Hannah Graham: The Search

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I was thinking of another idea for searching that I haven't seen mentioned. Does anyone know if they have checked any abandoned mines or caves in the vicinity?

I thought of this as well but if JM really is a serial killer as everyone now suspects, I think he will stick with what he knows and HG sadly will be found in a similar manner to MH.
By his yearbook photo it says he was was a member of the "Outdoor Club" all four years in high school.

The police should try to check all the places they went as well as similar sorts of places. Also find out what they learned. Did they hike? Learn navigation skills ? Etc
A couple of thoughts, but no information to back them up: There seems to be very little info on MH and how she ended up on that farm. Does LE believe she was transported to the farm location where she was found at some point after she was murdered? It sounds super morbid, but I'd look into storage facilities with car size storage. Along those lines, in the HG case, I wonder if it is possible the perp had a separate vehicle which might have been used (such as a vehcile which appeared to be a taxi or a even an old pick up truck with a cover over the bed).
By his yearbook photo it says he was was a member of the "Outdoor Club" all four years in high school.

The police should try to check all the places they went as well as similar sorts of places. Also find out what they learned. Did they hike? Learn navigation skills ? Etc

Heathery you should call this tip in! This is a really good idea.
The thing that worries me about Dashad is I believe he was transsexual, not transgender (even though the media refers to him as transgender). If he willingly went with big teddy bear, teddy bear was in for enough of a surprise that it would have caused that rage. So, I'm not ready to rule him out yet.

And if we find a there is a link with AM, and that there were cohorts working together in any way, that makes it even more likely.

I see your point. To me it's obvious in pics that D is genetically male, but just because it's obvious to me doesn't mean it would be to everyone. And that type of discovery could definitely provoke rage.

Edited to add that I think Dashad was a very attractive person dressed as either gender. When I say it's obvious to me in pics it's not because he didn't make a nice looking female! I've seen some men who just can't look like a woman no matter how hard they try!
A couple of thoughts, but no information to back them up: There seems to be very little info on MH and how she ended up on that farm. Does LE believe she was transported to the farm location where she was found at some point after she was murdered? It sounds super morbid, but I'd look into storage facilities with car size storage. Along those lines, in the HG case, I wonder if it is possible the perp had a separate vehicle which might have been used (such as a vehcile which appeared to be a taxi or a even an old pick up truck with a cover over the bed).

Doesn't sound morbid - good point.
Something doesn't make sense in that on the one hand he seems careless - letting himself be ID's as a last person to be with HG; yet no one sees him abduct her, nor is there any surveillance showing him after that with her. So, did he have help? Had a plan in advance?
I thought of this as well but if JM really is a serial killer as everyone now suspects, I think he will stick with what he knows and HG sadly will be found in a similar manner to MH.

But Morgan found, and soon enough to yield DNA so he may have changed his chosen area or type of body disposal, i.e to burial, or in water, etc. jmo
Doesn't sound morbid - good point.
Something doesn't make sense in that on the one hand he seems careless - letting himself be ID's as a last person to be with HG; yet no one sees him abduct her, nor is there any surveillance showing him after that with her. So, did he have help? Had a plan in advance?

I was also wondering the same thing. Now that we know what a sicko JM is, my perspective has shifted. He's no amateur. He's a pro killer/psycho. Now I wouldn't put it past him to have walked up to HG and inject her with some kind of drug right then and there. Bold but for a sicko like JM, I wouldn't put it past him. I noticed there was an alleyway right behind Tempo. I wouldn't put it past him to have left her there incapacitated while he went back to Tempo and purchased drinks.

Alternatively, he may not have used drugs. He didn't seem to have needed them in the past and clearly can't control his temper/impulses. He could have walked with HG and told her they could go to his car and instead could have choked/murdered her right in that alleyway and left her body there. He would then go back into Tempo, order drinks and leave. Maybe he's strong enough to drag HG body in such a way that it looks like she's just leaning on him. Perhaps that is what the door person at Tempo saw?

Another thing. Since JM can't control himself, I would have imagined he would immediately take HG to a grassy area first. And then drive her body away. In this scenario, the body would be in the trunk. Maybe that's why no one saw her get in his car. He took her to a grassy area and then returned with his car to dispose of her body...
From this evening, recently updated: thorough

"BRMRG offers trainings twice a week. One training is a lecture and one involves outdoors application, including land navigation, packaging a patient and semi-technical rescue. The group also participates in additional training, including the two-weekend Ground Search and Rescue College run by the state."

The Searchers

Concerned Corvette enthusiasts

8 minute segment, from the Richmond news, below

ABC national segment. Eh, no mention of search or tips.

The amazingly effective Mrs. Harrington, if ever there was an avenging angel

Students React

So much for thinkers' pie in the sky thoughts. Not a peep about anything that would make a difference
I just sent them an email . . . hopefully they don't think I'm a nut job!

Im sure they appreciate the tip Heathery. I was a little nervous when I called in with the tip about the rock quarries all along 250 leading into C-Ville bu they thanked me and seemed genuinely appreciative.
"Gray Wolf Distribution
Although this species once ranged throughout most of North America and Mexico, it is now fairly rare in the United States with most of the indiviuals found in Alaska. There are still small populations in Isle Royale National Park and areas bordering Lake Superior as well as in parts of the Rocky Mountaiins and Cascade-Sierra Nevada Mountains. This species used to occur throughout Virginia, but is now considered extirpated from the state."


" Coyote Distribution
Occurrence throughout the state is attributed to the steady eastward migration of this species, which is due to the elimination of other large carnivores, such as red wolves, from their former ranges in the east and to coyotes being highly opportunistic feeders and thus are highly adaptable to many habitats. An individual male was shot in Floyd County May, 1983. One was trapped in Tazewell County. Coyote complaints (1983-1984) were made in Bland, Rockingham, and Washington Counties, but no animals were shot or trapped. They build their dens in brushy areas or forests but hunt in primarily fields and meadows. Although the species is highly adaptable, it prefers hilly terrain which may be open or may contain brush."

Yes to the yotes, they are all over and they are a problem. We have noticed a decline in the rabbits here, hearing them just about every night. There are bobcat and bears, have found skeleton of bobcat and tracks of a bear but not seen.
I see your point. To me it's obvious in pics that D is genetically male, but just because it's obvious to me doesn't mean it would be to everyone. And that type of discovery could definitely provoke rage.

Edited to add that I think Dashad was a very attractive person dressed as either gender. When I say it's obvious to me in pics it's not because he didn't make a nice looking female! I've seen some men who just can't look like a woman no matter how hard they try!

I agree. It's very obvious he's male even when he was dressed as a female. Maybe it's not as obvious to men? Unless you're a man. :) My point is I'm more detail oriented when it comes to how women look whereas my husband could only tell you the basics like if they were wearing dark or light clothes.

I can easily imagine a violent response to someone being surprised by this discovery. Sad.
Meditating on this case it occurred to me that JM may be a closet gay/bi-sexual. On the DL as black men like to call it.... it would explain the rage against women, a love/hate relationship. jmo

"Down-low is an African American slang term[1] that refers to a subculture of men who usually identify as heterosexual, but who have sex with men; some avoid sharing this information even if they have female sexual partner(s)." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down-low_(sexual_slang)
That seems to be a recent death, out in the open, no sign of foul play. Likely accident, natural or suicide... jmo
Sexual crimes are committed by sexual deviants. We all know that rape is not about sex, it;s about power and control. Poor Morgan suffered, many of her bones were broken. JM is a powerful man, football, wrestling, he KNOWS how to hurt people. What did the girls in the bar say? He threw them over his shoulders, both of them at the same time?? That is an example of showing control.... he can treat people like toys. He did the same thing to a man in a bar and injured him, slamming him to the ground and using wrestling moves to pop his hamstring. He knows how to incapacitate someone quickly and efficiently. "He was very aggressive that night, more than usual.." Jus' sayin...
I agree. It's very obvious he's male even when he was dressed as a female. Maybe it's not as obvious to men? Unless you're a man. :) My point is I'm more detail oriented when it comes to how women look whereas my husband could only tell you the basics like if they were wearing dark or light clothes.

I can easily imagine a violent response to someone being surprised by this discovery. Sad.

Transgender people are living a high risk lifestyle. They often put themselves in dangerous circumstances because their very nature can be deemed deceptive... "Crying Game" syndrome can lead to real rage and often murder.
A couple of thoughts, but no information to back them up: There seems to be very little info on MH and how she ended up on that farm. Does LE believe she was transported to the farm location where she was found at some point after she was murdered? It sounds super morbid, but I'd look into storage facilities with car size storage. Along those lines, in the HG case, I wonder if it is possible the perp had a separate vehicle which might have been used (such as a vehcile which appeared to be a taxi or a even an old pick up truck with a cover over the bed).

I was wondering this as well. Did LE think that this was the "first dump" site for MH? Or even only? Like was she raped and beaten there, or near by and then dumped there, or did he do the dirty deeds and kill her elsewhere and then dump her there, and is it possible he stored her for a time before moving the body there?

JM was driving a cab those days and MH was in need of a ride. Very easy to have lured her into his car or cab, with a friendly demeanor and offer to drive her where ever she wanted to go. Where he went from there, made his assault are all of question. JM seems very immediate, so looking at how he tends to react, I'd think he'd have done everyhting in a fell swoop which would mean the body was there for several months undiscovered, if my guess is right. :pure guess, by the way. And not found till then. That doesn't bode well for Hannah. It's not a though finding dumped bodies is that easy.
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