So time is an issue... could he have possibly done all this in the allotted time? Forget where the truck wasn't stuck and remember no way she was going anywhere with him. Did she even meet him knowingly or did he wait for her somewhere on her way home from her mothers house? Maybe she agreed to give him a ride home.
Getting back to the time issue. Leaves his house at 8:30p
he met with Taylor between 12am and 2am and skyped with Cass at 2/2:30 am, acting odd around both of them. If time is an issue maybe he didn't go out Hana on Sunday night at all. Is there really anything that indicates he did?
Step-Grandfather allegedly sees him at 11p, ok, so what if he did. (I feel like this will be debunked) but maybe he didn't leave the property at all. Charlie, either knocked out or dead, her truck and Nala are hidden somewhere close to the property.
He needs to clean out her car, (how much stuff could possibly be in it?) so he can scrap it, but he has to get rid of her stuff, the blanket and DVD. He keeps the computer to pawn.
He isn't really under pressure until Tuesday morning. He didn't think he needed to rush Sunday night.
Sorry to be throwing random thoughts out. I need to figure this out to rest.
I want so badly for her family to have closure and justice.