Heart-Shaped Sticker On Tape Over Caylee's Mouth

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I think that she probably applied the duct tape (as I am sure that she had done before) to keep her quiet. I think that she probably had ALWAYS used stickers as a way of "rewarding" Caylee, for not removing the tape. KC..."Caylee, I am going to put this pretty sticker on this tape. Don't remove the tape, or you will also remove the sticker. " Or, "I am going to put this pretty sticker on here, but...if I hear you crying or anything, I am going to remove it". I could just imagine her doing and saying that.

i believe casey would do that, but i'm not sure she could do that. not more than once anyway (the last time) if that tape stayed adhered to caylee's hair all those months then i think it's strong, like the kind i have and taking it off would cause hair loss, maybe even a little skin in a child so young as caylee. it would also leave a completely unexplainable red mark. i mean a big oblong, straight edged red mark, not something akin to a rash that could ever be blamed on a sippy cup. that's if it's as strong as it seems to be.
i believe casey would do that, but i'm not sure she could do that. not more than once anyway (the last time) if that tape stayed adhered to caylee's hair all those months then i think it's strong, like the kind i have and taking it off would cause hair loss, maybe even a little skin in a child. it would also leave a completely unexplainable red mark. i mean a big oblong, straight edged red mark, not something akin to a rash that could ever be blamed on a sippy cup. that's if it's as strong as it seems to be.

I know your right! I believe that the tape was placed after death with no intentions of being removed. Just to make it look like a kidnapping and I think the heart was placed a while after the tape was placed, not at the same time though
If this was an accident, then KC will need to admit to an accident, which she's never done. There is no tape of her saying this is an accident, no written statement. When the police gave her that option, she ABSOLUTELY denied it...on tape. George and Cindy have gone on record as saying that she would have called for help if they're been an accident. There is no clear indication of an accident, and most of the parents and others on a jury would expect accident victims to be burried or cremated after 9-1-1 was called and a memorial service held rather than double-bagged and thrown out by the road followed by 31 days of sex, parties and a bizzare tale of kidnapping. If the prosecution won't do a deal, she'll have to take the stand to tell her story, to make the jury understand...because no matter what Baez and any other lawyer says or infers or tries to make the jury believe, if what happened to Caylee was truly an accident, why wouldn't KC just have said so to the police? And why wouldn't she take the stand and say what happened herself? The jury will want to hear it from her lips. I'd bet Obama's presidency that anything short of a direct explanation from KC wouldn't fly. Yet, putting her on the stand could get her lynched because she will not be a sympathetic witness and she'll have to be cross examined for days during which every lie she ever told will come out. She looks better than she talks, expecially when people know how she is and understand her daughter ended up.
And I am 100% sure that the picture of Caylee surrounded by many Mr. PotatoHead figures makes me especially sorrowful.
It is said to look at this picture and I can imagine how especially sad it makes you.
You know I keep thinking about this, and you just don't decorate duct tape that was put on someone to kill them; unless you are just insane. I use stickers in some of my artwork, I know why I am using them, but to put myself in her shoes; I can't. I think; and this is only a thought, that she used the chloroform to up her under, so she wouldn't fight her, then used the tape to end her life. I think she would have been in a state of shock and sort of out of it and just put a sticker there, like a final kiss good-bye. I can't imagine how else she would do this. They had to be at the house where Caylee's stickers would be and her toys and blanket and things. I try to run thought this in my head and ya know, it just doesn't add up, yet I know she did this. :eek:
Inherent in your assumption KC put the touching heart and Winnie the Pooh blanket with Caylee's deceased body and that these acts indicate exculpatory evidence of an unintended death would be the underlying facts that KC was with Caylee when Caylee died and that KC did it but it was unintended. Of course, that doesn't fit with the Nanny kidnapping story that KC clings to.

True. But the jury is free to consider all options.

It's intuitively obvious that the heart and Winnie the Pooh carriy a connotation of care and concern and love, not malice.

Given all the evidence that we knew about before the revelation of the heart and Winnie the Pooh blanket, I don't see how prosecutors can prove that Caylee died from an act that included malice.

I highly suspect this is why prosecutors did not charge Casey with murder two. For murder two specifically focuses on the element of malice. I'm sure prosecutors do not want jurors to focus on that element. So they skipped murder two (not unwise) in their indictment and dropped down to a manslaughter charge.
But, there is proof that a dead body was in KC's car....NOT the invisble nanny's.

Exactly. The defense can raise reasonable doubt that someone else could have commited this crime. But I'm sure the jury, like most of here, is gonna want to know.....WHO did this then? If the defense can't show that, then the jury isn't going to by it.
Exactly!! What's funny, is KC told her mom that police haven't even given her pictures of suspects (Zanaida Gonzolezes), to look at. WELL duh...of course they are not going to just hand her over some pictures, for her to point at one and say..."Ummm, yeah, yeah...that's her...she's the one".

Exactly, and if Zanny was as KC said she was, she would have lived, worked, walked, talked, driven, bought groceries, dated, breathed some place in Orlando for at least a couple of years. She didn't commute from Miami or New York all night to babysit with Caylee during the day at random parks and apartment complexes in Orlando. If KC can't produce one location where Zanny ever was in Orlando that the police can verify, or come up with one person besides KC who ever saw or talked to Zanny who the police can talk to, the police (or the public and eventually the jury) have nowhere to put Zanny but in KC's big box of lies.

If a person gives A, B, and C as the only proof of D when there is no other proof of D, and A proves to be a lie, and B proves to be a lie and C proves to be a lie, then A, B, and C have proven D to be a lie as well. The defense would be insane to go there, perhaps even moreso than their client. The duct tape is an even bigger problem. And a heart shapped sticker? Don't think it helps.
Regarding the clothes that were found with the remains...Didn't KC make a comment about Caylee's clothes not being found yet? I wonder if the blue shirt and white shorts Caylee is seen wearing in the video on the 15th are accounted for. If not, then my guess would be that she died wearing those clothes and KC disposed of them at another location and redressed Caylee in something else.

I don't think it's possible to keep duct-taping someone's skin without removing the skin when it's taken off. And the fact that it was wrapped around her hair, imo, also indicates that this was the only time, otherwise the baby would have patches of hair missing and this would have been noticeable.

With this new evidence, I believe that CA and GA were probably in on it. CA giving the hairbrush with mixed hair, probably replacing the Winnie the Pooh blanket and washing it every day to make it look not brand new, and GA saying that he saw KC and Caylee on the 16th. This would also explain CA's odd behavior in the Greta interview when GA was speaking of seeing them both on the 16th.
True. But the jury is free to consider all options.

It's intuitively obvious that the heart and Winnie the Pooh carriy a connotation of care and concern and love, not malice.

Given all the evidence that we knew about before the revelation of the heart and Winnie the Pooh blanket, I don't see how prosecutors can prove that Caylee died from an act that included malice.

I highly suspect this is why prosecutors did not charge Casey with murder two. For murder two specifically focuses on the element of malice. I'm sure prosecutors do not want jurors to focus on that element. So they skipped murder two (not unwise) in their indictment and dropped down to a manslaughter charge.

I don't find that to be intuitively obvious at all. In fact I find it to be a stretch. Being wrapped in the Pooh blanket to me indicates it was near her when she died. The sticker could be indicative of a twisted sense of humor, sociopaths are not known for their ability to communicate their feelings. The blanket and the laundry hamper bag indicate to me that she died in the house and left in those items. Convenience, not care. The fact that the items are "cute" is logical since they belonged to a TWO YEAR OLD.
True. But the jury is free to consider all options.

It's intuitively obvious that the heart and Winnie the Pooh carriy a connotation of care and concern and love, not malice.

Given all the evidence that we knew about before the revelation of the heart and Winnie the Pooh blanket, I don't see how prosecutors can prove that Caylee died from an act that included malice.

I highly suspect this is why prosecutors did not charge Casey with murder two. For murder two specifically focuses on the element of malice. I'm sure prosecutors do not want jurors to focus on that element. So they skipped murder two (not unwise) in their indictment and dropped down to a manslaughter charge.

I just thought that malice meant someone had intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse. In this case, I think it would be easy to prove malice (I know, here we go again discussing the malice aforethought idea!). I think we also need to keep in mind the possibility that she tossed the blanket in the laundry bag to cover the body or because it possibly had evidence. Or, if people are going with the theory that Caylee died in the trunk of the car, maybe she gave the blanket to the baby to sleep on or something. Of course we all have our own opinions, but mine is that the presence of the sticker and blanket do nothing to prove Casey disposed of Caylee in a loving or caring way.
I don't find that to be intuitively obvious at all. In fact I find it to be a stretch. Being wrapped in the Pooh blanket to me indicates it was near her when she died. The sticker could be indicative of a twisted sense of humor, sociopaths are not known for their ability to communicate their feelings. The blanket and the laundry hamper bag indicate to me that she died in the house and left in those items. Convenience, not care. The fact that the items are "cute" is logical since they belonged to a TWO YEAR OLD.

How can prosecutors reasonably argue that the heart and Winnie the Pooh even suggests malice?
Hello Scandi,

No. We do not know the cause of death or the mechanism of death or the circumstances surrouning her death. To project that the tape was the cause of Caylee's death would be assuming facts not in evidence. In other words, it would be speculation. The judge should not allow prosecutors to even argue such.

On the other hand, the heart and Winnie the Pooh blanket is evidence that works against malice, not for it.


Not if the blanket was gotten rid of along with the body because evidence is on it. I'm reminded of Lori Hacking. Her husband shot her in cold blood while she was in bed. Wrapped her up in the bloody bedding she was laying on, then drove her to a dumpster and disposed of her like trash. That was a malicious act to get rid of evidence along with Lori.
I don't find that to be intuitively obvious at all. In fact I find it to be a stretch. Being wrapped in the Pooh blanket to me indicates it was near her when she died. The sticker could be indicative of a twisted sense of humor, sociopaths are not known for their ability to communicate their feelings. The blanket and the laundry hamper bag indicate to me that she died in the house and left in those items. Convenience, not care. The fact that the items are "cute" is logical since they belonged to a TWO YEAR OLD.

ITA The blanket and laundry hamper bag were readily available. KC is basically a very lazy girl. As for the heart shaped sticker - it's application was sinister rather than sweet.
How can prosecutors reasonably argue that the heart and Winnie the Pooh even suggests malice?

I don't think the heart and Winnie the Pooh will prove the malice. However, the web searches, chloroform in the trunk of the car, etc. will prove the malice side of things.
I just thought that malice meant someone had intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse. In this case, I think it would be easy to prove malice (I know, here we go again discussing the malice aforethought idea!). I think we also need to keep in mind the possibility that she tossed the blanket in the laundry bag to cover the body or because it possibly had evidence. Or, if people are going with the theory that Caylee died in the trunk of the car, maybe she gave the blanket to the baby to sleep on or something. Of course we all have our own opinions, but mine is that the presence of the sticker and blanket do nothing to prove Casey disposed of Caylee in a loving or caring way.

No. Malice is a distinct element that is separate from intent. You can intend to kill someone without malice.
True. But the jury is free to consider all options.

It's intuitively obvious that the heart and Winnie the Pooh carriy a connotation of care and concern and love, not malice.

Given all the evidence that we knew about before the revelation of the heart and Winnie the Pooh blanket, I don't see how prosecutors can prove that Caylee died from an act that included malice.

I highly suspect this is why prosecutors did not charge Casey with murder two. For murder two specifically focuses on the element of malice. I'm sure prosecutors do not want jurors to focus on that element. So they skipped murder two (not unwise) in their indictment and dropped down to a manslaughter charge.

What about "depraved heart murder," Wudge? Callous disregard of human life. If no death resulted it would be called reckless endangerment. If death is the result--second degree murder by Florida law?
Pardon if this has been mentioned before...but, casey reminds me of a love sick teen ...not a grown woman...I hope LE mentioned to her numerous boyfriends this sticker...I can just see her writing a "love" note to one of them maybe in the past and attaching or sealing the note with a sticker ....
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