GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #1

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I read toward the beginning of this thread and just wanted to add something about the talk about why he may be concerned about his voice being played. 2-way radios were discussed but there are also certain Cell Phones that have a "Walkie-Talkie" feature on the Cell Phone.

It would be interesting to find out what kind of phone he had and if it has that feature. Because if it did then that may be one reason he would be concerned about his voice being overhead by anybody using a Scanner.

That feature I believe just is like any other walkie talkie and broadcasts over a frequency. There used to be commericials on TV about the certain cell phones that had that feature.

If he was using a walkie-talkie cell phone OR even just regular walkie talkies with her, then maybe one car was following the other car and they were talking back and forth before arriving at where her car was found. Unless someone on a scanner overheard them it is not much use although if he has one of those phones then maybe LE could come up with a witness that says he overheard them.
Charli told her family she would take SC to get his truck. We don't actually KNOW anything after that, do we?...except for the items found, dotted along the trail from Haiku to Hana: Nala, clothing, phone pings, stripped & torched car, etc.? *Some things do & some don't seem to add up.

If SC's interview story is made up and if it is also loaded with red herrings--as the evidence seems to indicate as well, then we shouldn't take any of it seriously, except to note to what & where he tries to direct our attention...and away from what & where he tries to draw our attention, right?

I'm new here but have been following WS since Charli disappeared. Very compelling. God bless her family and all who have given their heart to her. Let Right be done.*
SC seems to want us to focus on the road to Hana... except for the implied bad guys bringing Charli's car to Peahi, near Haiku (a needed, convenient auto crematorium) but still, we're made to think that whatever evil happened, it happened miles away, beyond Twin Falls, towards Keanae, towards Hana.

A few thoughts: He could not risk getting caught with a body in either vehicle. (He did risk the arm of the law in admitting that he'd been driving, even with a suspended license). He had to keep her near the vehicle in which she was last alive or else risk public roads. Was his truck hidden near Peahi? If she did tell someone that his truck was stuck in *Keanae, he could have have slipped her something and faked it (I'll drive--you have to work early. No problem. You just sleep.) no risky long distances- just a pretend drive to where the truck is parked on side of jungly road...("here we are. You slept the whole way!") Then evil deed. Hide or bury her. Leave car--only takes a few hours, at most, to take truck, bring Nala, phone, clothes & blanket in bag or tossed in back, messy, loose; nothing unusual and Charli isn't missing yet. If stopped (unlikely, but...): officer, I left my. _[expensive tool]_ *in the shoulder back at Keanae...and quickly, SC distributes clues-to-nothing at their respective places along the route and possibly up some road-- maybe things yet undiscovered. *Maybe Nala wanders to Nahiku from parts North or East or even South--don't want her anywhere near the place where Charli is.*

Or did the thing happen at his home? With the truck in the garage all along?

Or, perhaps some "friend" of SC might have distributed the items on "his" way home?
Struck by so many things SC said that seem to indicate a fabricated story, a kind of cocky stupidity, and an inability to discern what is right behavior...for starters:

[from: Hawaii News Now, Malika Lincoln interview w/ SC *on 2/13]

SC: * *"...I'm absolutely certain I saw her headlights in my rearview mirror until I got to Twin Falls and then*I started speeding up 'cause I drive a little faster than she does."
ML: "What made you speed up ahead of her?"
SC: "I was in front of her in the first place, in case my truck broke down and she would pull up behind me.
ML: "Right, that makes sense.*
[So it was around Twin Falls that you say that you stopped seeing her headlights?"
SC: "Yes"]

Except, er... no...It does not make sense, none at all. Non-sequitur.

They were still on the dark, extremely serpentine road, far from home.*
If you are making sure that someone is driving behind you lest your car run into more trouble, and if you find yourself getting too far ahead, you SLOW DOWN...or pull over to allow them to catch up, so that you can continue together apace.*

You do not speed up! IMO an addled version of an invented, badly rehearsed account.

Was the intent to steer people away from looking Haiku side -- or farther west-- of Twin Falls? Or just an arbitrary specific to give his story credence? Anyway, it was bugging me. *Thanks for hearing me think.*
Or, perhaps some "friend" of SC might have distributed the items on "his" way home?

Yes, very possible. I've been imagining him acting alone, how it could be done. But an accomplice would be helpful and is hinted at by some of the shared posts from his FB. :fence:
I'm so green at this. Noticing that my posts have asterisks (*) added to the text. Why are they there? Am I doing something wrong? Please excuse--I'll try to be good!
Napili you're bringing some very good questions to the discussion. Thank you.

and :welcome4:
They were still on the dark, extremely serpentine road, far from home.*
If you are making sure that someone is driving behind you lest your car run into more trouble, and if you find yourself getting too far ahead, you SLOW DOWN...or pull over to allow them to catch up, so that you can continue together apace.*

You do not speed up! IMO an addled version of an invented, badly rehearsed account.

Respectfully snipped by me.

Perhaps he was speeding up because someone was waiting on a side road to intercept Charli and SC didn't want to see that happening, so he could later say he sped up and lost sight of her.
I'm so green at this. Noticing that my posts have asterisks (*) added to the text. Why are they there? Am I doing something wrong? Please excuse--I'll try to be good!

If you were doing something wrong and a moderator had edited your post it would show up as being edited by a mod. So I don't think you are doing anything wrong. Not sure how those asterisks are getting there if you are not intentionally typing them though.

You can always click on the alert button to your post - the exclamation point in the red triangle - and ask a mod about it.
Thanks or reviving this discussion, Napili.

The clothes were found on the beach. Were blood and bone found ON the clothes? Or nearby. If C and J were killed in one location, why transport clothes with attached evidence of homicide on them to another location to be found? Especially if it's at the very location SC said his truck was stuck. Why not burn the clothes in the car? Or dispose of them in the same place as the phone and/or bodies?
I'm so green at this. Noticing that my posts have asterisks (*) added to the text. Why are they there? Am I doing something wrong? Please excuse--I'll try to be good!

I have no idea why those are on your post. :waitasec: I don't think it has anything to do with the website?
Respectfully snipped by me.

Perhaps he was speeding up because someone was waiting on a side road to intercept Charli and SC didn't want to see that happening, so he could later say he sped up and lost sight of her.

Yep. Possible! But it sure doesn't help his story to say that he sped up. Bit of a slip, maybe? He wasn't thinking too straight, it would seem.

I had been looking back on his words with the premise that nothing is factual; all for effect. Therefore the entire truck story would be fabricated. No stuck truck, no long drive with Charli in her SUV.

But, let's say he did get a ride to his truck out there and was followed back by Charli. (He himself may have pulled over, at that.) She pulls over. Evil deed. Someone would be needed to get her car, then or later, in any case.

Or, They might have just driven out that way--under that pretense. He could have driven her up a side road. Come back alone. I bump into the truck stuck story being known by her family, so he wouldn't be able to risk driving back in her car. But if a "friend" drove his truck out there, they could switch vehicles, the friend could dodge the SUV and SC could drive the truck back, dropping off the clues along the route??? "Friend" (I'd like to call him "Tweeker") gets remunerated by perp., gets to salvage parts etc. But, still risky to drive the SUV back. Could remove the grill first--too distinctive and known. Hmmmm. Eh?

(and can we safely see, anyway, the set of items found along the way as a red herring??)
Thanks or reviving this discussion, Napili.

The clothes were found on the beach. Were blood and bone found ON the clothes? Or nearby. If C and J were killed in one location, why transport clothes with attached evidence of homicide on them to another location to be found? Why not burn the clothes in the car? Or dispose of them in the same place as the phone and/or bodies?

Good questions. We lack so much concrete evidence here. But, trucks are full of messy items. The incriminating clothes could be easily put in a black plastic bag and dumped out at a place away from the scene and the body, just to set up a false trail. If the SUV was left for the fine upstanding citizens to loot, trash and burn, you wouldn't want that stuff in there. I think everything was deliberately deposited separately over many miles exactly to confound, distract and misdirect.

I remember someone saying, by the way, that these areas are used by hunters wild pig, really!) and fishermen. That's why the questions: Her blood? On her clothes? Bone really found? Animal or what? (so hard to type the words sometimes) forensics, please. [Side note: Nebraska Man was a highly touted "missing link" which turned out to be nothing but an imaginatively embellished extinct pig tooth. Which is why I would not want to make assumptions about those findings. Or do we know now?)

Thank you for the welcomes everybody!:seeya:
I'm so green at this. Noticing that my posts have asterisks (*) added to the text. Why are they there? Am I doing something wrong? Please excuse--I'll try to be good!
Were you trying to make italics or underscore in those places? I also noticed "_[expensive tool]_" with the underscores on either side, so thought maybe whatever program you are using isn't adding the italics or underscores properly for HTML.
Yep. Possible! But it sure doesn't help his story to say that he sped up. Bit of a slip, maybe? He wasn't thinking too straight, it would seem.

I had been looking back on his words with the premise that nothing is factual; all for effect. Therefore the entire truck story would be fabricated. No stuck truck, no long drive with Charli in her SUV.

But, let's say he did get a ride to his truck out there and was followed back by Charli. (He himself may have pulled over, at that.) She pulls over. Evil deed. Someone would be needed to get her car, then or later, in any case.

Or, They might have just driven out that way--under that pretense. He could have driven her up a side road. Come back alone. I bump into the truck stuck story being known by her family, so he wouldn't be able to risk driving back in her car. But if a "friend" drove his truck out there, they could switch vehicles, the friend could dodge the SUV and SC could drive the truck back, dropping off the clues along the route??? "Friend" (I'd like to call him "Tweeker") gets remunerated by perp., gets to salvage parts etc. But, still risky to drive the SUV back. Could remove the grill first--too distinctive and known. Hmmmm. Eh?

(and can we safely see, anyway, the set of items found along the way as a red herring??)
That the items found along the way could be a red herring is always a possibility. That Charli was killed closer to Haiku and that SC used Charli's car to leave said trail is also a possibility. If Nala had turned up closer to Twin Falls, I might have even said that SC's story was plausible. If we rule out Keanae, and we rule out the exact place where her car was found, then it seems that the location to look is at Twin Falls since that is where SC pointed LE at to prove his story.
That the items found along the way could be a red herring is always a possibility. That Charli was killed closer to Haiku and that SC used Charli's car to leave said trail is also a possibility. If Nala had turned up closer to Twin Falls, I might have even said that SC's story was plausible. If we rule out Keanae, and we rule out the exact place where her car was found, then it seems that the location to look is at Twin Falls since that is where SC pointed LE at to prove his story.

Have the "remains" found at TF been identified? Or Charlie ruled out?
Good questions. We lack so much concrete evidence here. But, trucks are full of messy items. The incriminating clothes could be easily put in a black plastic bag and dumped out at a place away from the scene and the body, just to set up a false trail. If the SUV was left for the fine upstanding citizens to loot, trash and burn, you wouldn't want that stuff in there. I think everything was deliberately deposited separately over many miles exactly to confound, distract and misdirect.

I remember someone saying, by the way, that these areas are used by hunters wild pig, really!) and fishermen. That's why the questions: Her blood? On her clothes? Bone really found? Animal or what? (so hard to type the words sometimes) forensics, please. [Side note: Nebraska Man was a highly touted "missing link" which turned out to be nothing but an imaginatively embellished extinct pig tooth. Which is why I would not want to make assumptions about those findings. Or do we know now?)
Thank you for the welcomes everybody!:seeya:[

I can understand scattering her clothes as a red herring. But scattering her clothes with evidence of her murder? Why? Wasn't that at or very near where SC's truck was "disabled"? That seems to point the finger at SC, not away from him.
Jump in and correct any of my assumptions, please.
That the items found along the way could be a red herring is always a possibility. That Charli was killed closer to Haiku and that SC used Charli's car to leave said trail is also a possibility. If Nala had turned up closer to Twin Falls, I might have even said that SC's story was plausible. If we rule out Keanae, and we rule out the exact place where her car was found, then it seems that the location to look is at Twin Falls since that is where SC pointed LE at to prove his story.

About the mysterious asterisks, nothing on my text. I checked my original (cut n paste) but I'll look again.

Well, I meant to have the hypothetical scenario be SC (or someone) using his Truck and NOT the SUV, to leave said trail. Sorry for being unclear.

I don't understand why Twin Falls would be the place to look. "...since that is where SC pointed LE at to prove his story." Can you clarify that? Do you mean that he seemed to imply that that's where something bad happened to Charlie? I just keep thinking, we have no evidence that Charlie was even there. The items found just seem tell fractured, conflicting, stories--to me, that says planted. Not to be trusted.
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