His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

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I love the guy but have only one complaint. Casey should NOT be allowed to wear street clothes in court. She is on trial for murder and she should be shackled and in jail garb.
Clearly, HHJP sits at the top for a reason. And, as others have posted he is VERY careful about which matters to "give in" to JB and Co. This latest request, by Finnell for an additional Investigator and an additional Mitigation Specialist has my interest. This will be a test (IMO) as to how carefully and special HHJP is treating the defense. I am sure however, that the JAC will have much to say about the additional requests and costs to the Florida taxpayers that the defense has asked for. We shall see....
I love the guy but have only one complaint. Casey should NOT be allowed to wear street clothes in court. She is on trial for murder and she should be shackled and in jail garb.

Actually, this is a perfect example of how he errs on the side of caution. She would not be allowed to dress in street clothes IF cameras weren't allowed inside these hearings and the proceedings aired by the media.

Believe it or not, something this simple could be cited in a motion for appeal. The defense could claim that she has a constitutional right to be presumed innocent and was depicted in the public eye as a criminal while awaiting trial and it unfairly influenced perception. I realize it seems like a weak excuse, but as HHBP says - Death is different. He is taking no chances.
I think he's just doing his job. I'm one of those who don't think judges should be praised for doing their jobs properly. He seems to be pretty fair to both sides and to be following the laws. He's doing what he's supposed to do, IMO. That pleases me because so many judges don't play by the rules but I don't think he's a "great judge" because he is doing the right thing.
I think he's just doing his job. I'm one of those who don't think judges should be praised for doing their jobs properly. He seems to be pretty fair to both sides and to be following the laws. He's doing what he's supposed to do, IMO. That pleases me because so many judges don't play by the rules but I don't think he's a "great judge" because he is doing the right thing.

I agree to some extent. You should not receive excessive praise for doing what you were hired to do.

However, the law is so full of nuances, not to mention a high number of basic rules and regulations, and the risks are astronomical. In this case, a mistake could result in ICA being put to death or being set free in error.

Judge Perry obviously not only knows the law and the nuances, but he never stops studying, looking up references, and double-checking his own work.

That little extra says it all. It's a trait I'd want in my judge and my surgeon.
I agree to some extent. You should not receive excessive praise for doing what you were hired to do.

However, the law is so full of nuances, not to mention a high number of basic rules and regulations, and the risks are astronomical. In this case, a mistake could result in ICA being put to death or being set free in error.

Judge Perry obviously not only knows the law and the nuances, but he never stops studying, looking up references, and double-checking his own work.

That little extra says it all. It's a trait I'd want in my judge and my surgeon.

I hear ya! I just believe all the things you listed are a big part of a judges job (a surgeon's too for that matter) and if they don't do those things then there is a problem. I give him props for doing his job right, don't get me wrong, but I don't find any of it to be "extra".
I feel a huge amount of gratitude that Caylee's Justice will come under the very firm guidance of HHJP.

To me what is happening now is just like a dress rehearsal. Dress rehearsal #1 - make a mistake here and there, #2, things are a little tighter and firmer, #3 - no mistakes please and then it's Showtime and it had better be flawless or HHJP will bring the hammer down.

Come trial I'll be singing - Maxwell's silver hammer went bang on his head....
I hear ya! I just believe all the things you listed are a big part of a judges job (a surgeon's too for that matter) and if they don't do those things then there is a problem. I give him props for doing his job right, don't get me wrong, but I don't find any of it to be "extra".

Point taken. :seeya:

But, sadly, in today's world, much of it is considered "extra." Too many believe they have studied enough and know it all and start coasting to the finish line.
Point taken. :seeya:

But, sadly, in today's world, much of it is considered "extra." Too many believe they have studied enough and know it all and start coasting to the finish line.

True that.
I know zip about Judges so I'm simply expressing myself.
I expected JP to be tougher. For instance, when CM whined about his schedule not being respected (or something like that) in reference to having to get AH's depo on a Saturday morning; CM asked the Judge why should we respect her schedule? That sounded childish to me. AH works on a cruise ship and that's the way it is so why can't they just work with it instead of cry and whine about the inconvenience it's causing them? JB complained to the Judge that they'd have to get a hotel room for Friday night in order to be there on Saturday morning. Just do it. JP has been telling them all along that they may have to work nights and weekends in order to get the job done. Heck I've had to do that in far less important jobs.

IMO it's about time for JP to tell the defense to quit complaining and do their job - it's crunch time.

CM is acting childish imo when he complains. He should have stayed retired then. He's never had to put in extra hours on a case before? I don't get it - are they all that poor that they can't afford a hotel room? They don't seem very devoted to their professionalism imo.

I hope JP calls them on this type of behavior soon. JB is never up-to-date on the status of the case when he appears before the judge for the status hearings. That's wasting JP's time. I expected JP to have a more demanding attitude from the way he presented himself at first.
Judge Belvin Perry simply ROCKS, all the way around. He is being fair and imnpartial to all, even when they obviously don't know what they're doing. Heh

The best man for the trial, and Casey can appeal all she wants - IT WON'T WORK. :)

I know zip about Judges so I'm simply expressing myself.
I expected JP to be tougher. For instance, when CM whined about his schedule not being respected (or something like that) in reference to having to get AH's depo on a Saturday morning; CM asked the Judge why should we respect her schedule? That sounded childish to me. AH works on a cruise ship and that's the way it is so why can't they just work with it instead of cry and whine about the inconvenience it's causing them? JB complained to the Judge that they'd have to get a hotel room for Friday night in order to be there on Saturday morning. Just do it. JP has been telling them all along that they may have to work nights and weekends in order to get the job done. Heck I've had to do that in far less important jobs.

IMO it's about time for JP to tell the defense to quit complaining and do their job - it's crunch time.

CM is acting childish imo when he complains. He should have stayed retired then. He's never had to put in extra hours on a case before? I don't get it - are they all that poor that they can't afford a hotel room? They don't seem very devoted to their professionalism imo.

I hope JP calls them on this type of behavior soon. JB is never up-to-date on the status of the case when he appears before the judge for the status hearings. That's wasting JP's time. I expected JP to have a more demanding attitude from the way he presented himself at first.

IMO, HHJP did exactly that: 'Remember Oct 31.' He said that after every whining excuse.

Even going so far as calling Oct 31 the drop dead date!
I do have to remind myself sometimes that HHJP is not a warden of legal intellect...He is there to apply law, and anything in between can be seen as banter among professional advocates (or pseudo professionals in the case of JB....okay so he passed the bar).
He is fully aware that JB is a big ole dummy, but to call him a big ole dummy is not necessary because at the end of the day, it is HHJP's jurisprudence that will dictate whether or not he feels the arguments are supported by law or precedent.
My biggest problem is precedent vs. voted-upon law, but that is a way broader subject.

I have also noticed that HHJS took many occasions to draw his conclusions after the day was done, rather than making an on-the-spot determination. Dunno if this was trepedation about making a faulty decision in this very publicized case...HHJP seems to be more likely to enter his judgement immediately, I have only seen him refrain from judgement once.
Also, when I rewatched the last hearing, I can't tell you how much I appreciate HHJP reigning in Baez's ramblings.

Not exact, but my quickie impression.

HHJP: How many experts are left to depose, Mr Baez?

Baez: My list, which I have the name of experts -'

HHJP: How many?

Baez: There's people from the blah blah blah...blah blah blah blah -

HHJP: How Many?

I love me some HHJP!
I love HHJP's no-nonsense attitude. He tells them like it is..."bring your lunch". I laugh at some of his comments because it is a direct smack to JB, even though I don't think JB gets it.

However, I wish that he would tell JB and CM to get with the program. I want him to remind them that his time is precious and that they need to get with the program. Afterall, this is a Death Penalty Murder 1 case, not a dog and pony show. I so wish he would tell them not to come into his courtroom unprepared and act all-knowing because they will fall on their face (well, their already doing that...their just too blinded by the spotlight to recognize it). JB is way in over his head. A GOOD attorney wouldn't need a dream team to try a case.
Also, when I rewatched the last hearing, I can't tell you how much I appreciate HHJP reigning in Baez's ramblings.

Not exact, but my quickie impression.

HHJP: How many experts are left to depose, Mr Baez?

Baez: My list, which I have the name of experts -'

HHJP: How many?

Baez: There's people from the blah blah blah...blah blah blah blah -

HHJP: How Many?

I love me some HHJP!

Yeah, HHJP seemed a little crabby. He's even cuter when he's crabby, with his little crabby cherub cheeks.....Love me some Judge Perry.

IMO, HHJP did exactly that: 'Remember Oct 31.' He said that after every whining excuse.

Even going so far as calling Oct 31 the drop dead date!

I think a two week extension for certain, extremely specific depositions,while setting a hard line on the bulk of them sends the perfect message. It shows the judge is fair and reasonable, he can where needed and truly appropriate, make adjustments to the trial schedule to best serve the needs of the court, the witnesses, and occasionally the defendant. But it also says that he is the one firmly in charge. This largess will be extremely limited in its frequency and extremely minimal in the amount of time extended. It keeps them on a tight schedule while leaving virtually no avenues for appeal. Precisely what he is there to do.

His decision on the touch DNA testing of the shorts is a teachable example of this. Yes the defense can test the shorts for DNA. To deny that would have been a huge issue on appeal. No the evidence may not leave the jurisdiction of the courts or US law. So the defense has to find an acceptable domestic lab to do the test... oh yeah and the deadline for experts is Oct 31.
I think a two week extension for certain, extremely specific depositions,while setting a hard line on the bulk of them sends the perfect message. It shows the judge is fair and reasonable, he can where needed and truly appropriate, make adjustments to the trial schedule to best serve the needs of the court, the witnesses, and occasionally the defendant. But it also says that he is the one firmly in charge. This largess will be extremely limited in its frequency and extremely minimal in the amount of time extended. It keeps them on a tight schedule while leaving virtually no avenues for appeal. Precisely what he is there to do.

His decision on the touch DNA testing of the shorts is a teachable example of this. Yes the defense can test the shorts for DNA. To deny that would have been a huge issue on appeal. No the evidence may not leave the jurisdiction of the courts or US law. So the defense has to find an acceptable domestic lab to do the test... oh yeah and the deadline for experts is Oct 31.

Spot on and well said.

And, imo, HHJP is quick to shut down Baez trying to shoe in a date on the sly.

Baez: I've set Dec 1 aside for no shows.

HHJP responded that it was out of the question, and they could fix up a Saturday for them instead.


Remember, nights and weekends.
Yeah, HHJP seemed a little crabby. He's even cuter when he's crabby, with his little crabby cherub cheeks.....Love me some Judge Perry.

I love that face on HHBP...that's his serious, do you want to go there Mr. Baez look!..LOL

I don't think he's crabby, just frrrrushtrated with the defense and the antics they pull...as he stated, "you won't catch me in any violations"! JMHO

Justice for Caylee
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