HCPD contacts Florida LE about skeletal remains that were found

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Because I'm crazy and curious, I talked my hubby into helping me with this. I'm the same weight as Heather but I'm 5'3 and Heather is 5'1. Against his will...I had my hubby wrap me in my robe,2 curtains,(not sure how many curtains were used) and a sheet. Curled into a ball..he could not get me into a regular tall kitchen bag. If that is what was used, the remains must not have been in one piece. [emoji20] We then tried the big bags that we use for yard work and leaves. I fit into that bag and had plenty of room.[emoji20] Hubby would not take a pic as he was creeped out and honestly, it was depressing. Hope this helps answer some questions. I'm so sorry for this person. It's an awful end to someone's life.

You are a true sleuther!
Cant say I blame your hubby for not taking pics of that - that would give me nightmares.
Because I'm crazy and curious, I talked my hubby into helping me with this. I'm the same weight as Heather but I'm 5'3 and Heather is 5'1. Against his will...I had my hubby wrap me in my robe,2 curtains,(not sure how many curtains were used) and a sheet. Curled into a ball..he could not get me into a regular tall kitchen bag. If that is what was used, the remains must not have been in one piece. [emoji20] We then tried the big bags that we use for yard work and leaves. I fit into that bag and had plenty of room.[emoji20] Hubby would not take a pic as he was creeped out and honestly, it was depressing. Hope this helps answer some questions. I'm so sorry for this person. It's an awful end to someone's life.
I want to thumbs up this for the great sleuthing, but I don't want to just because of how horrible it is that there are needs for that kind of investigation. It makes me sad for this person and every other person whose precious body was bagged up like garbage. It hurts my heart. But still, great sleuthing, Motherof5. Go hug your hubs, I bet that was hard.
Because I'm crazy and curious, I talked my hubby into helping me with this. I'm the same weight as Heather but I'm 5'3 and Heather is 5'1. Against his will...I had my hubby wrap me in my robe,2 curtains,(not sure how many curtains were used) and a sheet. Curled into a ball..he could not get me into a regular tall kitchen bag. If that is what was used, the remains must not have been in one piece. [emoji20] We then tried the big bags that we use for yard work and leaves. I fit into that bag and had plenty of room.[emoji20] Hubby would not take a pic as he was creeped out and honestly, it was depressing. Hope this helps answer some questions. I'm so sorry for this person. It's an awful end to someone's life.


Because I'm crazy and curious, I talked my hubby into helping me with this. I'm the same weight as Heather but I'm 5'3 and Heather is 5'1. Against his will...I had my hubby wrap me in my robe,2 curtains,(not sure how many curtains were used) and a sheet. Curled into a ball..he could not get me into a regular tall kitchen bag. If that is what was used, the remains must not have been in one piece. [emoji20] We then tried the big bags that we use for yard work and leaves. I fit into that bag and had plenty of room.[emoji20] Hubby would not take a pic as he was creeped out and honestly, it was depressing. Hope this helps answer some questions. I'm so sorry for this person. It's an awful end to someone's life.

Memories during the Jodi trial that WS'ers were dragging their nekkid hubbies across bathroom floors and reporting back to us all. Don't feel bad, we didn't get any photos during those trials either :drumroll:
Hello everyone,
I just joined and this is my very first post. I've been on websleuths since day one of Heather's disapperance. I don't think law enforcement was following them as well, for I've lived here in MB for 23 years and live about 6 minutes from Peachtree Landing and I can tell ya, we don't have enough law enforcement to monitor and follow anyone 24/7, sad as it sounds. This sad situation has been creepy from the beginning as it's right here to close to home. And has gotten weirder by the second, minute, day, months. I never knew Heather, but since this all started, I feel like she's family and I've been suspicious of the pics of the Moorer's firepit they had in their yard. I wonder if and gosh knows I hope not, but if she was put in the firepit and all that was left was bones. Then after realizing that they had to dispose evidence, they then disposed her in FL. I was going to school to become a nurse, but after following this sad situation, Im more interested in forensics. I recently just had my finance take me by Peachtree Landing so that I could see the beautiful garden that was built in Heather's memory. Let me tell you....as soon as I stepped out of the truck, as I was there to say a prayer for Heather....I felt the chills and a odd feeling, so I hoped back into my finances truck and we left. Very cold, dark, and scary feeling.
One of the more persistent rumor/speculation about Heather is that they did do something like that to her remains.

Here's the other thing I'm starting to wonder: what if Heather wasn't the first?

Somewhere way back in my post history I found they were in town for both Britnee and Amber. Based on her Disboard posts.
I was thinking the same thing if the remains were wrapped in a bathroom wouldn't blood or dna be on it? If so can't they use that to identify the victim?

Sounds to me as if decomp could have truly been accelerated chemically, also making them hard to identify and the skeletal remains could then be taken or cut apart, and wrapped in a "bunch of clothes" , put into a standard garbage bag and discarded not thinking anyone would open a dirty clothes bag : but that road side crew would just pick / up take to a landfill. The choice of material to wrap up the bones could be because the victims blood or dna was on them.
Hello everyone,
I just joined and this is my very first post. I've been on websleuths since day one of Heather's disapperance. I don't think law enforcement was following them as well, for I've lived here in MB for 23 years and live about 6 minutes from Peachtree Landing and I can tell ya, we don't have enough law enforcement to monitor and follow anyone 24/7, sad as it sounds. This sad situation has been creepy from the beginning as it's right here to close to home. And has gotten weirder by the second, minute, day, months. I never knew Heather, but since this all started, I feel like she's family and I've been suspicious of the pics of the Moorer's firepit they had in their yard. I wonder if and gosh knows I hope not, but if she was put in the firepit and all that was left was bones. Then after realizing that they had to dispose evidence, they then disposed her in FL. I was going to school to become a nurse, but after following this sad situation, Im more interested in forensics. I recently just had my finance take me by Peachtree Landing so that I could see the beautiful garden that was built in Heather's memory. Let me tell you....as soon as I stepped out of the truck, as I was there to say a prayer for Heather....I felt the chills and a odd feeling, so I hoped back into my finances truck and we left. Very cold, dark, and scary feeling.

I got that same vibe u20jshaw when i went there in June to see the garden. I felt really uncomfortable there. We ( my friend and I) both felt compelled to leave after just a minute.
I was just thinking that it could possibly be that the victim in the trash bag could have possibly been wrapped in sheets and curtains to prevent the victim from being able to free herself, and then put into a trashbag, to cause the victim to smother or suffocate inside of a plastic bag. Speculation only.
I got that same vibe u20jshaw when i went there in June to see the garden. I felt really uncomfortable there. We ( my friend and I) both felt compelled to leave after just a minute.

I know that feeling too. When I visited Gettysburg battlefield, I was overwhelmed. If people haven't ever experienced it, it is very hard to describe to someone. It is an eery experience for sure.
Should we go down and volunteer to help? I know a few of us could use a road trip! Do we have the link(s) to the pictures of the inside of the camper? I know it was months ago and I can't remember if the pictures were posted or saved anywhere but I'm curious if any of the pics have bedsheets in them. I don't think it is too far fetched that HE would throw on a (pink) robe to run out at 3am to pick up her ex "boyfriend" (barf) who says he recently left his wife (barf again). She was probably thinking they would both BRB so why bother getting dressed. I could be wrong (obviously) if the FL remains aren't HE but if it is that makes the most sense to me as far as the clothing. In other news, I hate to think the entire body wasn't in the bag like the guy who found them stated he wasn't sure it was an entire body. :( That is the worst.

I was thinking the same thing that Heather could have not planned on leaving anymore for the rest of the evening and maybe was ready for bed so she may have just thrown on a robe.

Also, the "curtains" could have been "shower curtains" which repel water + fluids. So the perp(s) may have decided to use a shower curtain to prevent any leakage of body fluids when transporting.

I sadly hope this ends up being her so the family can have a proper burial.
It was stated in a news article her date that night said something like she was tired and he didn't think she planned to go back out, and time wise she left in a hurry after the four minute call to the M's for the landing per phone times, so she could have been in her robe.
Heather tweeted,on March 25th,that she needed to be in Florida and couldn't stand the distance. If you read her other tweets you'll see that she was talking about missing her friend. Anyway,TM gave one "interview" and I cannot post it here. It was all lies anyway but one thing(lie) that she said just occurred to me. She was asked what she and SM thought had happened to Heather and her answer was...We think she ran away. So we have remains found in Florida,near the M's travel route to Florida. We also have Heather tweeting that she needs to be in Florida and the M's saying that they think she "ran away".....IF this is Heather,maybe it was supposed to "look like" she ran away to Florida and was killed there.
Hello everyone,
I just joined and this is my very first post. I've been on websleuths since day one of Heather's disapperance. I don't think law enforcement was following them as well, for I've lived here in MB for 23 years and live about 6 minutes from Peachtree Landing and I can tell ya, we don't have enough law enforcement to monitor and follow anyone 24/7, sad as it sounds. This sad situation has been creepy from the beginning as it's right here to close to home. And has gotten weirder by the second, minute, day, months. I never knew Heather, but since this all started, I feel like she's family and I've been suspicious of the pics of the Moorer's firepit they had in their yard. I wonder if and gosh knows I hope not, but if she was put in the firepit and all that was left was bones. Then after realizing that they had to dispose evidence, they then disposed her in FL. I was going to school to become a nurse, but after following this sad situation, Im more interested in forensics. I recently just had my finance take me by Peachtree Landing so that I could see the beautiful garden that was built in Heather's memory. Let me tell you....as soon as I stepped out of the truck, as I was there to say a prayer for Heather....I felt the chills and a odd feeling, so I hoped back into my finances truck and we left. Very cold, dark, and scary feeling.

Keep those great posts coming.....we like your style!

Heather tweeted,on March 25th,that she needed to be in Florida and couldn't stand the distance. If you read her other tweets you'll see that she was talking about missing her friend. Anyway,TM gave one "interview" and I cannot post it here. It was all lies anyway but one thing(lie) that she said just occurred to me. She was asked what she and SM thought had happened to Heather and her answer was...We think she ran away. So we have remains found in Florida,near the M's travel route to Florida. We also have Heather tweeting that she needs to be in Florida and the M's saying that they think she "ran away".....IF this is Heather,maybe it was supposed to "look like" she ran away to Florida and was killed there.

Very good thinking! *snipped by me b/c I think it was a hoax screenshot* so I think like you stated they were planning ahead for what their story would be if the remains were found. They can say she ran away to FL and must have gotten murdered there. JMO of course!
Very good thinking! *snipped by me b/c I think it was a hoax screenshot* so I think like you stated they were planning ahead for what their story would be if the remains were found. They can say she ran away to FL and must have gotten murdered there. JMO of course!

2 great posts motherof5 & lstiff! lstiff I read your post before it was snipped and I remember reading about the money thing. I'm not sure where but I do believe TM made a big deal about HE wanting money. Anyway, when you tie that together with what motherof5 posted that makes a lot of sense. It sounds exactly like a story that TM would throw out there. Wasn't there a tweet by HE about wishing she had money to go to some destination (can't remember the location but it was out of the US). I'm sure TM was using all of HE's social media to come up with what she thinks is a plausible story of what happened to HE.
Hello everyone,
I just joined and this is my very first post. I've been on websleuths since day one of Heather's disapperance. I don't think law enforcement was following them as well, for I've lived here in MB for 23 years and live about 6 minutes from Peachtree Landing and I can tell ya, we don't have enough law enforcement to monitor and follow anyone 24/7, sad as it sounds. This sad situation has been creepy from the beginning as it's right here to close to home. And has gotten weirder by the second, minute, day, months. I never knew Heather, but since this all started, I feel like she's family and I've been suspicious of the pics of the Moorer's firepit they had in their yard. I wonder if and gosh knows I hope not, but if she was put in the firepit and all that was left was bones. Then after realizing that they had to dispose evidence, they then disposed her in FL. I was going to school to become a nurse, but after following this sad situation, Im more interested in forensics. I recently just had my finance take me by Peachtree Landing so that I could see the beautiful garden that was built in Heather's memory. Let me tell you....as soon as I stepped out of the truck, as I was there to say a prayer for Heather....I felt the chills and a odd feeling, so I hoped back into my finances truck and we left. Very cold, dark, and scary feeling.

<BBM for Focus>
Welcome to the HE thread and the websleuths' family, u20jshaw. Great first post and food for thought.. Time and time again, imo
predators are brought down by their innocent victims, even after their death.. There is a spiritual connection involved in the battle between good and evil, imo. Imo, to dismiss this spiritual phenomenon contributes to many predators longevity, prevents the discovery of many victims remains, and prolongs justice for everyone concerned..
U20jshaw, many of us on ws have experienced the evil aura residue that you describe after getting out of your fiance's truck, This aura is often left in the wake of a heinous crime of homicide such as the Heather Elvis murder.

Great Read;

Between Good and Evil is Roger L. Depue&#8217;s look back at a life spent apprehending criminals, especially predators/serial killers, first as a small-town police chief, then an FBI-SWAT team member, Behavioral Sciences Unit chief, and a developer of revolutionary law enforcement programs.

The book also examines Depue&#8217;s experience studying with the Brothers of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles in an attempt to discover why a good person like his wife, whom he had lost to cancer, is allowed to die while monstrous criminals get to live.
Following his time in the clergy, Depue returned to law-enforcement and today heads one of the world&#8217;s most elite think tanks; 'The Academy'..

My job has been to try to stop human predators before they kill again, and after studying them so closely over so many years, to me their traits seem clearly recognizable.
Evil is more than a vague notion. It is an entity, and it is manifest on the earth. It has reflexes and intuition, senses vulnerability, and changes its form to adapt to its surroundings. Those who do not believe the Devil walks this earth have not seen the things that I have seen.

Evil is not a discrete entity that springs forth fully formed. It is born in the mind, takes root there as fantasy, and prospers when normal human restraint can no longer contain it. I have seen it devour the personalities of men like Richard Speck, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy, turning them into blank-faced sociopaths who clearly know right from wrong, but choose, time and again, to follow their own base urges, with complete disregard for the terrible human suffering they cause.

I believe that every act of homicide causes a slight unbalancing in the world, and that it diminishes life&#8217;s universal equation. In the interest of justice, it is imperative that someone try to right that imbalance. But the task of fighting evil can take a terrible toll on the people who are charged with it. It can cost them their families, their equilibrium, their capacity for joy.
<sniped - read more>

Quote Originally Posted by primitivefuture View Post
Am I tripping or does that fire pit have a charred Mickey Mouse in it?

"My work has given me a profound respect for what humans suffer at the hands of evil, and a particular sensitivity for what its victims endure. During every investigation that I participate in, there is always an invisible observer at my shoulder, whose presence I never forget. Regardless of the circumstances of a case, I am always giving voice to its silent victim.

What must this young girl&#8217;s final minutes have been like? Did she cry out while he was repeatedly stabbing her, or keep silent, breathing like a wounded animal, watching for the next glint of a blade? Did her thoughts turn to her parents in those final seconds, when she was overwhelmed by the deepest loneliness she had ever known? Did she experience a dissociative response, the sense of drifting upward and watching her own death as if from above? Or did she sink mercifully into unconsciousness, and feel nothing as her life ebbed away"? quote by Roger L Depue....

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