IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #16

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<snipped for space>
He also said the FBI believes the girls are alive. Don't know if this is current info but he made it sound like it.

Again? Hooray!!! I kept wondering if we were holding onto this hope from the press conference that was weeks ago, but if they restated it today that's so great. (I know you said you're not sure if it's current, but I agree it sounds like it)
On another note, looking for the purse info lead me to another interesting article/thought (BBM): http://wcfcourier.com/news/article_18411a90-cd32-11e1-a656-0019bb2963f4.html

The girls’ bicycles and a purse were found on a trail behind Meyers Lake on Friday, and on Tuesday residents streamed into the adjacent park to watch as the water receded as part of a drawdown that is part of search operations.​
How can you be "behind" a lake when a trail goes all the way around it? I'm sure I'm reading too much into it, it just struck me as strange to describe it that way. Behind relative to what? The auction house, Collins home, main entrance to the trail, the news studio...? It was described that the bikes were on the "South/Southest" part of the lake... does that fit with what we know about the location and gates? It seems to, I just wanted to get other thoughts.

The trail does not go all the way around the lake. It goes 3/4. It does not make a complete circle. You can continue on the trail, but it won't take you back to the "start" unless you take the road 2 or 3 blocks (maybe longer)
'Expert' on JVM said the abduction attempt yesterday (2 1/2 hours away) was dismissed by the FBI so quickly as 'not related' because the FBI has a theory about what happened to our girls and the new attempt doesn't fit that theory.

He also said the FBI believes the girls are alive. Don't know if this is current info but he made it sound like it.

And, Tammy said DM & MC had not been in a relationship for over a year and they were planning on divorcing when the girls disappeared.

As the aunt said the FBI only say they believe or believed the girls are still alive is because there is no body and they don't want to give up hope.
I am not certain where fareway is, I'm sorry. I am a member of another discussion group and this information was shared on there. I thought it may shed some light on the time line or factors in this case for those on this thread who r banging our heads trying to figure it out
Again? Hooray!!! I kept wondering if we were holding onto this hope from the press conference that was weeks ago, but if they restated it today that's so great. (I know you said you're not sure if it's current, but I agree it sounds like it)

It was NOT restated today...it was just said again on JVM show by an ex-LE person not connected in any way to this case.
I am not certain where fareway is, I'm sorry. I am a member of another discussion group and this information was shared on there. I thought it may shed some light on the time line or factors in this case for those on this thread who r banging our heads trying to figure it out

It is on South Evans Road.
The only place I recall reading about Elizabeth's purse being a backpack style was when it was suggested as a possibility by a poster here on WS early in the case. If anyone has seen or read otherwise in msm, please post a link because I believe that it was only conjecture.
I am not certain where fareway is, I'm sorry. I am a member of another discussion group and this information was shared on there. I thought it may shed some light on the time line or factors in this case for those on this thread who r banging our heads trying to figure it out

If the sighting is verified, that would put them very close to the trail. (See attached map)


  • fareway.JPG
    38 KB · Views: 61
It was NOT restated today...it was just said again on JVM show by an ex-LE person not connected in any way to this case.

Darn it! But thanks for the clarification. I either don't get that show or can't seem to find it so I appreciate the info here.
The only place I recall reading about Elizabeth's purse being a backpack style was when it was suggested as a possibility by a poster here on WS early in the case. If anyone has seen or read otherwise in msm, please post a link because I believe that it was only conjecture.

I know, I'm feeling a little guilty because I think I suggested it might be that style of purse. It was after seeing conjecture that maybe it was a "backpack" though. I was trying to reconcile in my mind how something could be both.
Darn it! But thanks for the clarification. I either don't get that show or can't seem to find it so I appreciate the info here.

I just put it on long enough to see they were not really going to have anything new...but I caught that part.
MNDad posted one right above your post. I had never seen that picture of Lyric. She does look much older than ten, IMO.

O M G !!! Yes, yes, yes ... that's exactly the kind of photo of LC that I was wanting to see. And yes, no way would I take LC to be a ten year old! Never in a million years ... to me she looks age 13 ... I can't imagine anyone seeing her on a bike and thinking she could be less than (at least) 12. Wow...

Thanks so much for sending me to the right place. I had been reading the above posts, but not clicking on links. I hadn't recognized that my question had been answered!
I know, I'm feeling a little guilty because I think I suggested it might be that style of purse. It was after seeing conjecture that maybe it was a "backpack" though. I was trying to reconcile in my mind how something could be both.

I don't think you have a reason to feel guilty! Suggesting it as a possibility isn't saying it is a fact. We're always suggesting possibilities. :)
It was NOT restated today...it was just said again on JVM show by an ex-LE person not connected in any way to this case.

Thanks cluciano63--I edited my original post to try to clarify who made the statement. Wish LE had said it but they didn't.

I do hope the 'expert' has a 'source' involved in the investigation but we don't know that.
Just a thought, but hypothetically perhaps LE asked TG if he saw anyone else at the lake that day and said he saw someone in a paddleboat on the lake at that time too. FBI specifically calls him not a suspect in order to make that person think they are not under suspicion and just wanted to talk to him. It has never been said if a paddleboater came forward which leaves us with:
A. There was a paddleboater who was involved with the abduction and is long gone, or knows he is a suspect and no way is he going to come forward.
B. The paddleboater never existed.

I go with B. I think the paddleboater was created by LE/FBI to put pressure on someone for some reason. I believe LE/FBI wanted to make someone think that the paddleboater (a) saw someone at the lake who should have been elsewhere or (b) did not see someone at the lake who should have been there. JMO
I don't see this one on the PhotoBucket site, but I found it on the FBI site.



I wonder if she had her glasses on when she went missing? I haven't heard that she did but I've seen enough pics of her with them on to think she wore them quite a bit.
I love my real crime show and last night a detective said that more times than any they have in the beginning of an investigation interviewed the perp while not knowing it then. Seems a whole lot of perps like getting next to LE and the investigations, and many of them have held down jobs in security or other jobs concerning anything to do with police work. They like to be at the center of attention on their own case without being discovered.
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