IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #14

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Waterloo Jaycee's might be a good contact. Jaycee's are community minded folks and have a lot of manpower.
Light those fires!
I don';t know a thing about any rewards ever given out. Alot of times the tip giver is kept quiet.
Sorry, I haven't had a tv for quite a while, but doesn't she publish a magazine or something? I know she's known for helping people out in a lot of ways, so I thought she might be able to do something to keep them in the public's eye.

She does have a magazine, and about a zillion people she could reach out to in order to spread the word

Anderson Cooper also covers these types of stories, perhaps it would be helpful to contact him?

I share in everyone's frustration, and I want the girls to be found safe and unharmed. Unfortunately, with the passage of time it seems that scenario is unlikely. JMO
Are there any local (Iowan) celebrities I wonder who we could get interested in the case and lend their celebrity towards keeping the girls's names and faces out there? (Not necessarily posed to just you confusion, but to the thread at large)

The first thought that popped into my head is Shawn Johnson, the Olympic gymnast. She's from Iowa and is going to be on the upcoming Dancing with the Stars All-Stars, so she'll be getting tons of publicity. Plus, she's a spokesperson for Hyvee grocery stores and is regularly featured in their weekly fliers (that are distributed all over the midwest). It would be great if she took an interest and helped get the word out about the girls.
Are there any local (Iowan) celebrities I wonder who we could get interested in the case and lend their celebrity towards keeping the girls's names and faces out there? (Not necessarily posed to just you confusion, but to the thread at large)

Kurt Warner, from CR and played football at UNI in Cedar Falls
The first thought that popped into my head is Shawn Johnson, the Olympic gymnast. She's from Iowa and is going to be on the upcoming Dancing with the Stars All-Stars, so she'll be getting tons of publicity. Plus, she's a spokesperson for Hyvee grocery stores and is regularly featured in their weekly fliers (that are distributed all over the midwest). It would be great if she took an interest and helped get the word out about the girls.

Great idea Athena12!
Sometimes if enough people send a story to a celeb on Twitter, the celeb will RT it, thereby sending the story to all their followers. I don't have Twitter, but if any of you do, why not send her the story.
I'm going to try one more time to get some of my thoughts out here clearly enough to actually get answers to my questions and/or comments on my ideas, rather than just someone going off on a tangent about one unimportant detail like usually happens.

1. I'd still be interested in knowing if TG rides the bike trail during lunch time every day, or at least most days. Does anyone know?this i do not know, from what i have read it seemed to insinuate that he rides enough to have thought the abandoned bikes strange enough to mention.

2. The bikes are one thing that make me think this was planned, and both girls were wanted. you could very well be correct, i on the other hand am still wavering in my theories :fence:

a) If a person grabbed them in town and wanted to move the bikes to shift the focus of LE, why pick a spot where they were so likely to be spotted? If it was spur of the moment, there'd be no way of knowing that nobody would come by and see them driving up or walking the bikes to the gate; if it was planned, why not plan to take them to the river or somewhere else that would shift focus but not be so busy? If they were complete psychopaths and don't care if their seen like has been suggested, then why bother staging the bikes at all?well, it would seem to me that if they(perps) were attempting to shift focus..then why put the bikes anywhere that could be found quickly? i personally dont think it makes much sense. i could understand taking the bikes and dumping in another county or state or drop them to the bottom of an unused well..but not in the very same park that i just snatched two kids from...which leads me to seriously wonder if the girls were ever really there in that park? there were parallel investigations going on during the lake drain....contrary to much talk of time being wasted. if the bikes were there, they are where the girls left them and then left the area with whomever...moo

b) If they were taken at the lake, where would the person have waited that was hidden enough to avoid being seen by anyone passing by (and by the girls before they were grabbed) but close enough to get to the girls and grab them before they were out of reach?don know about this at all, as it could well have been someone that the girls knew- so no hiding etc.

3. If the bikes TG saw didn't belong to the girls, why haven't the owners of those bikes (or their friends or parents) come forward and said so?[I]i think if the bikes werent the bikes in question then le would have put out the description of the bikes loud and clear - but they didnt, so i dont know what to think.[/I]

4. If they weren't the girls' bikes, does the sighting by Mr. C. mean anything?regardless of the bikes, i think that mr.c.'s regular sighting means something. they could have been trying to avoid being seen by someone on another block, or they could have been trying to see/visit/talk to someone on mr.c.'s block.

5. Is it possible that the reason WC was so sure the girls never went that far because they never did when she was there? Mrs. C. said they see them, especially Elizabeth, almost every night; do they only see Lyric with her on nights when she's spending the night? see answer of #4 :)

I have a lot more questions, but I have a feeling that only the perp/s (and the girls if they're still with us) know the true answers.

keep posting, you have good questions, too bad none of us can actually answer any of them with any certainty :rocker:
Great idea Athena12!
Sometimes if enough people send a story to a celeb on Twitter, the celeb will RT it, thereby sending the story to all their followers. I don't have Twitter, but if any of you do, why not send her the story.

Thanks! Tweeting is a great idea. Unfortunately, I don't have Twitter, either.

Oh, and Ashton Kutcher is another native Iowan if anyone wants to tweet him, too!
This is a little O/T, but I wanted to let the lurkers know that their input is important. Everyone brings their unique outlook/perspective which is what is desperately needed, IMO. So lurkers, please join in.

As to newcomers who may feel a little ignored or under-appreciated, I have been a WSer since 2005, and there have been countless times when I've felt the same way. There is such a mix of personalities and viewpoints on WS that certain "snarks" and/or very heated discussions ensue. But sometimes those heated discussions result in me looking at things a little differently, which IMO is always a good thing.

One last comment - if anyone posts a question and it isn't answered, please don't take it personally. There are questions I've seen asked over and over, i.e., how often does TG ride his bike, does he ride the same route/time every day, what direction he was riding when he swerved to miss the bikes, what direction were the bikes facing, has Lyric ever biked to the lake before, etc. These questions haven't been answered because we just don't know the answers. JMO, IMO, MOO, etc.
This is a little O/T, but I wanted to let the lurkers know that their input is important. Everyone brings their unique outlook/perspective which is what is desperately needed, IMO. So lurkers, please join in.

As to newcomers who may feel a little ignored or under-appreciated, I have been a WSer since 2005, and there have been countless times when I've felt the same way. There is such a mix of personalities and viewpoints on WS that certain "snarks" and/or very heated discussions ensue. But sometimes those heated discussions result in me looking at things a little differently, which IMO is always a good thing.

One last comment - if anyone posts a question and it isn't answered, please don't take it personally. There are questions I've seen asked over and over, i.e., how often does TG ride his bike, does he ride the same route/time every day, what direction he was riding when he swerved to miss the bikes, what direction were the bikes facing, has Lyric ever biked to the lake before, etc. These questions haven't been answered because we just don't know the answers. JMO, IMO, MOO, etc.

The THANX button wasnt good enough for you post MARILYNINPA! :) - it skimmed a few different important topics...

sometimes in the heat of a round of posting its easy to get lost in the shuffle, dont worry about it, usually you will notice folks responding to you post long after you posted it and after the frenzied posting slows...and dont be afraid to "quote" yourself either lol... or bring a post from a closed thread. and if you get snarked at just hit the red alert button in the top right corner and tell a mod, or just contact a mod and tell them whats going on and im sure they will be able to help you out. you are here like the rest of us, you are part of the rest of us helping in whatever way we can. snark is not tollerated by anyone... so just keep posting away! k? :seeya:
Ok, I'm not quite ready to shut up yet - so sue me. I just wanted to give a few ideas for that. Oprah might be willing to do a segment on them. GFWC is also really good about spreading the word on worthy causes; if someone contacted the Waterloo Women's Club in Waterloo, they might be able to help.

May I say....Yay! :woohoo:
“We believe the girls are alive, and we are not discouraged by the passage of time,” Breault told reporters at the Evansdale Community Response Center Saturday.


Police will only say that “physical evidence” was found relating to the girls, but wouldn’t say if it was found by police, the dive teams or by the search dogs brought in to canvass the area near Meyers Lake, where the two went missing July 13.


I am still not convinced that the physical evidence found and being analyzed is tied to LE believing the girls is alive. I have never seen FBI spokesperson link the two items in her quotes. I have seen reporters link the two as well as the public, but I have never seen a direct quote from any authority that the belief the girls are alive is tied to the physical evidence LE has gathered.

from Abben we have:

"Investigators are confident that the two girls are not in Meyers Lake," Abben said.

Abben said investigators have also "obtained evidence" that was forwarded to the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation lab in Ankeny.

He would not say when or how the evidence was obtained. He also said there are no suspects.


Found this on the chat link tweeted by a reporter from Channel 9.

Berault: said the evidence points to investigators believing the girls are alive.


This chat is a decent history of the case...(click on the little image of a gear/wheel?) http://www.kcrg.com/evansdaledisappearance

***I wish there was some way to label the previous threads titles with dates of the first and last posts.
I doubt that this was the result of an internet grooming. LE has all the computers the family had (including some that weren't being used anymore) and it would have been quickly apparent had either of the girls had unexplained contact with someone. I think that whatever LE found on the computers, it did not show any signs of grooming.

What I would be most interested in knowing is if anyone had been approached in a friendly way by a stranger anywhere in town in the week before the girls disappeared. Particularly if that approach started out without witnesses but ended after witnesses came upon the scene.

You know, someone who works at a hospitality business where people do a lot of talking, like, oh, say, a bar could possibly gather some interesting information with a care not to guide or lead potential witnesses. Wonder if we know anyone like that? <whistling innocently>

I think I hear ya callin. I've heard plenty, but its pretty much all rumor and speculation, usually by people who seem to have vastly less knowledge of the facts than I. I try not to act like I spend every waking hour reviewing, researching, thinking about it. Also, where I work is actually all the way on the other side of W'loo almost in Cedar Falls, commonly called Cedarloo. There are plenty over there who never have cause to come to E'dale, and don't know much about it. There are also plenty who do as well, I guess, but obviously I mention the girls several times whenever I'm there.

Also, FYI, last night on the drive home, including the 4 posters in the entrance to the bar, I counted 23 references to the girls in the 15-minute drive - posters, signs, bumper stickers, ribbons, etc.

I wonder if they found a recent pile of cigarett butts, perp lying in wait might have a tendency to smoke a bit.

Pretty sure they did, but unfortunately they may also have come from the random searchers who swarmed the lake that Fri night.

Ok, I'm not quite ready to shut up yet - so sue me. I just wanted to give a few ideas for that. Oprah might be willing to do a segment on them. GFWC is also really good about spreading the word on worthy causes; if someone contacted the Waterloo Women's Club in Waterloo, they might be able to help.

Please do not shut up.

Not much but here's what was tweeted. Read from bottom up.

Adam Amdor &#8207;@AdamKWWL7
4 week mark of girls' abduction. New release from Evansdale PD: No new info, $50,000 reward remains, call the tiplines. #EvansdaleSearch

16m Adam Amdor &#8207;@AdamKWWL7
Leads still coming in, investigators still gathering evidence, still receiving test results on evidence already obtained. #EvansdaleSearch

16m Adam Amdor &#8207;@AdamKWWL7
4 week mark of missing girls' abduction. New release from BHCO: No new info, $50,000 reward remains, call the tiplines. #EvansdaleSearch


Odd the music news guy tweets more info than the others but also read where someone tweeted saying they were meeting at the lake today. Not a newsperson though.

Adam is a friend of mine. I will likely talk to him tonight.

There is a vigil tonight at the lake, I believe. I will be working. I hate not hearing anything from LE, I agree that it just allows people to put it out of mind, which is the last thing we need.
I wonder if they found a recent pile of cigarett butts, perp lying in wait might have a tendency to smoke a bit.

They did collect cigarette butts from the trail and take them into evidence, but we don't know if they were important to the case or not.
They did collect cigarette butts from the trail and take them into evidence, but we don't know if they were important to the case or not.

Maybe I've put too much thought into this, but if you're laying in wait to kidnap someone wouldn't you not leave DNA and fingerprint evidence behind by way of cigarettes and energy drink cans?
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