IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #18

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Yes, that's what I was thinking! It seems fairly well hidden from the street back there.
Here's one of the things I was looking for:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, and Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #14

No wonder I couldn't find it online. It was in the hard copy of the People mag. "Lyric has her own bedroom in Cook's house [article refers to Gramma as Cook] but prefers to sleep with Grandma, lining Cook's room with American Girl dolls, Barbies, and bottles of nail polish." I wish they'd post this story online already!

So Lyric wasn't living at Elizabeth's house, but was visiting that day because her grandmother, with whom she lived, had to babysit. One of the older children must have been keeping an eye on things between 1:30 and when Heather got home. Lyric must have been staying there while her grandmother went to the appointment. I can't imagine that Lyric would mess up her grandmother's appointment by cycling to the lake. Her grandmother certainly doesn't think that Lyric would take off like that.
Yes, that's what I was thinking! It seems fairly well hidden from the street back there.

It seems like a very distinct possibility. If the girls were circling around on their bikes, like they usually did, and that included going West on Brovan, cutting between the buildings, crossing Sipple, riding along the old Post Office, going around the block behind the buildings, crossing Sipple and one more time riding past the camera behind the auction shop, then the 10 minutes expectation from the grandmother makes sense. Mayby they were on their second lap around the buildings ... although the grandmother did say that they'd stop in for a drink every 10 minutes.
Am I nuts? (you don't have to answer that :) ) I could swear there was video released that showed the 12:11 time on it, a day or two after the original one that was reportedly "around 12:15" and didn't have a timestamp. I thought the 12:11 one was the same video that showed "Camera 6" at the top. Sound familiar to anyone?
It seems like a very distinct possibility. If the girls were circling around on their bikes, like they usually did, and that included going West on Brovan, cutting between the buildings, crossing Sipple, riding along the old Post Office, going around the block behind the buildings, crossing Sipple and one more time riding past the camera behind the auction shop, then the 10 minutes expectation from the grandmother makes sense. Mayby they were on their second lap around the buildings ... although the grandmother did say that they'd stop in for a drink every 10 minutes.

Yeah, it was just a thought, but it seems like a prime spot. :(

I still want to know exactly what is in that strip mall. It looks like on the far east is some kind of medical clinic. There is a large space that looks like it is empty and for lease. . . .http://www.cityfeet.com/Commercial/...d-Evansdale-IA-50707-15199244L15199244L0.aspx

What bothers me is at that link it says. . .Storage Facility surrounded by residential. And looking best I can get from street level Google maps it does look like 3 garage doors at the far west side of that strip mall. Somebody please tell me there isn't a storage facility there! :what:
If I had a choice of paying good money for two children that were on the international FBI missing person's website, or contacting authorities to collect the reward ... it's a no-brainer. No one that buys children wants that kind of trouble.

No one in the US might but people south of the US and overseas pay good money for young trainable girls...for the sex trade...sadly this might be the only circumstance which would have the girls still alive. Any other scenario and their being still alive is not likely. IMO
So the children were abducted by kidnappers who got paid to hand them over to prospective buyers ... and then what? Put them in the closet? After that, the story was international ... no profit, but a reward. With several kidnappers and buyers involved, surely one of them would have their eye on the reward money.

I don't know if that is the scenario in this case. But in this article they talk about Pimps were luring the kids through social media, targeting ones who came from “dysfunctional” families and offering them gifts.


The FBI, working alongside state and local authorities across the U.S., rescued 79 minors being held as sex slaves, the agency announced Monday.

We've had rings caught around here, gang members befriend runaways and use them at hotels, a man was caught transferring girls to Florida. Why would kidnappers seek rewards when they make so much money from whom they sell or transfer girls to? Sex slavery has always been and in countries all over the world, including here.

They'll even hire homeless people to either watch them or help find them, etc. I've been reading some articles, but wouldn't link they're too sad.

This is from 2006, so you can imagine how much worse it has gotten... http://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/story?id=1596778&page=1
From the article...The FBI estimates that well over 100,000 children and young women are trafficked in America today. They range in age from 9 to 19, with the average age being 11.
There is however that reward. The families may not directly have a lot of money, but if it was for financial gain, wouldn't the reward have worked to get the girls home by now? (I don't know, I'm honestly asking.)

If the reward money was high enough, some people might turn in someone they know but if it is not high enough, they would might NOT risk retaliation from the perps. IMO
Gma says, "where the post office used to be". Do you think that is the same location as the one on the map? I just noticed that. MOO

I do. The post office was closed in October, 2011. What other post office could she be referring to?
Am I nuts? (you don't have to answer that :) ) I could swear there was video released that showed the 12:11 time on it, a day or two after the original one that was reportedly "around 12:15" and didn't have a timestamp. I thought the 12:11 one was the same video that showed "Camera 6" at the top. Sound familiar to anyone?

There was ...
I just wanted to add regarding above, that it is not a storage facility, but a pawn shop on the west side. I guess it is the roll up security windows that looked like garage doors to me.

I'm not sure how I feel about it being a pawn shop. :waitasec:
So Lyric wasn't living at Elizabeth's house, but was visiting that day because her grandmother, with whom she lived, had to babysit. One of the older children must have been keeping an eye on things between 1:30 and when Heather got home. Lyric must have been staying there while her grandmother went to the appointment. I can't imagine that Lyric would mess up her grandmother's appointment by cycling to the lake. Her grandmother certainly doesn't think that Lyric would take off like that.

If I'm keeping this all straight, I think G'ma, Lyric, and Lyric's Mom (MCM) all lived at the same house, but that they were close with the extended family. I think G'ma had custody of Lyric for most of this time. When MCM started working ~a week before that, G'ma and Lyric went to the Collins home to help with housework, give the kids a chance to play together, give Heather time to get to critical appointements, etc.

I got the impression (IMO and could be wrong) that Heather had an appointment in the morning and G'ma, Heather, and maybe Aunt T. had some kind of errands to run that afternoon. I keep thinking maybe that's why they could be a little unclear on the time, and why MCM didn't worry right away. IIRC MCM was waiting for a text from her daughter to say where and when to pick her up.

"We need to leave around 1:30" is a lot different, IMO, than "We have an appointment at 2:00 so be home by 1:30" [randomly picked the time for example's sake]. The details here seem important to me for figuring out where the girls were and when. Where to even LOOK. I also keep thinking how fuzzy someone (anyone) would likely be on the time someone 'checked in' or went missing unless it was recorded somewhere.
oh no... we can only hope it isn't related :(
Not related. Someone cut their hand and rag was bloody and want to throw knife and rag away but wanted to let LE know. There was a baby just born on the highway though. That is a sigh of relief! Praise the Lord that knife and bloody rag not related to this case.
Am I nuts? (you don't have to answer that :) ) I could swear there was video released that showed the 12:11 time on it, a day or two after the original one that was reportedly "around 12:15" and didn't have a timestamp. I thought the 12:11 one was the same video that showed "Camera 6" at the top. Sound familiar to anyone?


The camera's clock shows it was 12:11 p.m. when they rode by.

It doesn't show on the video but it's in the article and the reporter says it, 12:11.
So Lyric wasn't living at Elizabeth's house, but was visiting that day because her grandmother, with whom she lived, had to babysit. One of the older children must have been keeping an eye on things between 1:30 and when Heather got home. Lyric must have been staying there while her grandmother went to the appointment. I can't imagine that Lyric would mess up her grandmother's appointment by cycling to the lake. Her grandmother certainly doesn't think that Lyric would take off like that.

The question of who was keeping an eye on the other children while Grandma Cook was driving around looking for Elizabeth and Lyric was answered, in the thread previous to this one, I believe.

It was Drew Collins who was at home with the kids while Grandma Cook was out looking for Elizabeth and Lyric.

I don't have a link for this, so I may be wrong. I think I recall that Lyric had a choice that day of going with Grandma when she left in the early afternoon or staying at the Collins house, presumably to keep playing with her cousins.
Am I nuts? (you don't have to answer that :) ) I could swear there was video released that showed the 12:11 time on it, a day or two after the original one that was reportedly "around 12:15" and didn't have a timestamp. I thought the 12:11 one was the same video that showed "Camera 6" at the top. Sound familiar to anyone?

My recollection matches yours, so either we are sharing one brain or it really did exist.

On the whole, I think the evidence suggests that the video as described exists.
The sixth is:

Children abducted for a wide variety of reasons related to criminal activity. Common examples include crimes such as stealing a vehicle with a child in it, taking a child hostage to facilitate escape, abducting a child in retaliation for a personal or criminal dispute or to prevent testimony in court, etc.


This has been my thought since the beginning. I just don't see this as being "random".
My recollection matches yours, so either we are sharing one brain or it really did exist.

On the whole, I think the evidence suggests that the video as described exists.

Tripple brain share? I also remember the earlier release of the video. Before we ever heard of Mr. Pahl. I remember 12:15 being associated with the first release and seeing a 12:11 timestamp on the second release.

Per locals there is only one camera visible on the building in that area so it is the same video, just 'two releases'. I even remember hearing Abben's statement after the first release. MOOOOOOOO
This has been my thought since the beginning. I just don't see this as being "random".

But, Dan backed out of his deal the day before. So who could benefit? Is there another case pending?
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