IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #11

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Unless whomever took the girls was in a construction vehicle . A white chevy astro w/no windows wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb in that particular setting, would it ?

I think it would, since IDOT trucks are all safety orange in colour.
I've also debated this (with myself) over the last few weeks and while I want to believe GMA and the family (that they wouldn't have went that far on their own), I find it hard to explain why anyone would have took the time to stage the bikes and the purse. If the girls were taken while riding close to home, why take the extra steps in planting the bikes on the trail...in plain sight and risk being spotted. There are other places they could have been tossed and probably wouldn't have been found for days if not at all.

You are right, it is risky. I was thinking along the lines that if the bikes were staged then the area around the filter pump and where the bikes were found would be a pretty concealed area, especially if approached through the woods from the lake side. On either side of that bike trail you have an 8 ft fence and brush/woods in that area.

Again, I know it is risky but do think it might have been worthwhile risk to perp IF perp is local or someone who cannot or could not leave the immediate area after abducting the girls. I was thinking along the lines of deflecting where the actual abduction ocurred (near to where this person lives, works or spends their time maybe) OR buying time to get the girls taken to wherever the perp wanted them to be for the long term after abduction. The search of the lake area, the draining of the lake, etc etc all took time and resources and seemed to suggest that the girls may be lost, hurt or drowned.

I know I could be totally off base but from day one I have felt not right about the bikes. It really doesn't have anything to do with gramma, bless her heart, just a gut feeling. Hard to explain why.
Deliberate or act of nature, the risk is about the same.

Actually, statistically the single riskiest thing parents can do is put their children in their car and drive them somewhere.

Yet most of the parents I've talked to who say they would never do this or they always do that for fear of a child predator have never considered taking a yearly driver refresher course (available for less than $100 in Iowa via many community colleges) so that their driving skills stay sharp.

I am always bemused at human risk assessment and what humans will or won't do in response.

For me, the horror of what happens to most abducted children before they die is the reason for having more concern about my child being abducted than being hit by lightning. And we all like to think that WE have some control over auto accidents by being very careful, even though logically we may know someone else can cause an accident that we can't avoid. Just the utter unthinkableness (is that even a word?) of my child being under the control of some pervert makes me shudder.
I was just thinking of this the other day... remember those fire fighter window stickers you would put in a kids window to let firemen know it was a kids room (in case of a fire)? Perfect way for a perp to know whose room that was.

they also let a firefighter know which room to save your child from.
I guess you have to consider - which is more likely - that your child will be kidnapped from your home in the night, or that your house will catch on fire and your child will need saving?

There is a point where you have to consider what is a reasonable risk and what is not. I consider it a reasonable risk to have kiddie curtains on my kids window. I consider it a reasonable risk to allow him to ride a bicycle, although not without a helmet. I consider it a reasonable risk to have him ride in a car, although not without a car seat.

All in all, its much more likely that my child would perish in a car accident than be kidnapped from his room in the night. I suspect its also more likely my child might die in a fire than be kidnapped but haven't checked the stats but not sure.

But if you really want to keep your kid safe, live on a one story house, never take them in a car, never let them ride a bike, talk to a stranger, eat rare meat or play in the yard. You never know who has an anaphylactic reaction to bee stings.
Interesting....I've been hoping they would search more in a triangle from Maiden Lane woods to Hanson Lake to campground for example. MOO

my hope too. maybe they were trying out some of the same theories we all have been speculating here. Doing run throughs to see if this is a valid possiblility.

Could someone stage the bikes if the carried them through that area and then dumped them over the fence into the bike trail? Something like that. Maybe they are just seeing if that is indeed doable or likely. Boy I sure hope so.
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one in a few...
I've updated the map to include the trail photos (East/West) and removed the markers for bikes and purse - until we get more information. I think that the bikes were towards the east side of the trail (based on clues we've been given), but I'll wait for more info.

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