How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

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How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

  • I think it is okay to have one without the family's blessings.

    Votes: 283 56.4%
  • I think the family should have the final say in any memorial, formal or not.

    Votes: 130 25.9%
  • I have no idea what to think.

    Votes: 89 17.7%

  • Total voters
The first thing which came to mind when I saw that is: I know where KC learned that inappropriate sexual behavior - Her mother.

That was really sick in my opinion and he looked very uncomfortable.

Uhh Yea...If she was some Hot Mama probably wouldn't have repulsed ol Rob but CA isn't oozing sex appeal, she oozes testosterone. JMO.
Exactly! They are between a rock and a wall. If there is a service and they attend, they appear to have indorsed that they know Caylee is dead (which they both do know). IF there is a memorial service and they do not attend, it would be very bad social form.

So they show up today, in advance, pitch a total fit, etc., and storm off, thereby "handling it."
Makes much more sense than just having their attorney issue a simple statement about the family grieving in private. (Note sarcasm.)
:laugh: Course, maybe they placed their attorney on time out! (oops)
How can LP do this to Caylee? Never again will I watch anything with him in it. What right does he have to decide to have a memorial for that baby girl? He wants the spotlight. He took over the search Tim had, he is taking over with his memorial.

He did not take over the search. Tim said he was calling off TES search. LP hired divers to check the river.

That in my opinion was to be admired and not criticized by people not even there with no knowledge of what was found previously.

He is not taking over the memorial but providing one for a child which appears no one in the family seems to care if anyone finds.
Uhh Yea...If she was some Hot Mama probably wouldn't have repulsed ol Rob but CA isn't oozing sex appeal, she oozes testosterone. JMO.

She is an OLD WOMAN .........granted she is not as old evidently as she looks, but what good looking man wants someone who looks like her "feeling them up?"
He did not take over the search. Tim said he was calling off TES search. LP hired divers to check the river.

That in my opinion was to be admired and not criticized by people not even there with no knowledge of what was found previously.

He is not taking over the memorial but providing one for a child which appears no one in the family seems to care if anyone finds.
Looked to me like they cared VERY much if someone finds Caylee's remains if today was any indication!!
To what extent should somebody have to justify a memorial service. No one is forced to watch, listen, or attend. Far more heinous things will happen in Orlando tomorrow.

The service, I believe, would fall into the list of things that are a part of healing...

They aren't burning a likeness of Casey. They are having something in honor of an alleged victim. It seems to carry built in justification.

It's not like the service is a first degree felony unless justified.


I think the problem here is they can't set up their tent and collect money at it.
Sorry being bad read first few posts only.

As in everything else I see all sides of this issue; however, I voted to go ahead with it. If anyone doubted Leonard's motives or motivation all you had to do was watch him today when you could find him. This man is committed to Caylee first and secondly to get Casey and that's a far second. He really cares about Caylee and media w.... or not he was rarely around any cameras all day. This is first and foremost about what has happened to this child and the treatment and behaviour of the family following that event.

This man is real when off camera and when on. He has thought this through, he has the monetary resources and other resources and if he wants to spend it all on finding Caylee then bless his heart and I stand with him.

Regardless of whether or not Caylee is dead, think of Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn and his funeral, think of all the mortally ill people who get the Last Rites or Sacrament of the Sick or Medicine Man or rabbi whatever. There is often a prayer service for the dying and then there is a miraculous recovery, or if lost the person shows up.

Whatever you believe, whether she is gone or not, whether the A's agree or not what can it hurt? The positive energy can only help everyone involved. It's all in your point of view.

If you do not believe in God of whatever race or creed. Then think of finding Caylee alive or dead and send that energy out to the Universe.

It's all good.

PS Lenny only told Murt about this dive yesterday. There was only one other news crew there this am.

Sorry, I rant a lot even though it was a gentle rant. Unite for Caylee.
I agree what I said is harsh...but it is reality.

No, it is beyond me how people refuse to understand the truth. It isn't a convenient truth. It is the stark reality of knowing this poor little girl has been forsaken. What a good word for it. She is the forsaken child. I have been angry for a long time and now...I am ready to let that anger go. It is just so difficult to do when these people keep pushing the envelope and are trying to insult our intelligence at every turn. The A fam actually believe people buy their song and dance.

You know SS, One of the reasons I would like Caylee found is because I just want her found for the sake of Justice, for Caylee. If her remains are never found I have faith that she is wrapped in the arms of love and we here on earth can do no better than that, I just have to keep reminding myself of that. Folks keep repeating that they want Caylee found so she can be returned home...really? Knowing now what we know about CA & GA, they certainly don't care if she is returned home, so maybe the goal of returning Caylee home isn't a great idea.
You could be right, but if LE and/or the FBI do not want it released, LP wouldn't just blurt that out.. I really don't believe he knows that for a fact. I think he just likes the attention..

I do not think he is truly in this for Caylee..I never did..From the beginning he wanted to make a name for himself.. It worked..

You seem to forget that JG had a complete DNA done on Caylee which he has all the could be in those results.
Sounds like tomorrow is the day to call in sick.(work.) To see cindy cuffed and arrested would be the highlight or this whole fiasco for me.
He also said that 2 crosses were purchsed at JC penny on Cindy's card

I was thinking that maybe Casey used the crosses from JC Penny & added her own touch to them bui the cross in that Photo is "entirerly" made by hand.

I still don't see how the crosses from JC penny fit into this

That has nothing to do with this cross. This looks like the cross KC made while out on bond. Same beads, same colors, etc. There is every reason to have believed this cross was connected after getting that information.
Sounds like tomorrow is the day to call in sick.(work.) To see cindy cuffed and arrested would be the highlight or this whole fiasco for me.

You don't know what that would mean to me...............It would all be worth it to just see that one event.
IMHO I would have a problem with a memorial IF KC had not been charged. She has been and so LE and the grand jury think that Caylee is no longer with us. That's what a murder charge is says that there is reason to believe that someone killed someone that is no longer with us.
LE see's her as dead. I have no problem with a memorial service simply based on that alone!
Can these people not grasp that the DNA was Caylee's from the fluids in the trunk and the death bands were off her little head where she was stuffed in the trunk like a piece of garbage?

I get angry just thinking about how that baby was treated. I am angry now the Anthonys care so little for her they would let her lay out in some god forsaken place, cold, wet and damp without even the decency to bury her in a little casket.
It's not that they cannot grasp the DNA-they refuse to grasp the DNA. And are pi**ed that we will not fall in line and accept their theories (as there are more than one) instead, we (most of us) use our common sense and respect for LE and forensic science. Cindy has to stop insulting our intelligence-we're not stupid and we cannot be bullied into believing what we know is not the truth. Cindy-the only person you can control is George! You couldn't control KC (she's responsible for this whole damn situation), Lee is apparently keeping his distance (wonder why?) and you sure as hell can't control US!!!:furious::furious:
How long would it take most people to crack in the face of constant emotional harm? How long would it take, hearing people standing across from your house screaming "Caylee is dead!!", hour after hour, day after day, before losing it? And we mustn't forget the protesters that tried to drag GA down his driveway and shoved CA when she tried to stop them, or things being thrown at their house.

The A's have been the victims of extreme provocation at the hands of the protesters, and I'm not saying that I condone anyone's behavior when it comes to violent actions, but I can understand the A's striking back. Provocation is sometimes used as grounds for the defense in a criminal trial for a reason.

The Anthonys provoked most of those confortations in my opinion. They could have stayed in their house and had no part of any of it if they did not want arguments. They could come and gone through their garage and have had nothing to do with the protesters, but they LIKED going out there running their mouths. There could be a thousand protesters in front of my house and I would find it comical if I had no guilt in the situation.

That is the problem here, they KNOW Caylee is dead and they don't want others to know in my opinion.
It's not that they cannot grasp the DNA-they refuse to grasp the DNA. And are pi**ed that we will not fall in line and accept their theories (as there are more than one) instead, we (most of us) use our common sense and respect for LE and forensic science. Cindy has to stop insulting our intelligence-we're not stupid and we cannot be bullied into believing what we know is not the truth. Cindy-the only person you can control is George! You couldn't control KC (she's responsible for this whole damn situation), Lee is apparently keeping his distance (wonder why?) and you sure as hell can't control US!!!:furious::furious:

Couldn't have said it better.......:clap:

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