Hannah Graham: The Search - #3

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THIS is so promising. Thank you for being here, Gilamon. Amazing.[emoji291] [emoji292] [emoji293]

So if it took an ATV to get their due to very difficult terrain, JM drove HG there in his Chevy Coupe?
And THAT is why LE needs to talk to anyone who has had anything to do with him, regardless of how little. He told someone undoubtedly, that someone just might not realize it.

I spoke with a woman out of the blue the other day whose mother had had JM be the one to take her in a wheelchair out to her car when she was released from the hospital. He talked about his pitbull.

The poor pitiful pitbull. Did you guys see that picture somewhere? He looks sad himself.

Wouldn't surprise me if there's not dog fighting in these parts. I know there's chicken fighting.

well a Pitbull is loyal animal, they go where the owner goes in private times. My best guess to get that dogs scent. I understand dogs can smell each others urine and territory. No one would ever suspect a dog :)
How do we know he doesn't have friend to borrow a truck or van? JMO

I would think that would be a huge break in the case given what we know about where HM was found, so with all due respect, I think LE would have been all over that weeks ago.
How do we know he doesn't have friend to borrow a truck or van? JMO

Also, maybe he stole a vehicle? or ATV?

Also, maybe he had access to some offroad/all terrain vehicle via his family's excavating business?
For some reason, I just don't think he worried about his cell phone, only hers. I think he turned her phone off so that its location couldn't be tracked, but I doubt he was that careful about his own phone. He had been drinking that night and therefore more likely to be careless, and IMO, he had no reason to think he would ever be a suspect. I don't think he had any idea he would be on video surveillance. I believe he thought the fact that she was at the downtown mall, and last seen with him would never have come to light. I think he tried to enforce that even more by sending a text from her phone saying she was near the college campus before he took off with her. I believe he got sloppy because he had gotten away with so much before, and was never a suspect in MH's murder, despite living in Charlottesville and having gotten away (at that point) with it. I also think his drinking that night factored into his sloppiness, and I think and hope this was his big costly mistake. JMO.
I could be wrong, but I read Gilamon's post as saying the terrain would be difficult to cross without an ATV from Gilamon's property. But there is a much easier access point from a neighbor's drive, which they will be pursuing tomorrow. Meaning, JM could've driven up the neighbor's private road and easily accessed the rough terrain area by foot.
I would think that would be a huge break in the case given what we know about where HM was found, so with all due respect, I think LE would have been all over that weeks ago.

Perhaps they are.

We didn't know they'd seized his taxi for two weeks. That might have given them soil and vegetation samples, etc. itself.
If the phone was off, and someone called him, would it still ping? I think I remember reading that you can be tracked if your battery is still in there, right? I recall hearing stories about LE turning on the microphones on people's phones to monitor them and it working as long as the battery was still in...

Wlets not talk about that too deeply because you never now who reading. Let put put it this way, battery or not, broken or solid. a phone it can be found and tracked in any location or sub location.. That's what they are made for. :)
I really hate to say this, but I would expect that a serial killer would use two "sites" - one to murder the victim and the other to dispose of the evidence. You'd think that the phone would be at the former location, unless it was a spur-of-the-moment thing (more unlikely to be a serial killer, then).

If he's the Fairfax perp, I don't think he would. She was "beaten bloody" within moments of the attack. Too messy to travel. (Praying family and friends aren't here.)
Why would this place mean so much to him?

If this may have been the place he returns to?
I am now retired, but my former profession with the County/State licensed me to be on private property within a specific county. Technically speaking, if the property owner objected after I arrived at their property I would need to leave and return after obtaining a warrant. Practically speaking, 99.9% of the property owners had no problem simply agreeing to allow me on their property. I am in CA, so the laws may be different in other states. LE may simply take their chance at showing up somewhere and receiving permission from the owner.

My question had to do with how long it takes to get a warrant for cell phone records. It has been ruled That LE must get a warrant.

But as a poster up above posted, maybe it takes this long to get the cell phone info figured out.
It's now 4 weeks since Hannah Graham disappeared. A person doesn't simply disappear.

If you are reading this and know JLM, please find it in your heart and soul to let law enforcement know anything. Even if you think it's nothing, it may help.

I just took my little diabetic pup to do her nightly break before turning in. She depends on me for twice daily insulin shots. Did you see Hannah's picture with her family? She has a pup, too. This pup is expecting to see her at Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is a pup who instinctively knows something is amiss. Not only does a family need to be reunited with Hannah, but so does a pup.

Maybe you are helping take care of Popcorn. Are you reading this? Maybe you are. Please do the right thing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. How would you feel if your best friend didn't know where you were? Our dogs are truly our best friends. They know. Oh do they know when something is wrong and we are missing. Their little hearts and souls simply know. It's truly hard on all members of a family. Thank you for telling LE anything you know. You can phone in and email anonymously.
If he's the Fairfax perp, I don't think he would. She was "beaten bloody" within moments of the attack. Too messy to travel. (Praying family and friends aren't here.)

I agree, I think he's more impulsive and takes his victim right to the site he rapes and murders them at. Although I do believe he is a serial rapist and murderer, I don't think he is as calculating as some give him credit for. I think it's more a matter of impulse, urges, and opportunity, along with timing (the fall season). I think the more he got away with, the cockier he got, and sloppier he got. I can see him taking trophies. But I can't really imagine he was that calculated other than having learned of some really remote locations to dump a body, which were likely known to him just by growing up in Charlottesville and driving a taxi. I don't see him raping at one site, moving the body to another, then going back to visit and/or possibly move the body again, or leave clues to taunt the police, etc. I think he did his despicable crimes and then tried to distance himself and try to rationalize what he did and pretend it didn't happen. JMO.
It's now 4 weeks since Hannah Graham disappeared. A person doesn't simply disappear.

If you are reading this and know JLM, please find it in your heart and soul to let law enforcement know anything. Even if you think it's nothing, it may help.

I just took my little diabetic pup to do her nightly break before turning in. She depends on me for twice daily insulin shots. Did you see Hannah's picture with her family? She has a pup, too. This pup is expecting to see her at Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is a pup who instinctively knows something is amiss. Not only does a family need to be reunited with Hannah, but so does a pup.

Maybe you are helping take care of Popcorn. Are you reading this? Maybe you are. Please do the right thing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. How would you feel if your best friend didn't know where you were? Our dogs are truly our best friends. They know. Oh do they know when something is wrong and we are missing. Their little hearts and souls simply know. It's truly hard on all members of a family. Thank you for telling LE anything you know. You can phone in and email anonymously.

Bless you whiskers for being a great pup parent and caring for your special doggie!! :heart:

Thank you. I feel he used a truck or van JMO. From my honest opinion, I don't see perp walking such a distance through such a field. Although I will say, dry hay is very easy to crunch with your body and feet. It's not like a swamp. Easy to walk through.

I just walked through waist high grass and it was easy. But hubby blazed the trail so maybe it is harder?

For me it is all of the uneven terrain that is hard. And how about the fact it probably was at night?
I really do wonder if he had some sort of external gps device...as a cab driver he would be very familiar with this...

Seems the chances of him being lost are small, so for his phone to ping, it would have had to have been any other reason depending on the time.
My question had to do with how long it takes to get a warrant for cell phone records. It has been ruled That LE must get a warrant.

But as a poster up above posted, maybe it takes this long to get the cell phone info figured out.

To get ?or request? to get all phone record up to 30-90days. Now that does not mean wait 30-90 days fully. Anything up to that.
One thing that's odd though, say he turned his phone on as a red herring, why would he do it right by where MH was found? I mean that looks bad...unless he was taunting LE...but, he wouldn't have known he was on their radar...argh, circular post, lol

Someone put her shirt on a bush in plain view months later....
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