IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #18

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They weren't around until midnight but when they showed up on the scene they were high and tearing bikes apart. I wonder where they had been prior to that?
They weren't around until midnight but when they showed up on the scene they were high. I wonder where they had been prior to that?

:yes: and there was a man and a woman in the same campsite...with a VAN.....?
They were around until midnight but when they showed up on the scene they were high. I wonder where they had been prior to that?

It was a Friday night so it could have been just about anywhere. A local bar, a party or just staying out of sight so they could do whatever they were doing without witnesses. Trying to track down 2 guys in their 20s who might have been high on a Friday night won't be real easy. I'm also curious about the man and woman in the minivan the next morning.
There were two tents set up right next to each other. I did not see anyone outside their tents (or three other campers/RVs by us) when we arrived. I didn't see bikes but I wasn't really looking either. I know there were no vehicles there until the minivan showed up with a man and a woman the next morning. No one was at the tents (from what I could tell) until midnight, when those two men showed up making a ton of noise. They were around mid-20's, but I just took one glimpse outside before rolling my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.


:eek: :no:....
Welcome aboard, Adair88!!! Your posts are a goldmine of new info and clarifications of subjects we've discussed in the past.

Do you happen to know if local kids ever ride their bikes through the campgrounds?

I have no idea if the locals would ride their bikes through the campground. If you look on a map, Deerwood Park is right off the Interstate, on the Southwest part of town, right up against the Cedar River. There is a long, winding road that goes down into the campground, with the ball diamonds at beginning of it, at the intersection of River Forest Road. There are also two playgrounds, one in the center of the campground, and another huge one just as you enter. The area is not residential, except for houses along River Forest Road, so someone would have to ride their bike for quite a ways to get to it. However, many of the campers there are locals and many of the children in the campground ride their bikes around the camp too.
Another thing I find interesting is that the man and woman that showed up the next day in the minivan had a fresh basket full of clothes. Interesting to say the least.
Did the man and the woman look remotely similar to faces you have seen since this happened? Not asking for names. Just asking if you have never, ever seen those faces again...or the guys for that matter. Were the man and the woman the same age as the two guys? Were the man and the woman just visiting the other two or actually staying there (maybe you already answered that above...I've been out..LOL).
Did the man and the woman look remotely similar to faces you have seen since this happened? Not asking for names. Just asking if you have never, ever seen those faces again...or the guys for that matter. Were the man and the woman the same age as the two guys? Were the man and the woman just visiting the other two or actually staying there (maybe you already answered that above...I've been out..LOL).

I have no clue who they are and I have never seen them before. They were probably also around mid-20's age, but I tend to mind my own business around people who may or may not be unsavory :blushing:. I saw all four of them together at the picnic table on the evening of the 14th, but I was just outside taking birthday presents out of my car trunk so I know they were all looking at me and I didn't want to have a staring contest!
I have no idea if the locals would ride their bikes through the campground. If you look on a map, Deerwood Park is right off the Interstate, on the Southwest part of town, right up against the Cedar River. There is a long, winding road that goes down into the campground, with the ball diamonds at beginning of it, at the intersection of River Forest Road. There are also two playgrounds, one in the center of the campground, and another huge one just as you enter. The area is not residential, except for houses along River Forest Road, so someone would have to ride their bike for quite a ways to get to it. However, many of the campers there are locals and many of the children in the campground ride their bikes around the camp too.

Thanks, Adair88...not sure I'll need to consult a map as you paint such a detailed picture with your descriptions!
Just in case the second pair of bikes is a wash, I had another idea about what may have happened to them. It's not real likely, but it's a thought. I've been saying off and on since they first disappeared that it was possible that they had accidentally witnessed something in the woods while messing around, and I finally came up with something it could have been.

There has been a group of people passing counterfeit money in several cities in Iowa. Is it possible that they could be printing them in Evansdale (or just distributing them) and the girls happened to show up during the exchange? There have been articles in several newspapers discussing them for quite a while, and there have been quite a few arrests. The most recent one I found was on August 17, but there was something published about it on July 15 and 16, and going back at least to 2010.

Just in case the second pair of bikes is a wash, I had another idea about what may have happened to them. It's not real likely, but it's a thought. I've been saying off and on since they first disappeared that it was possible that they had accidentally witnessed something in the woods while messing around, and I finally came up with something it could have been.

There has been a group of people passing counterfeit money in several cities in Iowa. Is it possible that they could be printing them in Evansdale (or just distributing them) and the girls happened to show up during the exchange? There have been articles in several newspapers discussing them for quite a while, and there have been quite a few arrests. The most recent one I found was on August 17, but there was something published about it on July 15 and 16, and going back at least to 2010.


Idk. . .how would the girls know they stumbled upon anything strange? What I mean is the girls would have seen what? Some guys passing off some bags? I would imagine that they might have yelled at the girls to get lost, but it's not like the girls really would have witnessed anything that they could report, kwim? :waitasec:
Idk. . .how would the girls know they stumbled upon anything strange? What I mean is the girls would have seen what? Some guys passing off some bags? I would imagine that they might have yelled at the girls to get lost, but it's not like the girls really would have witnessed anything that they could report, kwim? :waitasec:

If they saw one of them showing big bundles of the money to someone else, they might worry about them telling someone about the "rich" men they saw, where they were and maybe what they looked like, what their vehicles looked like, etc. The girls wouldn't have to know there was anything strange going on, the others would know.
I think that several published articles have either completely vanished, or been modified, since July 13. I'm usually pretty good at logging a couple of facts in memory, but when I've gone back to search for links a couple of weeks later, I'm unable to find the information. It's also possible that I'm hallucinating, but I don't do that all the time.

I have 88 pages of articles I have copied and pasted as this has gone along.

They can't reach through and edit my copies!

Just in case the second pair of bikes is a wash, I had another idea about what may have happened to them. It's not real likely, but it's a thought. I've been saying off and on since they first disappeared that it was possible that they had accidentally witnessed something in the woods while messing around, and I finally came up with something it could have been.

There has been a group of people passing counterfeit money in several cities in Iowa. Is it possible that they could be printing them in Evansdale (or just distributing them) and the girls happened to show up during the exchange? There have been articles in several newspapers discussing them for quite a while, and there have been quite a few arrests. The most recent one I found was on August 17, but there was something published about it on July 15 and 16, and going back at least to 2010.


Thank you!!! I like the way you think OUTSIDE the box....

Not sure about that it was counterfeiters per-say but there was a case down here where a "High Profile" Man was frequenting a local park for "Other relations" with "other" men in the bathroom.

Well an Innocent child who knew the man and his wife, stumbled cross the "scenes"
This "High Profile Man"

Abducted the child and subsequently killed him.

Then after being caught, Killed himself.

Just saying... It happens...
Little tiny bit off topic....

All Right I am not Ranting on LE AT ALL!!!

However…We just had a alert in our gated community here that a 3 year old little girl was missing.

She had been outside playing and then she was gone. They locked the front gate and refused any cars to leave or come in.

(we have a 12-foot concrete wall around the outside of the community, one-way in one-way out)

LE was called along with fire and rescue. We have about 200 homes here and they started going door to door asking if they could search everyone’s house,

well this went on for about 3 hours, they came to my house and just skipped right by!

I yelled out the door “hey, you missed my house!”

They yelled back “You work for us, we don’t need to search your house”

I went Ape Sh*%!

I said “No way get in here and search like everyone else,” they said

“WHY do you have her?

I said “No!”

It is the point of the matter, It does not matter what they do or who they work for search their house, even if is the president of the UUUUUUUnited SSSSSSSSSStates SEARCH them all! “

Therefore, they searched my house.

Moral of the story… I just wonder how often this goes on… LE think just because they may be someone they know that they wouldn't do something against the law…

Oh, and they found the little girl she was at her house sleeping in a laundry hamper…
Little tiny bit off topic....

All Right I am not Ranting on LE AT ALL!!!

However…We just had a alert in our gated community here that a 3 year old little girl was missing.

She had been outside playing and then she was gone. They locked the front gate and refused any cars to leave or come in.

(we have a 12-foot concrete wall around the outside of the community, one-way in one-way out)

LE was called along with fire and rescue. We have about 200 homes here and they started going door to door asking if they could search everyone’s house,

well this went on for about 3 hours, they came to my house and just skipped right by!

I yelled out the door “hey, you missed my house!”

They yelled back “You work for us, we don’t need to search your house”

I went Ape Sh*%!

I said “No way get in here and search like everyone else,” they said

“WHY do you have her?

I said “No!”

It is the point of the matter, It does not matter what they do or who they work for search their house, even if is the president of the UUUUUUUnited SSSSSSSSSStates SEARCH them all! “

Therefore, they searched my house.

Moral of the story… I just wonder how often this goes on… LE think just because they may be someone they know that they wouldn't do something against the law…

Oh, and they found the little girl she was at her house sleeping in a laundry hamper…

I'm so glad they found the little girl and she was safe.
The moral of the story probably happens more than one can imagine. A good example of someone under the radar that no one would suspect at first was the Canadian base commander Russell Williams. LMN just had a rerun of his story the other night.
I'm so glad they found the little girl and she was safe.
The moral of the story probably happens more than one can imagine. A good example of someone under the radar that no one would suspect at first was the Canadian base commander Russell Williams. LMN just had a rerun of his story the other night.

I saw this story. Had wanted to watch it for a while. Creepy man who lived a double life. I'm so glad he is :jail: now.
48 Hours with Paula Zahn regarding the abduction and murders of sisters Kristin and Kati Lisk and Sofia Silva will be re-broadcast Saturday Sep 1 at @ 2:00 p.m. Kristin and Kati were abducted from their front yard and Sofia Silva was taken from her front porch, all three in broad daylight. No one heard or saw a thing. Apparently they never screamed or yelled when Richard Evonitz abducted them.

I just hope the FBI has a suspect in Elizabeth and Lyric's case and they are hot on his tail.
I did actually search for any recent deaths from ODing, but didn't find anything. I didn't look real hard though, so I could have easily missed something. I also just looked for one in the past 3 years, but I know some people are more patient than that.

This criteria (ODing) is very difficult to search and identify. To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a database that can be searched on this criteria that doesn't return just numerical data/statistics. (For example, there might be data that indicates there were x number of OD-related deaths in Black Hawk Co in a five yr period, but this would not be linked to people/names.) Obits seldom list ODing (or suicide for that matter) as a cause of death, and you need to be able to read between the lines to guess what the cause of death might be. And even then, it may not necessarily be a correct interpretation.
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