Has the case fizzled a bit?

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They can spin that all they want. The coroner has a different story and was ready to release the body and they wanted him to hold it so they could use it to get the R's to talk.

It is a MSM article from the archives. The coroner is the one who is quoted and did the interview. IT is not a second hand account.

the DA is "spinning" now? :facepalm:

yet, he too "is... one who is quoted and did the interview" and did not provide a "second hand account".

it's extremely biased, hypocritical and non-sensical to accept the word of the coroner under these conditions but dismiss AH's comment under those same conditions.
And this means what??

Lin Wood is good at what he does. He stays within the law and if he is your atty you have a pit bull working for you.
So he may not be a likable guy. He is not getting paid to be liked.


I agree with this
Hey,I would hire him too if I were in trouble.

I have one other question though...why do you think did the Ramsey lawyers pay a visit to FW to check out what he knows dec 26?why was this a priority?did it have to do anything with trying to catch the "intruder"?
I just wanted to add something so that people don't get me wrong....I was bashed by many because I always said that Johnnie Cochran was brilliant and did a great job during the OJ trial.Many read that as me defending OJ.NOPE.I think he did it BUT IMO the prosecution screwed up BIG time and he had indeed a dream team IMO,their timeline was much better and they were better prepared.I won't hate a lawyer just because his client is guilty.I know that this is what he's paid for,it's his job.That's why I never hated LW,yeah,he's annoying sometimes but aren't all defence lawyers sometimes...I don't like him,I don't dislike him,I just don't care much about it.I DO blame on the other hand experts hired by defence lawyers when they come up with ridiculous theories only for the money,but that's a different story IMO.
the DA is "spinning" now? :facepalm:

yet, he too "is... one who is quoted and did the interview" and did not provide a "second hand account".

it's extremely biased, hypocritical and non-sensical to accept the word of the coroner under these conditions but dismiss AH's comment under those same conditions.

His is in answer to the Allegation of wanting the Coroner to hold the body longer. Did you expect him to say.. ": Sure we did that! "

I didn't.
I agree with this
Hey,I would hire him too if I were in trouble.

I have one other question though...why do you think did the Ramsey lawyers pay a visit to FW to check out what he knows dec 26?why was this a priority?did it have to do anything with trying to catch the "intruder"?

Since I was not there, My guess would be to gather as many details as possible since he was with JR when little JBR was found? Nothing but speculation but seems logical to me.
Since I was not there, My guess would be to gather as many details as possible since he was with JR when little JBR was found? Nothing but speculation but seems logical to me.

So they were eager to find out who did this but on the other hand they were too exhausted and upset to help the cops?Doesn't make any sense to me and this is one of those huge red flags that turned me into a RDI.If it was an intruder why were FW's observations crucial,so crucial that it couldn't wait?It was their atty's problem,to go check what FW observed that morning during his trip to the basement and this to me means they were scared of what he knows>>>RDI.If IDI it makes no sense to start with FW since the R's themselves pointed fingers at LHP and someone from JR's office?
So they were eager to find out who did this but on the other hand they were too exhausted and upset to help the cops?Doesn't make any sense to me and this is one of those huge red flags that turned me into a RDI.If it was an intruder why were FW's observations crucial,so crucial that it couldn't wait?It was their atty's problem,to go check what FW observed that morning during his trip to the basement and this to me means they were scared of what he knows>>>RDI.If IDI it makes no sense to start with FW since the R's themselves pointed fingers at LHP and someone from JR's office?

What? You asked about why the ATTORNEYS wanted to visit with FW not the Ramseys.

IDI makes perfect sense if you point at those two because they are not family members and it would be in fact IDI.

I am sure they just wanted to know what he remembered of that day and what happened. I don't see any weird thing about it. ON its face it is just not odd.
What? You asked about why the ATTORNEYS wanted to visit with FW not the Ramseys.

And there is a strong communication between attorneys and their clients,no?the right hand knows what the left one's doing in this case.so ,why would an atty do the following if his client's innocent: 1.advise them not to co-operate with LE 2.instantly pay a visit to a crucial witness ,a witness who observed crucial things regarding the client's behavior and actions (not the intruder,the clients)
if they knew/thought their clients are innocent wouldn't they have first made a list of people who might have done this?no,they went straight to the one who could have put John Ramsey in trouble by telling what he saw when JB was found.
And there is a strong communication between attorneys and their clients,no?the right hand knows what the left one's doing in this case.so ,why would an atty do the following if his client's innocent: 1.advise them not to co-operate with LE 2.instantly pay a visit to a crucial witness ,a witness who observed crucial things regarding the client's behavior and actions (not the intruder,the clients)
if they knew/thought their clients are innocent wouldn't they have first made a list of people who might have done this?no,they went straight to the one who could have put John Ramsey in trouble by telling what he saw when JB was found.

I have to respectfully disagree. The attorneys couldn't very well make a list of people who could have done it, as they had absolutely no idea who could have done it, other than one of the Ramseys.

Advice not to speak to the police w/o an attorney present (e.g. to not cooperate) is good advice.

Once on the job, FW is a logical person to go to, as he was present when the body was "found" and getting to him quickly while his memory is fresh makes good sense. Also it's good strategy to get his "statements" down before the police do. If he tells the police something different that fact can be useful in court.

What suspicious is not that the lawyers and private investigators are out doing an excellent job, but rather that they are already on the job the day the body is "found".
And there is a strong communication between attorneys and their clients,no?the right hand knows what the left one's doing in this case.so ,why would an atty do the following if his client's innocent: 1.advise them not to co-operate with LE 2.instantly pay a visit to a crucial witness ,a witness who observed crucial things regarding the client's behavior and actions (not the intruder,the clients)
if they knew/thought their clients are innocent wouldn't they have first made a list of people who might have done this?no,they went straight to the one who could have put John Ramsey in trouble by telling what he saw when JB was found.

Not always. The Attys do not always explain everything especially in crisis.
That is just speculation.

No. They would not make a list. What would be the point. Most likely They were just trying to find out what happened and get first hand accounts.
What? You asked about why the ATTORNEYS wanted to visit with FW not the Ramseys.

IDI makes perfect sense if you point at those two because they are not family members and it would be in fact IDI.

I am sure they just wanted to know what he remembered of that day and what happened. I don't see any weird thing about it. ON its face it is just not odd.

It was way too early in the investigation for lawyers other than the DA to be asking questions of any potential witness. Another flag.
It was way too early in the investigation for lawyers other than the DA to be asking questions of any potential witness. Another flag.

That is not a flag. That is an atty looking out for his client. What he is being paid to do. Step in and take the reigns while the family grieves. To not let things that are important slip past.

If they hadn't done it it could have been something that caused issues later. There is no flag with this. Just an attorney decision to be diligent
That is not a flag. That is an atty looking out for his client. What he is being paid to do. Step in and take the reigns while the family grieves. To not let things that are important slip past.

If they hadn't done it it could have been something that caused issues later. There is no flag with this. Just an attorney decision to be diligent

BBM You are stating as fact something that's just your opinion. Isn't that what you're always accusing RDI of doing?

I have to agree with 2 percent & Venom that it is a red flag IMO. I believe it was an attempt to find out exactly what FW could say that would incriminate JR.
BBM You are stating as fact something that's just your opinion. Isn't that what you're always accusing RDI of doing?

I have to agree with 2 percent & Venom that it is a red flag IMO. I believe it was an attempt to find out exactly what FW could say that would incriminate JR.

No. It is not a flag. It is the attorney who has been hired doing what he thinks should be done to get the best representation for his client. He is being diligent and learning facts first hand. Nothing flaggy about that. No more than the R's retaining counsel to help them navigate what would happen next.

No more than all the victims that hire Gloria Allred on their behalf to represent them and counsel them even if she is not going to court for them.
Since I was not there, My guess would be to gather as many details as possible since he was with JR when little JBR was found? Nothing but speculation but seems logical to me.

I agree with you Scarlett as a possible initial response from the defense attorney.

However, the defense dropped the Whites like hot potatoes when it looked like the information the defense gathered might not be in the Ramseys best interests. Not to mention, the Ramseys then strongly suggested that Fleet and Priscilla White should be considered suspects. Seems like a double standard to me ... what was good for the Whites was good for the Ramseys.
I agree with you on this Scarlett as the possible initial response from the defense attorney.

However, the defense dropped the Whites like hot potatoes when it looked like the information the defense gathered might not be in the Ramseys best interests. Not to mention, the Ramseys then strongly suggested that Fleet and Priscilla White should be considered suspects. Seems like a double standard to me ... what was good for the Whites was good for the Ramseys.

But we do not know what happened behind the scenes. If My dd was murdered in my home, After I ran out of suspects I would be looking at everyone, even those close to me. I just don't think it is odd or out of place. AS I understand it FW turned away from the R's first.
What? You asked about why the ATTORNEYS wanted to visit with FW not the Ramseys.

IDI makes perfect sense if you point at those two because they are not family members and it would be in fact IDI.

I am sure they just wanted to know what he remembered of that day and what happened. I don't see any weird thing about it. ON its face it is just not odd.

You do know that the Ramseys left the Whites and delivered gifts to several people before going home don't you? And that the Whites had over-night guests at their house and how stupid would a person be to try and sneak out and back in while entertaining and drive to their friend's house to kill their daughter and get back to the party undetected.

When people have parties people can be all over and you would never miss them. You would just think they were somewhere else.

I never said that I think it was FW I am just saying that I can see them starting to look at everyone they think could have had any access and starting to wonder.

I think this would be normal under the circumstances.
You do know that the Ramseys left the Whites and delivered gifts to several people before going home don't you? And that the Whites had over-night guests at their house and how stupid would a person be to try and sneak out and back in while entertaining and drive to their friend's house to kill their daughter and get back to the party undetected.


Its a cogent theory. The bottom line is where is the evidence , e.g. forensic evidence?

No evidence probably means its a non-starter despite IDI hopes and aspirations.

IDI promoters have the evidence barrier to climb, their own ignorance and adherance to Ramsey values blinds them to the evidence vacuum.


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