GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #1

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There's a little map on the "study" FB page that shows the gulch behind SC's grandfather's house. You now have to expand the comments to see it.
Some people believe that Charli may be in this gulch. I brought the map over here, hope that is OK. The circled area in the middle of the map shows the gulch.

"A Study..." changed the map slightly because of an incorrect address. The new possible gulch is just southeast of what is indicated in the map Kapua showed in the quote. Here is the new map...

If anyone knows how to move a picture of the map over to WS instead of the link, please do. TIA!
There was no hacking. Facebook was created for the narcissist. Those are Steven's own pics he posted on his FB. I'm sure if FB had rolled out a year earlier, Scott Peterson would've had two or three accounts to maintain his philandering.

Thanks.......that's what I thought but seeing as I'm only a reluctant luddite I couldn't really argue the point. Besides which, I don't know how much we can read into some of the pictures.
There was no hacking. Facebook was created for the narcissist. Those are Steven's own pics he posted on his FB. I'm sure if FB had rolled out a year earlier, Scott Peterson would've had two or three accounts to maintain his philandering.

Sorry I didn't think of the obvious! :doh:
Here's the new map.


  • HaikuMap.jpg
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I just can't understand all these people disappearing in paradise. Charli, Mo, and now this David. Maui is such a beautiful place. You don't ever imagine anything bad happening.

Friends of mine, a married couple, moved to Hawaii a couple of years ago. Shortly after they settled in, the man was chatting with one of the locals, and the local man said to him, "I think you'll make it here." Meaning that he thought they would adjust to island life and stay. My friend said, "Really? Tell me, what kind of people make it here, and what kind of people don't?" And the local man said, "The people that don't make it are the ones who move here expecting to find Paradise. We have the same problems here that you have on the mainland: drugs, crime, and homelessness."

Most people cannot imagine bad things happening in such a breathtakingly beautiful place. But they do.
*flashback to Scott Peterson*

So much about this case reminds me of Scott and Laci Peterson: from the ridiculous alibi, to the new girlfriend, the lack of concern, distancing himself from the family, showing no emotion, Charli pregnant with a son, not expecting the amount of publicity and concern for Charli, I could go on and on. It reminds me so much of the Peterson case that I went back and read up on it to see if there were any other parallels that might help solve this case. There were. Scott claimed that he had gone fishing in SF Bay and that's exactly where Laci's body surfaced. Scott's mother Jackie said, "Nobody would be stupid enough to tell the police where they put the body. Not even you, Scott."

Could Charli be at or near where SC claims that his truck broke down?

Another parallel: Although Scott told the police the correct location, searching SF Bay was a monumental task. Searching East Maui is equally, if not more challenging. Finding Charli is going to require a) luck, b) a large team, and c) technology - helicopters, special cameras, cadaver dogs.
We can't read much into Steven's pics but I sure as hell can tell you he wasn't into kittens and rainbows. That much is obvious. Dude loves guns; how they work, how they look, how they make him feel. Guns are sexy, I'm not going to lie. Do I want them around? No. The young blonde was attracted to danger (weren't we all at 21?) and Steven being Life was alluring... for her. He seems to have different looks in his pics - he's not dumb, he knew how to get laid.

Personally, I feel sorry for Steven. I'm sorry he didn't have anybody in his life that could pull him back from the edge. Having a kid isn't the end all-be all, even at 24. Rather than shirking his financial responsibilities, I think he questioned his ability to father.

Maui didn't lose Charli and Joshua because of a chick from the Mainland. Nah, Maui lost two bright futures because of a sorry soul that needed a role model, a congratulations from his father and a hug from his mother that said, "you'll be alright son, we're here for you."

Yeah okay, I don't know if the low-rent drug dealer murdered in cold blood but I know one thing, he lost the best thing that would ever happen to him; Joshua Aiden Scott Capobianco.
We can't read much into Steven's pics but I sure as hell can tell you he wasn't into kittens and rainbows. That much is obvious. Dude loves guns; how they work, how they look, how they make him feel. Guns are sexy, I'm not going to lie. Do I want them around? No. The young blonde was attracted to danger (weren't we all at 21?) and Steven being Life was alluring... for her. He seems to have different looks in his pics - he's not dumb, he knew how to get laid.

Personally, I feel sorry for Steven. I'm sorry he didn't have anybody in his life that could pull him back from the edge. Having a kid isn't the end all-be all, even at 24. Rather than shirking his financial responsibilities, I think he questioned his ability to father.

Maui didn't lose Charli and Joshua because of a chick from the Mainland. Nah, Maui lost two bright futures because of a sorry soul that needed a role model, a congratulations from his father and a hug from his mother that said, "you'll be alright son, we're here for you."

Yeah okay, I don't know if the low-rent drug dealer murdered in cold blood but I know one thing, he lost the best thing that would ever happen to him; Joshua Aiden Scott Capobianco.

You are a much more sympathetic person than I am Nikki! I have no idea how he was parented, whether he was loved and doted on, or ignored... but never ever is a less than warm and fuzzy growing up a reason to murder. Not ever. Millions of people grow up in cold, unloving homes and do not murder the woman who is carrying their child! Sorry.. I dont buy it.
You are a much more sympathetic person than I am Nikki! I have no idea how he was parented, whether he was loved and doted on, or ignored... but never ever is a less than warm and fuzzy growing up a reason to murder. Not ever. Millions of people grow up in cold, unloving homes and do not murder the woman who is carrying their child! Sorry.. I dont buy it.

If he killed them, it was for selfish reasons, no question about that but surrounding yourself with goons and living la vida loca only sets you up for failure. My point earlier (and now) is not whether he had anyone growing up, it's whether or not he has someone present NOW! Does he have anyone now telling him, "dude, that's not a good idea." OJ Simpson didn't. Scott Peterson didn't. Phil Spector didn't.

It's a lousy trend with men who are womanizers and as a former victim of domestic abuse, it matters.

My advice to women, let the first red flag be the last.

If he killed them, it was for selfish reasons, no question about that but surrounding yourself with goons and living la vida loca only sets you up for failure. My point earlier (and now) is not whether he had anyone growing up, it's whether or not he has someone present NOW! Does he have anyone now telling him, "dude, that's not a good idea." OJ Simpson didn't. Scott Peterson didn't. Phil Spector didn't.

It's a lousy trend with men who are womanizers and as a former victim of domestic abuse, it matters.

My advice to women, let the first red flag be the last.

Some people just do not have a conscience. I don't know if people are born a sociopath/psychopath or are made so by their simple twist of fate. BUT, regardless which factor/s it is, the afflicted one won't listen to anyone but themselves once they've decided on a course of action. Someone telling them an action is not wise will be ignored. NO doubt in my mind Steven is a sociopath.......................and a narcissist, and, from what I glean from his FB postings, definitely a , a low-rent one, and a two-bit hustler.
And to think, when Charli first disappeared, everyone who knew Steven was saying he was this wonderful, happy go lucky guy who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Yet everything he's done since Charli disappeared has pointed towards his guilt. He acted like he didn't care that his unborn child was out there somewhere, let alone the mother of his child. He didn't call her after he lost sight of her on Hana Highway. He wasn't giving the correct answers to locate her, he wasn't helping with searches, he didn't act distressed at all, he acted like nothing ever happened. Then he left the island.
Locals.....anyone willing to interpret CJ's post, (paraphrasing here) "gotta wonder where his head's at by yelling 'canefields'?"
( I know I butchered the punctuation.)
It was rumored that he left. Is that confirmed now?
I have asked about cadaver dogs and was told they only have search dogs. Cannot confirm if that's true but if it is then cadaver dogs are needed
Locals.....anyone willing to interpret CJ's post, (paraphrasing here) "gotta wonder where his head's at by yelling 'canefields'?"
( I know I butchered the punctuation.)

"Marijuana cultivation is abundant on all five major islands; however, the vast majority of fields are located on the Island of Hawaii (Big Island/Hawaii County) and the Island of Maui. Cane fields are common to grow marijuana.

I still think that his friend(s) know something incriminating.
But if they speak up, SC speaks up. Drugs are big business and if they are making some serious cash their lively hood is in jeopardy. I think the person(s) posting various mysterious pages may be slightly associated with the "hive". Afraid to go to the police so trying to drop hints on what they know. This is just my thought process.
"Marijuana cultivation is abundant on all five major islands; however, the vast majority of fields are located on the Island of Hawaii (Big Island/Hawaii County) and the Island of Maui. Cane fields are common to grow marijuana.

I still think that his friend(s) know something incriminating.
But if they speak up, SC speaks up. Drugs are big business and if they are making some serious cash their lively hood is in jeopardy. I think the person(s) posting various mysterious pages may be slightly associated with the "hive". Afraid to go to the police so trying to drop hints on what they know. This is just my thought process.

I thought that sugarcane wasn't being grown anymore on the islands. Am I wrong?
SC borrowed $1200 from his employer recently so it doesn't sound like he's too successful as a grower.
You may be right. When I googled it said cane fields or abandoned cane fields are a good place to grow pot. albeit to hide something as well...
I thought that sugarcane wasn't being grown anymore on the islands. Am I wrong?
SC borrowed $1200 from his employer recently so it doesn't sound like he's too successful as a grower.
Maui still grows cane sugar, and I'm sure there are plenty of abandoned fields. I don't think cane that's been grown for generations is just going to disappear, even if it isn't specifically cultivated.
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