Hoover & D. Casey Depos in Gonzales Case

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I agree, we can't use the denial as absolute proof that she didn't mean this particular ZG, but it also doesn't prove she meant this ZG. If LE had shown Casey picture of 5 different ZG's and Casey said not one of them was the kidnapper, would she have been telling 5 different lies?

See, now that I can believe! :)
Now I want some homade Bread Pudding with raisins. I haven't had that in a lot of years either......
IMO, key words...in my opinion, Cindy was not sharing her suspicions with LE, she was trying to derail or direct the investigation away from her daughter. This opinion I have gathered from watching the various LE interviews. Even JA stated that Cindy wanted to tell them how to run their investigation. Honest suspicions are one thing, IMO, her "red flags", Zanny is Amy or Zanny is Jesse, goes beyond honest suspicions. I do not, for one minute, think she really thought Jesse or Amy or Ricardo kidnapped Caylee, you may and that is your right, but I think she knew exactly who "kidnapped" and murdered her Granddaughter.

I agree 100%

Cindy not only "Hinted" to LE that she thought Jessie was involved but she also came right out & told the entire Country that she was very suspicious of Jessie & she thought that he was involved in caylee's disappearance

I'm not sure of the exact show or interview but I recall Cindy saying that Jessie was over her home & he received a phone call & that she thought it was very suspicious that he got up & walked out of the house so she sent George out after him to listen in on the conversation. She then said that when Jessie realized George was listening he got very nervous & hung up the phone.

There was more but She was basically trying to imply that she thought Jessie was talking to the Kidnappers.

Your right, Cindy wasn't just "Sharing her opinions with LE" about Jessie

She tried very hard to convince the Public that Jessie was responsible for Caylee' disappearance
Additionally, the physical description Casey gave of ZG is completely different than this ZG, including her size, weight, and age. Casey's ZG has no children, this ZG has 6.

Casey's ZG and this ZG have almost nothing in common.

I just don't see how ZFG has a case against Casey

The bottom line is that LE showed Casey a photo of "THIS PARTICULAR ZFG" & asked her straight out........"Is this the person who took your daughter"

Casey's responce was "NO"

LE & the Media went public & claimed that this was "THE REAL ZFG"...Not Casey
So am I! I believe Hoover will have answered truthfully and hope it contains some good stuff! What a shame DC will be able to watch it before he has to give his deposition, as he will now know what he will be asked and will have some time to prepare his answers.

Seems those with a guilty conscience do the same thing, just like CA and GA. IMHO.

Something to hide?
Bumping up my question, since I don't have time to read all the interviews and deps. Thanx.

The privacy issue with DC had to do with a preceeding question when they went off record in his depo from last month. And for the life of me I'm drawing blanks as to what the question was.....


ETA: I stand corrected. It has nothing to do with DC's depo. I hadn't read about it being with LE. I have no idea then!
I agree, we can't use the denial as absolute proof that she didn't mean this particular ZG, but it also doesn't prove she meant this ZG. If LE had shown Casey picture of 5 different ZG's and Casey said not one of them was the kidnapper, would she have been telling 5 different lies?

The other four don't matter. Proof was being offered against this particular ZG's claim to defamation in that Casey denied recognizing her picture. We agree, per your above statement, that this "proof" is not absolute. Therefore, Casey's denial is meaningless. The other four are immaterial.
The privacy issue with DC had to do with a preceeding question when they went off record in his depo from last month. And for the life of me I'm drawing blanks as to what the question was.....


ETA: I stand corrected. It has nothing to do with DC's depo. I hadn't read about it being with LE. I have no idea then!

IF I recall correctly, it was something about having recieved instructions from someone about what to do if Caylees body was found. Instructions other than call 911.
What on earth does anything that's rumored to have happened between Cindy and DC long AFTER Caylee's disappearance have to do with the ZFG suit? I don't understand why Morgan is getting away with this.

I agree. I think he is trying to protect his ZFG from being targetted at trial by exploring the circumstances around Caylee's demise . . . in a backwards sort of way. He is reverse engineering back to prove it wasn't his ZFG .... it is very revealing and entertaining though.
Okay did I just read 6 pages of nonsense? Sorry but I thought this thread was for discussion of the Hoover and Casey depos...haven't we debated the ZFG lawsuit situation on another thread for MONTHS???????
Okay did I just read 6 pages of nonsense? Sorry but I thought this thread was for discussion of the Hoover and Casey depos...haven't we debated the ZFG lawsuit situation on another thread for MONTHS???????

I guess we did get a bit off track.
Okay did I just read 6 pages of nonsense? Sorry but I thought this thread was for discussion of the Hoover and Casey depos...haven't we debated the ZFG lawsuit situation on another thread for MONTHS???????

I am going to take your word for it, because I don't have the stomach for 6 pages of nonsense.

So, please stay on topic.
I agree, we can't use the denial as absolute proof that she didn't mean this particular ZG, but it also doesn't prove she meant this ZG. If LE had shown Casey picture of 5 different ZG's and Casey said not one of them was the kidnapper, would she have been telling 5 different lies?

My question is, if this ZG is not the ZFG then why did KC take the 5th on her written questions for the deposition and only respond with her name, rather than simply clearing this ZG in writing and be done with it?
I am going to take your word for it, because I don't have the stomach for 6 pages of nonsense.

So, please stay on topic.
I think a lot of the earlier discussion started while waiting for the deposition to be released. It wasn't meant to rehash IMO, but rather addressed why the deposition was happening in the first place. JMO
There is no dollar figure at this point. There are two courts where suits are heard, district and circuit. Cases seeking under $15,000 are heard in one, cases seeking over $15,000 are heard in the other. I'm sorry, I can't recall which is which. Someone hoping to win millions of dollars would state that they are suing for an amount over $15,000. It's just to determine which court the case goes to.

I am quite aware of the difference between the courts and the amounts. You missed the point. They could be suing for millions and they could have announced that they were seeking millions. Plenty of people do.

They are well aware any judgment they may get will never be filled. They are well aware she is a pauper, not a princess. John Morgan has made it clear, Casey could end the lawsuit in a minute by answering one question under oath.
They are not after money, they want answers and ZG's named cleared once and for all.
What on earth does anything that's rumored to have happened between Cindy and DC long AFTER Caylee's disappearance have to do with the ZFG suit? I don't understand why Morgan is getting away with this.

well maybe they are asking to find out what kind of relationship they have as to whether or not Cindy was sharing with the PI personal things that she was hiding from the cops and therefor making anything DC says to be a conflict?
Did she know him before this case? I think I read somewhere that CA told LE that she is the one that asked DC to look there.
I have heard three different stories to this story.

It may be just to find out what their relationship is to see where to go with them.? IT is all so messed up with all of the distractions. Just some thoughts.
alright I have a question are the first 3 parts of the video depo all that have been released currently? Is there more to be released? ok I guess thats 2 questions...
After watching the depo it seems to me that Morgan summed it up perfectly when he called JH a wiley kind of a guy. I did notice when Morgan attmepted to flatter JH into answering something for him. I think JH is holding back, and he's very uncomfortable with the whole deal. He came of to me sounding like he butted his way into this case, and then got wrapped up into something that was a bit too big for his britches. He does state that they went in search of Caylees body at the location, but then states that he or DC haad no conversation about Caylee being dead? Enough for me to not trust this man. Tell the truth, and don't try to outsmart perhaps the wiliest ( sorry if I am now making up my own words) son of a gun lawyer I've heard in quite some time!
I've been thinking about dates and if they may be significant or just plain old coincidence...

Who knows but, here goes...

  • LA and DC reportedly visit KC in jail (can't remember date off hand and if I don't go to bed, I'm gonna give myself a timeout tomorrow).

  • JH and DC take a field trip to remains site; Friday and Saturday, 11/15 and 16 respectively

  • MJ quits; Thursday, 11/20
Very tired so this might not be the correct thread but it someone may relate to lawyering up, etc., etc.
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