Hannah Graham: Remains Identified

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All of this micro dissection of the tipster's actions(about the vultures) makes me think this is the kind of scrutiny that make people just not want to "get involved"

On another topic, days ago we all talked ALOT about "how could the body be a set of bones" etc...I don't know the answer exactly, but this morn. I was watching some forensic show on ID they were talking about finding a murder victim one month later and there were only " skeletonized remains" this was outside of Denver in the 1990's. FWIW

I understand your point about tipsters not wanting to get involved. First you have the original eye witness. The next layer is the media outlet who first posts said information. The third and fourth and 14th layer is the other outlets who report the information. Very quickly we don't know who/what to believe, and in certain cases where it gets too muddied, we have to take a breather and against our instinct to sleuth every little detail, just sit back a minute and look at this from a high level. I am certainly guilty as yesterday I was simply annoyed with the different versions reported regarding Mr Pugh and I frankly didn't even want to see his name and an argument about him for the umpteenth time. New day today, new perspective. :)

It's also hard to be this involved in an investigation as we are, researching and reading every day, but we are unaware of some of the very key components to the case. We do the best with what we have, but is it not possible that Mr Pugh saw the vultures and they were at that residence because of a dead deer that day? Perhaps they got to Hannah even earlier. We just don't know.
I just think that a lot of people use buzzard and vulture interchangeably.

I know I do use both terms. I do know the difference if I see them but sometimes it just comes out as buzzards or vultures if I talk about them.
I know I do use both terms. I do know the difference if I see them but sometimes it just comes out as buzzards or vultures if I talk about them.
I've heard people around here refer to 'turkey buzzards'.

And as far as telling the difference between the turkey or black vultures, I saw one the day the ID was announced, and got within 15-20 feet before it took off (pretty bold buzz--er--vulture) and I couldn't have told you what color it's head was. Probably because I was in shock seeing one in my city neighborhood lol.
The above quote (1st one) looks like it's what "I" said when in fact it's in response to my post that stated it might have been her attorney who advised her not to answer questions.

First of all, I have to ask, why does my post at the beginning of your thread show it was originally posted by Charlie Chan and his original post shows it was posted by me? I am the one who suggested it was the attorney. I think if posts are going to be copied and pasted, they need to accurately reflect who posted what. Down the road I don't want to be credited with having posted something I never did post. Regarding these same two posts, someone else originally copied and pasted them incorrectly. I hope whoever has mis-posted them the first time as well as any subsequent ones will kindly take the time to make the correction.

LOL! Something's happening with WS and the quoting. You just quoted yourself responding to yourself, fussing about someone misquoting someone. What this one will likely show is that I've quoted Foxfire, with your words.


I think it's a server error, not intentional.


Quote tags, people, quote tags!!


If you delete a quote tag, or even part of one, you break the quote. We end up with a big mess where it's nearly impossible to discern who said what.

Quotes must be enclosed between tags like this ("E" is purposely omitted here):

[QUOT] He said, she said...yada, yada [/QUOT]

Lower case or upper case is fine as long as the word "quote" is between two brackets, and the end tag includes a "/" before the word "quote".

Please do not "quote" a post which contains a broken "quote".:please::facepalm:
I just think that a lot of people use buzzard and vulture interchangeably.

Oh I agree, but It's never too late to learn the truth, or facts on a subject instead of looking uninformed. jmo
Someone I know told me that their mom told them that a plant they saw full of orange/red berries was pyrocanthra, this was way before the interconnect,lol and years later was told that they were saying it wrong. It's pyracantha. Sorry that it bothered peeps, I just don't like people referring to things that are wrong. I see Vultures everyday, unfortunately.
@HawesSpencer: BTW, both @AugensteinWTOP and I talked to Pugh about buzzards that might be linked to #HannahGraham, and he has a report coming.

In this post Hawes Spencer tell the world on twitter that he and AugensteinWTOP talked to Pugh about buzzards
Oh I agree, but It's never too late to learn the truth, or facts on a subject instead of looking uninformed. jmo
Someone I know told me that their mom told them that a plant they saw full of orange/red berries was pyrocanthra, this was way before the interconnect,lol and years later was told that they were saying it wrong. It's pyracantha. Sorry that it bothered peeps, I just don't like people referring to things that are wrong. I see Vultures everyday, unfortunately.

Oh goodness I wasn't bothered. I thank you for your posts :)
I've heard people around here refer to 'turkey buzzards'.

And as far as telling the difference between the turkey or black vultures, I saw one the day the ID was announced, and got within 15-20 feet before it took off (pretty bold buzz--er--vulture) and I couldn't have told you what color it's head was. Probably because I was in shock seeing one in my city neighborhood lol.

The wings are a little different in color but the turkey vulture looks like a bald eagle sorta, just with a non-white head. We have both in our neighborhood so I'm always looking out for the large eagles and sometimes confuse them with turkey vultures.
@HawesSpencer: @richardSFO @coybarefoot I finally corroborated this: http://t.co/EcQNVeMUsg
@coybarefoot: @richardSFO @HawesSpencer not same man. Hawes' source and mine are diff people: TWO diff people (at least 2) called tipline abt same house

In the first post Hawes tells richardSFO and coybarefoot: I finally corroborated this and provides the link.

2nd post is coybarefoot telling richardSFO and Hawes: not same man. Hawes source and mine are diff people. TWO diff people (at least 2) called tipline abt same house.
The wings are a little different in color but the turkey vulture looks like a bald eagle sorta, just with a non-white head. We have both in our neighborhood so I'm always looking out for the large eagles and sometimes confuse them with turkey vultures.

Eagle with a sunburn?

I just know that was one BIG bird lol.
@HawesSpencer: @jobrn62 @sevnthstar @AugensteinWTOP He says he called. Whether his tip reached searchers before or after discovery is unknown to me.

Hawesspencer tells jobrn62, sevnthstar, AugensteinWTOP: He says he called. Whether his tip reached searchers before or after discovery is unknown to me.[/QUOTE]
@coybarefoot: @richardSFO @HawesSpencer my source has record of call to tipline on his phone as Monday morning Oct 6, 945a

Here coybarefoot tells richardSFO and Hawes: my source has record of call to tipline on his phone as Monday morning Oct 6, 945a
Pugh told CNN he called tip in on sept 30th

@coybarefoot: @richardSFO @HawesSpencer Hawes FYI: Pugh didn't known date he called tipline when you interviewd, but he DID recall date in CNN interivew

@HawesSpencer: @coybarefoot @richardSFO Pugh was on CNN?

@coybarefoot: @HawesSpencer @richardSFO told CNN Sept 30. did interview with them yesterday.

@HawesSpencer: @coybarefoot @richardSFO He told me and @AugensteinWTOP he might find records to pinpoint date. Sounds like he found them.

@richardSFO: #HannahGraham Just adding: Here's Coy's Oct 20 CNN Intervu w/Anderson Cooper: http://t.co/5TNvbcukkW Nice work! @coybarefoot @HawesSpencer

That's all folks

These posts were oct 20th and 21st

1st post coybarefoot tells richardSFO,Hawes: FYI Pugh didn't known date he called tipline when you interviewd, but he DID recall date in CNN interivew

2nd post Hawes asks coybarefoot and inserts richardSFO'name Pugh was on CNN?

3rd post coybarefoot posts back to Hawes and richard: told CNN Sept 30. did interview with them yesterday.

4th post Hawes back to coy and richard: He told me and @AugensteinWTOP he might find records to pinpoint date. Sounds like he found them.

5th post richard posts to coy and Hawes: Here's Coy's Oct 20 CNN Intervu w/Anderson Cooper: http://t.co/5TNvbcukkW Nice work! @coybarefoot @HawesSpencer

There was back and forth between Hawes, coy and richard thoughout. i have posted the important. best I can do.

after Hawes and Augenstein talked to Pugh they did a report, provided links

This is a link to video Pugh did with CNN: http://t.co/Zv2F1UPVsW

Hawes Spencer retweeted
Richard Hoefer @richardSFO · Oct 22
MT @coybarefoot: @HawesSpencer Pugh told CNN Sept 30. in interview w/them yesterday. VIDEO: http://situationroom.blogs.cnn.com/2014/10/21/skull-examined-in-hannah-graham-case/ …

Here are the reports that Hawes did after his interview with Pugh: http://t.co/HEf8VG4ncV

Here is Neal's report after interview with Pugh: http://t.co/FcKURHS2lm

(keep in mind both Hawes and Neal interviewed Pugh at same time, however did reports separately.

Here is report that Coy did about his source (and afaik only did one report in writing, did 2nd report yesterday on Wolf's show on CNN)


POSTED ON OCT 19, 2014

Another source with whom I have spoken just this morning, confirms that on Sunday October 5, a long-time resident of Albemarle County drove by this residence and noticed an unusual flurry of buzzards behind the home.
Earlier the following morning, Monday October 6, this same man stopped his car at this residence and looked around. The buzzards had gone. This man knew the home to be a rental that was not currently lived in.
He walked the property, but only briefly since he felt odd that he was trespassing. He got back in his car and left.
Later that same morning, at exactly 9:45am October 6, he called the tip line, reported the address— 3193 Old Lynchburg Road— and said he’d noticed the buzzards. He also reported that he was concerned the property had not yet been adequately searched since the home was not currently lived in.

and that folks is all I got. Like I said earlier, it really doesn't matter, tips were called in, they were missed or not followed up on. But at the end of the day Hannah was found, and I believe after some down time LE went back and looked at all the tips (I remember they had some down time) and when Chesterfield LE came to volunteer they went to the area and found this precious child.

I certainly won't Monday morning quarterback anyone in this case. Thankful tips were called in and thankful LE found Hannah.
They are going to talk about JM possible link to cold cases on Wolf Blitzer...
I am really missing the old CourtTV and now they are drowning us in endless episodes of Forensic Files...sigh.
They are going to talk about JM possible link to cold cases on Wolf Blitzer...
I am really missing the old CourtTV and now they are drowning us in endless episodes of Forensic Files...sigh.

Can't watch, so let us know if Blitzer has anything substantial to say about other cases, please.
Ya know Maggots will tell the story for LE regarding the remains if any were still there. such as how long body was there.

Sad to write that but they can test the stages of the Maggot and tell. I found a lot out about decomp during the Westerfield case, more than I ever wanted to know. 1st comes blow fly, they lay eggs, then larvae comes, then the maggots, then the birds, insects. Happens pretty quick if environment is right. ALL JMO going from memory.
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