IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #36

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At apx. 4:50 into this video, Misty says that the girls had gone swimming almost daily for 6 weeks prior to their abduction, at different lakes. George Wyth Lake and Bird's (sp.??) Pool.

It also states that Robert Carpenter sighted the girls at close to 3 pm.

I suspect more than one person responsible for the abduction and murder (remember Aunt Tammy said the girls were trained in stranger danger/self defense)

I used to feel like there may have been two abductors. I always felt it was very possible that there was just one. The longer this case goes on the more I am leaning toward one individual. As to the BBM, good point, but Aunt Tammy also suggested searching at the lake, somewhere gramma said the girls had been trained not to go and knew was off limits. And strangers, well there are strangers and there are strangers. Is someone a stranger when you have seen them around town or is a stranger someone you have never set eyes on before? Hard to convey stranger danger to kids. That nice older boy that my cousin talks to sometimes or that young man we have seen at the qwik mart, etc. - are they strangers? Are they dangers? As to self defense or evasive actions to take. I wonder if they were given for instances where a friend or relative was already in the clutches of that stranger? Cooperate or I will kill your little friend sort of scenarios. Because IF it was one lone person or two, that would be a very effective way to gain the cooperation of the remaining girl.
The girls did NOT EVER ride as far as that lake.

DING DING DING! And we have RC and wife both stating they talked to Elizabeth on a regular basis as she rode her bike there and turned around. ;)

Carpenter, who lives north of the lake, said he saw the girls between 12 and 3 p.m. while he was outside watering his yard.

“I was out watering my yard between 12 and 3:00 and the girls rode their bikes right by our house,” Carpenter said

“We see them practically all the time ride their bikes right past our house, but they come down and turn around in the street,” he said.

“I broke down for the first time because I was so used to, especially Elizabeth, seeing her every night ride her bicycle and she always stopped and talked to people. She was a friendly little girl,” Marcella Carpenter said. “You know, it’s hard when you’ve got a grandchild the same age.”

See where I am having a problem with this? He said he is the last one to see the girls and the rest of their story does not make sense to me. He was watering for 3 hours and he cannot pinpoint a time (who waters for 3 hours?). According to wife, Elizabeth knew them well enough so she could say how friendly she was...but if the girls never rode their bikes that far...how would she know this? How did she have the opportunity to meet either girl? And why would she get on board with his story if it isn't true?

I don't think he means he was watering for all three hours, it sounds to me like he means it was sometime between 12 and 3 but he doesn't know exactly.
My own kids did things I never thought they would do, this does not mean they were bad kids, they were just KIDS, and kids will do things their parents are not aware of. I believe Mr. and Mrs. C. How would it have looked if the parents said the opposite?, "Oh we let our kids ride their bikes where ever they want".
This article was written/printed on July 17, the Monday after the girls disappeared on Friday the 13th. I imagine the reporter interviewed the Carpenters sometime during the weekend. By that time, the word had spread all over town and everyone was talking to everyone and comparing notes. In that line of thought, some wordings could be differently stated or interpreted.

When i heard this before and as I read this now, I don't think he meant he was watering the grass the whole time, he was watering the grass SOMETIME between 12 and 3:00. That's also the same as when he said he saw the girls between 12 and 3:00, I don't think he meant to mean the whole time, but that he saw the girls SOMETIME between those hours. Maybe he didn't wear a watch, maybe he went out to water after he had eaten lunch and figured it was sometime around 12:00 and then figured it was around 3:00 because of when Mrs C returned home. When did she leave the house? Maybe he would stop watering during that time period to pull some weeds or prune something back. Maybe it wasn't a hose he was holding, but a hose with a sprinkler on the end of it that he kept moving around.

Maybe after seeing their pictures, Mrs C recognized Elizabeth as the little girl who would bike past their house all the time but had not been formally introduced to her. Maybe Mrs C felt like Elizabeth was friendly because she waved at them whenever she biked past. Maybe the parents and the grandmother didn't know that she biked that far all the time. Have any of the other neighbors that she talked with come forward?

Maybe he meant to say he understood he may have been the last person to see the girls, but according to Tammy, she talked to a man at the lake who saw them there. Do we know if the man at the lake and Mr C are the same person?

Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't think it was Mr C who killed the girls.
DING DING DING! And we have RC and wife both stating they talked to Elizabeth on a regular basis as she rode her bike there and turned around. ;)

Carpenter, who lives north of the lake, said he saw the girls between 12 and 3 p.m. while he was outside watering his yard.

“I was out watering my yard between 12 and 3:00 and the girls rode their bikes right by our house,” Carpenter said

“We see them practically all the time ride their bikes right past our house, but they come down and turn around in the street,” he said.

“I broke down for the first time because I was so used to, especially Elizabeth, seeing her every night ride her bicycle and she always stopped and talked to people. She was a friendly little girl,” Marcella Carpenter said. “You know, it’s hard when you’ve got a grandchild the same age.”

See where I am having a problem with this? He said he is the last one to see the girls and the rest of their story does not make sense to me. He was watering for 3 hours and he cannot pinpoint a time (who waters for 3 hours?). According to wife, Elizabeth knew them well enough so she could say how friendly she was...but if the girls never rode their bikes that far...how would she know this? How did she have the opportunity to meet either girl? And why would she get on board with his story if it isn't true?

Maybe the girls family simply did not know they were traveling that far.

What else were the girls doing and who else were they speaking to?
Some of you know that I had rode my bike on the trail from Collins house to Meyers Lake and it really isn't that far away. I got there in less than 5 minutes. From the video of the girls riding past the auction house security camera it looks like they are traveling pretty fast. Yes they are riding away from the lake but all they have to do is come to a stop sign take a right to another stop sign and then a quick right to the bike trail to the lake.
I realy think the perp or perps were at the lake fishing and the girls came across them.
I see that as a strong possibility, especially when you add to it the rumor that the girls stopped at Fairway and asked directions because they were going to take a ride in a paddle boat. I think it's someone who has visited this area several times but maybe in a different vehicle.
Maybe the girls family simply did not know they were traveling that far.

What else were the girls doing and who else were they speaking to?

You bring up a great point which made me think that Elizabeth did bike as far as the Carpenters before turning around and coming back not knowing she was that close to the lake. She was only 8 yrs old and in her own little world. I want to say that she traveled on a through street until she came to a stop sign and then came back like she thought it was like one long block and she may have done that every day. I'm thinking the Carpenters lived on a corner at a stop sign but I can't remember which street it was on so I could check the map to see if that was a main street with cross streets stopping.

Some of you know that I had rode my bike on the trail from Collins house to Meyers Lake and it really isn't that far away. I got there in less than 5 minutes. From the video of the girls riding past the auction house security camera it looks like they are traveling pretty fast. Yes they are riding away from the lake but all they have to do is come to a stop sign take a right to another stop sign and then a quick right to the bike trail to the lake.

Do you remember if there was any kind of signage in that area pointing to the bike trail or to the lake that they could have seen that would make them want to try it maybe for the first time?

I see that as a strong possibility, especially when you add to it the rumor that the girls stopped at Fairway and asked directions because they were going to take a ride in a paddle boat. I think it's someone who has visited this area several times but maybe in a different vehicle.

I remember and always believed the Fairway encounter also. It makes perfectly good sense now that I believe that Elizabeth always biked on a main through street and would not have been familiar with the bike trail route that would take them past the backside of Fairway all the way to the lake.
I see that as a strong possibility, especially when you add to it the rumor that the girls stopped at Fairway and asked directions because they were going to take a ride in a paddle boat. I think it's someone who has visited this area several times but maybe in a different vehicle.
Promise of ride in a paddle boat might have been a good rouse to lure two little girls into coming with you...moo.
My own kids did things I never thought they would do, this does not mean they were bad kids, they were just KIDS, and kids will do things their parents are not aware of. I believe Mr. and Mrs. C. How would it have looked if the parents said the opposite?, "Oh we let our kids ride their bikes where ever they want".

So true. My brother and I used to go to the creek behind our house just about daily in the summer. And probably at least half the time walked down to the deep part where we were never allowed to go. Pretty sure my Mom would've insisted "they'd NEVER go that far" if we ever turned up missing. Kids push boundaries - it's just what they do. I too believe Mr. and Mrs. C. that they probably saw her often, and probably had no idea the girls weren't supposed to be that far from home. I also don't find anything that odd about not knowing exactly what time he went to water the yard. Especially if they're retired or didn't have anywhere to be that day, there's not that much reason to pay close attention to the clock.

Responding to some of the other posts, I sure hope the speculation that they've got some kind of DNA to go on is correct. It's great to finally see something happening in this case.
I recently stumbled upon a Google Fusion Table for this case.

Can anyone tell me if the exact GPS co-ordinates have been released for where the girls bikes were found?

The GPS co-ords are listed in this table.

For those of you who are unaware, Google Maps now makes use of a sliding table of images for Google Streetview. In other words, a current image on Google Maps may be for 2015, but, if there were images there in 2008 of the same location, they are still there, in a sliding selector box on the left hand side at Google Streetview. Anyone searching for White SUVs using Google Streetview should use this tool.

Here is the way the GPS co-ords listed at this Google Table, last edited by an unknown user on December 12, 2012, looked.

Can anyone tell me if this is the PRECISE location that the girls bikes were found? 42.460512, -92.286



Link to Google Table - Author Unknown - December 12, 2012

Also of note, the Evansdale area has Google Streetview images for July 2012, August 2012 and September 2012.
The bikes have always been mentioned as being by the "unlocked gate" from all the information I have bookmarked. In the one and only "secluded" corner of the lake. That isn't the same area that these pics show.

There have never been GPS locations released that I am aware of.

Good find!
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