How much does Jeremy know?

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Or perhaps its simply an issue of self preservation and taking a gamble. Call 911 and risk negligent homicide at best or roll the dice and dispose of the baby, clam up, lawyer up and force LE to prove what happened. Looks like the dice roll is winning for DB right now. :moo:

People simply do not do the right thing in every situation. Especially if it comes down to implicating yourself of a crime.

How would they know that they would be offered a high profile, high priced lawyer??
Well, since people who know him say that he is completely different than he acts in the interviews, I have to wonder if he is really shy. I could accept exhausted from working the long hours and could agree with the overwhelmed part. However, grief stricken...??? I'd have to say the jury is still out on that one.

People who are shy do act different around people they know. I'm shy, and barely talk when I'm with people I don't feel comfortable around, but with friends and family I never shut up.
Well, we know that JT lied several times during that interview as well as others. I think that if JI had passed a PG, the DT would be having billboards put up and would be on every talk show in the country. His mentioning that with a bunch of other lies during the Dr. Phil show isn't what I really meant.

You said shouting from the rooftops. I proved an example of the lawyer saying he passed on a national syndicated show. I didn't know there were different levels of 'shouting from the rooftops
Snipped for space

But that is my point. An accidental drowning is an accident. Pushing your child so they hit their head and die is NOT-that is abuse. Whether the act was done with intent to kill the child or not.
In the Jamie Ann Litton case the child was beaten to death-no accident there. Thats why they tried to cover it up.

Yes, there's intentional and unintentional. If DB gave her too much benedryl, for instance, do you believe she meant to kill her?
Yes, it is abuse, I know that.

In the Litton case, as I stated, the point I was making had to do with covering for another parent. No way was what happened to him an accident.
There was no comment from LE, just hearsay by JT.

Besides, if the above is supposed to be what was said to Tacopina by LE, then DB was lying not only about taking the LDT, but also about being told she failed it.

LE did comment about the LDT after the show. On a phone so I can't post the link.
The ONLY thing that makes me think that this was an accident is the strange way that these two are joined at the hip. Also, I go back to the beginning when I supported and defended DB and maybe I just don't want to believe that she could intentionally kill little Lisa. As time has passed, and these parents do more and more damage to their image, I have come to accept that it is a possibility.

But, another reason that I think it was an accident and both were involved is that IF Lisa died as a result of something that DB did alone, (like shaking) I think that Jeremy would turn against DB to preserve his relationship with his son.

The scenario of it happening between 10:30 and whenever JI came home doesn't work for me. It just doesn't.

This is why I think it is very likely that JI did the shaking. . .or whatever. To me his behavior is much more suspect. I still consider a scenario where JI acted alone. DB's weird behavior all has to do with her denying her alcohol problem. JI's. . .not so much. I don't believe for a second that LE did not ask him to take a LDT. I do not believe for a second LE told JI everyone was cleared, including him, except DB.

I really waver on how much DB knows. Sometimes I think she might be being duped and sometimes I think she surely has to know. Lately, I'm thinking they both know (thanks in part to the Dr Phil debacle.)
You said shouting from the rooftops. I proved an example of the lawyer saying he passed on a national syndicated show. I didn't know there were different levels of 'shouting from the rooftops

Ok, even JT didn't say Jeremy passed a lie detector test.
After 18 pages of what if's and I thinks, it still fails to answer the question in the OP.

I wouldn't mind hearing what JI knows if you don't discount the neighbours, the witnesses to him being at work, and not forgetting Jersey was known to be in that area that day, and not taking out all the other facts b/c they don't fit the DB / JI is guilty of some heinous act. All I'm seeing so far is everyone must be on the DB / JI payroll b/c even people they don't know and especially everyone they do is lying. That's a whole lot of discounting to make the pieces fit.

ETA: :moo: MOO and all that good stuff
But that is my point. An accidental drowning is an accident.

not necessarily.

would you not see a difference b/w 1) a mom who leaves her toddler who is playing happily in the sandbox in a backyard with a pool to answer the phone (or see about another child, or check on something etc) and returns minutes later to find the child face down and lifeless in the pool and 2) a mom who forgets her baby is in the tub and falls asleep b/c she's drunk or on drugs?

i see unintentional accident in the first scenario and clear neglect in the second.
After 18 pages of what if's and I thinks, it still fails to answer the question in the OP.

I wouldn't mind hearing what JI knows if you don't discount the neighbours, the witnesses to him being at work, and not forgetting Jersey was known to be in that area that day, and not taking out all the other facts b/c they don't fit the DB / JI is guilty of some heinous act. All I'm seeing so far is everyone must be on the DB / JI payroll b/c even people they don't know and especially everyone they do is lying. That's a whole lot of discounting to make the pieces fit.

ETA: :moo: MOO and all that good stuff

The neighbors, do you mean the sighting? They initially said they saw a tall, thin bald man. . .and they seemed a bit camera shy. I think they could have very well recognized who they saw. They have never said who they did or didn't see.

We have never heard from JI's boss. There is no statement from the boss saying that JI was there all night and so was he. There is also speculation that this could have happened before JI left for work.

Jersey has been in jail since Oct 15th. LE has spoke to him. They say he cooperated and they are satisfied with that and have "moved on."
You said shouting from the rooftops. I proved an example of the lawyer saying he passed on a national syndicated show. I didn't know there were different levels of 'shouting from the rooftops

To me, that wasn't shouting it to the rooftops. It would be a lie linked in with another lie. He rambled it out just like he did the blob info. He barely mentioned it except in his rambling commentary. To me, that was hardly shouting it from the rooftops...on any level.
not necessarily.

would you not see a difference b/w 1) a mom who leaves her toddler who is playing happily in the sandbox in a backyard with a pool to answer the phone (or see about another child, or check on something etc) and returns minutes later to find the child face down and lifeless in the pool and 2) a mom who forgets her baby is in the tub and falls asleep b/c she's drunk or on drugs?

i see unintentional accident in the first scenario and clear neglect in the second.

Oh yes, of course there is a difference. I would say in terms of "degree" maybe. Leaving a toddler alone near a pool, or a baby in the bath, even for "just a minute" is stupid, but obviously it does happen. But that is just my opinion, and nothing really to do with anything.

However, the main point I am trying to get across with this discussion of the whole accident theory, is that a parent will call 911 or try to get other help in the case of an accident, EVEN if the accident was their own damn fault.(and by this I mean drowning, overdose, etc. NOT when a parent beats a child to death) Why? Because they love their child. I read cases where this happens all the time. The parent was neglectful, but they still call.
Heck, even if the child is obviously dead, the body is cold, because all you are thinking about is saving your child. SOMEBODY help them! KWIM?

And my opinion is that someone who was more worried about saving their own butt never loved that child in the first place. In other words, a sociopath, narcissist, etc.
That is pretty much all I am trying to say.
To me, that wasn't shouting it to the rooftops. It would be a lie linked in with another lie. He rambled it out just like he did the blob info. He barely mentioned it except in his rambling commentary. To me, that was hardly shouting it from the rooftops...on any level.
Since when does a defense lawyers comments, shouting from from the rooftops as you say, give validity to someone's comments.

Your saying if JI said he passed a test, and JT spouts that off, that there is validity to him passing the test?
The neighbors, do you mean the sighting? They initially said they saw a tall, thin bald man. . .and they seemed a bit camera shy. I think they could have very well recognized who they saw. They have never said who they did or didn't see. They are sure they saw a man with a baby, so that riules out DB carrying Lisa to the river and JI covering for her. SB is also a neighbour but many want to disregard everything we have heard about her that night

We have never heard from JI's boss. There is no statement from the boss saying that JI was there all night and so was he. There is also speculation that this could have happened before JI left for work. There was an open letter from JI's boss and his wife stating this IIRC

Jersey has been in jail since Oct 15th. LE has spoke to him. They say he cooperated and they are satisfied with that and have "moved on."
Do you realy think Jersey would confess when he is locked up on lesser charges, and we do know his MW connection
Since when does a defense lawyers comments, shouting from from the rooftops as you say, give validity to someone's comments.

Your saying if JI said he passed a test, and JT spouts that off, that there is validity to him passing the test?

I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't twist my words. And, I'm sorry if you can't understand what I'm saying. If you can't, then I guess there is no other way to explain it.
The autopsy report took no position on the issue of whether there was prior sexual abuse. The autopsy is available online.

It's not the blow to the head that would be considered an accident, it would be killing her that would be an accident. If you slam your kid into a sink, she hits her head just right and dies, you didn't kill her on purpose, but you did knowingly push her to cause her harm - that's why SO many parents cover these "accidents" up.

You're right, not a true accident like a child falling into the pool, or running out into the street. They cover their own arses when they go too far with an act of violence, or over-medicating, etc., the child. Why do parents cover for one another? Who knows, but it happens, most recent memory would be Jamie Ann Litton.


However, if you suspected and then acted on that and found your husband (JR) molesting JBR, and hit, what was supposed to be JR (out of rage), however, hit JBR instead, then who do you really think would be to blame.

If that is the way it happened, and I have always believed it was, JR wouldn't be alive today.

Same thing may have happened here. God, I hope not.
Well, since people who know him say that he is completely different than he acts in the interviews, I have to wonder if he is really shy. I could accept exhausted from working the long hours and could agree with the overwhelmed part. However, grief stricken...??? I'd have to say the jury is still out on that one.

Who are these people who have said this? I only remember his grammar school teacher saying that this is exactly how he is and always has been.
Who are these people who have said this? I only remember his grammar school teacher saying that this is exactly how he is and always has been.

His boss was one, Bill Stanton was another. I didn't say I believed it, only mentioned what I remembered.
How would they know that they would be offered a high profile, high priced lawyer??

I have no idea how you arrived at that conclusion from what I posted. Such an idea was neither stated nor inferred in any way. *scratches head*

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