IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #20

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OMG... I will forever be amazed at family resemblance! If you had not ID'd this photo, I would have thought it was a pic of TB.

I know what you mean! I had to read the caption several times.

To be fair to the photographer, he's the one who ID'd her as Misty. :) I even still had my doubts that there could've been a mix-up until I saw the bracelet she was wearing - the one she said someone gave her last night, with Lyric's pictures in it.
I know what you mean! I had to read the caption several times.

To be fair to the photographer, he's the one who ID'd her as Misty. :) I even still had my doubts that there could've been a mix-up until I saw the bracelet she was wearing - the one she said someone gave her last night, with Lyric's pictures in it.

Wow... simply wow!

I was so tickled to see such a quick response here from You! THE debate had just started in VA so I had to run off to the TV instead of answering you first...

Thanks mostly to you and Txlady, I WILL be back tomorrow as usual. :)

Under "one pic is worth a 1,000 words:"

Wow I just saw a quote that reminded me instantly of this discussion. What timing.

You don't realize how strong a person really is until you see them at their weakest moment.
It's easy to say that if you're innocent it doesn't matter, but in reality it could make your life a living hell if someone - especially someone not quite in their right mind for whatever reason - decided that "you" MUST be the person responsible for the girls disappearing! Then the innocent person ends up being harassed or worse (what if someone decides to "take the law into therir own hands"?), all because they happened to make a trip to the grocery store on the wrong day at the wrong time.


Just being accused of something when innocent is quite stressful. Sometimes it goes quite a bit further. Look at Steven Hatfill. Someone became obsessed with the idea he was the perpetrators of the anthrax mailings and she persuaded the FBI that: a) she knew what she was talking about (she didn't) and b) she knew who had to be the guilty party (she didn't).

It ruined his career, one he'd invested quite a lot of time and energy in pursuing. He couldn't be hired and he had to incur ever mounting legal bills to defend himself.

Frankly, I think Dr Hatfill settled for far too little, considering the damage done to him.

It used to completely baffle me - not to mention my parents and brother - when people would ask "how do you do it? how do you stay strong?" Not having a whole heckuva lot of choice, that's how. Like you I suspect there were times my family or I could've refused treatment and I'd have died so I guess there is strength in choosing to keep fighting, a strong will to live and things you want to live for, but it's certainly not a choice in the sense of "hmm do I want to not go through this, or go through it and show how strong I can be?"

ROFLMAO! Yeah, like anyone would choose what you went through!

I've come to believe that Carolyn Hax is right, that humans are built to withstand pain and to find happiness even under the most unlikely circumstances.
Aww I am glad! I was happy to see you online watching the thread too. :)

Well...it's would appear that I was correct in fearing that, due to your sensitive caring of others, you might have read more into my posts today than was warranted.

Please, please be assured that everything is fine w/Fox!

Now...I need to "go to bed w/Letterman" as I have for toooo many years now. :)

I'll see you tomorrow! Goodnight.
FWIW ArtzyPantz no I don't think you have said "too much." Not that I am a cop or abductor or anything, but I think you've been very honest yet careful in what you've said here and I for one appreciate it. IMO you are definitely going to feel pressure to say more than you want to publicly. :( If the person you're worried about still works with you (sounds like not anymore?) I'd also bring it up with a Human Resources person you might have, or another trusted manager/supervisor type, just so they can be alerted and maybe have extra security for a bit?

I would keep the date, time, and location of your meeting as private as possible... IMO just thinking of your personal safety. Probably overcautious but what about that one time it isn't?

Thank you for coming forward with information that sounds like it might be very useful to the investigation.

thanks.....your correct i dont work there anymore and i am assuming he doesnt either. Where i work now has alot of security already so thats a good thing.

I'm a wee bit embarrassed to tell you, Artzy, that I was wanting to note the day on a spare calendar I keep next to my PC. You know, so I wouldn't be anticipating hearing back from you on say Mon.-Wed. if the appointment turned out to be scheduled for Thurs. I know, how lame is that... lol

At any rate, once I saw your question to me I realized my wanting to know the day of week sounds a little hinky, so I'm hereby withdrawing my question. :)

Oh nothing to be embarrassed about, i never thought of wanting to check for posts. :blushing:

The only good news i have is my computer died last sunday for good. Today i was able to buy a new one so now i can come to WS and log in and post as much as i like without the freezing up problem!! Fast as lightning now too!

Not so good news is i have not been contacted yet this week by any local LE agent for a sit down interview......

:waitasec: :confused: :frown:

Well...it's would appear that I was correct in fearing that, due to your sensitive caring of others, you might have read more into my posts today than was warranted.

Please, please be assured that everything is fine w/Fox!

Now...I need to "go to bed w/Letterman" as I have for toooo many years now. :)

I'll see you tomorrow! Goodnight.

Oops.. sorry. I didn't mean to read too much into it. I'm so glad all is fine with you and your family. I didn't really expect otherwise but it obviously crossed my mind.
I would be concerned that if LE identified several vehicles as being of interest due to their being seen in proximity to the girls that day, then more than one innocent person could go through the stress of being innocent but accused.

Like you, I thought this would go cold early on in the case. In my case it was because I have believed all along that the perpetrator had no significant connection to either girl or any of the families.

As for how the families get through it, it's not like they've been given a choice. I've been through some bad times in my life and people have asked how I got through it. I've always been puzzled because it wasn't like I was given a choice; for instance, it was spend close to four months on the burn unit or die.

Both families have other children and I am sure they are all doing their best to help their children... which probably ends up helping the parents and grandparents as well.

You always make such wise comments. :) I bet you're right about the parents taking care of their other children. I know life must go on. I'm sorry to hear that you were in a burn unit for 4 months. That must have been hard. I'm glad your here! I send you well wishes.
bbm - I mostly agree and applaud your bravery in saying it!

In the short run, it might not be a good thing for our little girls as the earlier poll results seem to indicate that their case would be the one featured.

After the outcry, if the latest poll results posted here are any indication, then it was a good thing for poor little Ky.

In the long run, IMHO, the outcry was a good thing for Missing Children Cases in general as it showed JMV just how interested a whole lot of people are in these segments.

And, finally, I think the outcry was a good thing for JMV. Ahh... free publicity!

hey fox! I tend to get more emotional at night when I'm getting tired. Lol
I just meant I hope JVM continues following missing children cases.I hope any mention of these missing children will lead to their return.
Wow I just saw a quote that reminded me instantly of this discussion. What timing.

You don't realize how strong a person really is until you see them at their weakest moment.

Thanks for posting that quote, I first read it shortly after my husband lost his 5-year battle (more of a war, really) with cancer. This quote reminds me of him, and the strength he had in his weakest moments.
The only good news i have is my computer died last sunday for good. Today i was able to buy a new one so now i can come to WS and log in and post as much as i like without the freezing up problem!! Fast as lightning now too!

Not so good news is i have not been contacted yet this week by any local LE agent for a sit down interview......

:waitasec: :confused: :frown:

Thanks for the update, Artzy. Hopefully they'll call you today or tomorrow to set up an appointment in the next two wks.

It's good news abt your new puter... that means you'll be able to post more. :)
The only good news i have is my computer died last sunday for good. Today i was able to buy a new one so now i can come to WS and log in and post as much as i like without the freezing up problem!! Fast as lightning now too!

Not so good news is i have not been contacted yet this week by any local LE agent for a sit down interview......

:waitasec: :confused: :frown:


Hi, There was a guy that the police searched his property.
L.L. is hi name from Waterloo Iowa he is a sex offender. convicted of rape.
served time just got off perole.
He has property around the lake with building on it.
That is where the police searched and took stuff with them.
I looked to see if he had face book awhile back and he did . He also had young young girls from other countries as friends.

The day of Lyrics Birthday I checked his facebook. He goes by Larry L.
instead of his full name. I do not know if I am allowed to say.
On his face book on the Birthday of Lyric he changed his facebook
cover photo to flowers.
Water Lillies. they grow in water. The girls went missing near the lake.

I called it in Tuesday afternoon.
Also the fact that a sex offender is not allowed to have facebook.
I spoke withan officer and gave him my information
and Yesterday Wed. Afternoon I checked out his face book and his page is gone.

I hope they took his computer so that they can see if he was up to anything!
So I just wanted to let you know that they do take our tips and follow through on them I am so glad his F.B. page is gone . I have a feeling he may use his sons or wifes page only I hope they took his computer so they have to suffer something!

This guy also fits to a T the discription of the man with grey hair in his 60's, and wire rim glasses driving around in the white van who tried to abduct a few kids in the area.
If I am allowed to post his sex offender record or photo I will post it.
Well done, Master Sleuth Daisy!!!!!!

ETA: Do you happen to remember abt how long ago his property was searched... weeks ago, the last few days? I'm off to google...
[QUO TE=foxbluff;8418675]Well done, Master Sleuth Daisy!!!!!!

ETA: Do you happen to remember abt how long ago his property was searched... weeks ago, the last few days? I'm off to google...[/QUOTE]

Hey Foxbluff, They searched the propety in the first weeks of the girls missing.
Now I am not sure if this sex offender is conected to this case
but here is his photo and profile. Looks like the guy in the white van to me but I could be wrong!

If you go to face book type in the first name Larry
click on the facebook photo and you will see his face book is now gone as of Yesterday after I called it in!! Here is his Registered Sex Offenders Profile.


Here is anoter link for his R.S.O. profile

Thanks for posting that quote, I first read it shortly after my husband lost his 5-year battle (more of a war, really) with cancer. This quote reminds me of him, and the strength he had in his weakest moments.

Sending you lots of hugs!
It is a beautiful Fall day here where I live. The sun is out, not a cloud in the sky, small birds flocking, geese flying by in their V's. I am thinking of Lyric and Elizabeth on such a lovely day, and praying they are coming home soon. I am wondering if LE is asking folks to check all their sheds, cabins, rarely-visited buildings, ditches, and culverts in far fields and secluded places now it is cooler and these places are more visible.

I am also wondering if all homes, yards, vehicles, and businesses in all areas surrounding the lake were thoroughly searched in the days after the girls disappeared. I know Lolipop lives close by and am wondering if his family's home, yard, vehicle(s), and those of his neighbors there were seached. Am I correct in remembering he lives close by the lake, but no LE ever came to his home?
You always make such wise comments. :) I bet you're right about the parents taking care of their other children. I know life must go on. I'm sorry to hear that you were in a burn unit for 4 months. That must have been hard. I'm glad your here! I send you well wishes.

I know that the power of prayer or good wishes has not been scientifically validated (the few studies there have been have not been well constructed) but I am absolutely convinced that they made a difference for me.

Being in severe pain (physical or emotional) is a lonely experience, at least for me. Knowing that people cared, that they were sending prayers for me or good wishes as their beliefs dictated, meant so much. When the going was rough (I'll never think the words "tub room" without a shudder), it helped knowing that there were people who wished they could make it better.

Getting lost in the loneliness felt like a very real danger to me.

So I believe fervently that praying for Elizabeth and Lyric, for their families and loved ones or sending good wishes their way really does make a difference. Maybe not the difference we are all hoping for (Elizabeth and Lyric coming home unharmed) but in helping their loved ones not to get lost in the loneliness of pain.
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