Holly Bobo, missing from TN 2014 discussion #2 ***ARREST***

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Imo, along with increased awareness, TN Governor Haslam's Public Safety Law and the 10/01/2001 TN Familial DNA Law were two additional positives which resulted from the HB tragedy. Imo, once info is eventually released during trial, we will find that the familial dna law will have played a very significant role in solving the HB investigation.

Hopefully many lessons were learned by the local rural PDs and Sheriffs Departments, and better abduction response training initiated, as well as a pre-abduction plan in place to effectively utilize all available resources, in case of future abductions..
As history has shown, there will be others...

Good point, Foxfire. ZA's brother was in jail. That makes me wonder if they had a familial DNA match and questioned him and he gave info. That would also fit with ZA trying to get the "message" to his little bro to shut up.
Wow is right, Foxfire.

It sure looks very interesting. We have company coming tonight so I hope I will get to watch it. I guess it will be aired on line right?

I have a feeling the local LE and the TBI are going to look pretty bad by the time this show is over.

Adams seemed to be right up under their nose all the time yet it took three years to arrest him.:(

Oceanblueeyes, the TV 4 WOW Team Segment was aired about a year ago(05/2013) due to frustration with the investigation's progress and the lack of updates/communication by the TBI to the Bobo family. Many of the TV 4 WOW Team video segments have since been silenced by the TBI due to the firestorm that later erupted. Most article links are still available & some of the videos. Very interesting read, imo..

Below is the websleuth's link for the WOW team investigation Thread.
Wow I ventured over to that other site...and spent way to much time reading, I very rarely leave the safety net of WS lol, but the gossip there is crazy! With that being said, what was the deal with the buried bag?
Good point, Foxfire. ZA's brother was in jail. That makes me wonder if they had a familial DNA match and questioned him and he gave info. That would also fit with ZA trying to get the "message" to his little bro to shut up.

Leader6518, imo that is exactly what happened.. A similar scenario happened in the Grim Sleeper serial killer case in CA. He had evaded investigators for 15 years and had taken 11 known innocent victims. The grim sleeper; Lonnie D. Franklin Jr., was nicknamed the "Grim Sleeper" because of a 12-year break between murders -- and then he began to kill again.

Grim Sleeper snared due to Son's Arrest - Familial DNA
OT - FYI - 'The Mysterous Disappearance of Jennifer Kesse' (FL)- update/special on Greta VanSusteren - On the Record/Fox News (on now)
I do not believe any family member was ever suspect in the POV of LE. I have never read a single statement or article which indicated LE thought anyone in the Bobo family was in any way suspect.

Clint Bobo however was suspect in the court of public opinion and a lot of allegations were thrown around by the general public (not here, here we follow the victim friendly TOS which direct us to follow LEs lead on who is to be discussed as a possible suspect).

Lots of ugly things were insinuated over the years about this young man without a single shred of evidence or word from LE to get them there.


still feel terribly for him on that account.

I respectfully disagree. LE not ruling out the family led to some of the accusations against Clint. I posted a link earlier. They didn't clear anyone including those close to Holly. It was a direct quote from TBI.

And yes I'm angry they didn't and feel horrible for Clint.

Sadly what's done is done. Now the focus will be on the real perp (s)
Good point, Foxfire. ZA's brother was in jail. That makes me wonder if they had a familial DNA match and questioned him and he gave info. That would also fit with ZA trying to get the "message" to his little bro to shut up.

In fact, and I wonder how people feel about this, When Clint first saw Holly going through the woods he thought it was with her Boyfriend - his description was of a man more Holly's height and stockier than Zachary Adams. I worry about that and I worry about ZA's FB post within minutes of her abduction, that the defense could make a case that ZA just wasn't there?
Wow is right, Foxfire.

It sure looks very interesting. We have company coming tonight so I hope I will get to watch it. I guess it will be aired on line right?

I have a feeling the local LE and the TBI are going to look pretty bad by the time this show is over.

Adams seemed to be right up under their nose all the time yet it took three years to arrest him.:(

Oh, no - just when you were wining me over to think LE/DA really has solid, direct evidence in this case....
So now my misapprehension meter has gone full tilt!
Actually in cases like this where there has been an abduction of a grown child it rarely is done by a family member. Even when it comes to minor children who have been abducted and later on found murdered it is most likely to have been done by a stranger 44% of the time and 42% of the time it will be an acquaintance, neighbor,etc. Only 14% will a family member be involved when it comes to an abduction/kidnapping and murder and that is to minor children. It is even less when the victim is an adult child.

Most families who are really involved with murdering their child they most often call 911 and pretend that the minor child has met with an 'accident' or sudden 'illness' of some kind, and then when an autopsy is done it shows the real truth, and it was done by beatings/rapes/neglect and other abuse done by one of the parents or both or someone living in the household with the child.

So right off the bat none of the Bobo's met the profile of someone who would do something like this, but some police are just insistent, and aren't going to rule anyone in or out until an arrest and charges are made.

That is why I never immediately assume family members are involved or guilty when their child is abducted and missing because more often than not.....they aren't. Of course sometime they are but it is way in the minority percentage.


This might be of interest here -
Great post. I am a firm believer that cases should be tried in the courtroom instead of in the public. By not releasing any evidence it not only gives Holly a better chance of receiving the justice she deserves, but it also diminishes the defendant's appellate issues if he is convicted.

And the 27 volumes amassed over a three year time period is not going to be just pertaining to Adams exclusively. It includes everything that was done from beginning to end during the long three year investigation. It is going to be filled with all the interviews they conducted which I think is a vast amount. Leads and tips they received, and followed up on with the results notated. Whether the investigation at the beginning was about Adams is irrelevant when it comes to the 27 volumes of discovery. It just means he will be in there somewhere along with the entire investigation being done. The DA is required to turnover all discovery. That means everything and every interview LE conducted throughout including any other search warrants that transpired. The defense team gets the whole enchilada.

If, during some of the interviews, the person(s) named another possible suspect(s), then that is the type of information Adams attorney is looking for because they can try to point to some other dude did it.

So the entire folders aren't going to just pertain to Adams only. The one thing it does show though is the TBI never let go of investigating Holly's case even though it took them three years to finally arrest the suspect.

The main point that is the most important to me is they now have arrested/charged the suspect and he is off the streets where he cant harm another victim.

Would it have been better if they had arrested him in 2011? Of course it would,, but the wheels of justice moves slowly sometime, but the wheel does keep rolling even if it isn't at the speed we would like to see.


But will you say the same thing if we find out ZA had her alive for a few weeks before killing her. Perhaps a simple search warrant or arrest way back then may have saved her life.
Wow is right, Foxfire.

It sure looks very interesting. We have company coming tonight so I hope I will get to watch it. I guess it will be aired on line right?

I have a feeling the local LE and the TBI are going to look pretty bad by the time this show is over.

Adams seemed to be right up under their nose all the time yet it took three years to arrest him.:(

"Friends in high places"

I am going to keep thinking this until proven wrong. It is the only answer that makes any sense to me.

Its either ZA had conspired with someone in authority to help him stay out of trouble OR it seems LE just did a horrible job for 3 years. I tend to think the first option for now.
I can't help but to believe that the catalyst in this culmination of searches and subsequent charges stem from gun charges beginning in July or so last year. Don't know quite the connection as yet, but it seems to me that is when the FBI started driving the bus. Federal gun charges on DA and his buddy, and shortly around that time JA as well. I don't know if a gun was used that connected or what, but not long thereafter things started to click, it seems. It appears to me that the FBI brought forces to bear on search days, invited TBI to the party and left the local sheriff uninvited.

I've never checked ZA's fb friends for a police officer. I have read one was his friend on fb but most likely on fb and not MSM. It's a start. Busy weekend so I'll try to retrace where when I can. I think it was posted somewhere here too?
I can't help but to believe that the catalyst in this culmination of searches and subsequent charges stem from gun charges beginning in July or so last year. Don't know quite the connection as yet, but it seems to me that is when the FBI started driving the bus. Federal gun charges on DA and his buddy, and shortly around that time JA as well. I don't know if a gun was used that connected or what, but not long thereafter things started to click, it seems. It appears to me that the FBI brought forces to bear on search days, invited TBI to the party and left the local sheriff uninvited.


My opinions only, no facts here:

I do not disagree. But this is my worst fear. Your scenario hints at a bunch of he-said they-said jailhouse confessions. I will be very disappointed if the Holly Bobo case devolves into such a morass. I want physical evidence such as remains or trophies, I want DNA, I want fingerprints, etc. With anything less than this, we will only have revenge, we will not have the truth.
I don't see anything wrong with the prosecution using jail house confessions in Holly's case, they are witnesses. If a group of prisoners know something, well spill it. One went religious and is a cousin, one was a brother of ZA's who may just be tired of his brother's crazyness? The other 3 to how ever many may just have seen their future too before them. SMACK. It's old, I'm sure their current charges/arrests or future with lingering charges, shook them up enough & some after lying as low as they could... Get 'em. jmo

And if this all came about due to this jail house snitch, more power to you!
In fact, and I wonder how people feel about this, When Clint first saw Holly going through the woods he thought it was with her Boyfriend - his description was of a man more Holly's height and stockier than Zachary Adams. I worry about that and I worry about ZA's FB post within minutes of her abduction, that the defense could make a case that ZA just wasn't there?

His description of the height was not at all like Holly's. I believe he said the perp was between 5'8 to 6'. Holly was petite. 5'3", 110 lbs
I don't see anything wrong with the prosecution using jail house confessions in Holly's case, they are witnesses. If a group of prisoners know something, well spill it. One went religious and is a cousin, one was a brother of ZA's who may just be tired of his brother's crazyness? The other 3 to how ever many may just have seen their future too before them. SMACK. It's old, I'm sure their current charges/arrests or future with lingering charges, shook them up enough & some after lying as low as they could... Get 'em. jmo

And if this all came about due to this jail house snitch, more power to you!

As long as they weren't involved, I'm ok with these witnesses. If they were and are getting sweet deals for being witnesses, I think that would be an injustice to Holly
His description of the height was not at all like Holly's. I believe he said the perp was between 5'8 to 6'. Holly was petite. 5'3", 110 lbs

I guess I phrased that wrong as I meant her BF is shorter and stockier than ZA who is taller and lankier than the description clint gave. I had the impression that ZA is way taller than Holly and would not have been mistaken for the Boyfriend. I'll read some more - perhaps I am not getting the facts right.
Bumping TBI Media Release - 05/17/2013: TBI's Reply to the TV 4 WOW Team investigation - Holly Bobo abduction Special;


TBI Motto - 'That Guilt shall not Escape or Innocence Suffer'


Nashville, Tenn. – The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has determined that the non-profit organization “Without
Warning” did not investigate the case of missing Tennessee woman, Holly Bobo, to law enforcement standards as
reported by Nashville television station WSMV which aired several stories during newscasts this month as well as a
special documentary which aired May 12, 2013.
<sniped - Read More>
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