Mother to Many
Yeah we wouldn't want them getting upset at people holding a memorial for a child they believe is alive, run by some cowboy getting the last of his 15 minutes (hopefully)!
They love the drama !!
Bold mine: Don't let them fool you. They do not for one second "believe" she is alive. What they "believe" is that as long as they carry on the charade, then the offers get bigger and bigger, and just as Mr. Baez made a "file" to reach into if need be and take out an offer, they also have made themselves a "file" and they are selling out to the highest bidder left and right. They KNOW that Caylee is not alive and that is what makes it all the more despicable. You could not read George's statement from July 24th and NOT know that he KNOWS. Everyone who keeps saying Mr. Padilla is "just in it for the money" maybe needs to step back and see that the Anthony's are in it for the money worse than anyone else. They are milking this for all it is worth, and in the process confusing the issues with their dear daughter and creating a smoke-screen everywhere they go.