Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

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I recall seeing trespassing as one of the items on JM's rap sheet. I wonder if the property he trespassed on was for him to fish--or perhaps he was fishing for a future hiding spot to conceal a body.

Or JM had disposed of an unknown victim prior to getting caught trespassing. Depending on the circumstances, the area where JM was caught should be carefully scrutinized, imo..
On the night that Morgan disappeared, JM was a taxi driver. Also, the owners of Anchorage Farm were out of the country on a cruise. Perhaps, JM drove them to the airport? Or, he knew that nobody was on the premises at that time.

Most likely JM did wear a headlamp since he knew there was nobody around to see him--since the Bass family was on vacation. On that night there was no moon because it was raining in Charlottesville.

I've often wondered why Lt. Rader said that the murderer of Morgan returned to that spot at times of extreme stress. It makes me wonder if JM would return to the scene of the crime and absent mindedly discard his cigarette butts around MH's remains?!? He thought her body was so well hidden that she'd never be found.

Good point! There must have been some evidence that suggested he would return. I find it strange that he did that considering he left her there. I wonder if they mean that he would check to be sure the body was still there and if he ever contemplated moving her? I also wonder if she had been there since that night or is he one to move bodies around out of fear? Maybe that's what took him so long to talk with LE, he could have been ensuring that where he left HG was a safe hiding spot.
I read the replies to your question, and I find it interesting that posts differed on how much coverage Morgan's case got. Everyone has a different interpretation of it, which is likely also due to the passing of time. The amount of coverage a case gets is not subjective...the number of articles and segments is measurable...but people's views on how widespread the publicity is do. I also wonder if the posters who said the case got a lot of coverage followed the case b/c I notice that the cases I follow, I tend to hear about a lot more, likely because I seek them out.

I followed MH's case closely. I was drawn in because I grew up in Roanoke.

Morgan's case didn't get as much coverage by LE as Hannah's is getting.

It was the Harrington's who kept MH's name and face out there to the public. Gil Harrington insisted that there was a "monster" walking among the citizens of Charlottesville. LE didn't seem to want to acknowledge this at the time though.

Even the news of Morgan's Pantera tee shirt being found wasn't released immediately to the public.

Gil Harrington alluded to it with her cryptic remarks at the time though. She began to warn the public that a monster was in their midst and he had resurfaced again on November 5th or 6th--the day Morgan's shirt was found.

I recall only one organized search for Morgan. It was held on the weekend after she had gone missing.

The Harrington's have never given up hope that Morgan's murderer would be brought to justice. It's sad though that in order for that to happen, it most likely has come about at the cost of another young woman's life.
It's been widely reported that Matthew grew up very close to the farm - and he attended school close to it as well. The farm is 700+ acres, so it's very likely that Matthew played/walked on that farm as a kid without ever being noticed. The area where Morgan's body was found is not an area that you would know about just driving by - the perp had to have intimate knowledge of the terrain as it was not accessible by car.

I would not assume that. I live around the corner from where JM grew up and he'd have had a hard time getting over to the farm because there is a big honkin' mountain in the way! :)
I recall only one organized search for Morgan. It was held on the weekend after she had gone missing.

The ACPD et al conducted many searches for Morgan. They just were not publicized the way they were for Hannah.
I thought I read somewhere that the trespassing charge was related to an incident regarding car repairs. JM was dissatisfied with the repairs or cost and got into a heated argument with the attendant there. He was asked to leave and, when he failed to comply with the request, the police were called and JM was arrested for trespassing.
On the night that Morgan disappeared, JM was a taxi driver. Also, the owners of Anchorage Farm were out of the country on a cruise. Perhaps, JM drove them to the airport? Or, he knew that nobody was on the premises at that time.

Most likely JM did wear a headlamp since he knew there was nobody around to see him--since the Bass family was on vacation. On that night there was no moon because it was raining in Charlottesville.

I've often wondered why Lt. Rader said that the murderer of Morgan returned to that spot at times of extreme stress. It makes me wonder if JM would return to the scene of the crime and absent mindedly discard his cigarette butts around MH's remains?!? He thought her body was so well hidden that she'd never be found.

If LE is looking at JM as a serial killer, then he's being profiled as one. I read an article about Ted Bundy profiling Ridgway for LE. (When they didn't know who Ridgway was). Bundy said the perp goes back to the body. He was right. Both Bundy and Ridgway went back to victim's bodies. .


"Bundy also confessed to visiting his victims' bodies over and over again at the Taylor Mountain body dump site. He stated that he would lie with them for hours, applying makeup to their corpses and having sex with their decomposing bodies until putrefaction forced him to abandon the remains. Not long before his death, Bundy admitted to returning to the corpse of Georgeann Hawkins for purposes of necrophilia."


Not only do these animals violate women in life, they violate them in death too.
Great info, as usual, Foxfire. I am thinking and hoping that JM really doesn't study things like this, and is just flat out impulsive and sloppy. Picked up Hannah because it was so easy, thought he could have sex with her easily, maybe with the help of some drugs, maybe just raped her, and it was easy too. Maybe something went wrong, so then, he killed her and ditched the body. or then again, maybe did it to clean up any evidence. But he was awfully stupid not to know that she would have been linked to him. He was seen, clearly seen with her.

Unlke the 2005 rape case, or the MH case, where the perp was not seen by anyone who knew him, in Hannah's case, he was openly with her at Tempo where he was clearly known. Also, his face is as clear as can be in the DMV photo. You'd think she'd have slashed him. Maybe marks on his arms or elsewhere. How could he be so careless, so foolish to think that she wasn't going to come up missing and be reported, and that LE would be coming to him as a POI, would have to do so, in that he was with her those early morning hours? This was not a spontaneous thing like the 2005 rape. It was not a clean opportunity like the MH case. What did he expect?

Thanx for the kind words, jamicat. Imo, JM had escaped justice so many times before that he became very brazened. The list is long, but like Bundy, Ridgeway, Hilton, Dahmer, etc., due to their narcissism, they all think they are superior thinkers than investigators. Sadly, and regrettably, many times, I have found this to be true..
Due to the antiquated silent investigative strategy by investigators in many, if not most missing/murdered persons cases, combined with the proverbial ball being dropped on at least one occasion. The dots are never connected. LE's most valuable investigative resource; the American public is often squandered..

JM could have never predicted the high profile nature of HG's case due to the tremendous amount of interest and awareness created. I give credit for this awareness to CPD Chief Timothy Longo's passionate press conferences and incredible media management strategy..

Steven Egger, associate professor of criminology at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, is a nationally recognized expert in serial murder. "Steve Egger is a seminal criminal justice researcher in the very specialized area of serial murders," said Everette Penn, assistant professor of criminology. "Dr. Egger addresses our most inner fears by researching the subject, defining terms, and assisting state, local and federal authorities investigate these most heinous crimes."

Not only is it difficult to figure out why serial killers continue to kill, it is also hard for law enforcement agencies to identify a serial killer due to "linkage blindness," another term coined by Egger.

Egger says a serial murder investigation may, but not always, have as many as seven different crime scenes: the place the victim was initially lured, transportation to a different location, the place the victim was kept, transportation to another location, where the victim was killed, where the body was dumped, and where the weapon was dumped. "In most instances all the police have is the dumpsite," Egger said. Egger says the other crime scenes are never investigated because of linkage blindness and the fact that law enforcement officials usually treat serial murder as a single homicide. "But if you find out that you're talking about multiple dumpsites in different jurisdictions, then you have a higher possibility of coming up with some trace evidence, particularly in the first kill," Egger said. "The offender brings something to the crime scene, leaves something at the crime scene, and takes something away from the crime scene," Egger said.

"All crime is serial in nature," Egger said. "Most criminals, if not caught, will repeat their crime. And if that's true, then you've got to share information."

<Sniped & BBM - Read More>
On the night that Morgan disappeared, JM was a taxi driver. Also, the owners of Anchorage Farm were out of the country on a cruise. Perhaps, JM drove them to the airport? Or, he knew that nobody was on the premises at that time.

Most likely JM did wear a headlamp since he knew there was nobody around to see him--since the Bass family was on vacation. On that night there was no moon because it was raining in Charlottesville.

I've often wondered why Lt. Rader said that the murderer of Morgan returned to that spot at times of extreme stress. It makes me wonder if JM would return to the scene of the crime and absent mindedly discard his cigarette butts around MH's remains?!? He thought her body was so well hidden that she'd never be found.

I think you're wording is a little misleading. We know that in the time frame of Morgan's disappearance that JM had his taxi license, however, we don't know for certain that he was driving a taxi on that particular night. Just a clarification, so that people don't assume that it has been confirmed that JM was in fact driving a taxi that night.
I had not heard/read anything about the Bass family being on a cruise during the time of Morgan's disappearance - do you remember where you heard/read that info? I've not been able to find anything with a Google search.

Killers will sometimes return to the scene of their crimes for psychological or physiological release/comfort. The reminder of their crimes is euphoric - it can become an obsession to recreate that feeling, much like a drug addict.
I think you're wording is a little misleading. We know that in the time frame of Morgan's disappearance that JM had his taxi license, however, we don't know for certain that he was driving a taxi on that particular night. Just a clarification, so that people don't assume that it has been confirmed that JM was in fact driving a taxi that night.
I had not heard/read anything about the Bass family being on a cruise during the time of Morgan's disappearance - do you remember where you heard/read that info? I've not been able to find anything with a Google search.

Killers will sometimes return to the scene of their crimes for psychological or physiological release/comfort. The reminder of their crimes is euphoric - it can become an obsession to recreate that feeling, much like a drug addict.

Actually, in one of the latest news reports, where they spoke with the taxi company, they stated that he was driving a taxi that night, so she's accurate in her wording.
Here's the link to the video where it was stated that he was driving a taxi the night MH disappeared...
Just wanted to say that I hope where ever they are searching/looking that they do so with the wind in their favor. Living in the area and having access to a large piece of property I was out and about the other day and happened to see and watch vultures in the air circling and landing down at the point where the field meets the pasture, (fence line/tree line)knowing the cattle were on the other side I sorta knew what to expect. As I walked up to the spot the vultures of course left and I could see it was a dead cow. I was standing less then 20 feet from it, I could see and hear the flies, leg was sticking out body was bloated. I did not smell a thing. The wind was coming from behind me. I hope that in their searches that they are paying attention to the wind as they an area. jmo idk
Quote Originally Posted by PennyPenny View Post
Re: News coverage volume for different cases. One tool for this type of query is Google Trends for Search. Google keeps track of what topics are trending and how much online news coverage each topic gets.

Visit this link to see the comparison for "Hannah Graham" and "Alexis Murphy"

Many times article links will age off a few months after a case goes to trial or grows cold. They can usually, but not always be located via archives of the msm source for a price.. Makes it difficult when sleuthing old cases sometimes where a msm link is TOS...
I dreamed twice now that Hannah was found on 10/25/14....I wake up right after the date so i am clueless as to where or her condition....and I keep waking up with Ellie, Elah, Alli or alley with wood on my mind like Elliewood or something. I AM NOT PHYSIC but have had accurate dreams before....can anyone put something together with any of that? Like maybe a county, farm or road maybe because I am clueless lol
On Friday, Sept 19,2014, JM was "allegedly" in Woodstock, Va. with the Covenant School Football Team.

There's been video on news reports showing him coaching on the sidelines.
The sprawling farm in Albemarle County, dubbed Anchorage Farm, was searched by police in the disappearance last month of University of Virginia student Hannah Graham. While Bass claims it’s unlikely the 18-year-old sophomore is there, he said his property and the many other farms surrounding it cannot be ruled out.

"Is there a place somewhere where we haven't been? I mean, of course," Bass said of the search for Graham, who was last seen Sept. 13 after leaving a party in Charlottesville.
"It takes a long time to see these things in rural places," Bass told FoxNews.com, noting that his farm consists of open fields as well as heavily wooded areas, ravines and a small mountain. "Morgan went missing in October. It took me till January to find her. Most of southern Albemarle is like my farm."
OT....Emaa, I must be loosing my mind because I just tried to squash the bug on your profile pic lol
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