I think that Misty is terrified of Ronald.

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While I DO believe she is terrified of what Ronald would do to her if he ever finds out what really happened to Haliegh, I do believe she thinks she has the situation under control and completely covered.
She has always struck me as being naive and ignorant about 'real life issues' - in general. After all, she was only 17 when this started! She carries an 'air' about herself as if she's in control and now that she's sitting in a jail cell, she IS NOT in control of anything, that's why we see her freaking out on those tapes. She is irrational and goes from one thing to another without coherency.
One thing for sure, watching the tapes - she certainly KNOWS how to manipulate each visitor and play towards each of their sympathies. Notice how her tone of voice changes for each person she talks with? She certainly has that to a science!

I just hope that LE is able to 'break' her while she is locked away. Someone on the inside needs to be filling her head with stuff so that she's willing to talk. Hope they have an informant with her! She seems pretty needy and clings to anyone that gives her the time of day (aka Donna Brock). Someone on the inside should be able to 'make friends' with her and get her to sing!
I truly believe LE knows the jest of what happened to this beautiful child, they just need the 'glue' to put all of the pieces together.
I really don't know. She appeared controlled by him in some of the interviews, certainly, and I believe he might have been verbally abusive and physically volatile. But she didn't appear scared in the engagement interview or the wedding footage, she was glowing. The day after in the Today Show she was fearful. But of what, I'm not sure.

If she is afraid of him, it seems that just about now would be the perfect time to talk, since he's locked up in a different jail and will be for a while. He can't reach her physically, and I doubt that he's got a network of trusted inmate homies in her jail that'll do anything for him. Is there an immaterial threat that he could hold over her head? I guess he could have said that if she talks, whatever happened he's got a way to prove that all the blame is hers. After all, LE did insinuate that he was at work and that he's not a suspect, so she might believe it too.

BBM I can't remember who the interview was with, but in one, when Misty was asked why her story had changed so many times, she seemed to cut her eyes over to Ron for him to clue her in on how to answer...and he seemed to just keep looking straight ahead. The pause between the question and her answer of "I don't know" was way longer than it should have been and she more or less took on that deer in the headlights look when she didn't receive a clue from him on how he wanted her to answer.

I think Misty is pretty simple minded and Ron has probably taken advantage of that to make her think that if she talks about what happened to Haleigh, he can pin it all on her...afterall, he has an alibi...he was at werk.
i think she is scared of ron but not in a way that we all think. this is hard to explain. i think misty grew up in this lifestyle and men like ron are the norm for her. i think she is scared that ron will slap her around if she steps out of line but did that stop her from going on that binge and hanging with another guy that whole time? did it stop her from going back to him after he supposedly beat her when she said she was pregnant? did it stop her from marrying him? no. so she may be scared that he'll hit her but i don't think she worries about it until after she's done something to upset him.

and the biggest reason i feel this way is this: if ron is that dangerous, why didn't he beat her when he came home to find haleigh missing under misty's watch? i mean i can't even picture myself keeping my hands off of her neck with the lame answers she was giving if that had been my child or grandchild and i'm not a dangerous or violent person. and while i don't condone violence of any form, where was the violence at during a time when most parents could understand him totally losing it? there was none other than the verbal abuse on the 911 call.
It's not that complicated folks. RC knows what happened to his daughter and has known from the git go. MC is covering for him. Either by choice when he said he would marry her or now under threat, there is and has been a pact between them to never let it be known what happened. The tattoo is a symbol of that pact and then he comes back with this ex-wife/friends carp? Does he really think everyone is that stupid? I was married to an abuser for 12 years with a bad temper, no patience and quick to let the hands fly. Whoever was in the way got it, kids or not. I've seen this behavior before (immature, hot headed and spoiled) and I recognized it from the first time I saw him. What she knows is that he's responsible and won't admit it!!!!!

There! I've said it and I feel better.
It's not that complicated folks. RC knows what happened to his daughter and has known from the git go. MC is covering for him. Either by choice when he said he would marry her or now under threat, there is and has been a pact between them to never let it be known what happened. The tattoo is a symbol of that pact and then he comes back with this ex-wife/friends carp? Does he really think everyone is that stupid? I was married to an abuser for 12 years with a bad temper, no patience and quick to let the hands fly. Whoever was in the way got it, kids or not. I've seen this behavior before and I recognized it from the first time I saw him on TV. What she knows is that he's responsible and won't admit it!!!!!

There! I've said it and I feel better.
you make a good point about Ron dangling marraige in front of her. I never thought of it like that. & even her own daddy referred to her wanting to play @ being grown up. & he probably promised the tattoo in exchange for the divorce. I wonder what he's dangling now? Seriously, Ron dangling rewards in front of her, fits Misty's psyche.
I've always felt Misty is gaga for Ron-- desperate for him, and therefor will do anything for his benefit. Right now, enough time has elapsed that she is on the verge of slipping out of that chemical attraction phase and the veil lifted away from her viewpoint.

There is a term, limerence, that comes up for me when thinking of Misty's delusional behavior-- the magic bullet to break the love "spell" is actually hearing the love object (Ron) state that they DO NOT love them. Plain, simple, and brutally direct. I've seen it work...


imo, jmo, all that.
you make a good point about Ron dangling marraige in front of her. I never thought of it like that. & even her own daddy referred to her wanting to play @ being grown up. & he probably promised the tattoo in exchange for the divorce. I wonder what he's dangling now? Seriously, Ron dangling rewards in front of her, fits Misty's psyche.

BBM - IMO the tattoo wasn't and "exchange" but MC showing proof of their pact that the truth should never come out and probably at the request of RC.

RC doesn't "give" or "exchange" anything. He takes. He's sending messages via interviews that equates to more threats to ensure that pact isn't broken. I'm not convinced that MC is going to settle in a jail cell for this guy. She's barely 18 yrs. old FGS! Spill it Misty!
I've always felt Misty is gaga for Ron-- desperate for him, and therefor will do anything for his benefit. Right now, enough time has elapsed that she is on the verge of slipping out of that chemical attraction phase and the veil lifted away from her viewpoint.

There is a term, limerance, that comes up for me when thinking of Misty's delusional behavior-- the magic bullet to break the love "spell" is actually hearing the love object (Ron) state that they DO NOT love them. Plain, simple, and brutally direct. I've seen it work...


imo, jmo, all that.
& that's kind of funny, because I've always felt that Ron was gaga for Misty. & yes, he was really mean to her, but look @ the lengths he went to keep her-even before that night. I think in one way, they were perfect for each other, but in another, together, they were toxic.
another thing...most 18 year old girls are picking out prom clothes, planning graduation parties, & visiting colleges. Look @ Misty. in jail on a million + bond for drug trafficking, barely literate, divorced, & a suspect in a child's death. & all she has to show for this is a tramp stamp. What in the world went wrong? & with this girl, where would you start?

You can start with her parents and grandparents......they failed Misty all the way, IMO
BBM - IMO the tattoo wasn't and "exchange" but MC showing proof of their pact that the truth should never come out and probably at the request of RC.

RC doesn't "give" or "exchange" anything. He takes. He's sending messages via interviews that equates to more threats to ensure that pact isn't broken. I'm not convinced that MC is going to settle in a jail cell for this guy. She's barely 18 yrs. old FGS! Spill it Misty!
I do agree with you, but I'm not sure that Misty understands that. I think, especially after hearing Ron talk to his 'new girl', that he can be a sweet talking, smooth talking, charmer. Even though , it's probably a manipulation tactic, I THINK Misty would fall for it. Misty publicly stated that she didn't want the divorce, so I think it's possible that he told her that the divorce didn't really matter, that she was the only one for him, blah, blah, blah...also, I believe that he saw signs that he was losing some of his 'hold' on Misty. I think he paid for the tattoo to reel her back in, but Misty wanted it because she 'loves' Ronald, & because she's a materialistic 18 year old & is easily bribed. Does that make sense?
& that's kind of funny, because I've always felt that Ron was gaga for Misty. & yes, he was really mean to her, but look @ the lengths he went to keep her-even before that night. I think in one way, they were perfect for each other, but in another, together, they were toxic.

While I respect the need to figure things out, here's the real deal here. I understand the dissection and analyzation of all their antics but, let's be real. It doesn't matter who's gaga for who and how is that going to help find this child at this point?

On the list of priorities, the gaga thing is waaaaay down on the list. The one on top should be where is this little girl. Ron's behavior having the title of Haleigh's father has been deplorable to me.

She was only 17, I can understand the immaturity at that age not to "get it" that her love life should have been left out of this from the first day Haleigh disappeared. But, on the other hand he shouldn't even have had time for one other thought in his head other than finding this child over the past year. We didn't see that though, did we? Never mind, that he has/had an obligation to his own children to act like the caring father and that they were regarded as the most important thing to him. We didn't see that either, did we?

Misty, you've been used, rode hard and put up wet. Time to spill the beans.
I've always felt Misty is gaga for Ron-- desperate for him, and therefor will do anything for his benefit. Right now, enough time has elapsed that she is on the verge of slipping out of that chemical attraction phase and the veil lifted away from her viewpoint.

There is a term, limerence, that comes up for me when thinking of Misty's delusional behavior-- the magic bullet to break the love "spell" is actually hearing the love object (Ron) state that they DO NOT love them. Plain, simple, and brutally direct. I've seen it work...


imo, jmo, all that.

I thought she was almost there in August after the divorce. I was fooled. Her recent "I don't care" when she heard Ronald had a girlfriend (news to her) told me she probably never would get to this point. I doubt she even runs deeply enough to be considered remotely obsessive in her thinking of Ronald. Their relationship was matched by two people wanting what they want when they want it no matter who gets hurt in the process. They are truly two of a kind.
I believe they are both tied into this or else one of them would have talked by now. They both know very well what happened to Haleigh and if either of them talk they would be sending themselves to prison (on more serious charges than trafficking). I don't know how scared Misty is of Ron, but I saw abusive written all over him from the beginning.
& that's kind of funny, because I've always felt that Ron was gaga for Misty. & yes, he was really mean to her, but look @ the lengths he went to keep her-even before that night. I think in one way, they were perfect for each other, but in another, together, they were toxic.

I guess I see Ron as more of an opportunist-- Misty fit the bill: pliable, young, willing, infatuated with him, eager, on and on. Ron's "desperation" never seemed romantic, or even personal, but rather situational. He needed a live in sitter, plain and simple. I think if whatever happened to Haleigh, hadn't-- Misty would have been replaced long before now.

I see Misty more like a tragic little duckling imprinting on a snake.
I guess I see Ron as more of an opportunist-- Misty fit the bill: pliable, young, willing, infatuated with him, eager, on and on. Ron's "desperation" never seemed romantic, or even personal, but rather situational. He needed a live in sitter, plain and simple. I think if whatever happened to Haleigh, hadn't-- Misty would have been replaced long before now.

I see Misty more like a tragic little duckling imprinting on a snake.

But we know that Ron's initial interest in the 17 year old Misty was........whoa, let's move that back....the 16 year old Misty....wasn't babysitting. We know he first saw her at the bus stop. We know he was interested in her for months before she moved in with him. We know that over time he culled her into his sex partner, and once he had her there, used her as his babysitter to go do whatever it was he wanted to do.

By any other name, this would make him a predator.
I know a family that if I were told only the facts (no names or location) of this tragic drama I would think it was their family.
Therefore allow me to elaborate on my thoughts and feelings PLEASE!

FIRST these people will allow things to happen to their children that we (people of sound mind and responsibility) would never imagine was possible. The family I was referring to allowed a 25 year old man to have sex with their daughter who was in 7th grade but 15 years old, why did they do this ???Because the man was a dealer, he provided the dad and mom with lots of "stuff" That girl got pregnant and allowed a man she was married to “mess” with her daughter because he was providing her and her 6 kids from 3 different dads a home.
SECOND They would and probably still supply themselves with “smokes” and drugs while the kids have no milk, and no food.
THIRD they stay in very close contact with each other living in a “clan type “ of lifestyle. Mom and dad live with kids and their mate collect food stamps then sell them for 50 cents on the dollar.
These types of people have low morals and feel their actions are justified because life has not been easy for them.
The talk of bond when the taxes come back is all that talk, because as soon as the tax money comes in the dealers will be there setting them up with their next fix.
How do I know so much about these people I was friends with them in my younger adult years before my kids came along and my eyes opened. I still hold a great amount of love for my friend but because she is unable to see how her lifestyle is destructive to her kids I no longer associate with her, but I do pray she will see one day.
There is always an excuse or a reason why

The cycle is never broken without education and educaton is not a priority to these types of people:banghead:
But we know that Ron's initial interest in the 17 year old Misty was........whoa, let's move that back....the 16 year old Misty....wasn't babysitting. We know he first saw her at the bus stop. We know he was interested in her for months before she moved in with him. We know that over time he culled her into his sex partner, and once he had her there, used her as his babysitter to go do whatever it was he wanted to do.

By any other name, this would make him a predator.

True enough, because, imo, he is a creepy pedo! But... I doubt he would have moved her in if there were no children. AmberB had the job and title before Misty, and Crystal was the model. Ick. I just hope he stays where he is.
Like I said before, the being afraid of Ron is a mute point now. She is no longer under his control and has no reason to fear him physically any longer so now is the time for her to start talking. I've never felt that Ron was responsible for whatever happened to Haleigh but fully believe that Misty knows and it is someone with which Misty has or had associated with. Maybe it was an accident, who knows. The point I'm making is there no reason now for her to be afraid of Ron.

I pretty much think Ron is nothing but hot air anyway. I feel 100% that if he had something to do with Haleigh's disappearance he would have already broken down about it. He just strikes me as that type of person. If enough pressure were put on him, he would have cracked. I think he only pretends that he is a big bada$$ and it's nothing but a show.

I don't think Misty was ever controlled by him. I think drugs or booze controlled Misty's life. I think she is just stubborn and hard-headed enough (i.e. Casey Anthony) not to ever crack unless she is put into a situation where she trusts the person 199%. She may have been afraid that Ronald would hurt her when they were together if he found out what happened to Haleigh but there seriously is no reason for her to fear him now.

All of this is JMO.
But we know that Ron's initial interest in the 17 year old Misty was........whoa, let's move that back....the 16 year old Misty....wasn't babysitting. We know he first saw her at the bus stop. We know he was interested in her for months before she moved in with him. We know that over time he culled her into his sex partner, and once he had her there, used her as his babysitter to go do whatever it was he wanted to do.

By any other name, this would make him a predator.
I agree with you completely. I think Ron preyed on young girls with hardened lives & little parenting, so he would get away with being a predator. But.....I also think he preyed on young girls because they were less likely to see through his line of BS & I think he beat & terrorized them to control them. I believe a young, ignorant girl like Misty would be easier to control, & for whatever reason, Ron seems to need to control. I'm thankful Jr. is out of his custody.
After witnessing Misty's conversations with her parents, I can fully understand how a stern directive by someone like Ron might be misconstrued as attentive and safe, even if it was everything but. Her folks are weak, and though loving-- total pushovers. mo

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