IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #19

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Arrrrg, someone claiming to be the daughter of TG posted elswhere (on 7-20) about his sighting...which way he was riding, how he left the park, how many people he saw at the park, what those people were doing, which bathroom he used, and when it was reported to LE (which is interesting). Because it's elsewhere and clearly I can't confirm that it's actually his daughter posting, I'm just going to say wish I could post it.
LE may have never officially commented on TG's bike sighting, however, LE were fully aware of it, since it was reported through MSM and TG himself talked to LE at the lake that he may have seen the bikes.

IMO, if LE wants the public's assistance in solving this crime, any information that they become aware of that is factual, whether they officially initially reported it or not, IMO is their responsibility to report to the public what they know to be true.

Since LE want every tid bit of information, no matter how insignificant the person reporting it may think it is, the information regarding the possible sighting of the girl's bikes by TG may have been very significant to someone out there, whom may have had other relevant information surrounding this piece of information.

We are just finding out now, two months later, that LE knew this was not L's and E's bikes.

IMO, it is LE's duty to report what they know, if it can assist with solving this case.

Amen roseofsharon.
b b m

2 months after the girls disappeared...is a bit long imoo to give out this information. Doesnt make me feel comfortable with LE.

2 months ago this info would have maybe been better used .....close to when the girls disappeared and when minds were fresh!

With many of us on here tonight, does anyone know what would cause the cctv timer to run slow? TIA

All I can think of is human error or brief power outages that might accumulate over time(this happens at my cabin property to save energy/cost).

Someone here also posted about a possibility of it not being adjusted properly in spring or fall.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?
I can recall hearing both the Casey's (near the lake, not the one MCM works at) and the bathroom near the lake. Of course with neither one confirmed, it's hard to know which is accurate. IMO.

Would he not have been on the cctv from that Casey's if he did use the bathroom there?
I am not at all surprised that they rode past the skate park. When my DD was 10 and 11 she was attracted to the skatepark like it had a magnet. Skate parks are full of young boys who are oblivious to the little girls who ride back and forth right alongside them.

But there are plenty of perps and creepers lurking the skateparks too. :eek:

katy, you and I had daughters alike. :)
I mentioned this before and was poopood for saying
10 yr old girls like boys...well you and I know the truth. ;) lol

My oldest 2 girls begged their dad to ride them by the skate park
so they could see which boys from their school was there.
Yes the pedophiles are everywhere kids are. :(
Where did the 12:27 cell phone call get made from?

Whoa. I have missed or forgotten something.

Who made the call and who did they call?

And do we know for sure- was it made at Casey's or the lake?
I would hope LE has also focused on WC's neighbourhood. A perp may have been watching LCM from that location and followed WC's to HC's home. It's possible the perp watched the girl's activities for quite some time before making a move. The perp was well organized and perhaps posing as an authority figure.

It would appear, from the little that is known, the girls went with the perp willingly ... no signs of a struggle and not a sound.

It seems impossible that the only witness to come forward as to seeing the girls was Mr. C, considering the girls were on several streets.


Your post are right on with the what Im thinking.

I wouldnt be surprised to learn that the girls were
taken close to grandmothers house. moo
In case no one has responded to you:

Police said they have "information that the girls were seen approximately 12:23 p.m. on Brovan Blvd. and between 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Gilbert Dr. in the area of Meyers Lake in Evansdale."

Officials said "anyone that was in the Arbutus Ave. or Gilbert Dr. and Elmer Ave. areas or anywhere in Evansdale on that day that may have seen the girls" should contact them.


ETA: First posted by peeples, IIRC.

THANK you so much. You are so kind.
I was reading from the last post towards the earlier days post...not a good idea. ;)
Whoa. I have missed or forgotten something.

Who made the call and who did they call?

And do we know for sure- was it made at Casey's or the lake?
no. it was from a personal Facebook. Which is considered rumor.
Don't quote me on this, I am in no means an expert. But most security cams work on a central computer that does not need to be very sophisticated... Or new. Or even able to hook into the Internet. So, an older model PC without an internet connection has no means of updating or synchronizing the time with a server, and if it it is without power, or otherwise compromised, it may have the wrong time, which it stamps the videos with.

Eta: on a case I am following, LE released a picture of a truck that they said was suspect because it circled the block at exactly the time when Lauren Spierer went missing. A week or so later, after everyone was going nuts over the truck... LE said...."oops, the CCTV times were wrong, and it only passed by once, but the two cameras had different timestamps". It had to be one of the more absurd goofs on the part of LE that I have seen...

I think you are correct elmomom! My older computer used to get out of sync all the time. It was w/o internet connection. Now that I have internet connection the time is pretty much correct with atomic time.
Oops.. this was a response on the restroom thing that I thought was mentioned in MSM but I looked back at my old article links and it seems to just be Facebook rumor. The only thing I could find in MSM is that the witness reported info to LE. Deleting the rest of my post.
AD? Is that the ADD or ADHD way of saying ADD?


(sorry I have had a long day and am getting kinda punchy)

:floorlaugh: I have ADD and can't even get that right. :floorlaugh::seeya:
I am afraid I am never going to get caught up. With school starting back up I have not been able to read here much lately. I was just skimming - did someone say the bikes found on the trail did not belong to L&E? And is there also a new sighting in the timeline on Elmer? Do we have two different accounts of which restroom TG used? If anyone wouldn't mind catching me up, I would be grateful! Tia!

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When I watch the cctv of the girls and they appear to be racing across Brovan Blvd., it makes me think someone challenged them, i.e. if you can ride around the lake and back in so many minutes, I'll pay you x number of dollars each. The girls took the challenge, the perp jumped in his vehicle, parked on Arbutus, crossed over at Maiden Lane, stopped them on the trail and I think it would have been someone the girls knew or were acquainted with through WC or their parents. Just theory, but it doesn't do much to get them back I know, just writing down my own thoughts.


Excellent thought.
The 12:30 p.m./1:00 p.m. timeframe sounds like the perp may have taken Friday afternoon off work on a hot day and just happened to see the girls and followed them and if the chances for getting caught looked slim to none, they went for it and were successful. I don't think it was other youth, this perp is seasoned IMO.
I am afraid I am never going to get caught up. With school starting back up I have not been able to read here much lately. I was just skimming - did someone say the bikes found on the trail did not belong to L&E? And is there also a new sighting in the timeline on Elmer? Do we have two different accounts of which restroom TG used? If anyone wouldn't mind catching me up, I would be grateful! Tia!

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Jules, the girl's bikes were found on the trail.

LE has put out a statement saying the girls were seen on Brovan Blvd. at 12:23 p.m.

TG reported seeing two bikes on the trail at 12:20 p.m.

We now know that the bikes TG saw could not have been L's and E's, as the timeline does not match, so TG saw bikes belonging to someone else.
LE did not report TG's sighting of the bikes. We only know this from MSM.

Regarding TG and the washroom, I don't know which one he used.

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