Henry Lee as a Defense Expert *Merged*

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My only question is WHO is paying for Dr. Lee's services?

SERIOUSLY.....how much money could KC possibly have?

Between the A's, LP and now Dr. Lee this is turning into a circus side show........its really sad.....

So Dr. Lee is going to help the defense argue that all the forensic evidence from the car is flawed and therefore it should not be used to try to convict KC?

I can't imagine that Dr. Lee really believes that the forensic evidence from the car is wrong.....no matter what they pay him to say in court.
This man's credibility will be destroyed in court. YAY!!!!

I don't get it. The defense/the A's complain about media coverage, but yet hire every media wh*re "expert" they can get their hands on. Does it make JB feel like more of a "high profile lawyer"? is this about his ego?


Here are links to two different articles that explain what went on in the Spector case that led Judge Fidler to declare that Henry Lee had hidden or destroyed evidence.

Edited to add: The prosecuter from LA who tried the case is Alan Jackson. He is the one who sent the request for detailed transcripts to the university where Lee obtained his PhD. His requests were being ignored the last I remember and then Lee left the US for an extended stay in China and was "unavailable to testify" in the case, so the matter was dropped as far as any news coverage.

But I wonder if Prosecutor Alan Jackson of the LA Prosecutor's office ever did get a response to his repeated inquiries?
This is interesting. Haven't heard from Dr. Lee since Sarah Caplan (one of phil spector's defense attorneys) essentially accused him of messing with evidence in the Phil Spector case. BTW, he was working for Spector at the time. Dr. Lee said the accusation would ruin him and it did. Other than the car, what forensics could there be?? I thought Caylee was alive and well and being sighted all over the place????
I like Dr. Lee in spite of the Spector case. He is entertaining and I still believe he knows more about forensic science than most in his field. However, will he help the defense in this case? Not a chance.
As far as the bad check charges go, my friends daughter was involved in a ring of identitiy theft, she had twice as many charges as Casey and she was sentenced to 18 months. It all has to do with the charges running concurrent or not.

I am sure she will get convicted in the murder trial. If not then I will lose all faith in our judicial system forever.

Yeah.. I agree! I have mentioned before that I doubt she would get any real time for the checks. I had some check and credit card charges in my old life and all I got was time added to my probation. They didn't even violate my probation.
hmmm, I'm not liking this news. Have to say that it is a good move on the part of the defense. It just may come down to the defense trying to disprove the air sample decomposition theory. If no body is found, and they try to disprove that by having all the well=known scientists on their side, it may become a problem.
I either have to change my selection of threads to read, or change the order I read them, because I am getting very disgusted.

Dr. Lee has now been inserted about 3 people below Cindy on my list of the most irritating people in this case.
Lee lost a lot of credibility with the Peterson case. I'm sure the reporters will bring that up. I wouldn't be too concerned. I'd like to know if Dr. Baden turned them down? I'd be much more concerned it it were him. JMO

Totally agree. I love Baden so I would have had a hard time holding a grudge!

I think it's great. If we can just get Mark Geragos to handle the defense, a conviction will be asuured.
Didn't he lose some credibility with the P. Specter case as well? Something about a missing vial?

I'm guessing no one else is calling him. ??
Yes he did and got a good slap down by the Judge! :D I'd hope if the defense in this case does use him, the DA will bring that up during cross exam.
Totally agree. I love Baden so I would have had a hard time holding a grudge!

Baden was also a hired gun on the Spector case. While the state's experts all stated that Lana Clarkson suffered what amounted to an internal decapitation, Michael Baden took the stand and in an aha moment (violated the rules of discovery even) he stated that she suffered a partial internal decapitation. It's also worth noting he was paid roughly $250,000 for this testiMONEY, his wife was co-counsel, he could NOT give the definition of objective scientific evidence, and after testifying, he was seen high fiving Spector in the hall.

Baden theorized that since it wasn't a total decapitation, Lana Clarkson could then cough up blood afterward, thus, the resulting spatter on Phil Spector's jacket. Baden said Spector was running to the aid of Lana and was not standing directly beside her at the moment the gun fired.

It would also show that she was able to get up and walk around, getting her blood on things all over Phil Spector's mansion.

We need to remember, Christoper Reeves' injuries weren't even slightly as bad as if one suffered even a partical decapitation, yet, we saw how much walking around he was able to do after his accident.

Till Spector, I had the utmost respect for Baden, but now, he's right up there with Henry Lee for me.

Do I think they both know their fields inside and out? Absolutely! They are both willing to sell their souls to the Devil for the almighty dollar though. That to me is about as repulsive as it gets.
Totally agree. I love Baden so I would have had a hard time holding a grudge!

I'm not picking on you, but I also wanted to point out that Henry Lee is a criminalist and Michael Baden is a pathologist. So, it really wouldn't come down to which was available, it would come down to which was needed for the task at hand.
Baden was also a hired gun on the Spector case. While the state's experts all stated that Lana Clarkson suffered what amounted to an internal decapitation, Michael Baden took the stand and in an aha moment (violated the rules of discovery even) he stated that she suffered a partial internal decapitation. It's also worth noting he was paid roughly $250,000 for this testiMONEY, his wife was co-counsel, he could NOT give the definition of objective scientific evidence, and after testifying, he was seen high fiving Spector in the hall.

Baden theorized that since it wasn't a total decapitation, Lana Clarkson could then cough up blood afterward, thus, the resulting spatter on Phil Spector's jacket. Baden said Spector was running to the aid of Lana and was not standing directly beside her at the moment the gun fired.

It would also show that she was able to get up and walk around, getting her blood on things all over Phil Spector's mansion.

We need to remember, Christoper Reeves' injuries weren't even slightly as bad as if one suffered even a partical decapitation, yet, we saw how much walking around he was able to do after his accident.

Till Spector, I had the utmost respect for Baden, but now, he's right up there with Henry Lee for me.

Do I think they both know their fields inside and out? Absolutely! They are both willing to sell their souls to the Devil for the almighty dollar though. That to me is about as repulsive as it gets.

:clap::clap::clap: I agree
I think it's great. If we can just get Mark Geragos to handle the defense, a conviction will be asuured.
AWWW- beat me to it. Hopin the DA in this case has supoenaed Lee's credentials, cause rumor on the street is that he does not have a doctorate etc...and we know what an adventure the Spector case was for him.
Baden was also a hired gun on the Spector case. While the state's experts all stated that Lana Clarkson suffered what amounted to an internal decapitation, Michael Baden took the stand and in an aha moment (violated the rules of discovery even) he stated that she suffered a partial internal decapitation. It's also worth noting he was paid roughly $250,000 for this testiMONEY, his wife was co-counsel, he could NOT give the definition of objective scientific evidence, and after testifying, he was seen high fiving Spector in the hall.

Baden theorized that since it wasn't a total decapitation, Lana Clarkson could then cough up blood afterward, thus, the resulting spatter on Phil Spector's jacket. Baden said Spector was running to the aid of Lana and was not standing directly beside her at the moment the gun fired.

It would also show that she was able to get up and walk around, getting her blood on things all over Phil Spector's mansion.

We need to remember, Christoper Reeves' injuries weren't even slightly as bad as if one suffered even a partical decapitation, yet, we saw how much walking around he was able to do after his accident.

Till Spector, I had the utmost respect for Baden, but now, he's right up there with Henry Lee for me.

Do I think they both know their fields inside and out? Absolutely! They are both willing to sell their souls to the Devil for the almighty dollar though. That to me is about as repulsive as it gets.

Well said-I had no idea the hold (emotional, physical, spiritual?) that Spector had until I watched Baden and Lee self destruct during the trial.
I don't think evidence will disappear via HL with the inspection being videotaped and a representative from the SA being present but it wouldn't surprise me if something new turns up. HL has made a statement in the past about food being in the car.
November 17, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET

LEE: Here, that`s -- you know, I`m a scientist. I only can address some scientific issue. I cannot speculate. Decomposition, because the trunk -- don`t forget, I looked at not only the car. Also looked at the liner, the carpet. Also looked at the content of the material. And I don`t know anybody informed me or not -- there are a lot of garbage was collected. A lot of material was collected from the trunk.
GRACE: Like what?
LEE: Like what? Like food, like meat, like pizza box, like cheese, like ham, box (ph) of soda, and all different material in there. So basically, a lot of maggots and a lot of insects, all kind of material mixed together. So I cannot really elaborate too much on what I found because this is an active case. I cannot really reach a conclusion at this moment.

GRACE: Dr. Lee, do you plan on looking at any other evidence in the case, such as the hair samples?
LEE: Not right now. My initial agreement was just to examine the car, to look at the car. So I don`t know any other evidence. And of course, a lot depends on the schedule and -- to look at the hair or not. And I`m sure if it`s important -- Larry -- Dr. Kobilinsky is another excellent forensic scientist. I`m sure he can look at the hair, too.
GRACE: Dr. Henry Lee, you stated that there was a lot of garbage in the car. Did I understand you correctly to say meat and cheese were in the car?
LEE: Box of -- you know, those (INAUDIBLE) frozen foods. So have some food residue there. But we did find a lot of maggots, insect activity and fungus growing. But you know, it`s a lot of (INAUDIBLE) information have to digest before we reach any conclusion.
GRACE: And Dr. Lee, you said frozen food? Such as what?
LEE: Frozen food boxes. You know, those packages.
GRACE: Frozen food boxes. Was there food inside of it?
LEE: Well, because right now, I can`t really say too much about what we looked at, what we found, OK?
Well if this is any sign of things to come there will be a lot of intentional doublespeak/doubletalk at trial

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