How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

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How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

  • I think it is okay to have one without the family's blessings.

    Votes: 283 56.4%
  • I think the family should have the final say in any memorial, formal or not.

    Votes: 130 25.9%
  • I have no idea what to think.

    Votes: 89 17.7%

  • Total voters
Attention: I was at Blanchard Park this morning at 8:30AM. The FBI gave authorization to search but there was a 3 hour delay...word was that they were waiting for Org. Cnty Sher. Office to authorize - guess what?! FBI trumps local LE!!! It came out later that the truth was that CA was trying to get the search CALLED OFF legally using her attorney...

So - was this about the memorial? or the search??? I think she used the memorial as her smoke screen to try to stop the search because they are close!!! When the attorney angle failed, she went into psycho mode yet AGAIN...she was yelling about how they won't find her here because she is alive. She collapsed in tears in RDs arms screaming that Caylee is alive. You won't see these things on TV I'm sure. Didn't sound to me like she was offended about the Memorial, sounded more like she was freaking out about the search!

I see our Websleuth family being torn apart the same way TES and LP are. We ALL have the same goal and we are letting our differences of opinion and the A's divide us!! Websleuthers UNITE! for Caylee's sake!

Thank you so much for writing this out, cocoamom! I was online watching Murt's video yesterday morning when they were waiting and waiting in the park for something to happen. I saw the boat about to go into the water and then it pulled back out again, and then Murt explained about the necklace, the bead, and why they were searching there.

Then I had to get offline and so much has happened that I can barely catch up on the news! Un-freakin-believable. :eek: You can't make this stuff up.
Your acquaintances situation was unique - btw, I also know several families of 9/11 victims and they did NOT hold memorial services prior to issuance of a death certificate. Not saying your acquaintances did anything wrong, though. Here's the thing about the rules of etiquette regarding memorial services: a memorial service is for the comfort of the survivors of the deceased person. This DOES NOT include people who NEVER EVEN KNEW OR MET the person. Sorry, but this really IS an etiquette issue. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with holding a service in the hope of someday finding Caylee (dead or alive). But forcing a memorial service upon people who are clearly not ready is completely improper, and, in fact, cruel.

Ummm, noone is forcing the Anthonys to attend, and IIRC may people who never knew or even met Laci Peterson or Anna Nicole Smith went to their services.
Caylee is not seriously ill, and this is not before she is "pronounced dead". One cannot be "pronounced dead" officially by a coroner if one is not found. However, one can be shown to BE dead by the evidence left behind, and the evidence here is clear as the nose on your face. Caylee, a 2 year old baby, shares the same mitochondrial dna as Cindy, Cindy's mother, Casey and Lee. The strand of hair that was found to have come from a corpse, a DEAD human, was found to contain the same mitochondrial dna as Casey, Cindy, Cindy's mom and Lee. Now, it is quite obvious that Casey, Cindy, Cindy's mom and Lee are all alive and accounted for and not a one of them is missing in action-so it is safe to assume that the hair that came from the corpse, the dead human body, that shares the exact identical same mitochondrial dna as those I have previously listed, is the only member of the family who IS missing and unaccounted for. Caylee is not ill-she is dead. The fact that her family are now engaged in a run for the roses to save their psychotic daughter and themselves and are misrepresenting information left and right does nothing to change this FACT. It is a fact that Caylee is dead. No, she has not been "pronounced dead" by the coroner, because her sociopathic mother disposed of her body well and the family is assisting her in covering up her crime, but this does not make her any less dead. Dead is dead. The hair came from a corpse. Why is this concept so difficult to comprehend for some?

Well-stated, and exactly why a "Memorial" vs. a vigil or tribute is appropriate no matter who gives it, or who is the first to give it. Since Caylee's mother is the alleged murderer and her grandparents probably helped tamper with evidence, they have no rights to services, they wouldn't even be granted Caylee's remains should she be found, and if she was found alive, she'd be taken into custody by DCF. This family (grandparents included) did a lousy job of protecting Caylee while she was alive. They don't have a right to the first service! They are allowed to have their own service, should they ever publically admit she's dead.
I don't believe it is the same cross and it is the wrong photo altogether. :X

That's what I've been wondering. I thought someone said they were posting a "similar" picture like the one they found, and this photo being shown throughout this thread and all over this website wasn't actually the one found in August. :waitasec:
Not just the public, but even the Bible tells us to treat the dead with respect. How can they call what they are doing by letting that baby just be disposed of like a dead dog be called respect for her.

<-------On a rant tonight

the bible?
This is a closing to a search for Caylee's remains. This is a service for those who have taken their time, money and put their very own life on the line (ie. rattlesnakes,alligators,and dehydration). It is also for those who supported the search and the searchers. Dear God Cindy-do you think that you are the only one who has feelings? You asked, no you told, people to get off their asses and guess what? They did!! Now allow them to express their feelings and emotions as we allow you to do the same everwhere you wish!!
I wish with all my heart Caylee was alive, but I know in my heart she is not. But, you know every once in awhile, I allow myself alittle fantasy-that she is alive and well and living happily with a new family and a chance for a future-cause she sure didn't have a chance on Hopespring Dr.

Well said. :clap:

I've never seen people so angry just because others who care want to meet in honor of their missing child. :(
I really believe that photo is of the wrong cross and not the one in question. I think this is the one left for NG instead. There is a mix up, imo.

Why do you think this? Every single news report I can find about the cross photographed in Blanchard Park by a member of TES has the same picture of the blue foam cross with the tri beads. I really don't think every news story, blog and site can have it wrong. If it is wrong, where is the so so famous picture of the real cross? LP described it as "beads and material" in a tree about 70 yards from the Econ which is exactly what the blue foam cross is.

Edit- Also, how do you explain the orange marker tape next to the cross, which is described as the same stuff TES uses to mark finds?
I have so many mixed emotions over this...I missed the hoopla over the A's behaviour at the park where LP was because I was searching with TES all day Monday along with all day Sat and Sun. I think a Memorial would be OK for the public, but I do not think it should be done at this time. I think there should be time for all the anger and media attention to settle down a bit and should wait until a few more searchers even if it takes months then an organized Memorial/Vigil should be held for Caylee and attended by all of us. At this time everyone is this time I think it will only be a media circus and what is the point. Caylee will always be in out hearts and in a few months a dignified service should be held, with or without the A's blessing.
While I can understand why complete strangers would want to hold a prayer vigil for lil Caylee, a Memorial should only be held by the family. Sorry folks, but this is a ploy for publicity. I mean - RG is the one saying the prayers while LP is organizing it? Doesnt anyone else smell publicity hounds??? I say beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. I just keep waiting to see who gets the better movie/book deal - LP or RG. LP is always after the publicity, and RG is an actor (very convincing isnt he?). My bets are on RG....

This whole thing is turning into a circus..........this is not about Caylee anymore - its about who can be on NG more, who can generate publicity more... it sickens me.
While I can understand why complete strangers would want to hold a prayer vigil for lil Caylee, a Memorial should only be held by the family. Sorry folks, but this is a ploy for publicity. I mean - RG is the one saying the prayers while LP is organizing it? Doesnt anyone else smell publicity hounds??? I say beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. I just keep waiting to see who gets the better movie/book deal - LP or RG. LP is always after the publicity, and RG is an actor (very convincing isnt he?). My bets are on RG....

This whole thing is turning into a circus..........this is not about Caylee anymore - its about who can be on NG more, who can generate publicity more... it sickens me.
I agree with you concerning the family should hold a memorial. However, I don't believe it's about publicity on LP's part, I call it pure out and out anger for the family. It's terribly frustrating to most people.
I personally would not attend even if I could, but that's because I don't believe in giving up until all hope is gone. But, I believe that since so many people have become involved in Caylee's case, if they need to do this to be able to move on, then more power to them. I might object more strongly if it were any other family, but the Anthony's have about worn out everyone's patience.
I think it is okay to have one without the family's blessings.

The A's are playing a game. They're not even in denial.
Just playing a sick game with the public.
I think this is a good thing. We all need closure and it appears unless Casey talks we will never know where Caylee is. One thing we do know and that is she is gone and her mom holds the only key to what happened. This case has been tough on everybody. I can't begin to count how many families suffer with the idea that one of their family members is gone with no clue where or how. Here we have a case where decomp was found in the trunk so we do know that Caylee is dead so a memorial is appropriate. We have to put up with the Anthony's crap because for them to omit Caylee is dead is to admit their daughter killed her. So its not a situation where the family wants the real answer but rather an answer they want to manufacture.
I'm sure somewhere down the road, some jogger or hiker will stumble accross her and it will answer a lot of questions, but for me this brings an end to the case ....that is until the trial early next year. Bye-bye little girl, you captured our hearts. :blowkiss:
I am one of the "wow, I really don't know what to think" crowd. I do believe Caylee is no longer with us so I agree there needs to be a memorial service. The problem I have is yes it should be done by her family. But we all know that will never happen. If the A's give in and hold the service they will have to admit they think Caylee is gone. We also know they will never do this as that will be the same as admitting KC's guilt. I have no doubt in my mind that if someone else were sitting in jail for this the A's would have initiated the memorial themselves. This is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. They would rather stand by the person who took that precious baby's life than have any type of memorial for that baby whom they claim to love more than anything. As we see by the A's actions, obviously KC is way more important than Caylee to them. Truly sad.
Before Grund's service - Leonard appologized for calling it a "memorial" rather profusely. He reiterated it was a "prayer service" for everyone including those of a differening theory.

Very nice.
A memorial service should, *under normal circumstances*, be held by the family. These are anything but normal circumstances. I've never seen anything like it, and I ain't so young, so I've seen a lot.

Most of us are just doing the best we can to, above all, show respect for the victim, Caylee. There's nothing more we can do, and nothing less we should do.

The service was very nice. Rev Grund's talk was very comforting and helpful.

IMO, it was a wonderful service about all children, love, innocense, and CAYLEE and others deserves this type of honor. Prayer works alive or dead.........IMO

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