How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

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How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

  • I think it is okay to have one without the family's blessings.

    Votes: 283 56.4%
  • I think the family should have the final say in any memorial, formal or not.

    Votes: 130 25.9%
  • I have no idea what to think.

    Votes: 89 17.7%

  • Total voters
Yeah we wouldn't want them getting upset at people holding a memorial for a child they believe is alive, run by some cowboy getting the last of his 15 minutes (hopefully)!
They love the drama !!

Bold mine: Don't let them fool you. They do not for one second "believe" she is alive. What they "believe" is that as long as they carry on the charade, then the offers get bigger and bigger, and just as Mr. Baez made a "file" to reach into if need be and take out an offer, they also have made themselves a "file" and they are selling out to the highest bidder left and right. They KNOW that Caylee is not alive and that is what makes it all the more despicable. You could not read George's statement from July 24th and NOT know that he KNOWS. Everyone who keeps saying Mr. Padilla is "just in it for the money" maybe needs to step back and see that the Anthony's are in it for the money worse than anyone else. They are milking this for all it is worth, and in the process confusing the issues with their dear daughter and creating a smoke-screen everywhere they go.
I understand what you are saying, however they still had no legal rights to them.. Which could be why CA wanted custody.. They just can't take it upon themselves to take Caylee away from Casey without a court order!

During the 31 days, they obviously werent supporting her.. They thought she had a job..

And maybe what they were trying to do when they were supporting Casey is protect Caylee.. Everyone is saying that CA enabled Casey.. But yet, she had a responsibility to protect Caylee.. Maybe that's what she was doing, and not realizing it.. If she didn't support Casey, and argued with Casey or fought with her, then Casey would have taken Caylee away from CA..So maybe CA just thought she was protecting Caylee..

Maybe Caylee is being protected right now..


During the 31 days she had Cindy's credit cards and Lord only knows how much money that she stole from her grandparents and then she robbed and stole from friends to make it the rest of the way though those days.

And the ole keep your silence when you see wrong to keep the peace is what Cindy was doing and perhaps "biding her time". For all we know, Cindy was keeping records so she could show what an unfit mother that Casey was and she was gathering the evidence she needed to prove her unfit so she could take Caylee away from her. The thing is, she waited too late to take action, and she enabled her daughter every step of the way. Cindy thought she was protecting Caylee? By doing what? Paying Casey's way so she could keep access to Caylee? NO! She has always known Casey and the fact she called her unfit tells us all that she believed her daughter was not fit to raise Caylee. She played a game of tug of war with Casey and Caylee was the rope, and unfortunately, nobody won this game and one poor little girl lost her very life in the struggle.
Bold mine: Don't let them fool you. They do not for one second "believe" she is alive. What they "believe" is that as long as they carry on the charade, then the offers get bigger and bigger, and just as Mr. Baez made a "file" to reach into if need be and take out an offer, they also have made themselves a "file" and they are selling out to the highest bidder left and right. They KNOW that Caylee is not alive and that is what makes it all the more despicable. You could not read George's statement from July 24th and NOT know that he KNOWS. Everyone who keeps saying Mr. Padilla is "just in it for the money" maybe needs to step back and see that the Anthony's are in it for the money worse than anyone else. They are milking this for all it is worth, and in the process confusing the issues with their dear daughter and creating a smoke-screen everywhere they go.

:clap::clap:Right on target!! This is snowballin' and everyone intends to get paid!! Sometime next year the books will start coming out, then the made for TV movies (there will be more than one), the lawyers are hoping to become talking heads on the talk shows, and G&C will probably try to become national spokepersons for missing children and probably try to start their own missing children organization. This isn't going to be over for a looong time!!
Hello Everyone. I'm probably in the minority but here goes.....

I simply don't take anything Cindy says or does too seriously. She is a woman damaged and living her worst nightmare. Her beloved granddaughter is gone and her daughter is most likely on her way to being gone also. Cindy cannot accept our reality. She just can't. And George will continue to support her because if he doesn't his family is gone. He doesn't want that. Who would?

For the public to hold a memorial for Caylee goes against what Cindy must believe to be true in order to hold on to the last of her sanity. She simply cannot have it. It was one thing to do a search for her body....but to have a farewell memorial is taking it too far.

I know the Anthony's pizzed off a lot of people today. I wasn't pizzed. Just sat in sadness watching them. I'm so sad for all of it.

With that being said, I think the public has become so attached and in love with this baby girl that they have the right to mourn and say goodbye to her however they choose. They are the ones who have been searching for her after all.

Let them have their moment. The Anthony's have to deal with it and I'm sorry for that. But it is what it is.
I just hope the camera's are rolling if the A's show up.
Once Casey Anthony tries to hold your hand, it's probably hard to feel offended by much else.... lkadjlafjd

Re: Cindy's embraces
I got the impression she was using the long embraces as a way to speak directly into the person she was hugging's ear-- so you couldn't tell what she was saying but she was being received loud and clear by the hug recipient??

She doesn't seem like a "touchy-feely" person-- she sort of flipped out when Det. Melich was touching her during that interview.
I watched carefully and she wasn't grop..uhm.."embracing" him to talk into his ear. There is no doubt he received what she was saying loud and clear tho. She was all over him like a stripper on a pole, imo, Casey in those photos actually. She sure wasn't hugging the women like that in the same time frame!

She doesn't have the same relationship with YM. She was trying to manipulate him and it didn't work.
It is obvious that Caylee has touched many people. I begrudge no one who has followed her tragic story to honor her life how they see fit. A public memorial would not be my choice but I can understand how this would be cathartic for many, particularly those volunteers who have tirelessly searched with the hope and purpose of finding her and laying her to rest. I can not imagine how that has worn upon the hearts and minds of searchers. It has been very clear for some time now that the lack of answers in this case and the behavior of KC and others has hindered any closure one might hope for the family or for one's self. I have always thought that peace with this case will come when Caylee's remains are found (if possible) and laid to rest with the honor and respect befitting of the beautiful and spirited child she was in life. Now that is looking less and less likely. So to those who wish to hold a memorial, LP and others, and to the family and supporters who will likely cling to their vigils and the guise of finding a live Caylee, I hope this brings you closer to that peace. For myself, I will take the holiday tomorrow to take a long walk with my dog in the woods and think of Caylee in the quiet beauty of nature, remembering fondly a child I never knew but who was so obviously full of grace.
:clap::clap:Right on target!! This is snowballin' and everyone intends to get paid!! Sometime next year the books will start coming out, then the made for TV movies (there will be more than one), the lawyers are hoping to become talking heads on the talk shows, and G&C will probably try to become national spokepersons for missing children and probably try to start their own missing children organization. This isn't going to be over for a looong time!!
They would be the LAST people I would call if one of mine went missing! They don't have a clue how to look for a missing person.
Hello Everyone. I'm probably in the minority but here goes.....

I simply don't take anything Cindy says or does too seriously. She is a woman damaged and living her worst nightmare. Her beloved granddaughter is gone and her daughter is most likely on her way to being gone also. Cindy cannot accept our reality. She just can't. And George will continue to support her because if he doesn't his family is gone. He doesn't want that. Who would?

For the public to hold a memorial for Caylee goes against what Cindy must believe to be true in order to hold on to the last of her sanity. She simply cannot have it. It was one thing to do a search for her body....but to have a farewell memorial is taking it too far.

I know the Anthony's pizzed off a lot of people today. I wasn't pizzed. Just sat in sadness watching them. I'm so sad for all of it.

With that being said, I think the public has become so attached and in love with this baby girl that they have the right to mourn and say goodbye to her however they choose. They are the ones who have been searching for her after all.

Let them have their moment. The Anthony's have to deal with it and I'm sorry for that. But it is what it is.
It is obvious that Caylee has touched many people. I begrudge no one who has followed her tragic story to honor her life how they see fit. A public memorial would not be my choice but I can understand how this would be cathartic for many, particularly those volunteers who have tirelessly searched with the hope and purpose of finding her and laying her to rest. I can not imagine how that has worn upon the hearts and minds of searchers. It has been very clear for some time now that the lack of answers in this case and the behavior of KC and others has hindered any closure one might hope for the family or for one's self. I have always thought that peace with this case will come when Caylee's remains are found (if possible) and laid to rest with the honor and respect befitting of the beautiful and spirited child she was in life. Now that is looking less and less likely. So to those who wish to hold a memorial, LP and others, and to the family and supporters who will likely cling to their vigils and the guise of finding a live Caylee, I hope this brings you closer to that peace. For myself, I will take the holiday tomorrow to take a long walk with my dog in the woods and think of Caylee in the quiet beauty of nature, remembering fondly a child I never knew but who was so obviously full of grace.
A lovely post and lovely idea.
I don't know what to think of this... but I am curious if more people will turn out for this "memorial" than did for this weekend's searches...
This is a closing to a search for Caylee's remains. This is a service for those who have taken their time, money and put their very own life on the line (ie. rattlesnakes,alligators,and dehydration). It is also for those who supported the search and the searchers. Dear God Cindy-do you think that you are the only one who has feelings? You asked, no you told, people to get off their asses and guess what? They did!! Now allow them to express their feelings and emotions as we allow you to do the same everwhere you wish!!
I wish with all my heart Caylee was alive, but I know in my heart she is not. But, you know every once in awhile, I allow myself alittle fantasy-that she is alive and well and living happily with a new family and a chance for a future-cause she sure didn't have a chance on Hopespring Dr.
Hello Everyone. I'm probably in the minority but here goes.....

I simply don't take anything Cindy says or does too seriously. She is a woman damaged and living her worst nightmare. Her beloved granddaughter is gone and her daughter is most likely on her way to being gone also. Cindy cannot accept our reality. She just can't. And George will continue to support her because if he doesn't his family is gone. He doesn't want that. Who would?

For the public to hold a memorial for Caylee goes against what Cindy must believe to be true in order to hold on to the last of her sanity. She simply cannot have it. It was one thing to do a search for her body....but to have a farewell memorial is taking it too far.

I know the Anthony's pizzed off a lot of people today. I wasn't pizzed. Just sat in sadness watching them. I'm so sad for all of it.

With that being said, I think the public has become so attached and in love with this baby girl that they have the right to mourn and say goodbye to her however they choose. They are the ones who have been searching for her after all.

Let them have their moment. The Anthony's have to deal with it and I'm sorry for that. But it is what it is.

I agree with you. I understand why the Anthony family enrages and disgusts people, but I can't feel that way about them yet either. It's a sad situation and I'm not able to judge or condemn anyone's actions but Casey's at this point. Thank you for sharing your perspective-- you're not alone in it :)
The A's don't "own" Caylee. And since they will never have a memorial for her, I think other people who have come to love Caylee should. I would definitely attend.

I agree with you. Normally I would think it should be up to the family, but then you have families like this one who will cover up Caylee's death for their own benefit, and other "families" like Anna Nicole Smith's that are also a travesty.
Casey has been indicted for Murder 1. There would not be a murder indictment if there was a LIVE child. Caylee is dead. The evidence shows that Caylee is dead. The evidence has shown for a long while now that Caylee is dead. Casey's car WREAKED of Caylee in the form of HUMAN DECOMPOSITION. Caylee IS dead. It is a work in futility to labor to the "Caylee is alive" end. Caylee deserves to be "put to rest" if she is found or if she never is. Mr. Padilla or anyone else who has the heart to take on that daunting task gets a thumbs up from me. Caylee rest in peace with Teddy bears and balloons ever more.

Bingo! :clap::clap::clap:You stated so well what I could not. Caylee deserves a memorial service now or whenever because she is dead. The Anthonys will never give her one, so why not LP and have it be public???
A fool because he was out searching for a precious child..and you call this man a fool simply because he didn't find her where he thought she might have been?

Ridiculous Event to give tribute to a child that the Grandparents will not even look for, the mother refuses to tell LE where she is and the father is awol, the only loving Family at this point it seems is America and if America wants to memorialize this precious child because her family refuses to do so then I say for LP to go for it. LP has shown more love, respect and concern for Caylee than her own family, ridicule is not in order.
What do you call KC she know where this baby is and wont tell.

Well said, so was Cocoamom's post of the same order!!! :clap::clap::clap: Semantics don't matter people, neither do a death certificate, Caylee is dead where her body is ever found or not, we know this for a fact! She deserves a memorial, which her own family isn't gonna do, if they decide to admit she's dead and have a service of their own in the future, nothing will prevent that. Why stop Leonard? It's the right of the public to pay tribute to her whether they personally knew her or not, whether they are flesh and blood or not. It's about Caylee, not LP! Direct your anger where it rightly belongs - towards the obstruction of the Anthony family.
There is no law that says one has to consult and get permission from the family to hold a memorial service. Yes, it's nice to let the family know about the plans, but they really don't have to be told nor do they need to give permission.

It's about time someone has a public display of goodbye for this precious child, other than the vigils commanded and lorded over by Cindy which weren't memorials but false hope that Casey isn't a killer.
Since when is this family interested in what happened to Caylee?They should at least respect everybody else who IS.
But what is the rush to have a memorial for her? She can't be unkilled any more than the bell can be unrung. Let time pass so that healing can take place and then have memorials.

It's not a rush, it's an acknowledgement of something that happened 5 months ago. Memorials are so that healing can take place. My SIL died of cancer and was cremated. Her husband held a memorial service (thankfully for us) rather than a funeral because he took her ashes, which he eventually lost, so we never got to visit my SIL again, and don't have a place to bring her flowers. Memorials help the healing start, not conclude the healing process.

Even if by some miracle, extremely unlikely -that someone could produce Caylee Marie Anthony alive or bring her back to life, what's the harm in have a service which commemorates her life?

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