Henry Lee as a Defense Expert *Merged*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Hi Mel,
I think your question (RBBM) is exactly the same question that HHJP and JAC have and that's why he hasn't received his money yet. I believe everyone is waiting on Jose to provide the details/receipts for the $7,500.
I laughed out loud when I heard Jose's oft repeated response, "We're workin' on it," when asked about the Kronk issue. I laughed even harder when he was put on the carpet about Dr Lee. . . He reply then was, "We're wokin' on everything, Judge."
Santa needs to bring Jose a stocking full of organizational skills,, intelligence and a healthy dose of ethics. moo

Santa is good, but he's not a miracle worker. And giving Baez all of that and making it work...way too tough of a job for Santa. In my head, I'm seeing God and the devil shaking their heads like they don't want to touch that either, LOL.

I have been wondering about Dr. Lee all along. He just doesn't seem to be a part of this defense team, more in name only. I'm not even sure why they want him after the fiasco he was in. I mean, all the prosecution has to do is drag that out to discredit him. Was he the only expert available or wanting to join this case for whatever it is he's supposed to be doing? Heck, I'm not even sure what kind of expert he is. I think Dr. Lee saw this as good publicity, but now, he's dragging his shoes and not wanting to be involved. I predict he will back out and won't be depoed, just you watch.
He's demonstrably dishonest. He was spouting off nonsense about possibilities of other items in the trunk producing the decomp smell. He did nothing but lie through his teeth to (unsuccessfully) free Michael Peterson. It is beyond me how he has any credibility. He may be an expert, but why let an expert testify when they are known to be dishonest?

Now we can't even get a straight answer about him getting paid.
Henry Lee claimed the 7,500 (i thought closer to 8k) was half of his normally charged price.

How can that be for travel expenses? Unless of course he didn't stay at the ritz and stayed at the westin instead.. Didn't fly first class, but coach?
The odds are about 120% that he is jumping ship, imo. I doubt his conclusions differ much from the state, I dont think he wants to be nickel and dimed by the defense, and I dont think he wants to be shredded on the stand post Phil Specter case. JMVHO.
Hi Mel,
I think your question (RBBM) is exactly the same question that HHJP and JAC have and that's why he hasn't received his money yet. I believe everyone is waiting on Jose to provide the details/receipts for the $7,500.
I laughed out loud when I heard Jose's oft repeated response, "We're workin' on it," when asked about the Kronk issue. I laughed even harder when he was put on the carpet about Dr Lee. . . He reply then was, "We're wokin' on everything, Judge."
Santa needs to bring Jose a stocking full of organizational skills,, intelligence and a healthy dose of ethics. moo

Soooooooo he comes up with this $7,500 figure but then is having a hard time retriving the actual receipts that amount to this amount. Evidently he just pulled that number out of a hat and is now scrambling trying to figure out what to do. That mean ole Judge Perry, shame on him for making poor little ole JB produce the receipts. I love me some Judge Perry!

Henry Lee does Jackson Pollock


The Jury didn't agree with Dr Lee's opinion in the Kathleen Peterson murder

FWIW.........Neither did I

Coinkydinkally Dr Werner Spitz worked on this case also.

Interesting...he says in this video " if I agree (with state), I don't show up". Early in the video when they are eating and he asked to be clear that he disagrees with the prosecution :waitasec: So if he does not show up for KC, it must be 'cause he agrees?
Interesting...he says in this video " if I agree (with state), I don't show up". Early in the video when they are eating and he asked to be clear that he disagrees with the prosecution :waitasec: So if he does not show up for KC, it must be 'cause he agrees?

How great is that?
I so hope this is the case and Dr. Lee just can't find a way to prove ICA's innocence...Maybe the excuse is for ICA, to let her down easily. All her big name defense attorney's have taken flight...As far away from this case as possible. Could be a good omen...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
How great is that?
I so hope this is the case and Dr. Lee just can't find a way to prove ICA's innocence...Maybe the excuse is for ICA, to let her down easily. All her big name defense attorney's have taken flight...As far away from this case as possible. Could be a good omen...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

ICA sure did not seem happy when they were talking about Dr. Lee possibly not testifying for her. JB started whispering in her ear and seemed to be trying to reassure her after the hearing but she seemed very upset and mad. I dont think JB had told her that Dr. Lee might not be testifying for her.
Interesting...he says in this video " if I agree (with state), I don't show up". Early in the video when they are eating and he asked to be clear that he disagrees with the prosecution :waitasec: So if he does not show up for KC, it must be 'cause he agrees?

:twocents: Im sure H Lee tried and failed to find anything substantial that indicates the evidence collecting and handling in this case was botched. And he's somewhat handicapped imo when he doesn't have blood evidence he can interpret in his own inimitable way.

His explanantion of Kathleen Peterson coughing up...... what would have to be copious amounts of high velocity blood told me all I wish to know about Dr Lee. Felt the same about Dr Werner Spitz after hearing him describe this lady's 7 head lacerations as consistent with falling down stairs.
What do you think was going to happen? Dr. Lee now wants to get paid and won't travel with out payment. Even if he was providing his services for free, how is the defense going to pay for travel now if KC is indegent and JAC won't pay?

It is a rediculous way of bailing out of the case. This is very suspicious to me. It seems like he has found his tiny loop hole and is going for it! He should just honourably withdrawl instead of looking for excuses.

It would be absolutely ironic if the Judge allowed the travel expense and then Lee bail anyways!

I vote that he will bail! (if there had been a pole). :)
Hi Mel,
I think your question (RBBM) is exactly the same question that HHJP and JAC have and that's why he hasn't received his money yet. I believe everyone is waiting on Jose to provide the details/receipts for the $7,500.
I laughed out loud when I heard Jose's oft repeated response, "We're workin' on it," when asked about the Kronk issue. I laughed even harder when he was put on the carpet about Dr Lee. . . He reply then was, "We're wokin' on everything, Judge."
Santa needs to bring Jose a stocking full of organizational skills,, intelligence and a healthy dose of ethics. moo

One of the first funny things the hubris filled Cheney Mason revealed about his stance on the case was that he did not think much of the silly Kronk prior bad acts motion. Does anyone remember this, it was on the courthouse steps, reporters surrounding him, the topic was breached and he blew that off hard and fast. I trust this is one of many...how does Baez describe this to the judge...things the team is still discussing and trying to reach a decision on.
Regarding Dr. Lee's bills, they have been presented to Baez. That is certain. The fact that he hasn't presented them to JAC, is
NOT because he has a poor understanging on the JAC guidelines,
nor is it because he is above presenting something that he knows to fall outside of the guidelines hoping to get it approved, he does that, constantly.
Moreover, there are less than twenty defense expert witnesses total. The idea that more time is needed on submitting copies of their itemized bills that the experts themselves compiled back in the summer, is just silly. The experts have worked with JAC in their own states and if not, certainly can google the rules. No one has a keener interest in getting the submission correct to effectuate getting paid than the experts so you can bet your life, they have made it their business to prepare their detailed information. Baez simply needs to copy it, number it and attach it to his request, period.
One inference, and one inference alone can be drawn from his refusal to do so.... he is putting off the inevitable for reasons other than the experts getting paid.
None of the experts, are foolish enough to involve themselves so publicly in a case, try to get good will exposure saying you are noble and doing this volunteer work out of professional integrity then hold the client hostage for your testimony or a few thousand for travel fees. It defies logic , it would be a PR nightmare, of biblical proportions.
The money is NOT the problem. I am certain of it.

I think it is much more along the lines of what defense expert Richard Horsby explained, long ago. Dr. Lee's findings may not be of any help; whatsoever, to Casey's defense, or something equally concerning/confusing to Baez. There is zero chance that he cannot complie the list the experts supplied him, staple it and submit it. I do not buy that.
Richard Hornsby says:
December 29, 2009 at 10:38 am


...the problem an expert witness list creates for Baez is two-fold.

1. It requires your experts to finally give their opinion – and an opinion is no good unless is supports your theory. If their opinion does not support your theory, you don’t list them.

2. It allows the State to inquire into how they are getting paid, by whom, and financial arrangements they have made, and media rights they have negotiated, etc. And if the experts are doing this “pro bono” the State can then go into ulterior reasons they agreed to work on the case – books that are coming out, etc.

3. Finally, when the State deposes an expert (or any attorney deposes the other sides’ expert) the opponent has to pay the expert what the expert charges the hiring attorney. So if these experts are not charging Baez, they are not allowed to charge the State.

Basically the witness list opens Pandora’s Financial Box for Mr. Baez."

We'll find out soon enough.

Court docket update:

12/20/2010 Order
Addressing Defendant's Amended Motion for Additional Hours of Investigation and Motion to Approve Prior Travel of Out of State Experts
One of the first funny things the hubris filled Cheney Mason revealed about his stance on the case was that he did not think much of the silly Kronk prior bad acts motion. Does anyone remember this, it was on the courthouse steps, reporters surrounding him, the topic was breached and he blew that off hard and fast. I trust this is one of many...how does Baez describe this to the judge...things the team is still discussing and trying to reach a decision on.
Regarding Dr. Lee's bills, they have been presented to Baez. That is certain. The fact that he hasn't presented them to JAC, is
NOT because he has a poor understanging on the JAC guidelines,
nor is it because he is above presenting something that he knows to fall outside of the guidelines hoping to get it approved, he does that, constantly.
Moreover, there are less than twenty defense expert witnesses total. The idea that more time is needed on submitting copies of their itemized bills that the experts themselves compiled back in the summer, is just silly. The experts have worked with JAC in their own states and if not, certainly can google the rules. No one has a keener interest in getting the submission correct to effectuate getting paid than the experts so you can bet your life, they have made it their business to prepare their detailed information. Baez simply needs to copy it, number it and attach it to his request, period.
One inference, and one inference alone can be drawn from his refusal to do so.... he is putting off the inevitable for reasons other than the experts getting paid.
None of the experts, are foolish enough to involve themselves so publicly in a case, try to get good will exposure saying you are noble and doing this volunteer work out of professional integrity then hold the client hostage for your testimony or a few thousand for travel fees. It defies logic , it would be a PR nightmare, of biblical proportions.
The money is NOT the problem. I am certain of it.

I think it is much more along the lines of what defense expert Richard Horsby explained, long ago. Dr. Lee's findings may not be of any help; whatsoever, to Casey's defense, or something equally concerning/confusing to Baez. There is zero chance that he cannot complie the list the experts supplied him, staple it and submit it. I do not buy that.
Richard Hornsby says:
December 29, 2009 at 10:38 am


...the problem an expert witness list creates for Baez is two-fold.

1. It requires your experts to finally give their opinion – and an opinion is no good unless is supports your theory. If their opinion does not support your theory, you don’t list them.

2. It allows the State to inquire into how they are getting paid, by whom, and financial arrangements they have made, and media rights they have negotiated, etc. And if the experts are doing this “pro bono” the State can then go into ulterior reasons they agreed to work on the case – books that are coming out, etc.

3. Finally, when the State deposes an expert (or any attorney deposes the other sides’ expert) the opponent has to pay the expert what the expert charges the hiring attorney. So if these experts are not charging Baez, they are not allowed to charge the State.

Basically the witness list opens Pandora’s Financial Box for Mr. Baez."


Wow! Great post!!
Well I think it's about time for GA and CA to make another appearance on ABC, to rustle up some cash for Dr Lee. :innocent:
I also think if it were really about money, and his testimony was vital, or even in the least helpful to ICA, then one/all of the Anthonys would be out selling Caylee Memorabilia to get it.
We'll find out soon enough.

Court docket update:

12/20/2010 Order
Addressing Defendant's Amended Motion for Additional Hours of Investigation and Motion to Approve Prior Travel of Out of State Experts

Thanks I can't wait to read this!!
I just had a thought. Sometimes the jury is allowed to go to a crime scene and view it. I know the state has the car all sealed up. Do you suppose they will ask to let the jury there to get a sniff for themselves?
One of the first funny things the hubris filled Cheney Mason revealed about his stance on the case was that he did not think much of the silly Kronk prior bad acts motion. Does anyone remember this, it was on the courthouse steps, reporters surrounding him, the topic was breached and he blew that off hard and fast. I trust this is one of many...how does Baez describe this to the judge...things the team is still discussing and trying to reach a decision on.
Regarding Dr. Lee's bills, they have been presented to Baez. That is certain. The fact that he hasn't presented them to JAC, is
NOT because he has a poor understanging on the JAC guidelines,
nor is it because he is above presenting something that he knows to fall outside of the guidelines hoping to get it approved, he does that, constantly.
Moreover, there are less than twenty defense expert witnesses total. The idea that more time is needed on submitting copies of their itemized bills that the experts themselves compiled back in the summer, is just silly. The experts have worked with JAC in their own states and if not, certainly can google the rules. No one has a keener interest in getting the submission correct to effectuate getting paid than the experts so you can bet your life, they have made it their business to prepare their detailed information. Baez simply needs to copy it, number it and attach it to his request, period.
One inference, and one inference alone can be drawn from his refusal to do so.... he is putting off the inevitable for reasons other than the experts getting paid.
None of the experts, are foolish enough to involve themselves so publicly in a case, try to get good will exposure saying you are noble and doing this volunteer work out of professional integrity then hold the client hostage for your testimony or a few thousand for travel fees. It defies logic , it would be a PR nightmare, of biblical proportions.
The money is NOT the problem. I am certain of it.

I think it is much more along the lines of what defense expert Richard Horsby explained, long ago. Dr. Lee's findings may not be of any help; whatsoever, to Casey's defense, or something equally concerning/confusing to Baez. There is zero chance that he cannot complie the list the experts supplied him, staple it and submit it. I do not buy that.
Richard Hornsby says:
December 29, 2009 at 10:38 am


...the problem an expert witness list creates for Baez is two-fold.

1. It requires your experts to finally give their opinion – and an opinion is no good unless is supports your theory. If their opinion does not support your theory, you don’t list them.

2. It allows the State to inquire into how they are getting paid, by whom, and financial arrangements they have made, and media rights they have negotiated, etc. And if the experts are doing this “pro bono” the State can then go into ulterior reasons they agreed to work on the case – books that are coming out, etc.

3. Finally, when the State deposes an expert (or any attorney deposes the other sides’ expert) the opponent has to pay the expert what the expert charges the hiring attorney. So if these experts are not charging Baez, they are not allowed to charge the State.

Basically the witness list opens Pandora’s Financial Box for Mr. Baez."


The answer may be something as simple as typical JB sloppiness that could cause huge problems for him if it comes to light. Note the recent JAC response to his request for "prior approved travel expenses". The JAC said they have no problem paying for travel approved by the judge. But they do require receipts and records. They don't just cut a check for what was budgeted. I think the bills, receipts and records are where the problem is. I think JB has been making up the numbers and not keeping any actual records. heck I would be amazed if there is a proper escrow account setup for the case/client by him. And THAT is the huge risk to JB. (Note not KC, JB!). While the bar seems to take a rather hands off approach to complaints regarding most of the sorts of antics that we have seen JB do, outlandish lies or public statements, blatant mis truths, ethically questionable accusations or investigations, they almost always do come down hard on anything regarding client finances and financial record keeping. If JB can't produce the receipts for work done and travel time of experts, then in addition to the JAC denying the payments, somebody is going to ask a serious question of why not? And that will open the entire can of worms of the finances to examination. To JB it is probably better that HL just goes away quietly unpaid and without testifying. This is probably yet another example in this case where the interests of the defense team or members there of, do not coincide even vaguely with the interests of the client / defendant.
After today’s court hearing, when asked directly if Dr. Lee will appear at trial, Baez said, “I have no reason to think otherwise. However, you know with any luck maybe we will have a judgment of acquittal and we won’t have to put on any case at all.”

Lee, who lives in Connecticut, wants reimbursement for his travel expenses as well as $7,500 for work last summer, WFTV’s Belich explained.

“Prosecutors can’t even get Dr. Lee to commit to a deposition, which would have to be done before he would testify at Casey’s murder trial in May,” Belich reported. “The defense claimed Dr. Lee helped investigators find hairs in Casey’s car. If Lee drops out of the case, so could that defense claim that investigators weren’t thorough enough.”

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer called Lee “a very powerful tool to raise reasonable doubt.” Lee is best known for his work in the O.J. Simpson murder case.


I had never heard of Dr. Lee before I joined Websleuths. What I have bolded and underlined above is what I currently know about him. I also know he has stated he is working on this case for free. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't but why wouldn't Jose want to pay this man so he can give his expert opinion when it is so important to their case? Let's ask Jose...

He says he has "no reason to think otherwise" about Dr. Lee appearing at the trial, "However, you know with any luck maybe we will have judgment of acquittal."

Dr. Lee is a man who is waiting to be paid whether he is working for free or not. And, the fact that he was a part of the O.J. trial does not impress me. I am a regular citizen and I see the Dr. as having no credibility. If it is true that he has even the remote possibility of proving a innocent person is charged with a heinous crime and he is only willing to give his expert opinion if he gets paid, shows he is for sale. Shows he would be willing to allow an innocent person to be given the death penalty and why would anyone like that be credible? As a person who is on Caylee's side, I don't appreciate an adult, professional adult-holding up this case(as have so many others)with more nonsense. I think of an "expert" of his ilk as nothing more than a wannabe celebrity willing to do anything for attention and air time. It is obvious Dr. Lee is for sale, that makes his opinion worthless. :twocents:

I guess a jury wouldn't know other stuff about the Dr, if he were to take the stand. They might not know he had been holding out to give his testimony, and they might be impressed with his credentials, so I guess if Jose's luck holds out Dr. Lee will take that box of oranges I have been reading so much about. With Jose's statement that his plan is to get lucky, I am of the opinion Dr. Lee will never be paid for his work. I don't think Dr. Lee will be taking the stand. :snooty:

After today’s court hearing, when asked directly if Dr. Lee will appear at trial, Baez said, “I have no reason to think otherwise. However, you know with any luck maybe we will have a judgment of acquittal and we won’t have to put on any case at all.”

Lee, who lives in Connecticut, wants reimbursement for his travel expenses as well as $7,500 for work last summer, WFTV’s Belich explained.

“Prosecutors can’t even get Dr. Lee to commit to a deposition, which would have to be done before he would testify at Casey’s murder trial in May,” Belich reported. “The defense claimed Dr. Lee helped investigators find hairs in Casey’s car. If Lee drops out of the case, so could that defense claim that investigators weren’t thorough enough.”

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer called Lee “a very powerful tool to raise reasonable doubt.” Lee is best known for his work in the O.J. Simpson murder case.


I had never heard of Dr. Lee before I joined Websleuths. What I have bolded and underlined above is what I currently know about him. I also know he has stated he is working on this case for free. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't but why wouldn't Jose want to pay this man so he can give his expert opinion when it is so important to their case? Let's ask Jose...

He says he has "no reason to think otherwise" about Dr. Lee appearing at the trial, "However, you know with any luck maybe we will have judgment of acquittal."

Dr. Lee is a man who is waiting to be paid whether he is working for free or not. And, the fact that he was a part of the O.J. trial does not impress me. I am a regular citizen and I see the Dr. as having no credibility. If it is true that he has even the remote possibility of proving a innocent person is charged with a heinous crime and he is only willing to give his expert opinion if he gets paid, shows he is for sale. Shows he would be willing to allow an innocent person to be given the death penalty and why would anyone like that be credible? As a person who is on Caylee's side, I don't appreciate an adult, professional adult-holding up this case(as have so many others)with more nonsense. I think of an "expert" of his ilk as nothing more than a wannabe celebrity willing to do anything for attention and air time. It is obvious Dr. Lee is for sale, that makes his opinion worthless. :twocents:

I guess a jury wouldn't know other stuff about the Dr, if he were to take the stand. They might not know he had been holding out to give his testimony, and they might be impressed with his credentials, so I guess if Jose's luck holds out Dr. Lee will take that box of oranges I have been reading so much about. With Jose's statement that his plan is to get lucky, I am of the opinion Dr. Lee will never be paid for his work. I don't think Dr. Lee will be taking the stand. :snooty:



Mr Sheaffer's choice of words used to describe Mr Lee caused my funny bone to kick in. :laugh: Mr Sheaffer strikes me as a man who choses words carefully. Or maybe, being from Canada, we have different meanings for different words. :waitasec:
Seems like Cheney Mason was misleading the court about the cost associated with Dr. Lee. He played it off like it was the least important thing to be concerned with. 'Trust me' indeed.

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