mean...um..."

They put out a lot of info in the last few days. Dogs had "indicated" or whatever word they used in some areas that were now going to be searched again with digging to commence. They wanted 200 people for 2 scheduled searches Sunday. Searches that appeared to be separate from the digging search. 300 people from FBI Academy were to arrive from Quantico (was that ever confirmed to have actually happened or was it just said they were coming?). That's 500 - 500!!! - people due to be searching targeted areas this weekend.

Yet she was supposedly found randomly by a searcher who went to the area on a whim at the end of another search (they were finished searching before noon? Because that's when the remains were reportedly found.).

Then, LE announces remains were found and Hannah's parents informed, but no other info would be released. Yet about 2 hours later there's video and print interview footage of the ACTUAL PERSON who found these remains, describing what condition the remains were in, what was found with the remains, what type of area the remains were found in, and what sructure was nearby the remains?

Something's weird!
This might be a throwaway post. Humor me for just a moment. Here in my neck of the woods (which aren't woods, lol, and I live about as far away from VA as you can in the continental US) we have a dry creek bed in a very small local canyon. Most people who have lived here 40 plus years don't know about it, it isn't on any Google map, and you can't see it from any satellite image because of its orientation within this canyon. The canyon isn't huge either, it's maybe 15 feet high? In any case, when it rains around here (which isn't often), that sucker looks like a full blown river. I only know about it because one of my kids used to like to look for junk down in that creek bed.

If something had been placed 3 miles up from this old creek bed, it would have been placed in a tiny, tiny, trickling stream. That stream stops about a mile & a half from said dry creek bed location. When it rains hard here, stuff from that stream, way the heck over yonder, near a major highway, brings stuff all the way down to that previously dry creek bed like a full blown river. I'm not going to say much more than that about where it goes next but you sleuthers can probably figure that out ;)

Perhaps this is why, given the current rains in VA, the search location is including an area that seems "off" and all over the place behind Old Lynchburg Rd., and all the way over 2 miles to another staging location. Maybe it's because of the water? JMO

ETA: it goes from raging river to dry creek bed again within about 2 days.

But wouldn't Hannah's skeleton have broken up and her black pants have become separated from the rest of her remains if fast water had been through there?
I have been following this closely, but now confused, so the 3193, the house with wood and brick, that has the other cottage style house on the property, may not be the location where Hannah was found?
You know, in Italy years ago there was a famous serial killer case. I don't remember the specific, but I know that police asked the media to spread some false informations in order to nail him. So I guess they can do that, but I don't know if that is the case.
FTR, I have seen articles written, etc where it was clear the author had been reading here on WS. I have even seen complete quotes copied and pasted. I'm not saying that is the case here (I have not even seen the content yet being referred to re: CB), but just sayin ftr. :) jmo
You may be right about Barefoot having the wrong address, <modsnip> LE has not publicly confirmed anything as to location. They may or may not have told reporters and others off the record. We will just have to wait and see. We will all know soon enough. I will slightly correct one of your comments however. To say that the owner of 3193 told him "no comment" when he tried to get info from them is not really accurate...they said, and I am paraphrasing, that law enforcement had told them or asked them not to make comment. That makes a bit of difference, imo, bc if that is not the house that is involved, why would they care what the owner said to media or anyone else?

Yesterday, dda did some sleuthing that came up with a property behind the one identified by Coy Barefoot. Whether it turns out to be the actual property where the remains were found yesterday is yet to be released. Even if it isn't, though, I would think it would be an excellent spot to search for more evidence, or possibly even more human remains, since it's a huge parcel of land that is not in use (apparently only used for timber, according to dda's research), owners are not local, completely overgrown, and with the Ammonett Branch creek running through it.

(Approximate GPS: 37.921535, -78.615366) Mods, from what I understand, posting the coordinates is okay as long as no address is shown? If not, I apologize, and please remove coordinates.
Old Lynchburg Road property.jpg
You know, in Italy years ago there was a famous serial killer case. I don't remember the specific, but I know that police asked the media to spread some false informations in order to nail him. So I guess they can do that, but I don't know if that is the case.

I've seen that happen before too.

Funny you mention that, bc I was just thinking about how that could/might be the case here re: variances in locations, etc, in order to protect the site/integrity of the investigation. jmo
Not trying to pick on you OTTO, and you do bring up valid points on the Ariel photos of the command center. But to say that Coy wrote an article today loosely based on things we were talking about last night here on WS is a little bit of a stretch IMO. I believe he has much better sources than Websleuths.

Then, LE announces remains were found and Hannah's parents informed, but no other info would be released. Yet about 2 hours later there's video and print interview footage of the ACTUAL PERSON who found these remains, describing what condition the remains were in, what was found with the remains, what type of area the remains were found in, and what sructure was nearby the remains?

Something's weird!

I have felt that way too, particularly because the random searcher is an AA christian, like Jesse, and says 'God led him there'.
But wouldn't Hannah's skeleton have broken up and her black pants have become separated from the rest of her remains if fast water had been through there?

What I'm thinking is that other stuff might have been "scattered", other forensic material that was lighter might have traveled completely differently. If water were involved here. Not sure yet about that! We also still don't have confirmation, also, on whether those pants were ON her skeleton, or just found nearby. AFAIK. JMO! :)
That sure seems like the spot based on those photos- even see 4 LE officers there at the driveway to the house. Do we know that it's vacant or unused by the Cty Finance Dept?

I can't see any house on previous photos posted by Otto. Could you please post the link showing that house? Thanks so much!
Thank-you, MzOpinion8d, I have felt the same way, something is off.
For a parent to have to imagine vultures had been seen in the area where their child had been murdered and laying for so many days, there is no way to wrap your mind around that. Hannah's dad appears to be a stronger person then mom, I'm worried about her mom especially, devastated and heartbroken don't even come close to the look on her face. All the people who are destroyed, when a monster does what he all did to their child.

I agree with you about mom. She looks like she's barely making it through the day. Understandably. I just want to hug her everytime I see her. Hope she takes advantage of the support the Harringtons appear to be offering. I can't imagine the pain.
Also, in regards to Hannah's parents being informed, that's going to happen whether the remains appear to be Hannah's or not. With a missing person and an active search underway, even if they find 3 tiny bones in a ditch, they're going to notify the missing person's family right away so they aren't blindsided by media calling and asking for a comment or a press conference they didn't know was going to happen. Clearly in this situation, the remains are most likely Hannah's, but no matter what, LE would have notified them.
In regards to the drugs..... He could easily get them on the streets, from websites, etc. However, maybe he found a way at work. All the drugs are closely monitored, even in disposal of vials I am sure. But, there very well may have been a time or two where a drug or medicine was dispensed to a patient and not used and he scooped it up or not fully used and he was able to scoop up the remaining amount. There wouldn't be any red flags if all drugs were accounted for but the patient did not receive or take just before JM transferred the patient to surgery, etc
The only thing that doesn't make sense about otto continually saying the house mentioned in the Coy Barefoot article:

We have members on here who guessed this location by hearing police being called to this location to this scene around noon yesterday over the scanner.

Why would the police have been called to a location that was 3 miles away from where the actual body was discovered?
Not trying to pick on you OTTO, and you do bring up valid points on the Ariel photos of the command center. But to say that Coy wrote an article today loosely based on things we were talking about last night here on WS is a little bit of a stretch IMO. I believe he has much better sources than Websleuths.

you'd be surprised, lol.

Not surprising at all, when you Google a case and any search words WS is among the first hits, but not to mention,regarding our own verified Insiders, check out member HSI Victim ID and his involvement as a verified HSI Agent. Additionally, consider the many Professional and other LE insiders let alone the visitors as well as those who choose to not be verified.


( I hope promoting VI's is acceptable, if not MODS, Sry :loveyou: )
I still have these lurking questions, perhaps someone can enlighten me? :) If the body was not covered or buried, why did it take the neighbors 5 weeks to notice effects of a body that was decomposing? How close is the nearest neighbor? I also read that JLM's mother lived nearby? Was this area in his cab route at some point? Why was the radius on the search teams not expanded at least 5/6 miles from where Morgan Harrington's body was found in the first place?

It would be interesting to see a new map of everything we know now.

He probably had this place picked out in his mind as a potential future secluded opportunity location. (trying not to be graphic - in honor of Hannah).

Heavy police presence in area where human remains found
Police looking for evidence that could help aid in criminal case
Shayne Dwyer updated 06:21 PM EDT Oct 19, 2014

Police hunt for clues near where Va. remains found
By Brock Vergakis AP October 19, 2014 Updated 1 hour ago
Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/2014/10/19/4247924/police-hunt-for-clues-near-where.html#storylink=cpy

Community Church Members Pray for the Parents of Hannah Graham
Posted: Oct 19, 2014 5:35 PM EDT

UVA Students React to Human Remains Found Believed to be Hannah Graham
Updated: Oct 19, 2014 4:47 PM EDT

ELISHA FIELDSTADT NBC&#8217;s Michelle Hofland contributed to this report.
19 OCT 2014

Police search abandoned property after body found in hunt for missing UVA student
BY NICOLE HENSLEY Sunday, October 19, 2014, 6:34 PM

Albemarle County Neighbors React to Death Investigation
Walnut Creek Area
12:58 PM SUN OCTOBER 19, 2014
(updated map by Hawes Spencer https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202734253704981&set=p.10202734253704981&type=1&theater)

UVA Student Hannah Graham: Who is Chief of Police Tim Longo?
Added by Jennifer Fernicola Ronay on October 19, 2014.
Police vehicles are photographed lined up and down the farm road that is on the left after turning onto the Walnut Creek Park road. Everything about that property matches all the information we have received except the blog post from Coy Barefoot. He identified a completely different property 3 miles away where there is no police activity.

Someone should ask him about his source.

And I notice several media sources are using that 3193 location as well. Hard to tell if Coy was their source or not...
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