IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #14

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I would think that anyone on their lunch hour, who did not return to work, would stand out big time. If not at once, by the following week or so, when people were thinking about this case all the time locally.

Still, I wish LE would harp on those things that people should be thinking about; people who acted oddly that weekend, were not where they were supposed to be, were cleaning a vehicle, etc...by now, memories are stale. We know how bad witnesses can be, even at the time. As with the case in England, someone swore they saw the little girl, Tia, leave the house on the Friday morning, when now it seems apparent that she never did, as apparently her body was there all the time. :( But the passage of time makes it even worse.
Absolutely to that last statement!

And let's not forget that JED kept a blog after his prior parole and on it, basically said he really wanted to rape and kill some more. I have forgotten the exact phrasing but it wasn't subtle.

I think if you search his name on Tru TV crime library there is a link to a cache of his blog posts. They don't come much sicker than that guy.

I just don't know what to hope for in E and L's case. None of the probable scenarios are very good, and we have such pitifully little to go on to suggest one scenario is more likely than another.

It is both heartbreaking and maddening.

My gut still tells me that the lake as a whole is a red herring. I just don't know why but I keep thinking back to those white sheds in the videos and how deserted the alley behind the stores was. It just seems more likely that they were scooped up off the street or alley and their bikes dumped off later at the lake. Not much later, but later.

It may have been a perp who was watching for a day or two and had seen the girls go to the lake before.

I also think the TG and the C's accounts may be muddying up the timeline, however well-intentioned. I honestly think we should clean our timeline of everything between 12:15 and 4pm, as bad as that is.

Sorry for the novel, and the above is JMO.

Four weeks ago today---Lizzie and Lyric, where are you?

I have had a creepy feeling about the alley behind the stores, and a hidden, but known-to-some-area near the lake, (that we now know as Maiden Lane), since the girls disappeared. Why am I feeling this? Can there be a connection?
I'm not from the area. It's hard to tell. The picture taken on July 14 seems to show shoreline before the lake was drained. This is a close up cropped portion of the original photo.


Thank you, Otto. I hadn't seen that photo! If that is before the lake was drained, there appears to be somewhat of a shoreline. However, if this is while they are in the middle of draining, it's possible that shoreline was created in the process. Still think it would be easier to walk on the trail ... since, in my head, the girls were taken by someone they knew or were familiar with so there was no force.
Have there EVER been any missing kids in any way similar to this case in Evansdale or Waterloo that have not been solved over the past...say..40 years? Anything?
Adding extra people to what we know to be true doesn't seem to clarify the facts, but rather confuses them by introducing elements that are not supported by any facts. Maybe the perp or perps that abducted the children were aided by two teenage boys, or two teenage girls, or two moms pushing strollers, or people watering their lawns or ... the list goes on forever ... but there's nothing to suggest that anything except a perp or two were involved. What is it about teenage boys or girls or transients that makes it seem reasonable to add them to the facts?

I think the discussion about teenagers or possibly older kids came into the discussion because there has been some question about the video surveillance possibly not being E and L. The video doesn't look like adults riding the bikes and the clothing appears to be black, but this could be due to the poor quality of the video.

Just Moo
All I can think of is those "Dateline" shows...ice cream man pulls up, tells girls they can make their own sundaes if they come inside, off he goes...something as simple as that. Maybe not the ice cream man, but that sort of thing. But that does not explain the purse...
So now we can see that they also removed a link to the press release.

This is total speculation and probably doesn't fit at all... BUT... what if someone "helped" the girls in some way... like, what if they "helped" them to run-away or "helped" them to go somewhere that they (or one of them) wanted to go and what if LE doesn't think that person(s) intended for it all to end up like this, with the girls now gone, disappeared, with no trace. I could so develop this train of thought, but might brush too close to being against the rules. So I won't. But, I can see it in my mind!!

Re: removing a link to the press release - I did not see the original article but the part underlined on the cached page is just some darn ad/spy stuff that just showed up again on my Pc. For some reason my isn't blocking it. It is not a link.

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Thank you, Otto. I hadn't seen that photo! If that is before the lake was drained, there appears to be somewhat of a shoreline. However, if this is while they are in the middle of draining, it's possible that shoreline was created in the process. Still think it would be easier to walk on the trail ... since, in my head, the girls were taken by someone they knew or were familiar with so there was no force.

I think it was MNDad that posted the picture a couple of days ago and said that it was from July 14, which was before the lake was drained. Here's a picture of the police with a dog ... also on the lakeside of the fence:

I think it was MNDad that posted the picture a couple of days ago and said that it was from July 14, which was before the lake was drained. Here's a picture of the police with a dog ... also on the lakeside of the fence:


It looks like the policeman is carrying something purple. Could this be E's purse?
Re: removing a link to the press release - I did not see the original article but the part underlined on the cached page is just some darn ad/spy stuff that just showed up again on my Pc. For some reason my isn't blocking it. It is not a link.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

Same darn thing....keep getting Adconversion stuff popping up...
I think it was MNDad that posted the picture a couple of days ago and said that it was from July 14, which was before the lake was drained. Here's a picture of the police with a dog ... also on the lakeside of the fence:


Very interesting ... seems they used the dogs on that side of the lake. I wonder if they tracked anything. The only thing I've ever read/seen was that the dogs tracked from the location of the bikes down the trail to where the fence ends.
It looks like the policeman is carrying something purple. Could this be E's purse?

No, those are disposable nitrile gloves. (which have replaced latex in many labs and hospitals) I'd recognize them anywhere.
I think the purse was removed long before camera crews showed up and they would have placed it in a plastic bag.
No, those are disposable nitrile gloves. (which have replaced latex in many labs and hospitals) I'd recognize them anywhere.

Thank you, I had to enlarge my screen to see them. I haven't seen the purple ones before. :seeya:
Very interesting ... seems they used the dogs on that side of the lake. I wonder if they tracked anything. The only thing I've ever read/seen was that the dogs tracked from the location of the bikes down the trail to where the fence ends.

It's been confusing whether the dogs tracked on the shore or on the trail, but here we see the dog along the shore, followed by an officer carrying gloves ... presumably to pick up anything located by the tracking dog.

"Authorities drained the lake Tuesday after FBI dogs detected the girls' scent near where their bicycles were found four days earlier.

FBI spokeswoman Sandy Breault said the reaction from the dogs Monday night indicated a "strong possibility" the girls had been at the lake, less than a mile from their grandmother's house where they were last reported seen Friday. However, Breault said because there were no confirmed sightings at the lake, authorities couldn't be certain."

All I can think of is those "Dateline" shows...ice cream man pulls up, tells girls they can make their own sundaes if they come inside, off he goes...something as simple as that. Maybe not the ice cream man, but that sort of thing. But that does not explain the purse...

There are lots of scenerios in my mind that I could settle on if it weren't for that purse...
There are lots of scenerios in my mind that I could settle on if it weren't for that purse...

Well if they were on the lakeside of the fence, the purse being over there isn't a big jump. Perhaps that is really the only reason they were looking for a boater ... the girls WERE on that side of the fence and they were hoping someone saw who they were with.
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