GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #1

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I have been following this case, and there are still a few questions that linger in my mind.

Why didn't anyone go with her? She left the sisters house to go help SC out on a dark fairly deserted area of road late at night and none of her family thought to go?

Once she hadn't been heard from, the police were called very quickly. Why didnt anyone call SC since that was the last known person she was with? Why didn't he know anything until police showed up?

How did the sister find her clothes so easily, and why didnt she wait for police to show up? Everyone knows you don't touch presumed evidence!

These questions just keep lingering unanswered, I am hoping someone might have some insight.

I would doubt the family knows much more than the public. I would think that since LE is not releasing info that they wouldn't be releasing it to anyone including family, friends, and everyone else.

1. Charli was accompanied by her large, protective, pit bull mix dog, Nala.

2. I'm not sure why the police were called before SC, or IF they were called before SC. I will check the interviews to see if I can find more info.

3. There was some discussion about the discovery of the clothes and I will find and post the link to that when I find it. In a nutshell, the sister that found the clothes is 16, quite young and unfamiliar with police procedure. And there was no cell connection where they were. Edited to add, at 4:47 Kimberlyn Scott talks about why the clothes were moved.

CHARLIWatch: Interview w/Kimberlyn Scott, Charli's mother - YouTube
Once she hadn't been heard from, the police were called very quickly. Why didnt anyone call SC since that was the last known person she was with? Why didn't he know anything until police showed up?
I'm going to quote my previous post per his interview:
He went to work Monday as usual.
One of her family members went to his job in the morning to say Charli was missing (or that they were looking for her)
He continued to work.
Her family called him later Monday and he "rushed" out to help them search.
(10:45 pm Monday is when her mother reported her missing to the police)
5:30 am on Tues the police show up at his residence and he says he then realized something was wrong.

So the police were notified Mon night after her family, including SC, had searched for her. His interview seems odd because he says he didn't know anything was wrong until Tues morning but he says that he helped look for her on Monday
ANy theories on where the body might be or how it was dispossed? Off the cliffs, water, buried, wild animals? cave?

I have several thoughts. My first thought is that she could be anywhere in East Maui. However we might be able to narrow that down a bit by using a bit of logic.

It is difficult to move a corpse, and if you're the murderer, you must ensure that you are not seen. If you believe that the killer acted alone, then you have to consider how he got the body to its resting place. It can't be too far from a road unless it's downhill, or unless he convinced her to walk with him down to the beach. The easiest way to dispose of a body would be to throw it down an embankment/off a cliff, and there are plenty of those on the way to Hana, and some nice ravines in the Haiku/Makawao area. I thought he might have dug a shallow grave, but would he take the chance of someone hearing him digging in the night? The area is rural enough, but those pakalolo farmers have guns. The thought that he'd dropped her in the ocean occurred to me at one time, but without a boat, he would not have been able to get the body far enough out to ensure that it would not wash up on shore. There are several ponds and reservoirs to consider as well.

I keep thinking of Scott Peterson. He told police that he went fishing in SF Bay and that's where Laci and Conor were found. I wonder if Charli is near where her clothes were found. She could be buried in a shallow grave near the beach. Or she could have been thrown off a cliff somewhere along Hana Hwy. Or she could be in/near Haiku, and he could have taken the evidence, the dog, and Charli's cell phone, for a ride afterward.

I could come up with a better guess if I knew where Charli's phone was pinging and at what times. (That video I posted talks about Charli's sister driving down Hana Hwy and making note of where cell phone connectivity drops off.) I keep thinking that the cell phone records will prove very helpful in the investigation.

MPD needs to bring in some cadaver dogs, or the family needs to hire a private search team that has cadaver dogs. There's a large area to cover, but I'd focus on Haiku and the area around Nua`ailua Bay for starters.
I'm going to quote my previous post per his interview:
He went to work Monday as usual.
One of her family members went to his job in the morning to say Charli was missing (or that they were looking for her)
He continued to work.
Her family called him later Monday and he "rushed" out to help them search.
(10:45 pm Monday is when her mother reported her missing to the police)
5:30 am on Tues the police show up at his residence and he says he then realized something was wrong.

So the police were notified Mon night after her family, including SC, had searched for her. His interview seems odd because he says he didn't know anything was wrong until Tues morning but he says that he helped look for her on Monday

Thanks! That clears that up. I must have missed that tidbit, and just kept coming back to the part about police showing up at his door.

Did he not take her missing seriously until police became involved?
I have been following this case, and there are still a few questions that linger in my mind.

Why didn't anyone go with her? She left the sisters house to go help SC out on a dark fairly deserted area of road late at night and none of her family thought to go?

Once she hadn't been heard from, the police were called very quickly. Why didnt anyone call SC since that was the last known person she was with? Why didn't he know anything until police showed up?

How did the sister find her clothes so easily, and why didnt she wait for police to show up? Everyone knows you don't touch presumed evidence!

These questions just keep lingering unanswered, I am hoping someone might have some insight.

I would doubt the family knows much more than the public. I would think that since LE is not releasing info that they wouldn't be releasing it to anyone including family, friends, and everyone else.
BBM: She didn't leave her sister's house to go help him. She went home and her called her once she was home. Going back to the original news article on the first page here:

'"He is the one who called her on Sunday night after she got home and asked her to come out and get him because he supposedly got his car stuck out there. He is the last person to have seen her," said Carly's mother.' (Also BBM) It's possible that Charli sent a text to her sister saying SC called and wanted her to help him with the truck, but didn't say she was actually going that night. (for example, he contacted her and said he needed to get the truck unstuck, she texts sister something like "Steve says he got his truck stuck in Keanae, can you believe it?", then Charli and SC decide that they need to go that night, Charli takes Nala, because she has no reason to fear SC, but will be alone in her car on the way back-all conjecture on my part)

Also from that article, the police were called quickly because "They say she usually talks to her little sister every day, but no one has heard from her since Sunday. " At the time they started wondering where she was, no one may have known that Charli actually went anywhere with SC. That may have come out after other information came about. The exact timeline of events is not specific in MSM, for some reason.

The sister and the clothes were addressed by another post, but I do want to add that not everyone knows not to touch evidence. Posters here all know that, but that's because the personalities that read here are interested in those kinds of things. At 16, I'd have had no idea, and I'd have wanted to go and show what I'd found to someone right away, to prove that something happened and that we'd need to do something now. JMO.
From the Hawaii State Courts Public File


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I have several thoughts. My first thought is that she could be anywhere in East Maui. However we might be able to narrow that down a bit by using a bit of logic.

It is difficult to move a corpse, and if you're the murderer, you must ensure that you are not seen. If you believe that the killer acted alone, then you have to consider how he got the body to its resting place. It can't be too far from a road unless it's downhill, or unless he convinced her to walk with him down to the beach. The easiest way to dispose of a body would be to throw it down an embankment/off a cliff, and there are plenty of those on the way to Hana, and some nice ravines in the Haiku/Makawao area. I thought he might have dug a shallow grave, but would he take the chance of someone hearing him digging in the night? The area is rural enough, but those pakalolo farmers have guns. The thought that he'd dropped her in the ocean occurred to me at one time, but without a boat, he would not have been able to get the body far enough out to ensure that it would not wash up on shore. There are several ponds and reservoirs to consider as well.

I keep thinking of Scott Peterson. He told police that he went fishing in SF Bay and that's where Laci and Conor were found. I wonder if Charli is near where her clothes were found. She could be buried in a shallow grave near the beach. Or she could have been thrown off a cliff somewhere along Hana Hwy. Or she could be in/near Haiku, and he could have taken the evidence, the dog, and Charli's cell phone, for a ride afterward.

I could come up with a better guess if I knew where Charli's phone was pinging and at what times. (That video I posted talks about Charli's sister driving down Hana Hwy and making note of where cell phone connectivity drops off.) I keep thinking that the cell phone records will prove very helpful in the investigation.

MPD needs to bring in some cadaver dogs, or the family needs to hire a private search team that has cadaver dogs. There's a large area to cover, but I'd focus on Haiku and the area around Nua`ailua Bay for starters.
BBM: Rip currents in the surf zone can carry you out to sea. Anyone familiar with the area would know a rip current when they see one. There are also some places where there is a cliff that drops into the ocean and no beach near by. And people get sucked out to sea and never get found, so I can't rule out being dropped in the ocean yet. With so many ravines around, I have a hard time thinking that anyone would take the time to bury her. The clothing is what has me wondering, and why I think she is in the ocean or thrown in an area where there is considerable overgrowth. Removed the clothing so it would not stand out. The only other reason I can see for the clothing is that it was a spare change of clothes in the car.
BBM: Rip currents in the surf zone can carry you out to sea. Anyone familiar with the area would know a rip current when they see one. There are also some places where there is a cliff that drops into the ocean and no beach near by. And people get sucked out to sea and never get found, so I can't rule out being dropped in the ocean yet. With so many ravines around, I have a hard time thinking that anyone would take the time to bury her. The clothing is what has me wondering, and why I think she is in the ocean or thrown in an area where there is considerable overgrowth. Removed the clothing so it would not stand out. The only other reason I can see for the clothing is that it was a spare change of clothes in the car.

Oh, I totally agree. I haven't ruled out being thrown in the ocean at all. In fact, that's what I was thinking shortly after the clothes were found. But lately, I have been thinking, what would be the easiest thing to do? What would be the hardest place to search? That entire area is thick with vegetation and usually muddy.

We also have to take into consideration the possibility that he had help.
Just a thought…. the dog being found so far away from where the car was located is something that just does not make sense to me. Considering that SC, from what I can gather, is basically a stoner, I don’t see him taking time to take the dog that far out of his way.

The Nahiku Marktplace is between Mile Marker 28 and 29 (as best as I can tell) on Hana Highway and is where CS’s dog Nala was found; clean and in good shape with no cuts or scratches. To me this gives some indication that she was dumped out on the roadway and not wondering through vegetation. My question is …..why was Nala dumped in that location?

Could this also be the area that poor Charlie and her unborn baby were also dumped? My impression of SC, based on that interview, is that he would not go too much out of his way to exert any extra energy, especially when it came to digging. Does SC have any kind of familiarity with that area or the actual Market itself? Would he know the terrain in that area?

If you Google “photos of Nahiku Marketplace” you can find images of the market itself and some of the area around it. The photos show how level the area is, especially in comparison with everything else along the Hana Highway. Unfortunately you cannot see any of landscape behind the Market itself.

Is it possible that Nala managed to get out of the vehicle while he was dumping the body? If the dog was making a lot noise barking maybe SC was afraid someone would hear Nala and didn’t take the time to get rid of her clothes. Basically the dog interrupted what he was doing. He just hurried up and left, leaving the dog behind. That could be a reason why the clothes were dumped further back up along Hana Highway, and the phone in another location, but getting towards where the car was eventually found.

How late is this marketplace open? Does anyone actually live right close by that would notice or hear someone late at night that this would not be feasible?
Just a thought…. the dog being found so far away from where the car was located is something that just does not make sense to me. Considering that SC, from what I can gather, is basically a stoner, I don’t see him taking time to take the dog that far out of his way.

The Nahiku Marktplace is between Mile Marker 28 and 29 (as best as I can tell) on Hana Highway and is where CS’s dog Nala was found; clean and in good shape with no cuts or scratches. To me this gives some indication that she was dumped out on the roadway and not wondering through vegetation. My question is …..why was Nala dumped in that location?

I don't think Nala was dumped where she was found. Dogs are tremendous long distance runners and walkers, Nala could run pretty far away from the piont she was dumped without getting exhausted.
i often wonder if the "help" many people believe SC had was actually a "hired gun", so to speak. Has anyone else entertained that scenario? IMOO
Other than the actually body, what do the police need to make an arrest? They ruled it a homicide, have forensic evidence, what are they waiting for to make an arrest. And I'm sure they have other stuff that no one is privy to.
They can't arrest him without a warrant. I don't know if Hawaii has DA's or states' attorneys, but regardless, they are the ones who go to the judge and ask him/her to sign a warrant, and there has to be some pretty strong evidence against the person. They may have the evidence, but it may not point solely to him.
Other than the actually body, what do the police need to make an arrest? They ruled it a homicide, have forensic evidence, what are they waiting for to make an arrest. And I'm sure they have other stuff that no one is privy to.
Jumping off your post, I have always thought that if LE thinks that even if they have enough to arrest someone, they will try to find as much as they can until they have searched everywhere they can and found nothing more. Just to get as much evidence as possible. Plus, it sometimes takes a while to get all of the forensic evidence back (including, but not limited to, cell phone information, security camera footage if there is any, DNA, etc). JMO
When I saw that SC had borrowed $1200 I also wondered about a " hired gun"

Yeah.......I wonder about that alleged borrowed money, although that's quite a trail of "bread" crumbs leading right back to him so I would imagine that money was for something legit, ??.
I do wonder if he just set the stage and led Charli to an arranged site where someone/s else took over. Pure conjecture on my part, but........maybe.
They can't arrest him without a warrant. I don't know if Hawaii has DA's or states' attorneys, but regardless, they are the ones who go to the judge and ask him/her to sign a warrant, and there has to be some pretty strong evidence against the person. They may have the evidence, but it may not point solely to him.

Not familiar with the criminal law of the state of Hawaii, but perhaps they could call a secret grand jury investigation?
Yeah.......I wonder about that alleged borrowed money, although that's quite a trail of "bread" crumbs leading right back to him so I would imagine that money was for something legit, ??.
I do wonder if he just set the stage and led Charli to an arranged site where someone/s else took over. Pure conjecture on my part, but........maybe.

IMHO, there was no hired gun. I base my opinion on prior cases such as Scott/Laci Peterson, Josh/Susan Powell, Mark/Lori Hacking. The typical sociopathic murderer acts alone, again, IMHO.

I believe he planned it out ahead of time. Here's one possible scenario, not my only one. He parked his truck in a hidden, but safe-ish location not far from where he planned to abandon her SUV. Called Charli. When she arrived, he offered her some drugged food and/or a beverage. For the sake of discussion, a bottle of orange juice. The drug would not have to be anything out of the ordinary, just something that would make her very sleepy - a couple of Benadryl would do it for me. Then he tells her, let's go, I'll drive, gets in the SUV with Charli, Nala, and the orange juice and drives off. They drive up Hana Hwy. until Charli falls asleep, somewhere near Nahiku. He opens up the SUV and lets Nala out. Drives back to where he has planned to dispose of the body. I'm thinking it's along Nua`ailua Bay, close to the shore. At this point, Charli is alive, but nearly unconscious from the drug. He drags her out of the vehicle, removes her clothing and kills her - the roaring surf would mask the sound of a gunshot. Clothing was removed so it would not be bloody. Then he either disposes of the body in the surf, or digs a shallow trench in the soft mud, rolls the body in the mud, and buries it. He takes the clothing to a different location, not too far away, and abandons it as though someone went for a swim. Then he drives back to where Charli's SUV was abandoned, somewhere where he was nearly certain that the "wrecking crew" boys would find it, strip it, and drive it to the Peahi Rd. area and torch it. Then he walked back to his truck and drove home.

I am thinking that he drugged her so that she would not fight back. If she'd fought back, he would have to explain scratches and bruises.
IMHO, there was no hired gun. I base my opinion on prior cases such as Scott/Laci Peterson, Josh/Susan Powell, Mark/Lori Hacking. The typical sociopathic murderer acts alone, again, IMHO.

I believe he planned it out ahead of time. Here's one possible scenario, not my only one. He parked his truck in a hidden, but safe-ish location not far from where he planned to abandon her SUV. Called Charli. When she arrived, he offered her some drugged food and/or a beverage. For the sake of discussion, a bottle of orange juice. The drug would not have to be anything out of the ordinary, just something that would make her very sleepy - a couple of Benadryl would do it for me. Then he tells her, let's go, I'll drive, gets in the SUV with Charli, Nala, and the orange juice and drives off. They drive up Hana Hwy. until Charli falls asleep, somewhere near Nahiku. He opens up the SUV and lets Nala out. Drives back to where he has planned to dispose of the body. I'm thinking it's along Nua`ailua Bay, close to the shore. At this point, Charli is alive, but nearly unconscious from the drug. He drags her out of the vehicle, removes her clothing and kills her - the roaring surf would mask the sound of a gunshot. Clothing was removed so it would not be bloody. Then he either disposes of the body in the surf, or digs a shallow trench in the soft mud, rolls the body in the mud, and buries it. He takes the clothing to a different location, not too far away, and abandons it as though someone went for a swim. Then he drives back to where Charli's SUV was abandoned, somewhere where he was nearly certain that the "wrecking crew" boys would find it, strip it, and drive it to the Peahi Rd. area and torch it. Then he walked back to his truck and drove home.

I am thinking that he drugged her so that she would not fight back. If she'd fought back, he would have to explain scratches and bruises.

Do you think he actually used his truck at all that night? If she had just used her truck and then he wouldn't need to worry about two trucks. He could've just used hers for everything.
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