IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #19

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Besides people who would be off from their jobs on a Friday afternoon....

what about people who are unemployed or self-employed in their homes?
The firehouse might have had video too? It's right on Gilbert & Evan's that turns into Artubus. I've heard there was but most firehouses out here are 24/7 and there's always firepeople there. You see them outside all the time. Probably have cameras too.
Besides people who would be off from their jobs on a Friday afternoon....

what about people who are unemployed or self-employed in their homes?

Yes for sure ... because of the approx. time of the abduction ... around lunch time for many and/or taking a half day off work on a Friday, I think this fits more with people working outside the home, but many other possibilities are there. IMO, unemployed people wouldn't choose that time of day for that very reason, lunch time for many and too many possible witnesses.


Four small pink and white paper lanterns drifted in to the sky as the friends and family of two missing cousins gathered outside an Evansdale church Thursday night.
The vigil, which was moved from the familiar Meyers Lake location because of weather concerns, marked two months since Lyric Cook-Morrissey, 10, and Elizabeth Collins, 9, disappeared while riding their bikes.
That's right. All the talk about TG's sighting has been based on reports in MSM, not info provided by LE. And at no time was it ever reported he saw Lyric and Elizabeth's bikes - MSM just reports he saw two bikes.

Yes. To answer your earlier question, I think this 'new sighting' and information nullifies TG's sighting of the two bikes as L & E's bikes. But, I have always thought the bikes he encountered were maybe placed on the trail on purpose to force the girls to stop. Because of that, I was not too preoccupied with counting the timeline minutes. JMO
Sorry if this was already posted.


Today marks two months since the disappearance of 11-year-old Lyric Cook and 9-year-old Elizabeth Collins,” Rick Abben, chief deputy at the Black Hawk County Sheriff’s Office, said in a statement Thursday. “Both girls were last seen on July 13 at 12:15 p.m. riding their bicycles away from the Collins residence in Evansdale. We have information that the girls were seen approximately 12:23 p.m. on Brovan Blvd. and between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m. on Gilbert DR. in the area of Meyers Lake in Evansdale.”
Looking back over some old stuff and found this Nancy Grace transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1207/17/ng.01.html July 17th.

A few things jumped out at me. I'll post snippets below, with my questions/comments after each in blue. BBM in some spots. My post got really long, so I'll spllit it into two separate posts.

"[Nancy Grace]: Jim, I want to go back over what you just said. I`m learning something new right now, that scent dogs, after smelling in the little girls` shoes and their clothing, eliminating family members, started smelling at the bikes. And instead of going down into the water, which I don`t think that two little girls are going to go swimming in their clothes anyway -- but the dogs didn`t go towards the water, they went back toward the bike path?

SPELLMAN: They did, back towards the bike path, which ends in kind of a wooded area. Nancy, the way this lake is laid out, there`s a bike path that is sort of a U. And in the far corner of the U is where the girls` bikes were found. "

Slightly different account than the ones I recall hearing before about the dogs going to both the lake and the end of the path. I missed this before, so reposting in case others did too.

All MOO..
I agree, I'd be running naked through the streets tossing out flyers if I thought that would help out. Anything to get the attention focused on finding my child. And if anyone had anything bad to say about my family, they could take a flying leap. Let them worry about my family AFTER my child was found.

But it must be hard for Gma to ignore gossip and innuendo given the somewhat unusual family dynamics (drugs, restraining orders, overdoses, trials). She has to know that some people are perceiving her family in negative way.

Having seen how some members of the (tabloid) press operate, I'm sure that she has faced more than rumour and innuendo. She has probably faced so-called reporters sticking microphones and/or cameras in her face, asking really horrible questions in an attempt to get a reaction out of her.

Additionally, over 9 weeks, I'm sure there are times when time crawls by, when doubts start to grow, etc.
Some additional things that stood out:

"WYLMA COOK, MISSING GIRLS` GRANDMA, LAST TO SEE THE GIRLS ALIVE: No, it wasn`t no pattern, because we were always at Heather`s house in the morning and they could have went for a bike ride maybe 9:00, for a short bike ride, and come back. And there was no pattern.

And then another thing I want to say is down by the lake, going, not the bike path, somebody could have snatched them along the road. If there was two people in a van, they could have thrown those kids in their van with their bikes and there`s another way to drive by the houses and get to the end of that trail and they could have chunked the bikes down there with the children."

BBM#1: I wonder does she mean no pattern in how they normally rode, like routes taken? Or is it more of a time/routine thing? They don't always go right after breakfast, right before lunch, mid-afternoon, etc? I'm thinking if they don't have a somewhat consistent pattern, it's more likely to have been some sort of pre-arranged meeting.

BBM#2: Is this "alternate" route to the trail consistent with the streets LE mentioned today?

BBM#3: I am trying to tread really lightly. Please know there is no disrespect intended. It's an honest question and it has been nagging at me. I've never heard the word "chunked" used in the way G'ma used it here. I'm assuming it must be more of a regional usage? Can any locals confirm? Would/could you use "chunked" as in left behind/staged/set down? Or would it be more like "threw"? The main reason I ask is...


"KERA MASHEK, REPORTER, KWWL: We have been told that the bikes were laying very neatly, just like any child that might get off their bike and go for a walk. They were just sitting right there along the lake side like any other ordinary day, nothing really awry with that. And the purse was also just kind of sat down -- not like it was thrown around or that they would, you know, been involved in a struggle of any kind."

Is the description from Kera consistent with one might consider "chunking" the bikes? (seems possible if it means something more like "left behind," but unlikely if it means something more like "thrown" IMO)

I realize it was just an off the top of her head thought from G'ma so it may not be relevant, but if the bikes were there "neatly" and not damaged it suggests to me that someone, possibly the girls, rode them there.

All MOO...

LE has never officially commented on TG's bike sighting. Since LE never told the public about the bikes seen by TG, would they need to tell the public if the sighting was incorrect?

IMO, I don't think TG would have gotten that good of a look at the bikes if he just swerved to avoid them. He may not have noticed whether the bikes were male or female bikes.

Regarding where TG saw the bikes in relation to where Lyric and Elizabeth's bikes were found, that has been a source of great discussion. To my knowledge we have never been told specifically where TG saw the bikes when he swerved to miss them. JMO

ETA: I don't know how coincidental it is that TG saw two bikes on the trail that day, IF the bikes weren't Lyric and Elizabeth's bikes. I guess it would depend on how many people generally bike there on any given day, how many people bike in the area where TG saw the bikes, etc. Maybe it is a big coincidence, or maybe it isn't such an uncommon occurrence.

Not sure who's as 'old' as me....but having bought a bike after umpty-umpth years of not riding.....there really aren't "boy's" and "girl's" bikes anymore...except if you consider 'pink' and 'blue' significant ....:)
Time line???

12:15 riding away from Collin's residence

12:23 seen on Brovan Blvd

between 12:30-1:00 on Gilbert Drive near Meyrs Lake

2 pm -- bikes found at lake (per DCi press release)
Some additional things that stood out:

"WYLMA COOK, MISSING GIRLS` GRANDMA, LAST TO SEE THE GIRLS ALIVE: No, it wasn`t no pattern, because we were always at Heather`s house in the morning and they could have went for a bike ride maybe 9:00, for a short bike ride, and come back. And there was no pattern.

And then another thing I want to say is down by the lake, going, not the bike path, somebody could have snatched them along the road. If there was two people in a van, they could have thrown those kids in their van with their bikes and there`s another way to drive by the houses and get to the end of that trail and they could have chunked the bikes down there with the children."

BBM#1: I wonder does she mean no pattern in how they normally rode, like routes taken? Or is it more of a time/routine thing? They don't always go right after breakfast, right before lunch, mid-afternoon, etc? I'm thinking if they don't have a somewhat consistent pattern, it's more likely to have been some sort of pre-arranged meeting.

BBM#2: Is this "alternate" route to the trail consistent with the streets LE mentioned today?

BBM#3: I am trying to tread really lightly. Please know there is no disrpescpect intended. It's an honest question and it has been nagging at me. I've never heard the word "chunked" used in the way G'ma used it here. I'm assuming it must be more of a regional usage? Can any locals confirm? Would/could you use "chunked" as in left behind/staged/set down? Or would it be more like "threw"? The main reason I ask is...


"KERA MASHEK, REPORTER, KWWL: We have been told that the bikes were laying very neatly, just like any child that might get off their bike and go for a walk. They were just sitting right there along the lake side like any other ordinary day, nothing really awry with that. And the purse was also just kind of sat down -- not like it was thrown around or that they would, you know, been involved in a struggle of any kind."

Is the description from Kera consistent with one might consider "chunking" the bikes? (seems possible if it means something more like "left behind," but unlikely if it means something more like "thrown" IMO)

I realize it was just an off the top of her head thought from G'ma so it may not be relevant, but if the bikes were there "neatly" and not damaged it suggests to me that someone, possibly the girls, rode them there.

All MOO...

Good points thank you !
It made me think.
Grandma does have a way with words when she said that her son said that the girls were his prized possessions.
I do not know where to go with that.
Some additional things that stood out:

"WYLMA COOK, MISSING GIRLS` GRANDMA, LAST TO SEE THE GIRLS ALIVE: No, it wasn`t no pattern, because we were always at Heather`s house in the morning and they could have went for a bike ride maybe 9:00, for a short bike ride, and come back. And there was no pattern.

And then another thing I want to say is down by the lake, going, not the bike path, somebody could have snatched them along the road. If there was two people in a van, they could have thrown those kids in their van with their bikes and there`s another way to drive by the houses and get to the end of that trail and they could have chunked the bikes down there with the children."

BBM#1: I wonder does she mean no pattern in how they normally rode, like routes taken? Or is it more of a time/routine thing? They don't always go right after breakfast, right before lunch, mid-afternoon, etc? I'm thinking if they don't have a somewhat consistent pattern, it's more likely to have been some sort of pre-arranged meeting.

BBM#2: Is this "alternate" route to the trail consistent with the streets LE mentioned today?

BBM#3: I am trying to tread really lightly. Please know there is no disrpescpect intended. It's an honest question and it has been nagging at me. I've never heard the word "chunked" used in the way G'ma used it here. I'm assuming it must be more of a regional usage? Can any locals confirm? Would/could you use "chunked" as in left behind/staged/set down? Or would it be more like "threw"? The main reason I ask is...


"KERA MASHEK, REPORTER, KWWL: We have been told that the bikes were laying very neatly, just like any child that might get off their bike and go for a walk. They were just sitting right there along the lake side like any other ordinary day, nothing really awry with that. And the purse was also just kind of sat down -- not like it was thrown around or that they would, you know, been involved in a struggle of any kind."

Is the description from Kera consistent with one might consider "chunking" the bikes? (seems possible if it means something more like "left behind," but unlikely if it means something more like "thrown" IMO)

I realize it was just an off the top of her head thought from G'ma so it may not be relevant, but if the bikes were there "neatly" and not damaged it suggests to me that someone, possibly the girls, rode them there.

All MOO...

Re your BBM number 3 - maybe she said or meant 'chucked'.

I think "chunked" means to carelessly or roughly toss down. I say "chucked", but I wonder if that is what WC was trying to say??
Time line???

12:15 riding away from Collin's residence

12:23 seen on Brovan Blvd

between 12:30-1:00 on Gilbert Drive near Meyrs Lake

2 pm -- bikes found at lake (per DCi press release)

But but but.......

Wasn't there a sighting at the lake at 2:30? I could swear Aunt T said that. But the bikes were found at 2?

Egads. I need to go to bed. But Aaron Rodgers isn't done yet......
But but but.......

Wasn't there a sighting at the lake at 2:30? I could swear Aunt T said that. But the bikes were found at 2?

Egads. I need to go to bed. But Aaron Rodgers isn't done yet......

Yep. The 'new' and 'improved' timeline does have some thorns.
"And then another thing I want to say is down by the lake, going, not the bike path, somebody could have snatched them along the road. If there was two people in a van, they could have thrown those kids in their van with their bikes and there`s another way to drive by the houses and get to the end of that trail and they could have chunked the bikes down there with the children."[/I]

BBM#2: Is this "alternate" route to the trail consistent with the streets LE mentioned today?

BBM#3: I am trying to tread really lightly. Please know there is no disrpescpect intended. It's an honest question and it has been nagging at me. I've never heard the word "chunked" used in the way G'ma used it here. I'm assuming it must be more of a regional usage? Can any locals confirm? Would/could you use "chunked" as in left behind/staged/set down? Or would it be more like "threw"? The main reason I ask is...[/COLOR]


"KERA MASHEK, REPORTER, KWWL: We have been told that the bikes were laying very neatly, just like any child that might get off their bike and go for a walk. They were just sitting right there along the lake side like any other ordinary day, nothing really awry with that. And the purse was also just kind of sat down -- not like it was thrown around or that they would, you know, been involved in a struggle of any kind."

Is the description from Kera consistent with one might consider "chunking" the bikes? (seems possible if it means something more like "left behind," but unlikely if it means something more like "thrown" IMO)

I realize it was just an off the top of her head thought from G'ma so it may not be relevant, but if the bikes were there "neatly" and not damaged it suggests to me that someone, possibly the girls, rode them there.

All MOO...[/QUOTE]

First, maybe because it was a transcript, "chucking" translate to "chunking"? Kind of up there with relying too heavily on Word's spell checker <lol>
I wonder, however, if WC meant another entrance to the Evansdale Nature Trail that is a bit further west of Elmer Ave? If you follow Gilbert west and pass Elmer Ave until almost to Jonas Rd (opposite, north side of Gilbert), there is a section marked on the map "Evansdale Nature Trail" that goes south and intersects with the trail proper. It passes an (empty) warehouse building that had caught my eye some time ago. Also, from Elmer, there really doesn't look to be that many houses/buildings where people might have seen them. IOW, not Exchange Park/boat dock, but a bit farther west. It does still match up to LE's areas of late.

to chuck/chucked/chucking is to throw carelessly, toss, etc. btw
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