IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #25

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What's the deal with this so called person Mr G? I thought everybody was convinced it was the real deal here? How long does it take for WS to verify someone? He was here one minute and gone the next. Makes no sense if he was the real deal. I guess we'll see what's up with that in the next day or two, but I hate to say it but it could be anybody for all we know. It could even be the perp for all we know. Sorry for my rant, but I don't get it.

We may luck out and one of the MOds will tell us . Nothings for sure these days we can choose to wait till he is verified or if he is question him about what he witnessed regarding the bikwes their coloor and their position was when he come upon them the bikes ?????
What's the deal with this so called person Mr G? I thought everybody was convinced it was the real deal here? How long does it take for WS to verify someone? He was here one minute and gone the next. Makes no sense if he was the real deal. I guess we'll see what's up with that in the next day or two, but I hate to say it but it could be anybody for all we know. It could even be the perp for all we know. Sorry for my rant, but I don't get it.

We may luck out and one of the Moderators will tell us . Nothings for sure these days we can choose to wait till he is verified and if he is question him about what he witnessed regarding the bikes their color and what their position was when he came upon them the bikes ?????
When I first came here it was in hopes of helping to find the girls. I was just staring at Otto's map and thinking to myself "Where are they. Where can they be." I hate it when reality sets in a millisecond later and I realize that is not what we are doing anymore. I want the perp(s) caught, but what I really wanted was for these girls to be ok. I know the obvious answer to my next question is 'to stop it before it happens again', but I find myself asking it anyway "what's the damn point, we were too late." Signing off for now.

I was raped when I was 12 years old. My only enduring regret is that I was so terrified and ignorant that I let him menace me into keeping it a secret for many years. He was finally caught when he molested a 12 year old girl who did know she could tell her parents.

Yes, it is too late for Lyric and Elizabeth.

But somewhere out there is another little girl who likes to play with her grandmother and who enjoys riding her bike when the weather is warm. She's young and innocent, so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if her parents have protected her from knowledge of this case.

She's the reason I think it is important to try to solve this case. She's young and innocent and does not deserve to have her life cut short this way.

I'm not angry with any of the girls my rapist molested before me and I don't blame them in the least. I just have this wistful feeling sometimes "if only they had known more than I did, I would not have been scarred by that man." We were all just scared kids who were victimised by the same man who abused his position of authority (he was a school guidance counsellor). Back then, ignorance was normal because good parents didn't talk to their children about "things like that."

It is a long shot but maybe something we discuss on WS will lead to the capture of the perp. And that young girl out there will ride her bicycle and never know that she could have been his victim too.
SS, I've posted this a few times but perhaps you've overlooked it:

Authorities said the girls left Elizabeth's house in Evansdale around 12:15 p.m., were spotted at approximately 12:23 p.m. at a nearby intersection and then were seen between 12:30 and 1 p.m. on a road by the lake.

I believe the 12:23 sighting was solid. JMO
I wonder if that's from the bank video they got a court order for back in July.

When I first came here it was in hopes of helping to find the girls. I was just staring at Otto's map and thinking to myself "Where are they. Where can they be." I hate it when reality sets in a millisecond later and I realize that is not what we are doing anymore. I want the perp(s) caught, but what I really wanted was for these girls to be ok. I know the obvious answer to my next question is 'to stop it before it happens again', but I find myself asking it anyway "what's the damn point, we were too late." Signing off for now.
I went through the same thing for a while, but now I'm back to really wanting to see the person/people held accountable.

Just for the record, I can't think of a single question to ask SierraShelby. I'd just like to say that I hope you have a thick skin and haven't been offended by any of the posts here. We have some rather passionate members here who really want to see children found and their abusers/murderers caught, which can sometimes lead to accusations or theories that may seem like they are. Knowing me, I probably said something less than flattering at one time or another, and I apologize if I did.
I have no idea why TG would have inserted himslef or his daughter inserting him in all of this on fb, another forum or here. I just don't see a point yet. I've seen pics of where he saw the bikes, sadly where he lived, I know how to sleuth someone and do too when needed. But never felt the need to sleuth this person. I hope someone pm's with details to make me understand it.

I'm stuck on someone else or the group of peeps associated with this perp arrested 12/27/2012 in Black Hawk. It will come out or wash out I believe.

Big hugs Grainne. big hugs. Sorry you had to go through that. Stopping that before it happens might help. Of course many of us know that. Big hugs to you. xoxo

I hope that LE has read enough to put out more news tomorrow...ha ha! Wishful at the bests.
I was starting to get very annoyed. It was not the first time he has been focused on.

The only difference between Mr G and any other witnesses (there are probably more) is we know Mr G's name, and somehow that made him a suspect to some.

Not quite sure how that logic works...but now he's (hopefully) here with us, it will stop and we will get work with some first hand facts!!!! not facebook carp.

I wanted to say I appreciate your statement about "facebook carp." I don't do Facebook, nothing personal. It just seems Facebook, MySpace, etc. al., give the phrase "reach out and touch someone" a whole new meaning x 1,000 which is just one of the reasons I love Websleuths! I just feel "safer" here and the posters here are just.... amazing supersleuths! :grouphug: :cheers:
Here is a Case Archive for the girls' case.

Figured I'd post it again since there are many guests who may not have seen this. The case archive is a safe site. Actually it is a photobucket, and I post articles, videos, and pictures from Day 1 in the case, and update as there is news.

I'm talking "news" as in "not crap people say about someone".

I get info from MSM (and social media and I filter as I see fit), and I also might post what people send me. In this case I have refused to post the facebook pics taken from the family fb pages before the murders.

If you have something you'd like posted, my email is in my siggy.

Here's the Case Archive:
http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/...izabeth Collins - Lyric Cook-Morrissey -IA-/

ETA: sorry... my email is not in my siggy... it is aamandareckonwith@gmail.com

Amanda, thank you so much for posting your archive link again! I appreciate it. You have so much information regarding the case and I had lost everything so your case archive to me is priceless! I really appreciate the editing of the social media "carping" because as a non-local following this I would have an extremely hard time deciding what would be the truth, an opinion or a straight out lie regarding local information.
I was raped when I was 12 years old. My only enduring regret is that I was so terrified and ignorant that I let him menace me into keeping it a secret for many years. He was finally caught when he molested a 12 year old girl who did know she could tell her parents.

Yes, it is too late for Lyric and Elizabeth.

But somewhere out there is another little girl who likes to play with her grandmother and who enjoys riding her bike when the weather is warm. She's young and innocent, so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if her parents have protected her from knowledge of this case.

She's the reason I think it is important to try to solve this case. She's young and innocent and does not deserve to have her life cut short this way.

I'm not angry with any of the girls my rapist molested before me and I don't blame them in the least. I just have this wistful feeling sometimes "if only they had known more than I did, I would not have been scarred by that man." We were all just scared kids who were victimised by the same man who abused his position of authority (he was a school guidance counsellor). Back then, ignorance was normal because good parents didn't talk to their children about "things like that."

It is a long shot but maybe something we discuss on WS will lead to the capture of the perp. And that young girl out there will ride her bicycle and never know that she could have been his victim too.

I know. Just disappointed and frustrated.
:waiting: For your viewing pleasure while you wait...

Gilbertville Depot - YouTube

Thanks! Enjoyed it very much. I realize the Depot has very historical importance to Gilbertville, but the building seemed like a good place for someone to hide. From all the bikes stored there, it does seem the community enjoys their bike trail. I would hope they could fix the crawlspace problem with the water because that would seem to make the foundation of the entire building unsafe which definitely render the second floor unsafe. It seems a lot of money was invested in the second floor which might have been better used to solve the flooding problem, but what do I know. I'm not local, I'm not an engineer or an architect! LOL!
From what I've gathered, most of us don't believe TG is responsible in any way for what happened to Lyric and Elizabeth.

I agree that he has been the subject of lots of discussion, but most of that discussion has dealt with the timing of his sighting and whether or not the bikes he saw were Lyric and Lizzie's bikes. While he may be offended at those of us who have questioned his recollection, he shouldn't assume that we are all thinking he did anything to Lyric and Lizzie.

I hope he can provide enough information to help me work out a timeline that makes sense.

:goodpost: :tyou:
I just read some more poems from the craigs list poet on the underground poetry site. link is back on pages 17-19 of this thread, I believe. They are much worse than the soulless poem that someone posted. They were from August and were about rape. In one poem he describes two victims. These poems are so scary. I don't want to copy and paste them on to here because he can then google them and see they are here. This is definitely a guy for police to look closely at. There are so many poems. Folks who are interested in profiling might find a lot to consider. I know someone said they called this in, but is it good to have multiple people calling it in? Does that help spur action?

I would think multiple calls would help. I know, the lyrics are awful, but why would someone post this to a parent's Facebook page who had lost a daughter and a niece in such a horrible way. Shame on them! They deserve to be questioned. Better safe than sorry now days in light of random school shootings, etc. al. Don't be acting crazy and posting crap like "I have slept with Satan's woman" on a person's Facebook or Craig's List. Sorry for the rant, just my :twocents:!

ETA: I think I misunderstood. The person/persons has not posted the poem to anyone's Facebook just Craig's list, but still What the Hey??? And I know, free speech and it's unerground poetry for a reason. If I don't like it don't read it, but it's still scary!
In case Mr. G comes back after my bedtime, I will leave my question here:

There was confusion as to whether he stopped at Casey's on River Forest Rd. I think this was even reported in the Courier. But I also heard it was the bathroom in the park. So, Mr. G., if you could please tell us where your bathroom stop was, I would very much appreciate it.

(Many of us wonder why the police have never included your sighting of the bikes in their official timeline. I wondered whether the man they wanted to speak to who had stopped at that Casey's could verify your stop there, and if they were actually trying to verify your timeline. Not because they suspect you of anything at all, but just so they could include your bike sighting in the official timeline.).

did not go to casey the restroom at the park
I think eye witnesses give guestimates and that's all I think the timeline is for the most part. I almost lost it when the auction house dude said his camera was off by 8 minutes or whatever. That threw it all off but it's their op/timestamp & witness to times. Any other times published still doesn't mean that's the exact time other than when someone noted when they might have seen the girls or reporter errors. I believe it's between 11:30am to 1pm. They are all credible and provide information as to about when, where and who could have taken them.

I can't get out of Evansdale for a perp. Maybe a toe or two in Waterloo. Bremer Co. has interesting facts about ancestry online. Names don't change a lot over the years within Iowa. Well, some do but many are rooted there which is nice to see. I've witnessed some amazing people who do so much for their communtiy. Great town Evansdale & surrounding. Amazing support for the families and the girls to be found.

This is all my op from looking around. I do see that if arrested in Black Hawk Co. a meth dealer/drug manufacturer gets a higher bond amount at times more so, than a 3rd degree sexual assault of a 12 year old by a 20 year old. Cash bond, surety. That means full amount to bail him out. And the druggies arrested, same thing plus I believe the bond money must not come from illegal means such as drug sales and can be investigated before accepting it. I just don't get it. A 12 yo, 20 year old. Someone should have been the adult, duh.

The charge stems from Black Hawk Co. Who's in Jail, and the other info comes from CVM (Cedar Valley Mugshots) fb page. This 20 year old is supposedly related to both girls per a family member which surprised me as I thought it was Lyric at first per alledged perp. He had the opportunity, definetly the desire if he's okay with a 12 year old and claims she is lying & his family blames her! Totally unbelievable. There's a lot more but can't post it unless this person becomes a suspect. Drew posted about him, so I will too. Anyway, I feel it's someone within this circle. I just keep coming up with locals in that area. I can't get out of the Meyers Lake area or Waterloo, help!

All jmo


Search in the date area 12/27/2012. It will come up with the charge & name. You can also sort the headings to find the highest bond, charge etc..

I agree! The family connections are incredibly large and jmo it could very likely be someone within this circle (a vicious circle at times) or very close and I certainly believe the perp could be in jail.
I was raped when I was 12 years old. My only enduring regret is that I was so terrified and ignorant that I let him menace me into keeping it a secret for many years. He was finally caught when he molested a 12 year old girl who did know she could tell her parents.

Yes, it is too late for Lyric and Elizabeth.

But somewhere out there is another little girl who likes to play with her grandmother and who enjoys riding her bike when the weather is warm. She's young and innocent, so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if her parents have protected her from knowledge of this case.

She's the reason I think it is important to try to solve this case. She's young and innocent and does not deserve to have her life cut short this way.

I'm not angry with any of the girls my rapist molested before me and I don't blame them in the least. I just have this wistful feeling sometimes "if only they had known more than I did, I would not have been scarred by that man." We were all just scared kids who were victimised by the same man who abused his position of authority (he was a school guidance counsellor). Back then, ignorance was normal because good parents didn't talk to their children about "things like that."

It is a long shot but maybe something we discuss on WS will lead to the capture of the perp. And that young girl out there will ride her bicycle and never know that she could have been his victim too.

:tears: :heartbeat: :hug: :tyou: Yes, we do this because we do not want another victim. You said it perfectly!
did not go to casey the restroom at the park

Thank you so much for answering the question regarding the restroom! I know we speculated about that. I believe we had all assumed the restroom at the park and then for some reason we were told Casey's restroom. Good to hear it "straight from the horse's mouth" so to say. Hope that doesn't offend. Best intentions only.
I have no idea why TG would have inserted himslef or his daughter inserting him in all of this on fb, another forum or her.

TG's daughter was alerted to people saying negative things about her father awhile back. She went to a FB group dedicated to the girls thinking it was occuring there, which it wasn't. She was directed to a site similar to this site that doesn't have the same professionalism that this site has. That group did some very bold and slanderous sleuthing of the family, some of which was very painful for her. She asked to have some of it removed, some was removed and some was not. After her arrival, that forum went private. Prior to that, anyone could google their family name and see all the slander. Perhaps google searches land one here too since the forum isn't private.

I can tell you, if I google my name and it leads me here, I'd be here too.
TG's daughter was alerted to people saying negative things about her father awhile back. She went to a FB group dedicated to the girls thinking it was occuring there, which it wasn't. She was directed to a site similar to this site that doesn't have the same professionalism that this site has. That group did some very bold and slanderous sleuthing of the family, some of which was very painful for her. She asked to have some of it removed, some was removed and some was not. After her arrival, that forum went private. Prior to that, anyone could google their family name and see all the slander. Perhaps google searches land one here too since the forum isn't private.

I can tell you, if I google my name and it leads me here, I'd be here too.

I think the reason that most of us are here and not posting elsewhere is because this IS moderated so well. I've read some posts on other sites and they absolutely made me sick. People were commenting on family members and their choice of clothes(heather's shoes-referring to them in vulgar terms). I don't like stuff like that. Most of us are respectful to begin with, but if one of us let our anger get the best of us, the mods are there to quickly put us back in place.

I have learned here that you can speak your mind and bounce ideas off of other caring people without fear of being called names or being put down. When the girls' bodies were found, it was HERE I came back to. Because I wanted to grieve with you all. Marilyn, GrainneDhu, JaimeinLA, tlcox, Sapphire, etc...I respect you all even when we don't agree.
TG's daughter was alerted to people saying negative things about her father awhile back. She went to a FB group dedicated to the girls thinking it was occuring there, which it wasn't. She was directed to a site similar to this site that doesn't have the same professionalism that this site has. That group did some very bold and slanderous sleuthing of the family, some of which was very painful for her. She asked to have some of it removed, some was removed and some was not. After her arrival, that forum went private. Prior to that, anyone could google their family name and see all the slander. Perhaps google searches land one here too since the forum isn't private.

I can tell you, if I google my name and it leads me here, I'd be here too.

I just googled my name and whoa! My 5 children are listed even the spouses of the married children. One good thing (I guess) is if anyone wants my address or phone number they would have to pay a website. The bad thing is that I am still linked with my ex husband. We have heen divorced for 14 years.
That's right. We know that the children were last seen on Brovan at 12:15 and their bikes were at the drainage gate at 2:00. There is information that the girls were on Brovan until 12:23 and on Gilbert between Elmer and Arbutus between 12:30 and 1:00. I think those are the only times we know.

We can exclude the cyclist, and I think we can also exclude the social media theory about a sighting at the Fareway store. If there was a Fareway store sighting, police would also be asking for witnesses from that location ... and they are not.

The newest information I have gathered from this thread is what otto posted from the official site about the girls' bikes being seen at 2:00 by the jogger I had forgotten about which is earlier than I thought. Girls seen on tape at 12:15 by what LE said officially. LE updated information and we were told that Brovan, Gilbert, Elmer and Arbutus were included in where the girls were last seen between 12:30 and 1:00. I am down to a one to one-and-a-half hour time frame from the time the girls were last seen and the time the bikes were seen. Thank you otto very much for bringing to my attention the 2:00 time as the bikes being spotted by the jogger. I appreciate you, the information you bring to Websleuths and your wonderful maps.
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