Hypothetically, how could the crime be pinned on George?

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I laid out my thoughts on this (and others shared some of theirs) in a previous thread:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143553"]What if George really was involved? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Defense is not trying to pin down the murder on GA... they are confusing the minds of the jurors that somebody else can be responsible other than casey and they succeeded..maybe not .. but partially IMO..

GA just played with JB and Casey's drama... nothin to lose IMO
There is no evidence of an accidental death. The ME declared it a homicide. It's you presupposing IMO. The question is why????

There is no such thing as accident when the mouth is covered by a duct tape IMO
There is no evidence of an accidental death. The ME declared it a homicide. It's you presupposing IMO. The question is why????

There was no evidence of homicide either. The ME was presupposing.
Other than that, I don't think they can nail GA for the crime if they couldn't nail the person who had physical custody of the child and drove around with her corpse rotting in the trunk, while she lied and got laid.

She had physical custody according to whom? The other people who would have had physical custody?
Defense is not trying to pin down the murder on GA... they are confusing the minds of the jurors that somebody else can be responsible other than casey and they succeeded..maybe not .. but partially IMO..

GA just played with JB and Casey's drama... nothin to lose IMO

The defence wasn't trying to pin murder on anyone, they said there was no murder.
There is no such thing as accident when the mouth is covered by a duct tape IMO

Except that the duct tape apparently got there after the body skeletonized since there was no tissue on it.
Except that the duct tape apparently got there after the body skeletonized since there was no tissue on it.

There was no tissue anywhere among the remains. Why would there be tissue on duct tape? I know some people think duct tape can do anything, but I've never heard that it preserves human flesh.
I don't get it? Why would Casey go after George and blame him? I mean, if Casey is the murderer, wouldn't it be risky? What if the defense couldn't prove it and George went after Casey legally. I'm sorry, but I just don't get it?
What possible charges could GA face?

1. Failure to report unattended death - http://statutes.laws.com/florida/TitleXXIX/chapter406/PARTI/406_12

I saw a couple of cases where Florida charged people with improper disposal of a body but can't find the statute.

But GA denies this involvement and the State would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he commited the above crimes.

Thanks for starting this thread, DA. The big question for me if/when the defense throws this particular theory at the wall is that we don't know exact TOD, and we do know GA was home in the mornings. He wouldn't have gone to work until after 2 on June 16. This IMO could open the door to a number of wild and disgusting allegations...

JB must a been reading your post.....sadly
I'm not responding to the "how" part of the question, but the why it was pinned on George.

"......Mason told WOFL-Channel 35’s Holly Bristow. Mason said Anthony hasn’t wanted to talk to her family for a long time. “She hasn’t wanted to talk to her father since he testified against her in the grand jury,” Mason said. “Can’t blame her.”

BOOM! There it is. That is why she implicated George. Pay back.
I can definitely see how George is going to be used to throw speculation of murder, as well as other people "connected" to the family. Mason said that someone else could have done it in an interview, someone connected to the family. As far as George:

Mistress Cruz says he claims accident and Casey says he found Caylee in pool

No one claims to have put the ladder up and Caylee could not

Ashton says George's demeanor and cooperation changed after the body was found

George was evasive about the duct tape being at the search center

George didn't call the cops about the smell and went off to work

George is explosive

I don't agree with any of it, but Casey may use it and so may her helpers even if just to sell books or make a good movie plot. I have a feeling that Jesse and even cruz better watch out. Possibly even Cindy.
Except that the duct tape apparently got there after the body skeletonized since there was no tissue on it.

dont see any evidence of this ..the duct tape stuck to the hair on both side of skull. Otherwise mandible would not have stayed intact. also all of the tissue was eaten away by bugs or decomposed..in mother nature.
A Possible GA Theory:

From the very beginning, I've always thought Casey killed Caylee. I tend to think it was accidently with chloroform & duct tape, to keep her sedated & quiet in the trunk, while Casey partied.

I don't think June 16th was the first time she did this. A couple years ago, another poster had posted that Caylee's thinning hair/bald spots at her temples, shown in the last video of Caylee when singing "You Are My Sunshine"... questioned whether they could be from duct tape used previously.

Anyway.... When Casey realized that Caylee was dead, she returned to the A's house, after CA had left for work. She realized George would be sleeping late, after working the eve shift. Casey knew that GA & Caylee usually had late breakfasts together while Casey slept in. She wanted GA to take the blame for neglecting Caylee.... making him think that Caylee had drowned while he was asleep.

So Casey put Caylee in the pool and got into her own bed.... and waited for GA to wake up and find Caylee in the pool.

I think maybe Casey & George, after he found Caylee in the pool & woke up Casey, blamed each other, but then eventually agreed on a plan & to not tell Cindy or anyone else what had happened.

They agreed to Casey staying away & lying to Cindy (about being away with Caylee & then the kidnapping). One or both duct taped Caylee, wrapped her in the plastic bags, & hid Caylee in an area so close to the A's house.

But Casey wanted Caylee to be found & told Lee to look in an area where they were familiar with and/or that they knew. I think she wanted to have her found very soon.

It bothers me that GA didn't call the police when he knew the car smelled like a dead body had been in it. And it just seems like he stayed a little too much in the background from them on.

I think maybe both GA & ICA had agreed to not tell anyone what happened, but deep down wanted the other to be blamed for neglecting Caylee.

This is my theory only for today and will probably change tomorrow.
Except that the duct tape apparently got there after the body skeletonized since there was no tissue on it.

You do realize that tissue DECOMPOSES, right??? There would not have been any tissue left on that tape because of the decomp, water, and the heat. Common sense.
I think GA was just a TAD too defensive. He made himself look guilty. He should have "Yes, that was my duct tape". "Yes I used it at the command center." "Yes, I had an affair". "But I did NOT tape on my granddaughter."

Maybe then, the jury wouldn't have had such a hard time believing him.

And, for the record, I personally do not believe he was involved. But, if he had been alittle less combative, a little more truthful, we might have gotten a different verdict.
I find no theory plausible as to the culpability of GA in the death of Caylee . He was a loving grandfather and would have called 911 in the case of any accident. That doesn't make him a perfect man; was he combative with Baez ? Yep, and I would've been as well. Did he drive the car home from the tow yard ? Yep ... don't forget CA was at the tow yard as well and probably was chirping in his ear about protecting ICA. Why did CA clean the car as soon as they got it home ? Why did he go to work that day ? I'm sure CA told him to go on to work and she would take care of it. Did he make a statement to RC ? Statement ... sure, but the content of the statement is debatable.
I'm not sure not being combative would have helped him, I don't think the jurors got past JB's OS...they heard that and nothing else mattered.

Today I had the TV on HLN, can't remember which show (maybe JVM) but, they had a private investigator from the DT that I think Andrea Lyons had hired right after the body had been found. He made a comment about "it not being over for George", actually he said it twice. So, it makes me wonder just what they'll try to pull once she's out of jail. If her not seeing her parents isn't a ploy then it's because she can't look them in the face because of her guilt.
If George was acting on the stand, being combative and evasive, in order to help Casey it's going to really be a snowball effect for him to get blamed for Caylee's death and possibly murder. How one person's lies and manipulations can destroy so thoroughly is mind boggling. He really needs his own attorney separate from the rest of his family.
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