IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #29

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The estimated cost for this little project is 100,000. Fund raising Fund raising Fund raising.

Wait a minute this isn't a "closed case" it's a on going investigation lackadaisical as it is.
If the parents were convicted of this crime or if the girls lost their lives in the lake, the fact remains that the girls were still murdered and a memorial is for them. A memorial is to memorialize the one that died. So please tell me what makes the difference to what had happened to them and what does that have to do with a memorial to their death?

No one knows for sure that they were even "murdered", or that a "serial killer" is responsible.

All deceased children deserve a memorial. These usually take the form of gravesites in cemetries.

If society goes about erecting memorials to deceased children the countryside would be littered with them. Who decides which child gets the
"prime" memorial spot say, in the middle of a lake, and who does not?

I would venture to say that Evansdale has plenty of deceased children, like any other place in the world. Children die from cancer, accidents, asthma, poisoning, accidental drowning, still birth, birth defects.

Who decides which child gets the public monument and which doesnt?

I'm baffled that a town can organise such an expensive memorial yet not even drag themselves to LE's public meeting.

There seems to be far more interest and emotion invested in the girls death, than there is in the cause their of deaths. Wierd.
Why don't they work harder to catch the perp/s? It seems all but over. Jmo, but I find this disturbing. :moo: Have they been blackmailed, leaving them no alternative? :moo::moo::moo:

Don't know maybe this is just what they are doing in the mean time, while they are waiting for LE to find the perp?
just checking in for news. :(
It is some bad a$$ $*%! At one point in my life I owned a beautiful Tennessee Walking horse. Her name was Black Beauty and she was a sweetheart. She was over 17 hands tall and weighed in around 1,100 to 1,200 pounds. Unfortunately, her pasture was fenced with barbed wire - the bain of this horse person's existance. I went out one morning and Beauty was nickering to me which was not unusual except she was at the gate and she was holding her right front foot up. I could see it was dripping with blood. She was telling mama to help her, she was hurting bad. And she was. She had been cut very deeply and must have just ripped her hoof from the barbed wire that must have somehow gotten wrapped around her foot. There was a LOT OF blood. I didn't have a horse trailer at the time so called my vet who came to tend to her emergently - God Bless Him! It was just me and the vet and his assistance and my hubby! We were holding Beauty when he gave her a shot of horse tranquilizer. The effects were almost immediately. Man! She got all woozy and I expect dizzy and she tried to lay down or fall down, so the four of us were trying to hold up this massive beast who was in a tremendous amount of pain. It sedated her enough and with three of us holding Beauty up the vet was able to stitch up the leg and bandage it. It was an experience! I have hated barbed wire since then. I gave up Black Beauty because I could not afford to build the type of fence that she clearly deserved. Anyway.... succinylcholine is a POTENT drug! I didn't know it had such a short half-life and yeah that could be untraceable if it was used in a murder. . . hard to think about, but there are people that evil unfortunately.

Black Beauty...reminds me of all the great horse books I read in school. I never had one of my own, but I read about Misty of Chincoteague, National Velvet, etc. It must have been saddening to give her up. ((((((Hugs)))))).
So where was it again that the jogger saw the girls' bikes?

Not to hep about the jogger never heard his name that would be nice
The Biker is the first one to find them he said he did't move the bike's just swerved around them. Then called his daughter to verify the time .? As for the jogger I know not. TG I heard of the biker on the path , that swerved around the bike's .He Live's on the lake ...
Black Beauty...reminds me of all the great horse books I read in school. I never had one of my own, but I read about Misty of Chincoteague, National Velvet, etc. It must have been saddening to give her up. ((((((Hugs)))))).

Thank you Reverie! Yes, it was hard to give her up. I read the same books too! I used to have the little Breyer Misty horse. National Velvet *sigh! Loved them all. Thank you for the much appreciated hugs! Can always use a hug! :blushing:
Not to hep about the jogger never heard his name that would be nice
The Biker is the first one to find them he said he did't move the bike's just swerved around them. Then called his daughter to verify the time .? As for the jogger I know not. TG I heard of the biker on the path , that swerved around the bike's .He Live's on the lake ...

Thank you Just Pat! Is that your birdie as your avatar? He's a cutie! I have a hen that is hatching chicks this morning. She had about 19 eggs under her. I don't think the eggs are all hers - I think she had some contributing hens who had no plans to sit, just decided to let her do the work of incubating. So far 6 chicks and 2 eggs are in the process of hatching. They are banties and the chicks are sooooo tiny! Elizabeth and Lyric would have loved them. Sure sign spring is here. Speaking of which, I hear the people of Ohio have issued an "indictment" against Punxsutawney Phil.

AMANDA LEE MYERS and MARK SCOLFORO- March 22, 2013, 2:38 PM CINCINNATI (AP) — Famed groundhog Punxsutawney Phil might want to go back into hibernation.

Authorities in still-frigid Ohio have issued an “indictment” of the furry rodent, who predicted an early spring when he didn’t see his shadow after emerging from his western Pennsylvania lair on Feb. 2.

“Punxsutawney Phil did purposely, and with prior calculation and design, cause the people to believe that spring would come early,” Mike Gmoser, the prosecutor in southwestern Ohio’s Butler County, wrote in an official-looking indictment.

Gmoser wrote that Punxsutawney Phil is charged with misrepresentation of spring, which constitutes a felony “against the peace and dignity of the state of Ohio.” http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/o...ney-phil-over-misrepresentation-of-spring.php

I understand what you are saying but whoever Murdered these two little girls does not give a rat's behind about a stupid park with frilly little flowers. He or She is EVIL beyond words and needs to be treated as such. No one is safe until they are caught.

I know, but at this point we don't know he or she is. It is scary that no one is safe until they are caught. I pray it is soon! :please: We are all in agreement that we want this evil being captured and punished ASAP! :please: :candle: :candle:
[ múrdər ]

crime of killing somebody: the crime of killing another person deliberately and not in self-defense or with any other extenuating circumstance recognized by law
something difficult or unpleasant: something that is very difficult or unpleasant and involves great effort or hardship
kill somebody illegally: to kill another person deliberately and not in self-defense or with any other extenuating circumstance recognized by law
No one knows for sure that they were even "murdered", or that a "serial killer" is responsible.

All deceased children deserve a memorial. These usually take the form of gravesites in cemetries.

If society goes about erecting memorials to deceased children the countryside would be littered with them. Who decides which child gets the
"prime" memorial spot say, in the middle of a lake, and who does not?

I would venture to say that Evansdale has plenty of deceased children, like any other place in the world. Children die from cancer, accidents, asthma, poisoning, accidental drowning, still birth, birth defects.

Who decides which child gets the public monument and which doesnt?

I'm baffled that a town can organise such an expensive memorial yet not even drag themselves to LE's public meeting.

There seems to be far more interest and emotion invested in the girls death, than there is in the cause their of deaths. Wierd.

I agree, which is why I feel the locals are confident in how LE is handling the case so far. Otherwise, I'd think the residents would be up in arms about the fact that this case hasn't been solved yet. JMO

ETA: I'm surprised there hasn't been more national media coverage about Lyric and Lizzie. Two little girls disappearing in broad daylight and being found 5 months later - that's the kind of story it seems most of the news media loves to run with. But after the bodies were found, there hasn't been much national news coverage about the investigation. By now, you'd think Nancy Grace or Jane Velez Mitchell would be dogging LE, asking all kinds of questions. JMO
Earlier in this thread, I gave the link below for a WF house for sale near where the girls' bikes were found, because I found the map to be so easy to navigate and the lush green of the area to be so beautiful.

The house for sale has been removed from subject website but the map is still there.

Today my interest in subject map is the island in Meyers' lake. For, if I were a local, I would want to capture this beautiful overhead view to perhaps share w/future grandchildren...

Click on STREETVIEW - ZOOM IN a bit - ARROW/PAN LEFT to capture the lush green of untamed growth that only nature seems to approve:

I agree, which is why I feel the locals are confident in how LE is handling the case so far. Otherwise, I'd think the residents would be up in arms about the fact that this case hasn't been solved yet. JMO

ETA: I'm surprised there hasn't been more national media coverage about Lyric and Lizzie. Two little girls disappearing in broad daylight and being found 5 months later - that's the kind of story it seems most of the news media loves to run with. But after the bodies were found, there hasn't been much national news coverage about the investigation. By now, you'd think Nancy Grace or Jane Velez Mitchell would be dogging LE, asking all kinds of questions. JMO

The locals that I have spoken to do not feel that way at all.
As far as NG and JVM they backed off it quick!!! Way in the very beginning. The ONLY media coverage is for the Fund Raising and more Fund Raising.
The estimated cost for this little project is 100,000. Fund raising Fund raising Fund raising.

Wait a minute this isn't a "closed case" it's a on going investigation lackadaisical as it is.

Can you provide a link for the price being 100,000 dollars.
Because 100,000 dollars is huge and that will make me really rethink this whole project. That money could buy the best detective and put this killer behind bars where he belongs.
I would have more confidence in LE cracking this case if they would at least remind us that they are still on the job.
I agree, which is why I feel the locals are confident in how LE is handling the case so far. Otherwise, I'd think the residents would be up in arms about the fact that this case hasn't been solved yet. JMO

ETA: I'm surprised there hasn't been more national media coverage about Lyric and Lizzie. Two little girls disappearing in broad daylight and being found 5 months later - that's the kind of story it seems most of the news media loves to run with. But after the bodies were found, there hasn't been much national news coverage about the investigation. By now, you'd think Nancy Grace or Jane Velez Mitchell would be dogging LE, asking all kinds of questions. JMO

There was definitely more media interest when the girls were missing in July, than when they were found murdered. I don't get it. Are two missing girls more sensational than two murdered girls? I don't see how. Nancy Grace has done one show about the case since the girls were found dead, and that was on December 26 in a show called: Missing Kids Mysteries. So she never even did a "Breaking news!" story when their bodies were found. Anderson Cooper also did quite a few shows on the case back in July....nothing when girls were found murdered. You would think that such a huge development in the case would make them report on it again.
Nancy Grace and all the other supposed victims advocates over at HLN have become so enamored of the Jodi Arias case and the titillation it holds that you cant get any of their heads out of JA's butt long enough to cover any other cases right now. And IMO it has been that way for some time.
There was definitely more media interest when the girls were missing in July, than when they were found murdered. I don't get it. Are two missing girls more sensational than two murdered girls? I don't see how. Nancy Grace has done one show about the case since the girls were found dead, and that was on December 26 in a show called: Missing Kids Mysteries. So she never even did a "Breaking news!" story when their bodies were found. Anderson Cooper also did quite a few shows on the case back in July....nothing when girls were found murdered. You would think that such a huge development in the case would make them report on it again.

Can you provide a link for the price being 100,000 dollars.


Snip: The memorial is estimated to cost $100,000. First Security State Bank and the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa recently donated $10,000 toward the project.

Then you have the Concert event that said 100% of the proceeds was going towards this.... days later ooopsie we have overhead, once that is met then the rest goes towards the project.
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