Huckaby tied to January missing girl report

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Also, in the interview the sister said that the child had a cup of water from a fast food restraint with Huckaby. There is your possible ingestion. And according to the sister she was showing signs when she arrived home.

Thank you so much nursebeeme.

What a sad thing to happen to this little 7 year old girl. Children are just so trusting and I am sure LE knew at that time that Melissa was the granddaughter of a Pastor and thought she could do no wrong.

Boy were they all hoodwinked by the exterior.:eek:

In this article it states:

When Huckaby found out the girl's family was worried, she returned the girl to her mother at about 5:43 p.m., and police soon left the scene without making any arrests.

About five hours later, the girl's mother took her to the hospital, and police were called back once a doctor determined that the girl was under the influence of Benzodiazepines, a muscle relaxant.

What jumps out at me is "About Five Hours Later" the girls's mother took her to the hospital. Now this child was returned at 5:43 PM to her mother and then at 10:43 PM her mother takes her to the hospital!

Is this "5 hours later" mean since the child was reported missing or once the child was returned home?

Since the article also mentions "Her speech was slurred, she could barely walk, she could barely stand," said the older sister of the young girl". Wouldn't the police notice that the child was showing signs that she could barely walk, barely stand, and her speech was slurred?

How come the older sister of the child noticed this and not the mother?
huckaby had the girl for five hours. She told her around one o'clock.

As to the time lapse... apparently it got worse and they started to suspect something was wrong. Also, the article did not say the mother didn't notice it. The mother is refusing interviews most likely due to advice from LE. The sister did a phone interview with the media.
This is nothing new. "...Huckaby confirmed with a CBS correspondent Joe Vasquez from San Francisco station KPIX-TV by phone that she had been with the girl during the time she was reported missing..." This was almost two weeks ago.

They (Huckaby, M and this girl) had gone to the park as they had done a handful of time before without question or incident. The girls mother/grandmother never denied this or that they had not given permission in the past. They only deny giving permission this time. Obviously the girl, on the day of the incident, was already outdoors unsupervised when Huckaby and M came by.... unless of course you are implying that Melissa abducted her from inside the home... It is very possible that the girl may have lied to Huckaby saying her grandmother had given permission. Maybe the grandmother just forgot giving permission or inadvertently given permission misunderstanding what the girl was asking for. i.e. if she had been distracted by the television or on the phone, etc.

Also from what I understand the park is in the same complex right down the street from the house.

(my bolding)

My sentiments exactly.

(my bolding)

Tracy PD did go to the park but it was Melissa who brought the child home.

"...Police arrived quickly and reportedly discovered at 5:31 p.m. that she was with Melissa Huckaby at the park.

When Huckaby found out the girl's family was worried, she returned the girl to her mother at about 5:43 p.m...."

No lies.


The folks on this board have refrained from using MH's minor daughter's name. I think most of us agree that because she is a minor, and an innocent party in all of this, that we should not mention her by her first name.
huckaby had the girl for five hours. She told her around one o'clock.

As to the time lapse... apparently it got worse and they started to suspect something was wrong. Also, the article did not say the mother didn't notice it. The mother is refusing interviews most likely due to advice from LE. The sister did a phone interview with the media.

I was just going on what I read about the sister noticing the signs. I haven't listened to the interview that the sister gave to the media and have to locate that one to do some catch up. :blowkiss:
Also from what I understand the park is in the same complex right down the street from the house.

Where did you get this info? I have never heard mentioned by press or LE the location of the park. Also, if the park was in the mobile home "complex right down the street from the house", why did MH use her vehicle to transport the girls? Doesn't make any sense to me... also, typically, MHP's that have a play area, they do not have parking since it is intended for residents that only have to walk a short distance. Doesn't add up to me.
Nurse this is off please excuse everyone...but is it the community that I live in or is this also something in the civilian world...

Why are so many ppl being prescribed psychotropic drugs? Good grief, everyone I know is popping them like there is no tommorow (except me :)) Seriously, I can name right off the bat at least 5 women that take these drugs...TIA for your insight as to why they are prescribed so often and so freely and if it's just this community.

yeah, someone needs to start a thread about prescription drugs. my grandmother always had her 'nerve' pills. my mother has xanax...i have a deep deep aversion to any medicines except natural remedies. traditional medicine is important and vital for some people and in some situations.

almost every 'adult' i know is popping some kind of pill and then having their wine or beer or lunch is acceptable. i do not drink either but that is because i have alcoholic parents, who are not alcoholic by their and society's standards; they raised their kids, worked and paid their taxes! just because they couldn't do it without pills and booze does not mean...

sorry to continue off topic...but i had to agree with this ws poster.; lots of people have a drink and take a pill and are good people who deserve to have a drink or pop a pill because of all the other seriously why do so many people need pills/
What on earth could they have been doing at the park for four hours? It just seems like a ridiculously long time to spend at the park. My kids are lucky if they get 1 to 1.5 hours at the park. Usually it's more like 45 minutes. Even if we packed a lunch and met friends there, I could not see us being there longer than, say, 2 hours. Is it just me? Do/did you all spend 4 hours at the park with your kids? (Several times a week?)
I agree. A 45lb child, who is not accustomed to central nervous system depressants, would show pretty immediate responses to a dose of ANY benzo. I am not a dr., but I am a scientist with a biology background. I don't know of any benzo, that in a person of that size and not having a built up tolerance, which would only show and effect hours later. We could look them up (tedious). The manufacturer's drug inserts would show the peak plasma times.

We are just missing so much of the story. BTW.. on the Tracy press in the comment section, I saw a few posts calling for a rally wed eve outside Tracy PD, to demand answers. Curious to see if that occurs or not.

Forgot to answer: According to the press, the POLICE found her in the park. I don't know if they transported her home or the parent/s did.

The story is confusing. If the police found her with MH in the park, wouldn't they have noticed she was unable to stand, drowsy, etc, and taken her to the hospital ? (Patty G, I posted this before I read your post that asks the same question).
My question is, when Sandra went missing, why the police didn't find this report of another missing girl in THE SAME MOBILE HOME PARK just a few months prior, highly suspicious. They should have gone over that report and everyone associated with it with a fine tooth comb. MH should have been high on their radar, especially since it was her house that Sandra was last seen going to. She was immediately tied to both girls disappearance unlike any other suspect.
My question is, when Sandra went missing, why the police didn't find this report of another missing girl in THE SAME MOBILE HOME PARK just a few months prior, highly suspicious. They should have gone over that report and everyone associated with it with a fine tooth comb. MH should have been high on their radar, especially since it was her house that Sandra was last seen going to. She was immediately tied to both girls disappearance unlike any other suspect.

That's the thing about this, we don't know for sure if they were or not. Sgt. S has said they were looking at her from early on.
That's the thing about this, we don't know for sure if they were or not. Sgt. S has said they were looking at her from early on.

Your right. And maybe, this is why they were parked outside her hospital room before she was arrested. It seemed like they didn't hone in on her until the interviewer got her caught in conflicting stories. But maybe they were already closing watching her, and that just gave LE the final evidence they needed to get an arrest warrant. I certainly hope so.
I think so. MH appears to have a history of getting away with stuff. Also, it appears to some extent, and I can't quite figure this out, that she likes to brag about the surrounding circumstances.

I mean why did she talk about the first child in Jan. And as Kat pointed, in such an even voice with no obvious signs of lying. And you pointed out all the lies about her grandparents calling her when actually the cops found her, etc. But in that interview, she made things sound so plausible. And then, she talks about the suitcase and the notes again, very smoothly. It is just like Snap was saying - lies about everything except being at the location of the crime. It is very strange to me and I can't figure out if it is all a bid for attention or what?

For awhile, I was thinking that she wanted to get caught. But then it dawned on me that if she wanted to get caught, she would NOT have wanted to do the crime in the first place. AND she had options. She had recently been to court and ordered to get in touch with mental health with an appointment on April 3rd. If she was having weird thoughts on March 27th, she could have called Mental Health and said I need to come in TODAY. She was court ordered, Mental Health would have had to see her. So.... I am now leaning towards the "attention" factor. She needs some kind of attention. The attention appears to be positive when she is giving details about the case in question. Doesn't turn negative until she is arrested.

Bolded by me. If this has already been addressed, forgive me. I think Salem is really onto something with the "attention factor." If you remember what her friend (WS poster Emmabella) recalled from a childhood letter from MH, she was complaining as a kid about no one paying attention to her (I'm paraphrasing here) and not wanting her around.

I'm sure this doesn't account for all the reasons why she may have perpetrated this unspeakable crime on Sandra but I get the very strong vibe that MH learned, somewhere along the way, that the only way she was going to be "looked at" or "valued" was by specifically drawing attention to claiming she was raped by the cop, possibly staging those fires at the house she lived at in 2007 (I think that was the year), bragging about being w/ this child who was drugged, admitting to cops it was her suitcase and that she'd been at the irrigation ditch before.

She's an attention hound, bigtime. Just MOO.
giving this link for reference, I think last night many of us were trying to sort out the timeline of the second child. Specifically, IIRC, the time of the test that revealed drugs in the child's system.

snippet of interest to this thread:

As sources spell out the timeline to reporter David Begnaud of CBS station KOVR in Sacramento, Calif., a female neighbor of the Cantus called police to say her daughter was missing on January 17 at 5:17p.m. local time.

At 5:31 p.m., police reported that the girl was with Huckaby at a nearby park.

At 5:39 p.m., the girl was returned, and police left without filing charges.

Later that night, the girl was taken to a local hospital, where doctors told police she had tested positive for a muscle relaxing drug -- raising questions, Begnaud says, of whether she'd been drugged by Huckaby.

But, Begnaud adds, sources say police couldn't prove that was the case because five hours had passed from the time the child was dropped off to the time she was tested -- enough time for the girl to have gotten the pills from someone other than Huckaby.
giving this link for reference, I think last night many of us were trying to sort out the timeline of the second child. Specifically, IIRC, the time of the test that revealed drugs in the child's system.

snippet of interest to this thread:

Kat - THANK YOU! Five hours had passed from 5:37 p.m. until this child was TESTED. So I stick by my speculated timeline. This mom was on top of her game as Nursebee so aptly put it. Child comes home, she's acting funny. Mom questions her, maybe has her lay down to rest or something? Then after observing her for an hour or so takes her to the hospital. If they are at the hospital ER by 7:30 p.m.ish and it takes an hour to get her into the ER room (which is pretty quick timing for lots of ERs), Dr. then decides to do some tests, it could well be a couple of hours before the tests are completed and LE is called a second time.

If the family has no health insurance, I can understand a delay in going to the emergency room. Mom may have looked around for an open urgent care center or something before deciding to go to the ER. The ER is generally everyone's last choice because it is so expensive. AGAIN - this is ALL speculation on my part, but it does answer my questions as to the "appropriateness" of the timeline.

Thanks Kat!

My question is, when Sandra went missing, why the police didn't find this report of another missing girl in THE SAME MOBILE HOME PARK just a few months prior, highly suspicious. They should have gone over that report and everyone associated with it with a fine tooth comb. MH should have been high on their radar, especially since it was her house that Sandra was last seen going to. She was immediately tied to both girls disappearance unlike any other suspect.

(bolded by me)
I think they did. They stated that they had been looking at MH from "early on".
Kat - THANK YOU! Five hours had passed from 5:37 p.m. until this child was TESTED. So I stick by my speculated timeline. This mom was on top of her game as Nursebee so aptly put it. Child comes home, she's acting funny. Mom questions her, maybe has her lay down to rest or something? Then after observing her for an hour or so takes her to the hospital. If they are at the hospital ER by 7:30 p.m.ish and it takes an hour to get her into the ER room (which is pretty quick timing for lots of ERs), Dr. then decides to do some tests, it could well be a couple of hours before the tests are completed and LE is called a second time.

If the family has no health insurance, I can understand a delay in going to the emergency room. Mom may have looked around for an open urgent care center or something before deciding to go to the ER. The ER is generally everyone's last choice because it is so expensive. AGAIN - this is ALL speculation on my part, but it does answer my questions as to the "appropriateness" of the timeline.

Thanks Kat!


Does anyone know how quickly the drug MH gave her starts to work after it is taken? I thought it acted immediately. ?

( I've been jumping to other threads and now see that this has already been addressed in another thread--sorry to be redundant.....I can't keep up!!)
(my bolding)

Very interesting. I hadn't read this part of the report. So it is very plausible that the girl could have been drugged by ingesting something after she was returned home and that Huckaby had nothing to do with the "drugging".
And molestation wouldn't show signs either. So it was pretty easy to blame the parent for having a drink and probably a prescription on her.

Is this what you are saying?

I think the key here is this: the little girl acted strangely when she got home. (Bolded by me)

If she had been with Huckaby and came in acting strangely after four hours, this would exclude the parent or her having taken the drugs at home. LE dropped the ball bigtime on this one. I would hope they have an internal investigation to find out what happened and why. Someone should be fired over this incident, imo.
My understanding from the discussion last night is that it depends. Good answer huh :)? Depends on what the drug was, any tolerance the child might have had to the drug and how much drug the child was given. I think the biggest factor though was WHAT drug was used. Apparently there are several drugs in the class of benzos.

My understanding from the discussion last night is that it depends. Good answer huh :)? Depends on what the drug was, any tolerance the child might have had to the drug and how much drug the child was given. I think the biggest factor though was WHAT drug was used. Apparently there are several drugs in the class of benzos.


Thanks, Salem !!
More information is being provided now:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | 12:07 AM

ABC7 spoke with the girl's mother and sister at their home. They said Huckaby had taken the girl to several local parks and given her a cup of water from a local fast food restaurant. They did not want to appear on camera, but the sister told ABC7 by telephone, the little girl acted strangely when she got home.
"Her speech was slurred, like she had a really bad lisp. She kept falling asleep. She would cry like something was wrong with her. She couldn't stand up without help. She couldn't walk. Every time she tried to walk, she's fall," said the girl's sister.
The family says they took the little girl to Sutter Tracy Memorial Hospital, where she was examined. A police log for January 17 confirms the family's account that the girl tested positive for the muscle relaxant "benzodiazepine."

BTW, My children made off with all three of my new pairs of ear buds, would someone be so kind as to let me know what the sister says on the video of her phone interview please? I would be very thankful! TIA

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