IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #14

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I just got home and trying to catch up.........still no girls.........:(
Thanks. No, I wouldn't expect that it would be publicized who collected the reward money. I was more curious about how often reward money was paid out, and if the reward money seemed to be effective in cases like this.

One document I found says it is effective. I don't know if there are any stats percentage wise or if they are broken down by category to how often they are offered. ie: Murders, kidnapping, theft, etc.

Another scenerio...What if the girls were out for a routine bike ride, did the normal loop down the carpenters street and then headed home (obeying gramma) and to have lunch and a cold drink. As a matter of fact, they were headed home when gramma saw them in the "alley"...but were stopped by two or more perps. Somehow the girls were lured off of the bikes right then (possibly with drinks or maybe even with force) and two of the perps quickly peddled the bikes to the spot that TG saw them. And its the perps who are caught on camera (wearing dark shirts) at the auction house. I do not think that it is the girls in that video.

Someone just said there is a loading dock type area there...how scary and easy is that to scoop them up and conceal them straight out of town?

I am leaning towards the fact that the girls are alive, but sadly were part of a human trafficking operation to make someone (or a few people) quick money.

Just another scenerio. But, I change my scenerio twice a day.

I am a loyal reader on here and when I am not on here my wheels are turning with all of your awesome insights and info. So when I get a break from my kids and mountains of housework..i will try and contribute positively.


I also have some doubts as to whether the bike riders on the video are Lyric and Elizabeth. I am trying to figure out whether, if they were my kids, I'd be able to recognize them from such a grainy video. But LE seems to think these are the girls so I'll go with that.

I also change my scenario frequently as various ideas are talked about here on WS.
With the technology available today, I wish LE could actually confirm or deny these are the girls on the bikes.

I do not think it is the girls either. These riders appear bigger than the girls and are wearing black!!

We know that E had a white shirt on and L a light green, so why is LE telling us this is the girls.

:twocents: IMO

I don't think we really know that Lyric was wearing green. I watched a video with Dan and Misty where they were asked about a description for Lyric and Misty only said she may have been wearing green. She had worn a green pj top to bed the night before and had it on early that morning but they couldn't say for sure if she still had it on... it grabbed my attention because I figured they could just go look through the laundry and see if she had changed or if the shirt was gone. I could be wrong but I don't think we've ever heard for sure what Lyric was wearing. They weren't even sure which flip-flops she had on but I've heard it said often enough that she had on the purple ones that maybe they did end up making that clear and I just missed the media report on it. I don't think we know what clothing Lyric had on though. It was so aggravating at the beginning when the media couldn't even get Lyric's age right! They were saying 10, 11, and 12!! It's odd that they did not have any such problems giving us a description of Elizabeth.

3. The Collins were at the fair last night, and will likely be at the vigil tonight. Where is the rest of the family of these girls....in supporting the efforts of everyone looking for them. Granted they may not want to answer any questions about incidents that happened recently, and certainly don't have to, but their appearance is crucial. If the girls are still alive (which I believe) the perp can further victimize them by showing and saying to the girls. "See your mother and father don't care about you. They're no longer looking for you." ETC.

Sadly, I'm beginning to think her parents are beyond the gasp of no return. How effed up...and truly tragic at the same time.
IMO, JMO, MOO, etc.


It seems that when the other parents are seen, they become the focus instead of the focus being on the missing girls. If I were in that situation, I might stay away from this type of event as well in order to keep the available media coverage and everyone's attention on my daughter and niece and not on what I was wearing, my demeanor, etc.

From an earlier thread - posted by considering

I hope someone hasn't already brought this up and I just missed it. I try to read all the posts but I can miss something. I was watching the video of today's presser and noticed this q and a between a reporter and the LE spokesperson (beginning just after 1:50 when there was a question about Mr. Carpenter, et al).

Reporter: Can you move the timeline up from the 12:15 with Grandma?

LE Spokesperson: No, that's the last time we have is at two.

LE says "No" but then he says "two." What's the opinion here? Do you think LE meant to say 12:15 (instead of two) or do you think LE thought the reporter had said "two" and not 12:15?

End quote

I've been rereading old threads and this probably been answered but I wondered the same thing. Looking at the quotes again, it makes sense he is saying 12:15 is the last sighting if you read it 'too' as in also, not 'two'.

I don't think someone would say, "... the last time we have is at, too." The word "too" meaning "also." Maybe - but he would have to really be stumbling over words and that's not the impression I have as I watch him speak.
I wonder the same thing--what happened to Aunt T's 'random man' who saw the girls at 2:30? Didn't she say LE had his name? Did I dream that?

One question. How would the 2:30 sighting contradict the 12:20 biker's story? Couldn't the girls have returned to their bikes after TG saw them. Maybe the bikes were not in the same place when TG rode by as when the firefighter found them? Just spitballing.

Aunt T did say the police had the man's contact info.

I have the same question and would like to hear from huckleberryhound (one of my favorite cartoons, BTW), because I don't see the two sightings as being contradictory. I am not criticizing or being snarky, I'm hoping huckleberryhound is on to something I haven't considered before.

IMO, I don't think the 2:30 witness necessarily saw Lyric and Elizabeth, he just reported seeing a couple of little girls.
How many other sets of two young girls would have been riding around? Well, I guess it could be boys or girls since it is so blurry. Or even adults :/

I think it is likely them just because Grandma said she saw them there at the same time the camera caught them. Unless Grandma is wrong <modsnip>

I hate that the timeline is still so loose. Technically, we are still dealing with at least a four hour span. I have a feeling LE has narrowed down a bit, but for some reason isn't going to release any details about that.
The Search for Elizabeth & Lyric: Four Weeks Later

snipped the very interesting part

We also encourage anyone who may have had a minor or perhaps unintentional part at the time in the disappearance of the girls to contact investigators," the release said.


Sorry if it's a repeat as I've been in and out today.

That certainly can give us something to chew on and ponder.

Maybe they are thinking some kids did discover and rode the bikes to lake....or were asked to do so?
The Search for Elizabeth & Lyric: Four Weeks Later

snipped the very interesting part

We also encourage anyone who may have had a minor or perhaps unintentional part at the time in the disappearance of the girls to contact investigators," the release said.


Sorry if it's a repeat as I've been in and out today.

I just read that link twice...I don't see "We also encourage...." in that link...am I looking at the wrong part? What I do see is that they say they are still awaiting results from the "evidence" collected...hmmm
From an earlier thread - posted by considering

I hope someone hasn't already brought this up and I just missed it. I try to read all the posts but I can miss something. I was watching the video of today's presser and noticed this q and a between a reporter and the LE spokesperson (beginning just after 1:50 when there was a question about Mr. Carpenter, et al).

Reporter: Can you move the timeline up from the 12:15 with Grandma?

LE Spokesperson: No, that's the last time we have is at two.

LE says "No" but then he says "two." What's the opinion here? Do you think LE meant to say 12:15 (instead of two) or do you think LE thought the reporter had said "two" and not 12:15?

End quote

I've been rereading old threads and this probably been answered but I wondered the same thing. Looking at the quotes again, it makes sense he is saying 12:15 is the last sighting if you read it 'too' as in also, not 'two'.

"Too" doesn't work in that sentence, IMO. If he left out the words "is at.." maybe. But "too" following those words really makes no sense. JMO, and no disrespect intended.
The Search for Elizabeth & Lyric: Four Weeks Later

snipped the very interesting part

We also encourage anyone who may have had a minor or perhaps unintentional part at the time in the disappearance of the girls to contact investigators," the release said.


Sorry if it's a repeat as I've been in and out today.

I just read the article and the statement is not in it! Where did you see that?

That is a weird thing to say, isn't it?! I am convinced that these reporters all need to go back to 7th grade and take some grammar classes.
I just read that link twice...I don't see "We also encourage...." in that link...am I looking at the wrong part? What I do see is that they say they are still awaiting results from the "evidence" collected...hmmm

You're reading the same thing as me. They must have edited that other part out or something.
A bit about the booth:

I haven't been to the fair in a number of years, but assuming the booth is in the same location where all the other LE and EMS booths have been in years past, let me give everyone a bit of flavor...

Under the grandstand at the fair is a hall given over to LE and EMS.

Iowa State Patrol
McGruff the Crime Dog
Stop, Drop, and Roll
Various professional organizations, etc.

The walls are lined with booths with posters and exhibits and informational brochures and leaflets. The booths may or may not be manned, but most are usually. In the middle of the hall are more booths forming islands as well as other stuff like State Patrol cars all shined up and looking pretty.

At any given point during the day while the hall is open to the public, you'd probably see in there hundreds of people milling around looking at the tables and booths and picking up giveaway junk like pencils and buttons along with the literature.
You're reading the same thing as me. They must have edited that other part out or something.

I thought it was "me"...lol. Maybe it is a different link, or maybe it has been edited out as you say. More weirdity.
I just read the article and the statement is not in it! Where did you see that?

That is a weird thing to say, isn't it?! I am convinced that these reporters all need to go back to 7th grade and take some grammar classes.

Wow, they sure did. I found the link on twitter.

KCRG &#8207;@KCRG
Authorities continue to ask for tips in #evansdalesearch: http://bit.ly/QmmkLX (says 3 hours ago)

The article has since been updated, 5 hours later.

Story Created: Aug 10, 2012 at 12:18 PM CDT

Story Updated: Aug 10, 2012 at 5:03 PM CDT


eta, it did say what I posted. That's why I posted it.
Wow, they sure did. I found the link on twitter.

KCRG &#8207;@KCRG
Authorities continue to ask for tips in #evansdalesearch: http://bit.ly/QmmkLX (says 3 hours ago)

The article has since been updated, 5 hours later.

Story Created: Aug 10, 2012 at 12:18 PM CDT

Story Updated: Aug 10, 2012 at 5:03 PM CDT


Now..that makes me wonder...were they told to take it out? It does sort of suggest a disappearance of a "concerted" effort..hmmm
Is that the google name, 'dark net'?

You can't just access the sites thru google but if you google "dark nets" "TOR" ".onion" or "online silk road" you'll get more information and can read accounts of other people visiting these sites which IMO is enough to handle vs. trying to access on your own (I'm too scared to try bc I'm afraid I'd see things I couldn't unsee). I'm sure LE has a large force monitoring anyways.
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