GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #4

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Rivera: Now, did you get a response from the defendant?

FW: Yes.

Rivera: And what was that response?

FW: First there was a text message it has said “I thought she had taken care of it. And subsequently, I didn’t respond to that text message and later on I got a phone call.

Rivera: When you say subsequently you didn’t respond to the text message when he said ‘I thought she had taken care of it’, why didn’t you respond to it?

FW: Because it was obvious that Charli hadn’t taken care of it, and that she wanted to keep it, and I had no response to that.

Rivera: What were you doing in the meantime after that text message?

FW: We were sitting in the living room hanging out together still kind of in shock of it and moving through the emotions of shock and happiness for Charli.

Rivera: When you talk about the shock of it, are you talking about the news or the defendant’s response to the text message?

FW: I’m talking about the news.

Rivera: So you mentioned just now that you got a call from the defendant. Was it from the same phone number?

FW: Yes.

Rivera: Did you recognize the voice?

FW: Yes.

Rivera: When he called you, can you tell us what he told you?

FW: He had called and asked how I knew. And I told him that Charli had told me directly and then he went on to say that he had thought they had agreed to take care of it. And I had gone on to tell him that she had chosen to, obviously, keep the child and that she wanted to be a mother. And from there on it was a one-sided conversation. He was kind of nervous or, um, panicked-sounding. He, like, didn’t believe it and - it sounded like he didn’t believe it and that plans had changed when he originally thought they were going to go through, and…

Rivera: Go through with what?

FW: With an abortion. And so I guess he was having an array of emotional feelings on the phone.
Rivera: Could you describe…when you said he sounded panicked, what made you think that?

FW: He was... he sounded short of breath and rushed as he was speaking, and he had said that it consequently would ruin plans he had with a current girlfriend, and, um, that it wasn’t what was supposed to be happening. And that he needed to talk to Charli, and I don’t believe that he was able to get a hold of Charli that night.
I'm 2 minutes into Fiona's first video and I'm choked up. My heart breaks for this family.
day 10 pt 1 starts but cuts off what date Charli told her family about the pregnancy. What date was this?
Great camera work on catching SC deep thinking. Come on Steven, tell the truth! Are you thinking up new lies and excuses to what your hearing or are you arguing with yourself to tell the truth and end this now.
Any truth to SC giving money to Charli for maternity clothes? Or did Apo just throw that out for the jury to hear and not truth at all?
Rivera: Turning your attention to May of the same year 2014, did you yourself try to make contact with the defendant?

FW: Yes.

Rivera: And approximately when was this in that month of May?

FW: It was approximately around May 14.

Rivera: And how is it that you were able to know or remember that date?

FW: It’s my birthday.

Rivera: And were you able to contact the defendant?

FW: Yes.

Rivera: Which phone number did you use?

FW: The same one.

Rivera: And what was the purpose of trying to contact him, Miss Wais?

FW: We had just found out that the case was moving from a missing persons case to a homicide case and I just wanted to clarify and ask him a few questions on my own about what his theory was or what could have happened that night from his point of view since he was the last one with her.

Rivera: You said to ask him what his theory was, is that correct? Did you ask him that question?

FW: Yes.

Rivera: And when you asked him that, what was the defendant’s response to you?

FW: The defendant’s response was, “I’m not sure, but I have a hypothesis that Charli could have picked up a hitchhiker.” And to me that just didn’t make any sense.

Rivera: And why did that not make any sense to you?

FW: It didn’t make sense to me because the story that I had heard repeatedly was he was driving in front of Charli to make sure that Charli, or to make sure that he - his vehicle didn’t break down again. And to me it didn’t make sense because if he was driving in front of her and was able to see her headlights, they were approximately pretty close. And if there was a hitchhiker on the side of the road, then he would have seen the person and at least been able to give them a description of said hitchhiker.
Any truth to SC giving money to Charli for maternity clothes? Or did Apo just throw that out for the jury to hear and not truth at all?

What would Apo do if he couldn't seed reasonable doubt without his sneaky lie-bombs and innuendos?
Rivera: Can you describe what your relationship was with your sister Charli Scott?

PW: She was my closest sister, she was my guardian, best friend, and she was pretty much everything.

Rivera: What did you observe?

PW: She would cook him food, he would be playing video games most of the time is what I saw, or working on cars. She would be mostly at work or cleaning, cooking. Never really saw them too much together.

Rivera: The times that you would have observed Charli and the defendant within their home, what if any words of affection did you hear the defendant say or speak towards Charli Scott?

PW: I didn’t really hear them say anything affectionate to each other.

Rivera: Were you aware of how Charli Scott, your sister, felt about the defendant?

PW: Yes, I was aware.

Rivera: And what, if anything, did you observe with respect to you sister, Charli Scott that was consistent or inconsistent with your awareness of how she felt about him?

PW: What I was aware of? I mean, she told me a lot, so…

Rivera: OK, without telling us what she told you…

PW: You can see how she felt about him.

Rivera: Let me ask you this: How did she act toward him?

PW: She was very motherly like, she just always wanted to cook for him, she wanted to take care of him, she loved him. She wanted to do everything she could for him.
Rivera: What if any physical displays of affection did you observe the times that you would see the defendant and Charli Scott together, within that household?

PW: I don’t believe I remember seeing any.
Rivera: What was occurring there at the ending part of 2013?

PW: We were having a little get-together.

Rivera: And do you know who planned this get-together?

PW: Charli.

Rivera: Who was involved in this get-together?

PW: It was Charli, Fiona, Max [inaudible] that was staying there, me, Brooke, if I said my mom, my mom was there, I think that was all.

Rivera: And you said earlier, this was an early Christmas thing?

PW: Yeah, we were opening gifts and everything.

Rivera: Besides gift opening, what if anything else occurred?

PW: Charli was cooking dinner and planning on telling us something impor… [objections]

Rivera: What knowledge did you have with respect to this gathering beforehand?

PW: I knew everything Charli knew.
Rivera: And at this gathering after all the gifts were opened and everyone had ate, without telling us what was said, can you just tell us what occurred?

PW: Charli brought everyone together to let everyone know what she had to say.

Rivera: OK, and did she let everyone know what she had to say?

PW: Yes.

Rivera: Were you there?

PW: Yes.

Rivera: Can you please describe, if at all, people’s reactions that were there that night when Charli shared what she had to say?

PW: Well there was a lot of happy tears, definitely. My mom was crying; she was really excited. You know, I was, Brooke I think, walked into the other room, but I know she was excited too.

Rivera: How do you know Brooke was excited, too?

PW: They were hugging after she hugged everyone else and they had their little chat.

Rivera: Did you observe anyone else?

PW: I mostly was just focused on my mom and Brooke.
Yep. Both girls stayed strong.

Yes, both sisters displayed strength and their grief is still very evident 2+ years since their tragic loss. And they both were able to get their messages through despite the defense attorney's relentless objections.

Fiona showed SC for the liar and phony that he is. :liar: I don't think any of the jury is buying his "If she's going to have my child, I want to be a part of its life" line now, if they ever were.
Quoted from Maui News
"The sisters were returning toward Haiku when they "saw a road that we've never really seen before" and pulled over, Phaedra Wais said.
"We saw lights coming up and realized that it was Steven," she said.
She said Capobianco stopped and talked to them as he headed up the dirt road leading to Nuaailua Bay, which is also known as "Paraquats" beach.
"He said that he had already checked it out down there," Phaedra Wais said.
She said Capobianco asked if the sisters wanted to go down to the bay in his 4Runner, which could make it down the road.
Because it was dark, she said they didn't go with Capobianco."

This was on February 11th. Tuesday. Obviously getting dark. How long was he down there? What was he doing? Was he looking for what had happened and couldn't find it? Was he dropping things off? Picking things up? Why did he offer to go back down the path with them?

What could he have possibly being doing? Two days later searchers found evidence down that path. He knows they saw him there.
Why just those items found? Where is she?

Location 4
Thursday 2/13 Evening getting dark
Nuaailua Bay, which is known as "Paraquats" beach
Phaedra found: Charli's clothing, a long black skirt with stab marks and a blue polka dot blouse.
a green blanket, (maggots on blanket??), shoes belonging to Charli, Twilight DVD.
Brown pants and jacket (that were not Charli's)
(This is the area SC told Brooke when the two of them drove Hana on Feb. 11th that he had already looked there)

Location 4
Next day Friday 2/14
Nuaailua Bay, which is known as "Paraquats" beach
gloves and duct tape found

Same search, same day, farther down path I assume?
Pool of maggots, (on clothing as previously reported??)
Scott's jawbone split in two, 6 feet apart,
clumps of her red hair,
pieces of skin,
a bra,
body piercing with flesh,
fingertips and nails of her right hand,
Did he plant the brown pants and grey jacket and the duct tape to set up a crime scene?
Did he offer to take them down that road to have them find the items and assume they found some mysterious killer?
Was that all he had left to plant?
Too many objections to transcribe this portion, so I will summarize.

Phaedra talked about the Life 360 app that Kim, Phaedra, and Charli had on their phones. Phaedra spoke of the time that she used it to find her phone when it was lost in a field. Then she talked of how the family used the app to figure out where Charli was on Tues Feb. 11, after they hadn’t heard from her all day. Tuesday, Feb 11, Kim and Phaedra drove toward Hana to see if they could locate Charli. Johnny and Fiona went to search in another car. Later on, Phaedra went to search with Brooke and SC (SC was in his own vehicle).

On the way back to Haiku from Hana, Brooke and Phaedra saw a road that they hadn’t seen before, so they pulled over. Dirt road, not a paved road. The dirt road leads to “Paraquats” (Nua’ailua Bay). PW said that whenever they saw something suspicious-looking, they (Brooke and Phaedra) would pull over. They saw lights coming up from the dirt road and realized that is was SC. They know it was SC because he stopped and talked to them. SC said that he’d already checked it out down there, but if they wanted to go, he would take them down there in his truck. Brooke’s car is a small, two-door, blue car, never would have made it down the dirt road. They didn’t go down the dirt road that night due to darkness. She asked Max to take her out to Paraquats because that’s where her last ping was. The reason she “waited” until Thursday instead of Tuesday or Wednesday, was because she was young and didn’t drive. Max was the first one to say that he’d take her out there. Molly Wirth drove them out there in a red truck. They started at 3 or 4 made it halfway down bad road, low branches. They parked and walked the rest of the way.

Trial resumes Friday and we will hear how Phaedra found Charli’s clothes and blanket.
Yes, both sisters displayed strength and their grief is still very evident 2+ years since their tragic loss. And they both were able to get their messages through despite the defense attorney's relentless objections.

Fiona showed SC for the liar and phony that he is. :liar: I don't think any of the jury is buying his "If she's going to have my child, I want to be a part of its life" line now, if they ever were.

Right. Even though they'd broken up, we expect him to ruin his plans with Cassie and sell his video games in preparation for his son's arrival? And Apo is straight up crazy asking weird questions like, "are ya intoxicated right now?" and "did Steven buy that maternity shirt for Carly?"
There was no blood down that path was there?
Did he plant the brown pants and grey jacket and the duct tape to set up a crime scene?
Did he offer to take them down that road to have them find the items and assume they found some mysterious killer?
Was that all he had left to plant?

Anything is possible. I don't think we have enough information to come to any firm conclusions - yet.

We don't know anything about the size or the condition of the brown pants and grey jacket (were there any bloodstains on these articles?), or if prints were recovered from the duct tape rolls, for example.

But my best guess is that his offer was insincere and he had counted on them to turn it down. It was dark and this was at least their 3rd trip to Hana. And if they had taken him up on his offer, I think he would have steered them away from the evidence. My rationale is that if he wanted to stage a crime scene, he would have picked a location that is easier to search/drive to. Phaedra's testimony is that even in Molly's truck they only made it halfway down. (Which makes me wonder if SC did anything to block the road - add a boulder or a fallen tree. Or maybe it was just that rough.) Apparently, you need a big, 4-wheel drive vehicle to drive all the way to the bay on that road. (Is there a second road? I have to check.)

On the other hand, SC did so many stupid things, I wouldn't put anything past him.

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