Hannah Graham: Remains Identified

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Although they surely have known for a while now that their Hannah was not coming back home alive again, today is the first time her family has had to face a new day "knowing" that she was never going to come back home alive again. We all knew that she wasn't, as well, and look at how hard we all took the official news yesterday. The sadness and grief her family members must be feeling today is exponentially greater than anything we can feel, so please continue to keep them in your thoughts, and prayers if you are so inclined. They have many difficult days still ahead before they finally can bring their precious Hannah home one last time.
Hannah's parents have been so classy about all this. My heart goes out to them. I'm just glad they got to spend time at the sight and I hope that helps them with their grieving process. IMO
God I wise I could see things through your eyes. Unfortunately I do most definitly believe children can be born with that human decency chip missing.

As a baby it would be hard to tell, but from the time they are able to walk, talk, and acquire a sense of right and wrong, irregardless of their background enviorment--evil is always present. Thank God there are far and few in between with this capacity for evil, but it is there from birth. I have seen I year old children, beat an animal, or torture something sub-human. Think about that --I could/would NEVER torture any living creature, even a bug. Surely these "children are deficient " . Something else takes over them. They have No respect for "Life"

You can come from the best back ground, have the most wonderful parents, live a privileged life, but the defect is there. It is just a ticking bomb waiting to explode into maturity. That evil festers within until they can no longer control it, what makes this all the more heinous, is once it is there it can never be removed. This is Who they are. Someday research WILL find there is a genetic effect that is with these people from birth--perhaps we can then identify and lock them away fro society.

Oh....and I know some of you here will think I need to be locked away....meh....I am not so sure that would be so bad, I am so tired of watching the violent ways we treat others

......and one more thing while I am ranting. Doesn't it strike you as curious that these kinds of vicious attacks are hardly acknowledeged by the so called "friends" of these victims have seen any of Heather or Morgans friends on T.V. helping in the efforts to find them. Furthermore both sets of friends knew they were lost or without a ride, and chose to do nothing but continue to party. Some having the audacity to actually play the "dead Morgan Harrington" at a Holloween part, after she went missing. Sick--just Sick.

I agree, absolutely 100%, humans that are evil were born evil. I will never not agree to that one. It does not just happen.
Good advice for normal offspring. For psychopaths such as JLM, it won't work. They don't understand love.
It is statistically shown, however, that killers DO come from abusive homes, broken homes, addicted homes.
So, nurture IS very relevant in this.
I know as a parent it is hard to look and see that we did in fact contribute to the F'ed up state of our children, but with parenthood comes responsibility, and taking a good, hard look at one's parenting can and WILL change the lives of our children. Human was objectively correct in these statements.
Reference prior posts on WG--he did talk to police. They ID'd him. I'm sure they have interviewed him time and time again recently -- he may have even picked JLM out of a lineup contributing to the orig charges.

Except to say -when I went back and reviewed videos it seems as though there are 2 different white guys following. I know we have previously discussed so I will mention it and drop it if necessary. First one is wearing White with white shorts standing in doorway and following her On Downtown mall video. Jim is behind the group of white males in this video. In the second video where jlm has his arm around hannah-there is another guy following with grey pants on. Wonder if police found both? Sorry. Will stop dredging up the old stuff. Just finding it interesting.
Maybe she was embarrassed to say she had veered so far off course and thought she was heading back home (got turned around at McGrady's) or thought she could catch a transit bus from mall to her apmt once she realize she had hit the mall area, decided then to walk to end for transit bus to get back to her apmt easily.
Very good thinking about the buses at the end of the mall!!!
Thankfully the Grahams can have a final resting place for their beloved daughter and sister.
Kudos to LE and Longo! I hope that other counties and parishes are taking notes on how to lead an investigation. Longo needs to continue to lecture law enforcement agencies on techniques and how to work the media.
Group hug to fellow WSers.

Although they surely have known for a while now that their Hannah was not coming back home alive again, today is the first time her family has had to face a new day "knowing" that she was never going to come back home alive again. We all knew that she wasn't, as well, and look at how hard we all took the official news yesterday. The sadness and grief her family members must be feeling today is exponentially greater than anything we can feel, so please continue to keep them in your thoughts, and prayers if you are so inclined. They have many difficult days still ahead before they finally can bring their precious Hannah home one last time.

Something else crossed my mind.....more than once. The family of Hannah will have to go through her belongings. My mind cannot fathom or comprehend the ordeal of it all. Birthdays once celebrated, holidays enjoyed with one another, vacations together, will never ever be the same. This is just briefly touching on some of what the future holds for the Graham family. Heartbreaking comes to mind, unbelievable anguish.
Thanks vthokies19 for sharing that pic of Hannah.

I have spent countless hours reading this thread...such caring and compassion from fellow WSers. One can hope the Graham Family will "feel" the love shared by all.
Very good thinking about the buses at the end of the mall!!!

Only problem with my bus theory is they stop running much earlier (from earlier thread discussions)- but not sure whether Hannah knew that...
I just can't get out of my head how she was walking quickly, like she had a destination in mind-
Wondered this too.....it would sound silly to try to explain it, but when I saw that man follow her on that video, the very first time I saw that, there was something familiar about the man who followed her, granted its a blurry video, but it was how he stood, moved, and his general build. If I had been in the downtown mall that night, and saw a man like that, at least from a distance, I would have thought I knew him. The weird part and this is what sounds silly, so I guess I do not even know why I am sharing. Take this as just a weird feeling and probably nothing more. But the man that followed her in the video, the white man, lets just say if it is who, looks familiar to me (and it would impossible to say), its somebody who was at least casually acquainted with JLM.

Sounds silly, I'm sure, there is no way it is who I think it could be. Its just I'm not great with faces, I remember how people carry themselves, how they walk, hairstyles, that's what gives me my reminder triggers stronger then faces. And the second I saw that video, this one person came to my memory, as if I was watching them. Again probably just mind tricks.

I too urge you to call this in.

The description gave by that man was wrong. White shorts turned into black jeans and dreads into a shaved head. Its on video how close he was to them, yet he says the exact opposite of what JLM looked like that night. I know eyewitness testimony isn't the most reliable, but still...

He has been cleared by LE, but no stone must go unturned IMO.

I agree, absolutely 100%, humans that are evil were born evil. I will never not agree to that one. It does not just happen.
I agree with both of you on that, born evil. I have to step back and think about that one sentence R.U.Kidding! posted," to play the "dead Morgan Harrington" at a Halloween party, after she went missing."
I agree with both of you on that, born evil. I have to step back and think about that one sentence R.U.Kidding! posted," to play the "dead Morgan Harrington" at a Halloween party, after she went missing."

What is this about? I missed it. Thanks!
IDK why but I think that the family is looking at this like everyone else, he did it. I believe that they know in the hearts that he did this. If I remember correctly JM's mom and dad were not married so she would be a Carr even though he has his father name. I have a feeling that his mother has known that he was different and had issues growing up, iirc she moved he his sake. I am thinking that this family has accepted the reality in knowing that he is guilty. jmo idk

JM's parents were married. Someone here linked to a gov. site that showed when a divorced was filed for and when it was granted.

I take the Carr reference to mean that side of JM's family are distancing themselves from the Matthew side. In an article that interviewed JM Sr. he said he stood behind JM Jr. no matter what. Maybe the Carr side is not as supportive, IDK, JMO.

What is this about? I missed it. Thanks!

I was commenting on a post written by R.U.Kidding! I had never heard anything about that. And I have never heard anything from friends of Morgan and Hannah, they perhaps have made comments about their friends, I have just never seen any.
Do y'all think we'll ever find out WHY she went with him? I suppose it may come out at trial, but without the ability to test her for drugs (the one that makes you so friendly) it's all just speculation. Unless there are texts. Not blaming her at all, just very curious about this detail.

It's so tragic. All that walking in dark isolated areas, but it's the crowded mall where the danger is.
I moved my comments over to the JLM Psychological thread.
Do y'all think we'll ever find out WHY she went with him? I suppose it may come out at trial, but without the ability to test her for drugs (the one that makes you so friendly) it's all just speculation. Unless there are texts. Not blaming her at all, just very curious about this detail.

It's so tragic. All that walking in dark isolated areas, but it's the crowded mall where the danger is.

Maybe he went up to her, asked, how she was doing, and what's going on? Hannah may have said she is looking/going to a party, is lost, and he offered her a ride, because he knew where that was at.
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