Has the search been called off

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No, I meant that if anything was going on I'm sure the helicopters would hover over the area. I didn't mean that I actually saw any.

Boy....are we all on pins and needles or what!!!!!
no. someone here said that on the press conference when TM and the Sheriff was talking that the group of searchers were crying.

Perhaps they were crying simply because they didn't want to give up searching? I mean, doesn't everyone feel a bit like crying right this minute?
The area we searched did have an access road so to speak. It wasn't paved but you could see that there were car tire tracks. It was actually the back entrance of a new apartment complex.

The leaders had told us to look for an area that had easy access and low visibility and this met both of those.

Halleyscomet~give your husband a big hug from grt.grandma!! We can pray she is found soon the innocent baby. Nore
Last September, TES helped with the recovery of Naomi Arnette's remains.
That search was called off mid afternoon. In that case, a coroner was called to the discovery location. I just don't see TM lying about the reason for it being canceled. If there are adverse conditions, I think he would put the volunteers well being first.

That's a good point, but maybe, because of the massive amounts of searchers--they are saying this only to prevent leaks. Maybe a couple of LE are "guarding the area" and the coroner is coming once all the searchers are gone.
when the conditions are better and the water starts to dry out, they will be back to complete the search and be able to "close off" areas where they have searched where they know she IS NOT. TM is speaking, everyone is crying and now the sheriff is about to speak, but the live feed on the conference keeps going in and out.

here is where i saw it
Thank you so much for the update. I will pray all day for the hope that they found something, and justice will be served.. Thanks for helping...(hugggs)
I'm awfully proud of my hubby. He had part of his lung removed 10 weeks ago due to cancer and he's been out there too.

(((halleyscomet)))..........your hubby is certainly one to be proud of!
ok dumb question, If they did find precious little Caylee. Wouldn't they not be able to release the info to all the serchers where the family isn't involved?Even though it is there own choice , I would think they would be notefied first.
Just wishful thinking, but something to think about.
A post from a searcher:
Well, we were sent home about an hour ago. Y'all probably know by now that the search has been suspended.

When we were told to go home we were SO excited! (Not that you can be happy about the discovery of a child's dead body.) But we thought the search was over and justice would be served.

However, we were simply told that "the search was too dangerous to continue."

Yes, it was hotter than heck but the humidity was actually lower than usual (for Florida). The bugs were out in full force but that was "business as usual" too.

Yesterday, at least three people needed medical attention due to heat stroke. I don't know how many people needed medical attention today. (If any.)

We asked if the more physically fit among us could continue to search but we were denied. Let's face it... there are a lot of very nice, very well meaning people (civilians) searching who might not be in the best possible physical condition.

I am going to take a shower and wash off ten pounds of bug spray. I just thought I would post a factual update from someone who was there. (Not that they gave us that much information.)


I still believe they may have found something.

TYVM for the update. We all appreciate it.
oh no - I go outside for a while and now this - I was hoping something had een found!
It wasn't me searching. I found that post on another website.
I am enjoying the AC in Louisiana since I finally got power back.
A post from a searcher:
Well, we were sent home about an hour ago. Y'all probably know by now that the search has been suspended.

When we were told to go home we were SO excited! (Not that you can be happy about the discovery of a child's dead body.) But we thought the search was over and justice would be served.

However, we were simply told that "the search was too dangerous to continue."

Yes, it was hotter than heck but the humidity was actually lower than usual (for Florida). The bugs were out in full force but that was "business as usual" too.

Yesterday, at least three people needed medical attention due to heat stroke. I don't know how many people needed medical attention today. (If any.)

We asked if the more physically fit among us could continue to search but we were denied. Let's face it... there are a lot of very nice, very well meaning people (civilians) searching who might not be in the best possible physical condition.

I am going to take a shower and wash off ten pounds of bug spray. I just thought I would post a factual update from someone who was there. (Not that they gave us that much information.)


I still believe they may have found something.

God bless you for searching!
Perhaps they were crying simply because they didn't want to give up searching? I mean, doesn't everyone feel a bit like crying right this minute?

When I watched the news conference earlier, TM's assistant (the lady with the brunette hair), and a blond haired woman standing right behind her, had tears rolling down their cheeks, and were dabbing at their eyes with kleenex... they were not "out and out" bawling, just silently "weeping"
no. someone here said that on the press conference when TM and the Sheriff was talking that the group of searchers were crying.
It's not actually about the quote, and off topic, but I wanted to say that I really felt my heart "ker-thud" when I seen the photo in your signature ~ Bittersweet ~ It is more appropriate to think of "Caylee" this way instead of what has been going through my head this week. Thanks.
Tim explaining why search temporarily called off: http://www.cfnews13.com/MediaPlayer...ay_090720080850&cat=Local&title=Caylee Search Click on link at the top right of page.

Thanks. It sounds like he was honestly saying he did not want to search an area and clear it as having been searched when due to wet areas they might have missed something. He made an excellent point and I did not feel he had any other reason to call off the search. He made it clear it is only temporary.

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