IA IA - David Schultz, 53, Wall Lake, 21 November 2023 #2

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I don't think Mark's body was found within a mile of DS's truck. It was somewhere in Jolley. I found a link with an address but the website is questionable. If that address was correct, it was 12-15 miles from DS's truck depending on which route you would take between the two. But Mark lived and worked closer to DS's truck location.

I am sorry you are correct! The other man was located south west of Jolly Iowa and I attached the link to the article above. I google mapped it and it does in fact say it’s a 15 minute drive from DS to Marks body.
I've always thought this a plausible explanation but in the opinion of both SS and other truckers, they all say no trucker in this day and age lets a stranger inside their cab. JMO
Keyword here is stranger. I would always stop for an auto with a women in a somewhat isolated location. Or a man with children visible. Or a person who I recognized as working for a competing company, driver, or mechanic. Or someone who I had met and chatted with at a night club the week before while dining /dancing with a date. Passing familiarity.
Old joke..
Driver picks up a hitchiker. Hitch thanks him and expounds on his trusting in spite of risks:
Why, I could even be a serial killer. Driver mulls a minute and explains.
I am completely safe. The odds of one serial killer picking up another are over one in a million.
Driver slows approaching a yellow light and Hitch bails out....
Although I can definitely see this scenario, wouldn't the suspect risk being seen by another vehicle getting off the exit?
Some risk, but almost none of a ground level stroller there, cold , night , desolate. Passing auto to go either way. Come up, big ole truck sitting their in the way... Grumble, steer left around him (thinking that ramp 2 lane-or wide enough at the outlet) and get on to work, home or wherever going.
This is the crux of this... There has been too much exposure of the truck, hauling pigs, time of night, pause/stop on ramp, well known or often seen local trucker for some one not to have seen/observed something concerning this.
Only two.. The pig feeder who came and returned and the "friend" who almost hit it.
My top three scenarios are self-harm, walking away, or a planned rendezvous gone wrong.

I just can't see David being accosted at the intersection and someone else driving it north. Whatever the reason, I believe David made that unexpected right-hand turn.

As ever, I'm fully prepared to be wrong.

The thing is, this is only strange because David has gone missing. He could have made this exact same "strange" turn north on Union Avenue many times, and we'd never know.
@OldAce - while I can follow your logic, at the end of it I'm left with: all that for what? I mean, it seems like a lot of work/planning/likely multiple people involved to abduct / other a single male in an 18-wheeler. What could the possible motive be, to justify all this? In other words, why not just grab him in his car or anywhere outside of his truck/route?

Tractor was shut down properly as "cold start" by mechanic later caused no problem. Novice would have turned off key and turbos would seized, lock up and have to be towed.)

Do you think David shut it down, or someone else?
@OldAce - while I can follow your logic, at the end of it I'm left with: all that for what? I mean, it seems like a lot of work/planning/likely multiple people involved to abduct / other a single male in an 18-wheeler. What could the possible motive be, to justify all this? In other words, why not just grab him in his car or anywhere outside of his truck/route?

Do you think David shut it down, or someone else?
Fist answer is: To kill David under some weird circumstance/desires of the perp/s.

Engine yes... Lights off and no flares, no. And probably at perps instruction. As in shut it down and get out. Automatic to David, it is idling or idle a little more. Perp says kill the lights and get out.
Sorta defeating there, no lights, dangerous in dark... Lit up, be visible for a mile or so. Sitting in a strange place, not moving. Another of the at/odds events to logic.

(Time changes things.)
In my day we were required to have 3 kerosene pot flares, 3 red flags. and 3 railroad fuzees.
The were sold and installed in a red metal oblong box. Action was in case of hazardous occurrence: Wreck, stall in roadway with poor visibility or blind curve. In hours of darkness, jump out, grab a fuzee, strike it and stick in the ground, pavement crack, alongside and across the roadway. This was to provide immediate warning. Then get out the pots, set one 100 feet behind, one 100 feet in front, and another alongside across roadbed.
In daylight, do not light the pots, but insert the little red flags into a slot on the pots to display.

Strangest of all.. These were usually bolted to the right hand passenger side step and sometimes had a small padlock to prevent theft. Time you got out, walked around, undid the lock (if not rusted/frozen), got the fuzzes out, walked back to the other roadside, lit it and staked, come back, picked up and placed the 3 pots...
At least 3 other vehicles could have crashed into you...
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I just want to add, from what I understand, MR lived close to Hwy 20, in Lytton.

The next MAJOR intersection / interchange going west from Lytton, is the 71

ETA map: Lytton to 1710 230th St

THAT is something to consider IMHO

Maybe DS saw something the night MR left his house or maybe someone thinks David saw something.

I know, I know, MR's death has been deem suicide. But his family feels differently. I know, I know this is to be expected. Just saying...FWIW

There is no doubt about it >> David's truck sticks out & there is only one running down the road doing that loop in Iowa, THAT you can bet.

ETA2: David runs all night, MR's sister made the comment it seemed her brother got out of bed in the middle of the night....i will find what she said and add

According to Mary Brown, Mark's sister, Riesberg's last known communication was a text message to his boss. Brown finds the circumstances of her brother's disappearance unnerving. In a brief conversation with the Wright County Monitor, she shared that she believes he must have gotten out of bed in the middle of the night, judging by the state of his bed.
Brown assumes her brother left his bed to assist someone who came to his door. Riesberg’s home is along Highway 20 outside of Lytton. Mark had been missing since October 28, 2023.

ETA4: Was David running up and down the 20 the night of October 28th????? Sarah would know...
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I want to try to respond to some of the comments best I can since my last post.

At the time of him missing, most crops were out, if not all. There are of course areas of just land/weeds and timber here and there. However, with most foliage dead at that time and crop season done with, Id be fairly certain the search would had found something.

In regards to Mark, I have not heard his family thought something different than the reason stated he took his own life. Prior to him being found, many people had assumed this who knew him, including my family. There has been history of mental illness unfortunately and it all fit together - how he was found, etc. Plus markings from the car/him validated the determination. But again,I wasn't there so could be wrong.

Everyone keeps talking about the ability to drive a semi and while I would normally agree, this is again, a rural area where some kids grew up driving semis, skid loaders, tractors, combines and the like. Saying without saying, look at Google maps where he was found - what do you see nearby?

Maybe he was forced to drive it to where it was found but don't feel he would had turned it off unless made to. The fact that they did not even attempt to take prints from the truck at all is fairly glaring to me - as is they didn't keep it as an active crime scene.

Maybe I'm tired but what is this about him contacting someone? While I do think the stop at the truck stop was fairly long and seems maybe unusual, I think that could be explained with trying to stay on track with his scheduled arrival time (not getting in front of another possible delivery) or needing a few minutes to stretch or maybe just taking a few minutes to wake up? Or, maybe waiting to hear back from someone? Or even try to throw someone off he wanted to avoid? SS said everyone knew his truck and how proud he was of it, so again,could had just been a moment of opportunity by people who don't care about what they do to someone who "owes them."

I honestly have a hard time believing he walked away. And can't see him just stopping there a d leaving with the way things were found, even in a medical situation. The search was pretty intense, but I suppose you never know. Again, I've been wrong in my life more times than once.
I keep thinking that whatever happened got underway at the point where he slowed down so much it took him 20 minutes to cover four miles. (either driving around 12mph or stopping for a bit during that stretch)

Whether that was someone he allowed in the cab, or someone who jumped up on the running board, who then perhaps forced him to keep driving until they met up with an escape vehicle, or whether he was distracted by something (text/call to/from burner phone perhaps) which caused him to drive so slowly while thinking or responding.

Some risk, but almost none of a ground level stroller there, cold , night , desolate. Passing auto to go either way. Come up, big ole truck sitting their in the way... Grumble, steer left around him (thinking that ramp 2 lane-or wide enough at the outlet) and get on to work, home or wherever going.
This is the crux of this... There has been too much exposure of the truck, hauling pigs, time of night, pause/stop on ramp, well known or often seen local trucker for some one not to have seen/observed something concerning this.
Only two.. The pig feeder who came and returned and the "friend" who almost hit it.
I really appreciate your expertise and perspective on this case, @OldAce
And I apologize if already asked, but… what are your thoughts on what happened to Mr. Schultz? I would really value it if you don’t mind sharing here. TI
ETA: Nevermind, I just went back and found your previous posts. Thank you!
I really appreciate your expertise and perspective on this case, @OldAce
And I apologize if already asked, but… what are your thoughts on what happened to Mr. Schultz? I would really value it if you don’t mind sharing here. TI
ETA: Nevermind, I just went back and found your previous posts. Thank you!
No problem... See my post #1086...
First answer is: To kill David under some weird circumstance/desires of the perp/s.

Engine yes... Lights off and no flares, no. And probably at perps instruction. As in shut it down and get out. Automatic to David, it is idling or idle a little more. Perp says kill the lights and get out.
Sorta defeating there, no lights, dangerous in dark... Lit up, be visible for a mile or so. Sitting in a strange place, not moving. Another of the at/odds events to logic.

Oops... We crossed in our Q and A's.
Everyone keeps talking about the ability to drive a semi and while I would normally agree, this is again, a rural area where some kids grew up driving semis, skid loaders, tractors, combines and the like. Saying without saying, look at Google maps where he was found - what do you see nearby?
I believe this comes from the model of DS's truck -- it's a 1999 and truckers have made mention of newer models that today's teens drive on the farm are mostly automatic transmission. MOO
From the thread starter post #1:


The Lake View Police Department requests the public’s help locating a missing Sac County man. According to law enforcement, family and friends report last hearing from 53-year-old David Schultz of Wall Lake during the early morning hours of Tuesday, Nov. 21. Schultz, who is a trucker, was en route from Eagle Grove to Sac City to deliver hogs, but did not complete the delivery or pick up his next load. The semi-tractor trailer he was driving was located yesterday (Tuesday) on U.S. Highway 71 near Sac City, but there was no sign of Schultz. Law enforcement asks anyone who has seen or heard from David Schultz to contact the Lake View Police Department by calling 712-657-2513.

Great point! We have not heard anymore!

Who could it be??? ...Wondering...maybe his mechanic???

Mechanic? Possible he loaded, came down and hit 20, revved it up and detected some vibration, noise, sluggishness in the rig. Pulled in at 126 in open, lighted, to inspect the rig. Calls his mechanic to verbally trouble shoot the anomaly he has detected. Q and A, moves on out and makes it to the ramp end.
As logical as any other scenario...
I believe this comes from the model of DS's truck -- it's a 1999 and truckers have made mention of newer models that today's teens drive on the farm are mostly automatic transmission. MOO
Not to argue, but I believe most of the trucks that teens might now drive on the farm, are older/retired from OTR and would predate automatics.
Certainly large corporate ops would have newer, but the handed down family farms would use the old reliable units, that do not require a lot of troublesome emission additives and electronic controls. Just my observation.
David's cousin - initials AJC posts Dec 23 @ 11:29am under this story:

I'd agree on teens these days - I guess I meant more of this is how most people who have lived and stayed in rural Iowa grew up (ie - my husband who is 49 now). So while these days, yes, many of them did this 20-30+ years ago. Sorry if I implied the other.

I agree on the 20 minute thing and scenarios that would fit. That is where I feel it happened while exiting/at the stop of the intersection. If no one else was actively looking, the likelihood of anyone seeing was pretty slim that time of night and semis are the usual traffic.
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