IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #30

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I have a feeling the whole renovation process discussions within Evansdale have potential to get kind of ugly. :( I understand the community wanting to do something to remember the girls, I really do. But I also feel for the homeowners that surround the lake when it comes to the complete overhaul of the entire island as well. I feel for them when it comes to the interstate traffic sound buffer being completely removed as well. It puts all the homeowners in a very sticky situation when it comes to wanting to speak of any disdain for the idea. I mean, who wants to be the family who speaks out against such a thing? The idea of the memorial is great, but I don't think anyone thought the entire island would be completely leveled to make this happen.

And I don't agree with the commenter who made the remark "where were you during the planning, etc." because we watch all of the information released on MSM about anything related to the girls, and I didn't see any articles where it was mentioned there were meetings (public) anyway to "brainstom" or to "air your concerns" about the project PRIOR to any of the destruction beginning. I really feel that IF it would have been made very public that this was the plan, more people would have voiced their concerns as to what was about to happen on the island.
I mean arrests pertaining to the girls, not his drug charges.

I was merely reporting a fact regarding Dan on our news all day yesterday: no reference to arrest charges on anyone for the girl's murders. Sorry for the confusion.

There was a piece on the tree removal on KCRG tonight - reporter said the
logic to remove all island trees is to have nothing anyone "can hide in".
Some residents upset about this.

How far do you go? Logic would tend to say the park is a vulnerable place. Trees can be hided in. Therefore remove all the trees in vulnerable places. And we dont even know what happened and why! A lot of assumptions being made with actual consequences for daily life.

Obviously people's lives are being changed in the area.
I didn't realize Dan had been charged with posessing simulated meth. If someone was selling fake meth it would really anger the buyer, especially if it was a large amount.

There was a manufacture charge in the charges ...
I think Dan was pulling a fast one on his customer, passing off baby powder, drywall or some other benign product as meth. That is how I take the "simulated" meth charge. Passing off a non drug as if it were a drug is still a crime, similar to dealing the actual drug.

The area of his sales and customer base maybe related to the girls ... that could very easily fall within the 20 mile radius of 7 Bridges I was posting about last night...
"Board members also gave volunteers the go-ahead to pour concrete pads for the shelter and four gazebos that will be built on the island and designated funds from an annual Green Scene grant be used to purchase trees for the memorial."

corrected link:


(many new comments)

From what I can see, it looks like this project went ahead without much community planning. Here where I live, a project like this would require meetings involving the planning board, architectural review board and neighbors input. Details and plans would have been public for all to see.

Wetlands of any kind must meet DEP requirements.

I had to pay close to $500 for basic permits- signs, CO, etc for a small retail store that was all ready existing--no changes being made. I also had to meet with the building inspector and go before the architectural review board for approval.

It also appears from what I've read, there seems to be some "politics" involved. Was this all done behind closed doors?

Earlier we discussed this, and IIRC there was to be one gazebo, now I see 4 + a shelter. Confusing to say the least. :moo:
This is a rendering of a gazebo similar to one anticipated to be built on the island at Meyers Lake in memory of abducted cousins Lyric Cook-Morrissey and Elizabeth Collins. (Courtesy Photo)



Correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't a project this size require proper licensed landscape designers?
"Contractors and backhoes dug up chunks of ice from the frozen lake Friday to begin work for a concrete foundation for a walkway between the existing lakeside park and island, where a gazebo will be constructed. One of the volunteers clearing undergrowth and brush trees for the gazebo site on the island was Drew Collins, Heather's husband and Elizabeth's father, who operates Planetary Tree Service.


I live on a lake. Much larger than Meyers lake. There are 2 islands, they remain untouched in their natural form. They are sanctuary for wild life. I have met an otter while kayaking. :)

No way, no how would my community agree to the tree carnage I see above. Also, no way, no how would any construction be done during the winter while the lake was frozen. Just saying.......... :twocents:
This is a rendering of a gazebo similar to one anticipated to be built on the island at Meyers Lake in memory of abducted cousins Lyric Cook-Morrissey and Elizabeth Collins. (Courtesy Photo)



Correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't a project this size require proper licensed landscape designers?


Not sure what is involved in the planning of something like this. I saw the pic before I read your post, it made me feel good, but then again I absolutely love gazebos. They always felt like a place of peace for me so thank's for the pic.
Not sure what is involved in the planning of something like this. I saw the pic before I read your post, it made me feel good, but then again I absolutely love gazebos. They always felt like a place of peace for me so that's for the pic.

The problem I have with the pic, is that it is a random picture.
I have yet to see any real plans or renderings regarding the island.

I am a designer, gardener, there are landscape architects that must submit plans for approval. I've yet to see them. I've yet to hear of any architectural plans submitted. Especially regarding these wetlands. :twocents:
Wondering if there is another purpose behind cutting down the trees and if developing the island had been considered before the murders?
Might further evidence be found/seen when the area is cleared?

Considering that Elizabeth used to go on tree-cutting ventures with
her father, it seems ironic, but fitting somehow...
Ty, Ayms... super good update on the progress of the island memorial and an unexpected surprise of tons of photos of the island.

I noticed that the date of the subj meeting between Park Board members and project volunteers took place on April 1st and that "Board members and volunteers will meet next at 6 p.m. April 22 at Meyers Lake."

Clever of the brd imo to have scheduled the meeting at the lake on Earth Day. :)

Just a little FYI:

Earth Day co-founder written out of history
Earth Day co-founder written out of history after composting his girlfriend

let’s learn more about one of Earth Day’s founders, Ira Einhorn.

Einhorn was a leftist leader who cheered on the Viet Cong in the 1960s, hoping for a United States defeat. Then he adopted environmentalism and in 1970 hosted one of the very first Earth Day rallies. Thereafter, he claimed to be co-founder of Earth Day.

Einhorn is serving a life sentence in a federal prison. That’s because he murdered and “composted” his estranged girlfriend, Helen “Holly” Maddux, back in 1977. I will spare you the details of how this was discovered 18 months later at his apartment.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/apr/20/earth-days-dark-side-789496388/#ixzz2PP6GR1TQ
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Ira Samuel Einhorn (born May 15, 1940), known as "the Unicorn Killer", is an American convicted murderer and former environmental advocate. Einhorn beat his ex-girlfriend, Holly Maddux, to death and then stored her body in a locked trunk in his apartment for more than a year — about 18 months — before she was discovered by the police. He fled to Europe and was convicted 25 years later for her murder in 2002 and is serving a life sentence.

His moniker, "the Unicorn," came from his name, Einhorn — unicorn in German.
Born into a middle-class Jewish family, Einhorn studied at the University of Pennsylvania.[1][2] He became active in ecological groups and was part of the counterculture, anti-establishment and anti-war movements of the 1960s and 1970s.[3] He called himself "the Unicorn," because Einhorn and Unicorn translate as "One Horn".[4]

Einhorn claimed to have been master of ceremonies at the first Earth Day event in Philadelphia in 1970.[3] He claimed to have been instrumental in the creation and launching of the Earth Day event itself. However, other event organizers dispute his account. http://www.ask.com/wiki/Ira_Einhorn?o=2801&qsrc=999
Wondering if there is another purpose behind cutting down the trees and if developing the island had been considered before the murders?
Might further evidence be found/seen when the area is cleared?

Considering that Elizabeth used to go on tree-cutting ventures with
her father, it seems ironic, but fitting somehow...

I didn't know that Elizabeth used to go on tree-cutting ventures with her dad, so thanks for that info. I did read that the children would frequent his place of business often. I wonder how many employees he has had over the years of business or if he does most of the work himself?
If you read my links, there will be 4 gazebos AND a "shelter". Much more than than 1 gazebo previously discussed. Makes me feel very confused.

But I remain patient to see what unfolds. :fence:

There has to be some kind of oversight on this project - this is public land, after all, so the City has to have some kind of control over it. JMO. I don't understand why any changes to the original plan (such as building four gazebos and a shelter instead of just one gazebo, for example) aren't being discussed in a public meeting.

I fear that if there isn't some transparency in this matter very quickly, this memorial may divide rather than unite the community. JMO. Something about this doesn't feel right to me.

I feel horrible for what happened to Lyric and Lizzie, and it's great that the park and trail have been renamed. But all of this other stuff seems unnecessary IMO.

Frickson said while the name change were because of the girls, it&#8217;s not just for the girls. &#8220;We have had the two girls, Elizabeth and Lyric, and then we also lost Lindsay Nichols this past year,&#8221; she said, &#8220;This is going to be for anyone who lost someone and would like to memorialize one of their angels.&#8221;

The article also states that there are a lot of memorials around the lake and throughout the bike trial, according to Jeff Dawson. How long is the bike trial and what other memorials are there?

As far as any environmental concerns, maybe someone could get information from the Chamber of Commerce?

I think its nice that they are naming it Angels Park to include other people.

Frickson said while the name change were because of the girls, it’s not just for the girls. “We have had the two girls, Elizabeth and Lyric, and then we also lost Lindsay Nichols this past year,” she said, “This is going to be for anyone who lost someone and would like to memorialize one of their angels.”

The article also states that there are a lot of memorials around the lake and throughout the bike trial, according to Jeff Dawson. How long is the bike trial and what other memorials are there?

As far as any environmental concerns, maybe someone could get information from the Chamber of Commerce?

I think its nice that they are naming it Angels Park to include other people.

Unless the other people do not care for the moniker 'angels'...
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