GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #1

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To me it would make much more sense for LE to solve these cases than not, in regards to protecting tourism. I mean, come on, nobody wants to visit an island with a serial killer on the loose...however I highly doubt that's the case. People are statistically murdered by people they know. Unfortunately I think that will be the case here (IMO).
If LE proves this and convicts the guy it would be much more palatable to tourists as a "lovers quarrel gone bad" as opposed to the unsolved murder scenario. Just my opinion, wish they'd do SOMETHING!

I certainly don't believe there is a serial killer on the loose.....but there are a number of unsolved missing persons cases and unsolved deaths on Maui's east side, going back many years. Something is very wrong.
Seems to me there is some big-time, influential meddling going on, possibly to protect big-buck tourism....who knows? It certainly seems they don't want to solve the crime......two weeks +\- and they haven't even collected the truck for processing! There's a whole lot of power shaking going on.

To me it would make much more sense for LE to solve these cases than not, in regards to protecting tourism. I mean, come on, nobody wants to visit an island with a serial killer on the loose...however I highly doubt that's the case. People are statistically murdered by people they know. Unfortunately I think that will be the case here (IMO).
If LE proves this and convicts the guy it would be much more palatable to tourists as a "lovers quarrel gone bad" as opposed to the unsolved murder scenario. Just my opinion, wish they'd do SOMETHING!


That's what I think - it would bode better for tourism if this ended up being someone she knew vs a random attack.
Well, somebody needs to straighten these cops out and teach them a thing or three about how police work is supposed to be done! This won't cut it, and this young lady needs to be found and justice served, no matter WHO is responsible.
How big is Maui. What is the population? Someone said it was a close knit community. What is the economic class of Maui? Two women missing from an island around the same time would raise red flags for me but the news says the police do not think they are connected.

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727.2 square miles, population 144,444, according to Wikipedia.
By contrast:
Los Angeles 503 sq. mi., pop 3,857,799
Chicago 234 sq. mi., pop 2,714,856
Atlanta 132.4 sq. mi., pop 443,775.
Denver 154 sq. mi, pop 634,265

Maui entertains 2,405,785 tourists per year.

The east side of Maui from which Charli vanished is not the area which houses the vast majority of the tourists, although there are a couple of hotels in Hana and a few B&Bs scattered along the east side. Most of the tourists stay on the dry side of the island in Ka'anapali, Lahaina, Kapalua, Kihei, and Wailea. The adventurous ones drive the road to Hana, but I would not expect to see very many tourists on that road after 8 PM.
well, somebody needs to straighten these cops out and teach them a thing or three about how police work is supposed to be done! This won't cut it, and this young lady needs to be found and justice served, no matter who is responsible.

I think it would be rare for a serial killer or random rapist to choose as a victim a 5'10" 160 lb 27-year-old pregnant woman accompanied by a large, protective dog. Just my $.02.
I think it would be rare for a serial killer or random rapist to choose as a victim a 5'10" 160 lb 27-year-old pregnant woman accompanied by a large, protective dog. Just my $.02.

I agree wholeheartedly. That's why it does not make sense to not pursue a missing person case for fear of hurting tourism. The most likely scenario is that someone close to her did her harm. That does not hurt tourism, IMO. By failing to attempt to solve these crimes, LE is doing more harm/speculation than good. Never did I think there was a serial killer or random killer involved. That would be what would hurt tourism, IMO. If they would just work the case, it would probably play out that there was "trouble in paradise" relationship wise, which can happen anywhere.
I agree wholeheartedly. That's why it does not make sense to not pursue a missing person case for fear of hurting tourism. The most likely scenario is that someone close to her did her harm. That does not hurt tourism, IMO. By failing to attempt to solve these crimes, LE is doing more harm/speculation than good. Never did I think there was a serial killer or random killer involved. That would be what would hurt tourism, IMO. If they would just work the case, it would probably play out that there was "trouble in paradise" relationship wise, which can happen anywhere.

After doing a cursory internet search on the Natalie Holloway/Aruba case, it appears that despite all the intense and prolonged media coverage, tourism was not impacted.
So, perhaps that's not the reason for MPD's seeming lack of interest in Carly's case. But, as of yesterday and unlike the NH case, I could find very little media coverage on Carly's disappearance past Feb. 15. And even that coverage was stale, repeating the same-old over and over. What is gumming up the works?
Wait who's the second woman missing from Maui?

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There is another women missing from Maui, Mo Monslave. I was referring to someone here is Pennsylvania sorry about that.
Very interesting reading Charli's sister's replies to LW's post a few hours ago on Find Chari Scott FB page re: the ex-bf's truck.

Sounds like he claims to have gotten a ride from someone on Saturday from where the truck became broken down (stuck or or whatever) ... doesn't sound like a single person has come forward yet saying they saw his truck on the side of the road on Saturday or Sunday. I wondered about that.
How do the police not examine the POI's car? Also, why did they not go to her home right away? So upsetting...

:eek: WHAT?! Trying to catch up with Carly's thread, but those two details have my jaw hitting the floor. Are you KIDDING me?
After doing a cursory internet search on the Natalie Holloway/Aruba case, it appears that despite all the intense and prolonged media coverage, tourism was not impacted.
So, perhaps that's not the reason for MPD's seeming lack of interest in Carly's case. But, as of yesterday and unlike the NH case, I could find very little media coverage on Carly's disappearance past Feb. 15. And even that coverage was stale, repeating the same-old over and over. What is gumming up the works?

Maybe it didn't hurt tourism in the long run, but during the height of the case, they were sure worried about it for a while. I followed that case religiously for several years, and they tried their best to play it down, to make it seem like she was a runaway, had fled the island with a man she had met, and would eventually show up. A lot of evidence was destroyed or contaminated, statements from witnesses were either lost or destroyed, and LE would not cooperate with the family. I think it did hurt tourism for awhile, although that didn't last, and people apparently forgot about Natalee, so everything eventually went back to normal. That whole thing was a nightmare, and you could not pay me enough to go there. Not out of fear for myself, but just because of the actions of some of the people.

Sorry for the off topic, but I don't think it is tourism that is the focus in this case. I think the PD is just inept and may be protecting someone. Who that is, IDK... but apparently they are not as dedicated to their jobs as they should be.
Maybe it didn't hurt tourism in the long run, but during the height of the case, they were sure worried about it for a while. I followed that case religiously for several years, and they tried their best to play it down, to make it seem like she was a runaway, had fled the island with a man she had met, and would eventually show up. A lot of evidence was destroyed or contaminated, statements from witnesses were either lost or destroyed, and LE would not cooperate with the family. I think it did hurt tourism for awhile, although that didn't last, and people apparently forgot about Natalee, so everything eventually went back to normal. That whole thing was a nightmare, and you could not pay me enough to go there. Not out of fear for myself, but just because of the actions of some of the people.

Sorry for the off topic, but I don't think it is tourism that is the focus in this case. I think the PD is just inept and may be protecting someone. Who that is, IDK... but apparently they are not as dedicated to their jobs as they should be.

I agree. IMO, somebody connected is being protected. It has happened before in Hana in the not too distant past.
I don't know if MPD is incompetent, out of it's league, doesn't care, is protecting someone, or has information and a plan that we are not aware of. What I do know is that it's important to keep the pressure on them and the media can be very helpful in that regard. I know that many people care about Charli and will do whatever they can to find her. Locals need to keep the heat on. Post flyers everywhere and talk to everyone. Engage the media.

There are some interesting comments following yesterday’s Maui News article here:

I'm new around here, but I am assuming that it's not OK to copy/paste comments from the link above.

I'll bet there are some locals who can shed some light on this case. Is there an anonymous tip line?
Very interesting reading Charli's sister's replies to LW's post a few hours ago on Find Chari Scott FB page re: the ex-bf's truck.

Sounds like he claims to have gotten a ride from someone on Saturday from where the truck became broken down (stuck or or whatever) ... doesn't sound like a single person has come forward yet saying they saw his truck on the side of the road on Saturday or Sunday. I wondered about that.

Reading over the facebook post from says that he claims he hitchhiked back when the truck was stuck, but he can only remember it was a man that picked him up. Can't remember anything else. The sister has posted flyers everywhere to try to find if anyone saw that truck there or gave him a ride. So far nothing. And the entire community is aware of this case.
The general feeling from reading the posts is that his story is bogus.
Sorry SC, not looking good for you at all...
Very interesting reading Charli's sister's replies to LW's post a few hours ago on Find Chari Scott FB page re: the ex-bf's truck.

Sounds like he claims to have gotten a ride from someone on Saturday from where the truck became broken down (stuck or or whatever) ... doesn't sound like a single person has come forward yet saying they saw his truck on the side of the road on Saturday or Sunday. I wondered about that.

I still think his truck was never at MM20, & that SC told Charli to drive him straight down to Jaws (on the presumption that he had gotten his truck stuck there), where she was met with harm :(. Under this scenario, he most likely would have been able to simply walk or bike (he would have driven the bike in the back of the truck) home before calling Charli.

Perhaps he knew beforehand her cell provider's coverage was poor in that area, thus not having to worry about the possibility of LE being able to confirm her having been there, should there be an investigation.

Under this scenario, he could have done everything on his own, IMO: He could have driven the body in her SUV somewhere close-by before setting it aflame, gotten back into his truck, scattering various evidence along the highway -including Charli's cell near MM20- & abandoning the poor doggie in Hana before returning home & finally texting Charli's cell (he had to wait until he got home to do this because he had -intentionally, to avoid being tracked- left his cell there).

Yet, the fact that Charli's SUV was found flipped on its side makes me think there had to be an accomplice(s); even with the device that I spoke of (with which one can rotate the body of a vehicle 360 degrees) in one of my previous posts, he still would have needed help loading the device onto the back of his truck, unloading it, loading it back & somehow getting rid of it afterwards. I think the SUV's doors, parts, etc. -& even the rotating device- were used to pay the accomplice(s).

It almost sounds as though SC obtained the truck solely to accomplish this "task." My understanding is that ownership had not been transferred to him from the seller yet -that it was somewhat of a "rent-to-own"-type deal; maybe he had no intention of keeping it in the first place (thus getting rid of possible evidence in a way).
I still think his truck was never at MM20, & that SC told Charli to drive him straight down to Jaws (on the presumption that he had gotten his truck stuck there), where she was met with harm :(. Under this scenario, he most likely would have been able to simply walk or bike (he would have driven the bike in the back of the truck) home before calling Charli.

Perhaps he knew beforehand her cell provider's coverage was poor in that area, thus not having to worry about the possibility of LE being able to confirm her having been there, should there be an investigation.

Under this scenario, he could have done everything on his own, IMO: He could have driven the body in her SUV somewhere close-by before setting it aflame, gotten back into his truck, scattering various evidence along the highway -including Charli's cell near MM20- & abandoning the poor doggie in Hana before returning home & finally texting Charli's cell (he had to wait until he got home to do this because he had -intentionally, to avoid being tracked- left his cell there).

Yet, the fact that Charli's SUV was found flipped on its side makes me think there had to be an accomplice(s); even with the device that I spoke of (with which one can rotate the body of a vehicle 360 degrees) in one of my previous posts, he still would have needed help loading the device onto the back of his truck, unloading it, loading it back & somehow getting rid of it afterwards. I think the SUV's doors, parts, etc. -& even the rotating device- were used to pay the accomplice(s).

It almost sounds as though SC obtained the truck solely to accomplish this "task." My understanding is that ownership had not been transferred to him from the seller yet -that it was somewhat of a "rent-to-own"-type deal; maybe he had no intention of keeping it in the first place (thus getting rid of possible evidence in a way).

Assuming the worst case, either a perp acted on his own, the perp had arranged help, or the perp knew that by leaving Charli's vehicle abandoned, that it would almost certainly be stripped and torched. If there was evidence in Charli's vehicle, the perp would probably not leave the dirty work to chance, he'd do it himself. But somebody stripped that car prior to torching it, and the parts are very likely to be somewhere on that island. And more than one somebody must know where they are. IF the car strippers have enough sense to want to distance themselves from possible accessory after the fact murder charges, they will come forward.
Reading over the facebook post from says that he claims he hitchhiked back when the truck was stuck, but he can only remember it was a man that picked him up. Can't remember anything else. The sister has posted flyers everywhere to try to find if anyone saw that truck there or gave him a ride. So far nothing. And the entire community is aware of this case.

The general feeling from reading the posts is that his story is bogus.

Sorry SC, not looking good for you at all...

Maybe the guy who he hitched from did it. The elusive 3rd person defense. Ooooo.

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