GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #4

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Kapua, that road is "just that rough". You need good 4wd to navigate down there which might explain why SC only got so far.
Phaedra's insistence in going down that road is what led to much of the physical evidence being found and recovered before nature had its way with it - or SC had an opportunity to do away with it for good.
"With the jury out of the courtroom Wednesday morning, defense attorney Matthew Nardi asked the court to dismiss the case with prejudice, saying the defense had received a recording of Sgt. Wendell Loo's interview with Brooke Scott only Monday.

Nardi said the recording contained information, including "a list of at least four people who are suspects" that the defense previously hadn't known about.

Judge Joseph Cardoza told Nardi to file a written motion on his request for a dismissal."
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11:45am 14 Jul 16
Witness: Capobianco wanted Scott to abort baby -

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I just saw the motion to dismiss request and the judge's response. Holy BEEEEEP. :thinking:
No. Just no.
Dismiss the case because you just received a recording on Monday? Does that even make sense?
Cardoza appears exhausted and just bored with this case. When he presides over his drug cases, he's perky and upbeat, he even makes little jokes. He seems to really be invested in rehabilitating people and giving them second chances as far his drug offenders go.
No. No.
His dreams would be haunted by angry women forever ..:
There is plenty time to prep for witnesses as long as Apo keeps objecting at this rate.
MPD get it together! smh
Cardoza appears exhausted and just bored with this case. When he presides over his drug cases, he's perky and upbeat, he even makes little jokes. He seems to really be invested in rehabilitating people and giving them second chances as far his drug offenders go.
Interesting, Nikki. I guess it's cool that he has another personality with some life to it. He's certainly not making this trial energetic. I think it would be exhausting to constantly rule on these objections though. How can a trial hold anyone's interest who is not deeply interested, when no one is allowed to get a story out.
Anything is possible. I don't think we have enough information to come to any firm conclusions - yet.

We don't know anything about the size or the condition of the brown pants and grey jacket (were there any bloodstains on these articles?), or if prints were recovered from the duct tape rolls, for example.

But my best guess is that his offer was insincere and he had counted on them to turn it down. It was dark and this was at least their 3rd trip to Hana. And if they had taken him up on his offer, I think he would have steered them away from the evidence. My rationale is that if he wanted to stage a crime scene, he would have picked a location that is easier to search/drive to. Phaedra's testimony is that even in Molly's truck they only made it halfway down. (Which makes me wonder if SC did anything to block the road - add a boulder or a fallen tree. Or maybe it was just that rough.) Apparently, you need a big, 4-wheel drive vehicle to drive all the way to the bay on that road. (Is there a second road? I have to check.)

On the other hand, SC did so many stupid things, I wouldn't put anything past him.

Kapua, totally with your take. He hoped they would not say yes, and of course he offered so they wouldn't suspect him.

This dirt road is the one Rivera points to (photo) in his opening, repeating "down this path lies ..." Horror, blood, the death of dreams. The blood and evidence were not on the road or visible from it, but we're not too far from it either.

It is really hard to find references to this road online, at least it was back in 2014-early 2015 when I searched. Some tourists go down there, the super off the beaten path searchers. There is confusion with photo labeling as to Honomanu and Nua'ailua/Paraquat's. Honomanu is an actual public beach park area.

I looked at Nua'ailua last week on Google Earth with the 3D effect, and the stream valley is high on both sides, so you can see the dirt road would need to come in from the longest distance to the highway (the highway curves closer to the beach but th topography is too steep). You can't even see the road or path from satellite view, but you can see the stream path. It's very dense with jungle growth.
So no blood at the path location.
It doesn't seem like three days would give the elements enough time to wash that much blood completely away if she was killed there. Would it?
But the evidence found there contradicts that.
But then again very little of her was found there.
So very confusing.
So no blood at the path location.
It doesn't seem like three days would give the elements enough time to wash that much blood completely away if she was killed there. Would it?
But the evidence found there contradicts that.
But then again very little of her was found there.
So very confusing.
I agree. Reading Maui News' article from today really has me thinking. I admit that while I know a little bit more than the general public, I never had a clear understanding of the exact timeline. I never felt like it was my place to ask either.

CLOTHING: RDS and FTL always felt that the clothes were put on display. Even if thrown in a pile, they were put there to be found, not left behind in haste. If SC was seen driving up from that dirt path, alone in his Forerunner on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 in the afternoon, he had ample time to set up a crime scene.

MAGGOTS: The blanket and maggots were of great concern on this board because they seemed to indicate Charli was buried or hidden and then retrieved. I felt differently. I know maggots can develop within hours in an ideal environment. But considering Charli's tattered clothing was also found in this pile, I wonder if these items weren't kept in another location until he staged them on TUESDAY. Pretty bold of him to go back there.

Criminals ALWAYS return to the scene of the crime and this one was caught red-handed.

REMAINS: Were the remains scattered about as if tossed from a bag? Does the trajectory match? Were there any footprints? Her tongue ring was pretty far back in her mouth so where is the rest of her tongue?

LIFE360/PINGING: No matter what, Charli's phone did not return to service outside of Keanae. Det Loo also mentioned asking the phone company to ping her phone and he says he too was informed of the Keanae area. So let's assume Charli's iphone goes with her body over the side, near the drag marks on SUNDAY. It wasn't left with the clothing, otherwise it would have been found.

All of this bs because a baby was going to mess up his plan with Cassie. Cardoza, I know you read these boards and you've presided over some sick ***** in your career but please, for the sake of the unborn and the expectant mother, don't let this one slip through the justice system. Rivera, keep it up brother. We need to you nail this guy.

I agree. Reading Maui News' article from today really has me thinking. I admit that while I know a little bit more than the general public, I never had a clear understanding of the exact timeline. I never felt like it was my place to ask either.

CLOTHING: RDS and FTL always felt that the clothes were put on display. Even if thrown in a pile, they were put there to be found, not left behind in haste. If SC was seen driving up from that dirt path, alone in his Forerunner on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 in the afternoon, he had ample time to set up a crime scene.

MAGGOTS: The blanket and maggots were of great concern on this board because they seemed to indicate Charli was buried or hidden and then retrieved. I felt differently. I know maggots can develop within hours in an ideal environment. But considering Charli's tattered clothing was also found in this pile, I wonder if these items weren't kept in another location until he staged them on TUESDAY. Pretty bold of him to go back there.

Criminals ALWAYS return to the scene of the crime and this one was caught red-handed.

REMAINS: Were the remains scattered about as if tossed from a bag? Does the trajectory match? Were there any footprints? Her tongue ring was pretty far back in her mouth so where is the rest of her tongue?

LIFE360/PINGING: No matter what, Charli's phone did not return to service outside of Keanae. Det Loo also mentioned asking the phone company to ping her phone and he says he too was informed of the Keanae area. So let's assume Charli's iphone goes with her body over the side, near the drag marks on SUNDAY. It wasn't left with the clothing, otherwise it would have been found.

All of this bs because a baby was going to mess up his plan with Cassie. Cardoza, I know you read these boards and you've presided over some sick ***** in your career but please, for the sake of the unborn and the expectant mother, don't let this one slip through the justice system. Rivera, keep it up brother. We need to you nail this guy.

Amen, Nikki. SC's choices blow my mind too.

I Agree for sure about how fast maggots can appear. I have to take my fairly clean kitchen trash out no later than every other day. They will show up in coffee grounds, no flesh needed. The thing that got me theorizing was the bit about the cleaned jaw that was too quick for maggots above ground alone and the comment from the entomologist in front of the GJ. It appears that puzzle has been solved with the knife info.
Still, there's a mystery about it, very dark, evil. I pray someday he tells.
Without knowing more details and going off of the pathway scene, what was there was very identifiable to Charli specifically.
Her jawbone. Her tongue ring. Her clothing. Her fingertips. Her pulled out red hair.

From what I know right now, if I'm not mistaken, it was not a bloody obvious spot indicating that what happened to her happened there.
That Tuesday as he came back up the path and offered to take them back down there seems to me he staged the area to identify Charli with the hopes that LE and family would assume some crazy pyscho serial killer did this. They'd identify her and move on looking for this crazy killer. He openly said that he was with her creating his own alibi. No one would think he did it and like he said once "come at me with proof".

So did he bring those items back there? Or clean up and specifically leave those specific items there?
Amen, Nikki. SC's choices blow my mind too.

I Agree for sure about how fast maggots can appear. I have to take my fairly clean kitchen trash out no later than every other day. They will show up in coffee grounds, no flesh needed. The thing that got me theorizing was the bit about the cleaned jaw that was too quick for maggots above ground alone and the comment from the entomologist in front of the GJ. It appears that puzzle has been solved with the knife info.
Still, there's a mystery about it, very dark, evil. I pray someday he tells.

Pua, I missed the bit about the cleaned jaw, the comment from the entomologist, and the knife info. Can you repost?

I am intrigued by the "list of at least four people who are suspects that the defense previously hadn't known about" from Brooke's recorded interview. RDS mentioned a few days ago that there were four possible (alleged) accomplices, one deceased. I can understand how this would blow holes in the defense's assertion that MPD hadn't investigated anyone else. :doh: :giggle:

Again, the prosecution needs to get their ducks in a row. They have a very strong case, IMHO. They've solidly established the motive, and the defendant has acknowledged being the last person to see the victim, which establishes the opportunity. I hope they don't blow the case by being careless with the rules of procedure or whatever you call that in legalese.

I am looking forward to the rest of Phaedra's testimony this afternoon. I am interested to hear her perception of the placement of the clothing.
Pua, I missed the bit about the cleaned jaw, the comment from the entomologist, and the knife info. Can you repost?

I am intrigued by the "list of at least four people who are suspects that the defense previously hadn't known about" from Brooke's recorded interview. RDS mentioned a few days ago that there were four possible (alleged) accomplices, one deceased. I can understand how this would blow holes in the defense's assertion that MPD hadn't investigated anyone else. :doh: :giggle:

Again, the prosecution needs to get their ducks in a row. They have a very strong case, IMHO. They've solidly established the motive, and the defendant has acknowledged being the last person to see the victim, which establishes the opportunity. I hope they don't blow the case by being careless with the rules of procedure or whatever you call that in legalese.

I am looking forward to the rest of Phaedra's testimony this afternoon. I am interested to hear her perception of the placement of the clothing.

Spotted 2 nights later leaving the scene of the crime. Alone. At night. Dark muddy side road along a 52 mile stretch of a winding deep valley road. With the risk of a suspended license. A supposedly recently broken down vehicle.

He was cleaning up his mess. It was dark(Headlights) and he missed some items in the wet fern covered muddy foliage. He was probably throwing fresh cut body parts into the ocean.

"If you want I can drive you girls down there..."
The clothes were piled on the ground next to a tree. In the brush area, not next to the road.

Molly took pictures of the clothing.

They (Molly, Max, PW) walked toward the river.

Charli’s blanket across the river caught on a tree, partly in the river. Phaedra tried to grab it, let Max grab it. Phaedra fell partly in the river and was too scared to touch it. Max was beside her. He got the blanket. Max grabbed the blanket out of the river and put it on the nearest rock. The blanket was covered in maggots.

Holes in tank top, no maggots. Black skirt – bunched up. Phaedra didn’t notice anything about it. Strong smell ‘like something had died.’

Gray jacket, black pants, two empty rolls of tape. Hooded jacket with zipper across the river, closer to the bay. Max grabbed the black pants. Never saw the gray jacket or black pants. Rolls of tape, cardboard rolls stuck in between two rocks in the river.
PW took a screen shot of the Life 360 app on her phone when she was at the location where Charli's clothes, etc. were found. Testified that the screen shot looked just like the last ping from Charli's phone.
Is the road where the drag marks were by the guard rail higher and directly over the path area?
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