IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #18

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This criteria (ODing) is very difficult to search and identify. To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a database that can be searched on this criteria that doesn't return just numerical data/statistics. (For example, there might be data that indicates there were x number of OD-related deaths in Black Hawk Co in a five yr period, but this would not be linked to people/names.) Obits seldom list ODing (or suicide for that matter) as a cause of death, and you need to be able to read between the lines to guess what the cause of death might be. And even then, it may not necessarily be a correct interpretation.

What I did was look at obituaries, and then look for any information I could find about people who fit my criteria for a good possibility. Not the most effective or efficent method, but I'm not a professional so it doesn't have to be for me. Unfortunately, I've known a number of people who have OD'd, committed suicide and been murdered; much information printed about deaths from "other than natural causes" tends to have a different ring to it. Not always, but often enough to be helpful.
What I did was look at obituaries, and then look for any information I could find about people who fit my criteria for a good possibility. Not the most effective or efficent method, but I'm not a professional so it doesn't have to be for me. Unfortunately, I've known a number of people who have OD'd, committed suicide and been murdered; much information printed about deaths from "other than natural causes" tends to have a different ring to it. Not always, but often enough to be helpful.

I've done a bit of the same.... haven't found anything that is worth sharing.
Little tiny bit off topic....

All Right I am not Ranting on LE AT ALL!!!

However…We just had a alert in our gated community here that a 3 year old little girl was missing.

She had been outside playing and then she was gone. They locked the front gate and refused any cars to leave or come in.

(we have a 12-foot concrete wall around the outside of the community, one-way in one-way out)

LE was called along with fire and rescue. We have about 200 homes here and they started going door to door asking if they could search everyone’s house,

well this went on for about 3 hours, they came to my house and just skipped right by!

I yelled out the door “hey, you missed my house!”

They yelled back “You work for us, we don’t need to search your house”

I went Ape Sh*%!

I said “No way get in here and search like everyone else,” they said

“WHY do you have her?

I said “No!”

It is the point of the matter, It does not matter what they do or who they work for search their house, even if is the president of the UUUUUUUnited SSSSSSSSSStates SEARCH them all! “

Therefore, they searched my house.

Moral of the story… I just wonder how often this goes on… LE think just because they may be someone they know that they wouldn't do something against the law…

Oh, and they found the little girl she was at her house sleeping in a laundry hamper…

Often, it is the personal experiences that open your eyes. Great Post !:yourock:
Wanted to pass along this link I ran across. It has a LOT of the news stories that we've talked about here:


Sorry the link is so long, I don't know how to get to this without the search that's adding so much stuff.

I know it's a little counter-intuitive but they post stories from oldest to newest. This page should bring you to the oldest stories right after the girls disappeared. You can click "Previous" at the bottom of the page to go through the newer stories.
Wanted to pass along this link I ran across. It has a LOT of the news stories that we've talked about here:


Sorry the link is so long, I don't know how to get to this without the search that's adding so much stuff.

I know it's a little counter-intuitive but they post stories from oldest to newest. This page should bring you to the oldest stories right after the girls disappeared. You can click "Previous" at the bottom of the page to go through the newer stories.

Thank you for this there was one on there that I have never read
about the family is struggleing.
There is so many twist and turns in this case, that
I get dizzy trying to keep up with it all!~
Little tiny bit off topic....

All Right I am not Ranting on LE AT ALL!!!

However…We just had a alert in our gated community here that a 3 year old little girl was missing.

She had been outside playing and then she was gone. They locked the front gate and refused any cars to leave or come in.

(we have a 12-foot concrete wall around the outside of the community, one-way in one-way out)

LE was called along with fire and rescue. We have about 200 homes here and they started going door to door asking if they could search everyone’s house,

well this went on for about 3 hours, they came to my house and just skipped right by!

I yelled out the door “hey, you missed my house!”

They yelled back “You work for us, we don’t need to search your house”

I went Ape Sh*%!

I said “No way get in here and search like everyone else,” they said

“WHY do you have her?

I said “No!”

It is the point of the matter, It does not matter what they do or who they work for search their house, even if is the president of the UUUUUUUnited SSSSSSSSSStates SEARCH them all! “

Therefore, they searched my house.

Moral of the story… I just wonder how often this goes on… LE think just because they may be someone they know that they wouldn't do something against the law…

Oh, and they found the little girl she was at her house sleeping in a laundry hamper…

They absolutely should have searched your home. You could have been being held at gunpoint by the perps. Or for all they know, you have a crazy relative visiting who has the girl in their suitcase.

I agree that this is an example of how things go uncovered.
Thank you for this there was one on there that I have never read
about the family is struggleing.
There is so many twist and turns in this case, that
I get dizzy trying to keep up with it all!~

You're welcome! There were a couple of articles I hadn't seen either so I thought the site was helpful.
CN2Souls;8306799[SIZE="1" said:
<snipped for space)> Therefore, they searched my house.

Moral of the story… I just wonder how often this goes on… LE think just because they may be someone they know that they wouldn't do something against the law…

Oh, and they found the little girl she was at her house sleeping in a laundry hamper…

It might sound silly but THANK YOU for making them search your house. It's so ridiculous to me that they wouldn't after years and years of news stories. People are very unlikely to come out and say "oh yeah I figured my neighbor was probably a serial killer but he was nice other than that." If there's a search it should be of ALL houses IMO.
Another thing I find interesting is that the man and woman that showed up the next day in the minivan had a fresh basket full of clothes. Interesting to say the least.

I'm missing something.. if it's post-able, what's up with the laundry references all of a sudden?
Thank you!!! I like the way you think OUTSIDE the box....

Not sure about that it was counterfeiters per-say but there was a case down here where a "High Profile" Man was frequenting a local park for "Other relations" with "other" men in the bathroom.

Well an Innocent child who knew the man and his wife, stumbled cross the "scenes"
This "High Profile Man"

Abducted the child and subsequently killed him.

Then after being caught, Killed himself.

Just saying... It happens...

Thanks. I've been told in the past that I should remember at times that there IS a box!:blushing: I usually try to think of the more possible, but not very probable, explanations for 'mysteries' because most people will come up with the most likely. In most cases, they're probably right, but I like to try to have those exceptions covered too.
Sad to come here again tonight and read that there's been no change, no info from LE and no welcome home girls. Although I must say I've thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every theory and post on this thread.
I'm still leaning towards the girls being taken by a non stranger. Taken soon after they left grandma. I believe the bikes were staged.
I pray the girls will be found soon.
I'm new to the forum. I have been reading for weeks and every day hope that I will check in the morning and will read that they've been found. I also lean toward them being abducted close to grandmas except for the fact that Elizabeth had her purse. When my daughter rides her bike out in front of the house she doesn't bring her bag. She only brings it when she's going on a long outing or over to a friends.
I'm new to the forum. I have been reading for weeks and every day hope that I will check in the morning and will read that they've been found. I also lean toward them being abducted close to grandmas except for the fact that Elizabeth had her purse. When my daughter rides her bike out in front of the house she doesn't bring her bag. She only brings it when she's going on a long outing or over to a friends.

Good point about the purse. and :welcome: :fireworks: to WS.
Thank you again!!! You are awesome!!:rocker:

I thought Meth Heads were lazy.... :giggle:

The opposite. Think bipolar on an upswing.

People on meth tend to get an idea and become really obsessive about carrying it out but they substitute energy for planning.

For example, say someone high on meth decides their bathroom is too depressing for words and would look a lot better if re-painted. They might start by throwing everything in the bathroom that they can see into a box. Then they realise they don't have any paint the colour they have in mind and it is 2 am. So they go to an all night Wal-Mart but the paint department is closed so they decide that rather than rolling on the paint, they'll spray paint.

So they buy spray paint but no tape or tarps. They get home and start trying to spray paint the largest empty wall area, that only has a towel rack in the way. They don't take the towel rack off the wall, they just try to spray around it.

Then they realise the towel rack is all spattery and that won't do, so they wipe off the towel rack and smear the spatters. Then they have an idea, look in the box of stuff from the bathroom, pull out someone's toothbrush and sit there for two hours obsessively scrubbing the paint off the towel bar.

And so it goes. By the time they come down, the bathroom is still only half painted, wholly spattered and a total mess. Unusable because all the stuff is in the box in the living room, including the toilet paper.

My stepson was an intermittent meth user when I first met him (he was 16). I am so glad and proud that he got off that stuff and has stayed off for over 14 years now.
Little tiny bit off topic....

All Right I am not Ranting on LE AT ALL!!!

However…We just had a alert in our gated community here that a 3 year old little girl was missing.

She had been outside playing and then she was gone. They locked the front gate and refused any cars to leave or come in.

(we have a 12-foot concrete wall around the outside of the community, one-way in one-way out)

LE was called along with fire and rescue. We have about 200 homes here and they started going door to door asking if they could search everyone’s house,

well this went on for about 3 hours, they came to my house and just skipped right by!

I yelled out the door “hey, you missed my house!”

They yelled back “You work for us, we don’t need to search your house”

I went Ape Sh*%!

I said “No way get in here and search like everyone else,” they said

“WHY do you have her?

I said “No!”

It is the point of the matter, It does not matter what they do or who they work for search their house, even if is the president of the UUUUUUUnited SSSSSSSSSStates SEARCH them all! “

Therefore, they searched my house.

Moral of the story… I just wonder how often this goes on… LE think just because they may be someone they know that they wouldn't do something against the law…

Oh, and they found the little girl she was at her house sleeping in a laundry hamper…

LOL the places the little ones can find to sleep that actually sound nice and cozy! It has been so long since I could fit into a laundry hamper but I can totally see how it would appeal to someone who could fit into one.

On one hand, I agree with you: everyone should be searched because you never know.

On the other hand, when time is tight and there are many places to search, it can help save time in what may be a life or death situation if they do some prioritising. What if that child had had a seizure and was lying in some hidden place? Is it likely that Dr CN2Souls, who they know quite well, would be incompetent to search her own property or summon assistance if needed? Or is it more important to get to nice Dr Joe Goodguy's house, where he has a heart of gold but just had his knee replaced and cannot go upstairs or down into his basement to check?
I can't make any sense of this. If the cyclist saw the bikes, then the children rode their bikes fast to get to the location where he saw them and then the children vanished. The alternative is that a cyclist saw two other bikes on the same trail where two bikes were abandoned in connection with child abductions, or he can't figure out which day is Friday.

The chances seem slim to none that the abandoned bikes he saw belonged to two other children, especially since local posters have ridden the trail and reported that the trail is generally unused ... and no other children have come forward to report that they left their bikes abandoned on the trail that day.

It kind of seems like the bikes belonged to the missing girls, but how did they get there so fast ... unless they rode their bikes there. How could that havve happened if they didn't have a plan ... where did they meet the person that lured Lyric to the lake and could it have happened 4 days ealier?
I sure hope the police are on top of this ... that they are looking at the possibility that the 4 day earlier meeting wasn't where one guy met the cousin while another guy met Lyric ... kind of along the lines of two creepy guy and two young girls pairing off. If the cyclist saw their bikes, then there was a reason why the girls were at the lake in 9 minutes. Was she 5'11" or are police on top of this?


I sure hope the police are on top of this ... that they are looking at the possibility that the 4 day earlier meeting wasn't where one guy met the cousin while another guy met Lyric ... kind of along the lines of two creepy guy and two young girls pairing off. If the cyclist saw their bikes, then there was a reason why the girls were at the lake in 9 minutes. Was she 5'11" or are police on top of this?

Thank you otto! Lyric is 5'11"!!?? That is tall!!??

Interesting that the poster shows the bikes leaned against the fence too. More things that make you go hmmmmmm??? I find a huge disconnect between what the FBI was saying and what Mr. Abben said. Abben was vague about where the bikes were found and didn't really answer the question of where they found. Sandy Breault is quoted as saying the bikes were found close to the water as well as the purse and Lyric's father himself said they were found right there by the gate. I know the earliest quote I remember from the bicyclist was that he swerved to miss hitting the bikes and now I can only find that a bicyclist saw the bikes laying along the path. It's very confusing. I don't discount what the bicyclist is saying, but as far as we know he did not identify the bikes for the FBI to include him in the timeline. I think if he could have identified them then the FBI would have definitely have included him in the time line. The same for Mr. C. He was certain he saw Elizabeth (I believe him), but he was not familiar with Lyric and he also said he could not identify the bikes.

Note to self: If I ever see bicycles that look abandoned anywhere without children or people around definitely make sure I can identify the bikes for future reference.

Thinking about abduction cases in general, there are all details in all abductions that set them apart from other abductions. Not every abductor will have the modus operandi although the reasons people are abducted are usually limited to sex, money, jealousy or revenge. Then a few that say they just wanted to see what it was like to kill someone (Alyssa Bustamonte).

Thanks again Otto for your great pics and your thoughts regarding the girls' disappearance. You always make me :waitasec:
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