Heart Shaped Sticker And Duct Tape #2

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But I think of it this way...when you have a sticker and reuse it...the sticker loses a lot of the adhesive where it was stuck the first time or would not stick if it had lint from say a shirt on it. Would that adhesive retain enough on the back of that sticker to fill in the shape to be seen on the duct tape?
there is no lingering love and a heartfelt sticker.

if anything Casey prob made herself feel better by putting a sticker on there..there...see it's not ugly, it has a heart on it....ok...so thats over with...time to go to Target and have a couple beers. that was really gross...I need new bras.
Pretty much. Only didn't she just trot off to Blockbuster later to mug it up with AL?
Macushla: While it is possible, I would say the chances are very slim that it wasn't taken directly off the sheet and placed on the duct tape due to the shape of the adhesive being visible to LE.

Txsvicki: If there was a hole, the adhesive would not be present at all. I don't think that theory is plausible. She also could have easily used a rag against the nose instead of dripping it in a little hole. Casey is about convenience.

You're probably right, but I just keep thinking about the computer searches with inhalants being one of them, and LE taking the sprayers and the thing with the silver tubing. I can't help but think of something being done as if anesthesizing with household objects and the heart sticker used as some type of marker or like a dr. gives a child after a visit.
I see Casey as having a very short fuse "the last jailhouse video" is evident of that. I can see her screaming at Caylee to shut up, she wanted to silence her. She was confronted for the last time about the stolen money from grandparents. She was leaving that house and the last thing she wanted or needed was this child that her mother idolized crying and screaming to go home.She was not about to leave her there with Cindy because that is what Cindy wanted and Casey was not going to give Cindy what she wanted. She is a very selfish person and I believe she killed her in a fit of rage. To me the heart was her way of saying that she loved her, but she didn't want her and she wasn't going to give her to Cindy either.
I see the night unfolding very differently. After the fight, KC left in a rage without Caylee. IMO, Caylee would already be tucked in and asleep after a long day with her greatgrandparents. The fight occurs and KC in a rage leaves to go to TL's. CA is shocked and angry at the gall of KC to leave and go somewhere for the night without Caylee after she had just confronted her about her irresponsibily towards her child (among other things). She calls KC and says something to the effect of "Get back to this house immediately; you have a child to take care of" "How dare you just leave and assume I'm going to babysit" KC comes back because she knows she can't take Caylee to Tony's for the night. She is now enraged that CA insisted she return to the house. She goes to her room angry at her mom, angry at having to be home for Caylee and just snaps. Caylee suffered as a result of this. I can see CA feeling guilty about calling KC home when she began to realize what really happened that night. The lie about the fight begins, GA acts as if she left the next morning with Caylee and all was fine, etc.
I just can't see KC leaving with Caylee, killing her and then returning to the house. Unless she went to Lee's, she was home that night. I don't think it happened the next day either. The thing that I can't reconcile with my theory is the alleged witness that saw KC pacing at a motel that night. Unless that's where KC was when CA called and demanded her return to the house.
I feel like Ive had an "AHA!" moment after this sticker business came out, because now those pictures with the red balloon hearts make sense to me........it was a clue, but no one figured it out until the sticker was found on her mouth, kinda like "They will never know a clue is staring them in the face" her own "secret"......except that they found Caylee and the sticker and can now pin point who placed it there....haha on YOU CASEY!
I see the night unfolding very differently. After the fight, KC left in a rage without Caylee. IMO, Caylee would already be tucked in and asleep after a long day with her greatgrandparents. The fight occurs and KC in a rage leaves to go to TL's. CA is shocked and angry at the gall of KC to leave and go somewhere for the night without Caylee after she had just confronted her about her irresponsibily towards her child (among other things). She calls KC and says something to the effect of "Get back to this house immediately; you have a child to take care of" "How dare you just leave and assume I'm going to babysit" KC comes back because she knows she can't take Caylee to Tony's for the night. She is now enraged that CA insisted she return to the house. She goes to her room angry at her mom, angry at having to be home for Caylee and just snaps. Caylee suffered as a result of this. I can see CA feeling guilty about calling KC home when she began to realize what really happened that night. The lie about the fight begins, GA acts as if she left the next morning with Caylee and all was fine, etc.
I just can't see KC leaving with Caylee, killing her and then returning to the house. Unless she went to Lee's, she was home that night. I don't think it happened the next day either. The thing that I can't reconcile with my theory is the alleged witness that saw KC pacing at a motel that night. Unless that's where KC was when CA called and demanded her return to the house.

Do you happen to remember more about the witness that saw casey pacing at a hotel - I am not remembering that?
LP stated in an interview on HNN that KC was seen in the parking lot of a hotel at 1:50 a.m. on the morning of June 16, 2008 pacing and talking on her cell phone but with no baby in the car and no baby in her arms.


I am really curious what witness would remember Casey more than a month later (when it made the news) so specifically that they remember the time.

And not a rounded off time, at 1:50am. George saw at her at 12:50pm. Very specific times.
The phone records indicate that she was home Sun night and Monday morning.
Im actually confused with this new doc dump. I understood KC is a psychopath with a totally lack of emotion the rest of us feel. She didnt love or care about Caylee.
Caylees Blanket, toy and even the sticker (heart shaped sticker on the mouth, ie kiss goodbye) gives the impression that KC actually cared about Caylee.
I just dont find that plausible if KC is a psychopath.

I see the blanket as just something used to wrap her up in. She had to wrap her in something can't be seen with a dead child, the toy might have evidence on it from when she killed Caylee. the sticker is not out of any kind of love. She is a sociopath and an evil one at that.
Thinking on the sticker over tape..........CAYLEE might of told CA and Papa something disturbing that kc did to her. Then CA and kc had that huge fight! KC was so angry at Caylee that kc decided to shut Caylee up forever, but put a heart on tape to 'forgive Caylee' remember a sociopath (KC) thinks Kc is the victim and the victim (CAYLEE) made them do this! I remember kc saying to forgive who ever did this (zanni) IMO

good post. Someone else could just have easily killed Caylee to keep her from telling KC or anyone else what he or she had done to her. But I don't think any abuse had been ongoing, simply because Caylee did not show any signs of abuse before the disappearance. The tape left on the mouth and the manner of disposal, even with the heart, seems to me like it could certainly fit in with a pedophile murder, but just as easily with a straightforward execution type of murder either to pay KC back for something or to silence Caylee or KC about anything. If KC had killed Caylee, I think she would have removed the tape to make the death appear more like it could have been an accident.
I had to look this up because it was really bugging me (as an old ranch girl who has seen a few dug-up animal bodies and fairly certain that hair is attached to a scalp not a skull).

After reading the following, I knew I had been correct, sooo...me thinks the evidence hair was attached to the duct tape in the skull area and that a previous poster nailed it when she/he thought the duct tape was probably wrapped around her head more than once.

I googled: 'forensic anthropology' skeleton hair scalp death....and found this...


Thank you. That's very cool!
good post. Someone else could just have easily killed Caylee to keep her from telling KC or anyone else what he or she had done to her. But I don't think any abuse had been ongoing, simply because Caylee did not show any signs of abuse before the disappearance. The tape left on the mouth and the manner of disposal, even with the heart, seems to me like it could certainly fit in with a pedophile murder, but just as easily with a straightforward execution type of murder either to pay KC back for something or to silence Caylee or KC about anything. If KC had killed Caylee, I think she would have removed the tape to make the death appear more like it could have been an accident.

Removing the tape would likely rip off sensitive baby skin, and it would rip the hair out or be stuck enough that scissors would have to be used, both of which would leave evidence. For that matter, it's possible she TRIED to take the tape off while Caylee was alive, but realized how much damage it would do and decided to kill her at THAT point, rather than have to explain the damage it to anyone or have someone ask Caylee what had happened.
The detective on Headline News yesterday (not Mike that other guy who wears suspenders whose name escapes me now), thought that since the heart sticker was found that KC may have had an accomplice because he cant picture Casey putting the heart and the blanket etc. He said it would be someone that cared, and kC doesnt care about Caylee, just herself.
I couldnt believe it, and I disagree with him. I think no random person would put a heart sticker or blanket. To me this proves even MORE KC did it ALONE.

ITA! :mad:
The heart on the outside of the duct tape is very incongruous with any of the current theories.
1. If a kidnapping was staged by KC with duct tape placed postmortem, then it would definitely not make sense for KC to put the heart on the outside.
2. If the duct tape was placed premortem, (and one believes Caylee's death was accidental or non-premeditated) then one would think that the duct tape would be removed prior to burying the body. The tape would have incriminating evidence, prints, etc, AND one would assume that any accident would also involve an attempt to revive the child--hence removal of the tape.
3. If the duct tape was placed premortum and the child's murder was premeditated by KC, she would have more likely skipped town after abandoning the car and purse. This premeditated theory would also require a much better plan for after the murder, and a better effort to dispose of the body.

Don't all yell at me at once but....is it even remotely possible that
1. KC got involved in a scheme that was a minor crime and ended up witnessing or inadvertently participating in an event that would get her in serious trouble (for example an accidental murder during a theft where KC was supposed to distract or bait the male victim ). KC had left Caylee with some of these people for "safe keeping" while she and others committed the initial crime. Once they covered up the initial crime, lots of partying etc took place and perhaps the second part of the crime is occurring (for example blackmail of some guy) during that time. The blackjack phone is used exclusively for the crime planning etc and so was "lost." Meanwhile KC is under the impression that Caylee is being cared for by the "friends." The "friends" are supposed to bring Caylee back after KCs part in the crime or cover up is complete. The friends never do bring Caylee back and KC begins to worry. KC finds the decomposing body in her car trunk after noticing a persistant odor. She panics and puts the body in the wooded area after placing the heart sticker over the tape. She avoids parents etc due to her complicity in the original crime. CA calls the police and KC is arrested. The "friends" have killed Caylee and framed KC.

Alternately she could have hired someone "a friend" to stage a kidnapping of Caylee in order to get attention from her parents. The kidnapping may have gone bad and the rest an effort to cover her tracks.

OK I know it is far fetched but so are all of the theories involving KC. Anyone here think maybe a piece of this could be accurate? The heart sticker just tells me we are missing something big here. There are too many bizarre pieces to this puzzle that even KC couldn't have planned.
Red Hearts everywhere, stickers on pictures, then on duct tape and then I saw this......

Back Window!!!!!!!!

The heart on the outside of the duct tape is very incongruous with any of the current theories.
1. If a kidnapping was staged by KC with duct tape placed postmortem, then it would definitely not make sense for KC to put the heart on the outside.
2. If the duct tape was placed premortem, (and one believes Caylee's death was accidental or non-premeditated) then one would think that the duct tape would be removed prior to burying the body. The tape would have incriminating evidence, prints, etc, AND one would assume that any accident would also involve an attempt to revive the child--hence removal of the tape.
3. If the duct tape was placed premortum and the child's murder was premeditated by KC, she would have more likely skipped town after abandoning the car and purse. This premeditated theory would also require a much better plan for after the murder, and a better effort to dispose of the body.

Don't all yell at me at once but....is it even remotely possible that
1. KC got involved in a scheme that was a minor crime and ended up witnessing or inadvertently participating in an event that would get her in serious trouble (for example an accidental murder during a theft where KC was supposed to distract or bait the male victim ). KC had left Caylee with some of these people for "safe keeping" while she and others committed the initial crime. Once they covered up the initial crime, lots of partying etc took place and perhaps the second part of the crime is occurring (for example blackmail of some guy) during that time. The blackjack phone is used exclusively for the crime planning etc and so was "lost." Meanwhile KC is under the impression that Caylee is being cared for by the "friends." The "friends" are supposed to bring Caylee back after KCs part in the crime or cover up is complete. The friends never do bring Caylee back and KC begins to worry. KC finds the decomposing body in her car trunk after noticing a persistant odor. She panics and puts the body in the wooded area after placing the heart sticker over the tape. She avoids parents etc due to her complicity in the original crime. CA calls the police and KC is arrested. The "friends" have killed Caylee and framed KC.

Alternately she could have hired someone "a friend" to stage a kidnapping of Caylee in order to get attention from her parents. The kidnapping may have gone bad and the rest an effort to cover her tracks.

OK I know it is far fetched but so are all of the theories involving KC. Anyone here think maybe a piece of this could be accurate? The heart sticker just tells me we are missing something big here. There are too many bizarre pieces to this puzzle that even KC couldn't have planned.
Welcome to WS's, are you a fiction writer?
I see the blanket as just something used to wrap her up in. She had to wrap her in something can't be seen with a dead child, the toy might have evidence on it from when she killed Caylee. the sticker is not out of any kind of love. She is a sociopath and an evil one at that.

Good points about the practical aspect of the items at the scene. Certainly possible. I agree that the heart sticker was placed by the killer out of hate, not out of love, whoever the killer was. Of course the blanket and other items could easily have been obtained at the same time that someone took Caylee, for example, if KC was taken from the car, a person could have gathered up the blanket and other items along with her out of the car, likewise from any apartment she was in, from a bag of Caylee's or KC's items, whatever.
Baby teeth...I should've caught on to that. My bad.
Hi Info,I read on the BodyFarm site they can pick up on drugs by the hair and teeth if they have been given a few times rather than just once.By marks sometimes present on little Angels face I'd say they were.I am expecting it in her hair and they have it! Take care.
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