Hurricane Irma

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Tonight - Friday night flight - Hurricane hunters:

Tracking Hurricane Irma from above with a flight crew from NOAA

Friday, September 8, 2017 10:20am

Ian Sears stands in the cavernous hangar of the new NOAA Aircraft Operations Center at the Lakeland-Linder Regional Airport and plots out the next ten hours of his life.
With Hurricane Irma blasting its way across the Caribbean and headed toward Florida, Sears is about to join eight other members of a crew helping predict just where the deadly storm would hit.
"Our mission tonight is to sample the subtropical ridge," said Sears, 35, of South Tampa. "That's the steering current that's going to push Hurricane Irma towards Florida."
To do so, Sears and other members of NOAA's hurricane hunting team will hop aboard a Gulfstream G-IV jet, nicknamed Gonzo, and fly above and around the massive hurricane.
I'm driving so I may have misunderstood I pulled off the road to post a couple of times...

But I heard all the campgrounds the state campgrounds in the state of Georgia are open and are free. I would research to verify but I have to get back on the road I just pulled off to post a couple of times. Summer in the storm's path summer not. I've also heard previously that some people are pitching tents at the rest areas. Wow

[FONT=&quot]AP Exclusive: Authorities tell Miami homeless people to go to a shelter or be held against their will as Irma nears.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]NHC has issued their 5pm advisory on Hurricane [/FONT]#Irma[FONT=&quot]. Expected now to be a Category 5 when it makes landfall

Not good news[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Drenching: Some areas could get up 8"-16" of rain as [/FONT]#Irma[FONT=&quot] sideswipes SC on Monday in new forecast, while most parts will get 2"-8"


[FONT=&quot]5 PM [/FONT]#Irma[FONT=&quot] track is farther West[/FONT]

I get that some cant leave the State but for gawd sake go to a shelter. Aid will get to u much quicker in terms of supplies needed.
i need a break -- writing provides that.

Outside of furry friends AC is the greatest invention in the history of mankind!

a stupid bit of trivia that fascinated me since childhood AC and freezers do not cool anything !

They remove heat! That is why they are compressers outside spewing hot air --

Fl Sept heat index rests at a nice stroke inducing
- at 60 event! Throw in a dash of 99 percent humidity and you have a smell fest on its way.

There can be no!

A basket of dirty clothes 4 days with no AC pewee-- although PE never appealed to me the smell of a hot man, in later years could be cool!

However in the after math of a hurricane yuk

no moist towels prior to landfall same reasons

garbage disposal needs a delightful dash of clorox prior to the hit


Vacuum canisters can be gross when marinating in 99 humidity -- garbage cans can use a dash of Swiffer as well right before the hit

linen must be fresh and delishish

throw rugs must be all smeely with nice fabric sheets they could end up being an air freshner as the inside of your living space roasts at a delightful 112 degrees!

Dishwasher mushe be empty with a splash of clorox right before miss Irmas arrival

same for garbage disposal -- drains bowl behind toilet

what would happen if your toilet bowl started to boil yuk !

floors should be mopped right before arrival -- 4 furry paws and my stinky feet could be quiet a feast prior to the sauna

I did like saunas but only to the degree that I had the choice of getting out of one!

razors should be charged god forbid you look homeless after a couple of days without a shave !!

This could also avoid the risk of being arrested for a being a bum in the neighborhood!

Back in my day being tan was really important in the gay community I have melonmia now the kind they freeze off its all cool

But I am 60 if I end up having to marinate in the pool for 12 hours a day I then look like a prune!

Shaving prior to arrival might help lthe impact of a unshaven and pruned man!

I think media (always happens here since Charlie) do not make an important distinction if in madatroy evac evac if NOT in one do NOT move ( unless mobile home )

Storm surge can be modeled --- if your roof is gonna go all Wizard of OZ and mine is not there is not way to predict that.

Dorothy can be moody!

background she is slowing down to 12 mph

Andrew was really bad also cause of the everglades and water

they have concerns - based on actual final track about Lake Okachobie levees

Nuclear power plants were a China Syndrome close call in Andrew

Turkey point needed like 60 million in repairs after Andrew

There use by dates passed long ago long ago

they are shutting them down !

How sad and messed up that this nation is going to be here on the Aniv of 9-11

Front office lady took rascal!! I chopped of some of her matted fur -- it was like cement

but she was very sweet made me wonder if she had a warm start and got away a while ago

I shall tell you the neighborhood behind the libaray where she was was well was

Lady love bug tolerated but was not really all that thrilled

I am chaotic -- but when anxious do better with routine

as far as Orlando feeling somewhat less anxious up here they are saying now the numbers we are looking at are around 75

My nerosis about AC however is complicated by power grid stuff (fascinating) but nationwide connected

so even if here it does not kill stuff what is gonna go on down there could trigger cascade power stuff

everything is older by a lot now and if an outage crewman are going to be quite a commodity

after Harvey I think these folks are exhausted -- there ovetime will be well deserved they were stunning after Charlie

state wide 6 mill were powerless after him will never forget the front page (these are things that do not show up on cell phone they are paper things called newspapers back then!

ONe of the things I got was one of those wind up radio things I cant figure out the buttons so far it does nothing

neighbor hetero dude is like many they love to figure out all this stuff a challenge so I will bring it over there tomm and he will be thrilled he does not have to listen to his nagging wife and she will be thrilled that he is occupied and I may get a working crank thing its a win win win!

Bea the wife is wildly sharp (not book like) street but the poor thing has tickets to Newerk on Tues to see her kid

Bee your are not going anywhere Those magnificent big shiney things that cost 400 million a peice they fly far away from places like FL

They got to get all the equipment back in place

she is here now a midnight to what event -- and she thinks she is taking off Tues morning?

well see ----------

She is jet blue jet blue is huge south fl to new york new jersey (love my planes) its like cranking up a car with a bad battery when they have to crank the amazing machine back up

I am done rambling with no particular order

stay safe all
No order needed CARIIS. Stick to routines. Glad rascal got a rescue person.
Coffee grinds are great for absorbing odor. So save them if needed. Nurses at Hospital informed me of that trick. I couldn't figure out why I would see multiple Tim Horton's coffee cups in Patients rooms years ago. Filled with coffee grinds for those who refuse to shower.
Hey Everyone,

Thank you for checking in and for all the information and helpful tips. Glad to see everyone coming together.

Is there anyone out there who is a hurricane/weather expert who could come on my show Sunday?

It is not enough if you played an expert on TV ;) but someone who can back up what they are saying because of their experience.

Please send me a private message here or email me at

Thank you,

[FONT=&quot]The sex offenders will be housed in a room with a sex crime detective watching 24/7. [/FONT]#Irma2017[FONT=&quot][/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
I'm in Ocala. We've been out of gas on and off as we're right on 1-75. I just recently moved back from Boca Raton.

Crazy thing is that I lived in Houston during Rita right after Katrina. It took over 8 hours to go 1.5 miles out of a flood zone. It was over 100 degrees so pets were dying of heat exhaustion in their cars and being discarded on the side of the road. We avoided a hit or even the dirty side of the storm that time but it was so traumatic that I moved to Atlanta and away from hurricanes. Over 100 people died evacuating from Rita. It was brutal.

I've lived in Florida on and off since 1994. I went to high school and college here and have been back for 5 years. Ocala is central to the state so we are fairly protected. Our biggest issue is electricity going out.

The interstate has been steady for days now. I would feel bad if I evacuated because my spot is safe enough. Gas and resources that I'd use are better used on someone more in need.

I did read this morning that they released food stamp money early so people won't have to wait to the beginning of the month for their cards to recharge.

Good luck everyone!

NiN- We have people from Naples staying in our apartment complex. Stay safe!!!

Ahh Boca to Ocala has to be one heck of shell shock!!

From roast beef to killing your own beef



[FONT=&amp]NHC has issued their 5pm advisory on Hurricane [/FONT]#Irma[FONT=&amp]. Expected now to be a Category 5 when it makes landfall

Not good news[/FONT]

This is not good. Not good at all. :panic:

[FONT=&quot]NWS just issued a River Flood Warning for the St. Johns River in Astor- an area we often watch. Forecast is in yellow, 'minor' flood stage.[/FONT]

#Sarasota[FONT=&quot]-Bradenton International Airport stopping flights from Saturday 8pm to Monday 8am [/FONT]
"A zoo in the Bahamas rushed to save 150 animals as the tropical destination prepares for Hurricane Irma to hit on Saturday.

The tiny zoo of Ardastra Gardens, Zoo and Conservation Center in Nassau seemed like a chaotic Noah's Ark as a handful of employees moved dozens of the park's 200 animals indoors on Friday.

Workers were relocating the creatures to a manager's office while Hurricane Irma's first bands of high winds and rain started pounded the Caribbean country.

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