IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #27

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I think that is complete bull nonsense. Websleuthers cannot discuss fact based theories and so they cannot contribute to the discussion? Since when are fact based theories not permitted?

What cannot be discussed is wild imaginery, unconnected theories, such as suggesting that Wylma, the 100 pound weakling, could make the two children vanish with Tammy's assistance while the other three children watched.

That's absurd.

If it's a logical theory, it can be discussed here.
That's a fact


When they involve someone we cannot discuss because of TOS.

otto, my post was just my opinion as to why some people aren't posting as much as usual. It is a fact that some posters feel there are things they cannot discuss - you have remarked upon your annoyance with posters who have said as much.

And I have followed every post on here and have never once seen anyone suggest Wylma did anything to Lyric and Lizzie, nor have I seen any posts suggesting that Wylma and Tammy conspired together to harm the girls. Please direct me to a post to support your comment.

You said we could discuss fact-based theories. Well, then, I guess we can't discuss the possibility a pedophile took the girls, or it was a luring, or it was a random abduction because there are no FACTS to support any of those theories. We just don't know.

So if we are limiting our discussions to facts, here is what IMO we can discuss. Lyric and Lizzie left Heather's house on their bikes, they were seen on surveillance video, their bikes were found at the lake, and they were found deceased at 7 Bridges - these are our only facts. Any other topics would be off-limits, since they would be speculation only. JMO
I also believe that some of the theories people consider logical are absurd...

Like the idea that 2 girls who apparently never left their 2 block radius rode their bikes like a bat outta hell to a lake they didn't know their way to, happened upon a stretch of trail that is completely secluded from the view of anyone, get snatched up by a perp who just happens to be sitting there under the cover of the foliage just at that right moment, coerce 2 street smart girls into a hidden vehicle, and take them without anyone seeing or hearing anything, all within about a 2 minute time frame.

We all have different beliefs based on what we know and what we choose to believe given what we know.

Instead of bashing other people's theories, maybe you could share your theory.

Maybe those of us who don't feel confident in a random perp simply haven't considered your theory of how it all went down. Maybe if you share your theory the rest of us will see the light and join you in your belief of what happened.

I would like to hear that fact-based theory as well.
I would like to hear that fact-based theory as well.

For heaven's sake, even the FBI have holes in their theory, or else an arrest would have been made. I highly doubt ANY of us are 100% correct in our theories. I'm hoping LE has a hell of a lot more information than we do, and even THEY don't have enough to make an arrest. Those of us on here, are more than likely wrong in whatever theory we choose to believe given the little facts we know. :(
For heaven's sake, even the FBI have holes in their theory, or else an arrest would have been made. I highly doubt ANY of us are 100% correct in our theories. I'm hoping LE has a hell of a lot more information than we do, and even THEY don't have enough to make an arrest. Those of us on here, are more than likely wrong in whatever theory we choose to believe given the little facts we know. :(

My post was intended to be tongue-in-cheek, as I realize no one's theory is fact-based at this time. We are all speculating and, as you said, it is doubtful any of us has a theory that is 100% correct.
My post was intended to be tongue-in-cheek, as I realize no one's theory is fact-based at this time. We are all speculating and, as you said, it is doubtful any of us has a theory that is 100% correct.

Yep...I knew what you meant ;) No worries...just reiterating that no one's theories should be considered any more absurd than another. :blushing:
Yep...I knew what you meant ;) No worries...just reiterating that no one's theories should be considered any more absurd than another. :blushing:

It's frustrating not to be able to fully discuss all theories, but I know our TOS are there for a reason.

I just hope that none of us become so narrow-minded in our particular theory that we are unwilling to discuss any other possibilities (within TOS). JMO

I wish we had more information.:banghead:

So . . . seen any good paddleboats lately?
it's frustrating not to be able to fully discuss all theories, but i know our tos are there for a reason.

I just hope that none of us become so narrow-minded in our particular theory that we are unwilling to discuss any other possibilities (within tos). Jmo

i wish we had more information.:banghead:

So . . . Seen any good paddleboats lately?

redneck paddle boat.jpg

redneck paddle boat 2.jpg
I don't post a lot, and I haven't been at WS for that long (4+ years) but the threads slowing down pretty much happens with every big case.

It doesn't mean people don't care, aren't interested or aren't paying attention. Some are tired of rehashing, some want to discuss people that aren't allowed, etc.

This case has a lot of locals. IMO the more locals the higher the frustration level and impatience. Trust me, I would love to have every crime solved within a day. But go take a look at cold cases or missing section and you will see people still waiting and waiting.

I also don't believe WS will solve these cases. I think they are great at matching UIDs up and working old cold cases for new theories, assisting in searches, offering overall support to family/friends of the victim, etc, but overall, I don't see this being solved by one of us. Not a knock on WS (because I am one), just my opinion. It is more of a place to vent and share common ground. And when the case slows down and that sense of community goes away, it does bother some people.

JMO, imo, imho etc.
It's frustrating not to be able to fully discuss all theories, but I know our TOS are there for a reason.

I just hope that none of us become so narrow-minded in our particular theory that we are unwilling to discuss any other possibilities (within TOS). JMO

I wish we had more information.:banghead:

So . . . seen any good paddleboats lately?

No, but its 13 degrees out, and my neighbor just came outside to get his garbage off the street wearing NOTHING but his shorts. :cold: No socks, shoes, shirt.. NOTHING else. That's been his only outfit for years. (sometimes nothing.. :behind:)
I don't post a lot, and I haven't been at WS for that long (4+ years) but the threads slowing down pretty much happens with every big case.

It doesn't mean people don't care, aren't interested or aren't paying attention. Some are tired of rehashing, some want to discuss people that aren't allowed, etc.

This case has a lot of locals. IMO the more locals the higher the frustration level and impatience. Trust me, I would love to have every crime solved within a day. But go take a look at cold cases or missing section and you will see people still waiting and waiting.

I also don't believe WS will solve these cases. I think they are great at matching UIDs up and working old cold cases for new theories, assisting in searches, offering overall support to family/friends of the victim, etc, but overall, I don't see this being solved by one of us. Not a knock on WS (because I am one), just my opinion. It is more of a place to vent and share common ground. And when the case slows down and that sense of community goes away, it does bother some people.

JMO, imo, imho etc.

No, but its 13 degrees out, and my neighbor just came outside to get his garbage off the street wearing NOTHING but his shorts. :cold: No socks, shoes, shirt.. NOTHING else. That's been his only outfit for years. (sometimes nothing.. :behind:)

Unless he is Matthew McConaughey, I think your neighbor owes it to the neighborhood to wear a shirt! And he should definitely wear pants.:what:
I don't post a lot, and I haven't been at WS for that long (4+ years) but the threads slowing down pretty much happens with every big case.

It doesn't mean people don't care, aren't interested or aren't paying attention. Some are tired of rehashing, some want to discuss people that aren't allowed, etc.

This case has a lot of locals. IMO the more locals the higher the frustration level and impatience. Trust me, I would love to have every crime solved within a day. But go take a look at cold cases or missing section and you will see people still waiting and waiting.

I also don't believe WS will solve these cases. I think they are great at matching UIDs up and working old cold cases for new theories, assisting in searches, offering overall support to family/friends of the victim, etc, but overall, I don't see this being solved by one of us. Not a knock on WS (because I am one), just my opinion. It is more of a place to vent and share common ground. And when the case slows down and that sense of community goes away, it does bother some people.

JMO, imo, imho etc.

You are so right. Especially when we are "new and eager" we think it is fine to drag a persons name through the mud... most times they are not at all involved, but we rip them to shreds. (been there, done that myself)

The truth is, we do next to nothing to solve any crimes. In a rare case, yes, WS has contributed good info to LE, but that is a one in a thousand chance. Our best role is the search support, that is a shining spot for WS.

Thank you for all the work you do on UID, that is painstaking work.
No, but its 13 degrees out, and my neighbor just came outside to get his garbage off the street wearing NOTHING but his shorts. :cold: No socks, shoes, shirt.. NOTHING else. That's been his only outfit for years. (sometimes nothing.. :behind:)

next time eat some yogurt, maybe he'll turn into John Stamos.
Otto your maps are wonderful and help so much. Kuddos to you!!
That IS what happened. They were just in Waterloo during that incident. Presumably missing from Wylma's home since that is where Misty and Lyric lived.

What I find strange is that even though Misty has a no contact order with Dan, she calls him immediately. There is a no contact order...that is in place because of a domestic abuse charge.
In a "normal" situation it would make complete sense for a mother to call the father. Isn't it reasonable for people to kind of question why she would call Dan and blatantly violate the order?

I guess to me, if I was in her situation and my husband had charges against him for beating me up and a no contact order was in place I would have called the police first...let THEM inform Dan about the incident if they felt it was necessary. Unfortunate for sure that it's come to that...but the no contact order was implemented with reason...not a "suggestion".

I do not find it strange that Misty called Dan at all. She had already looked for Lyric without success so why not call her father to see if Lyric had gone to see him? The no-contact order apparently was only between Misty and Dan and did not included the children.
I wish I was one of you who still come up with fresh ideas, but I've posted just about all of them I've come up with. I still read regularly, and would love to see this become a case that is solved, and so well that there's nothing left to say about it other than an occasional post of support to family or comment about missing them.

Sometimes I think the hardest part is knowing that even if someone here does come up with the exact scenario, including details, times, places and people involved, we won't know unless/until LE comes up with the same scenario with proof. I've seen some cases with very strange circumstances, so I try not to decide that anyone's theory is absurd. I just wish now that we were still able to hold on to hope that they were still alive, no matter how unlikely it was. :twocents:
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